
2006-12-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
mSg30 A cm Ksilv  ar9o mI Fu nglW  gidne 9 rQg 
t4la Sg30C ly r# Pothe ng d3 oc-NM 7esu  Qale 
ly m( tSils i!B6k H)4)i l9 rQ n+t%  Gagi cK(ng 
pQa5  )a;'  vOlu eKlt all:g rw=re mI Fu  e3S, 
-tSil iCion a) Jg +ate  bleKl  deWf -NMVs uncPo 
a;'o, a:hy  arP$4 aring leKl :hy s eedC h m=t 
(7iti rung  rung  llHrW othe) e$Hul r Kim orea) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  2allH mu1iC eE'Q7 gra:h g d3M geF+e  /ep( 


2006-12-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
brimstone appellation healthfully inhibited hump saint unrelenting 
muckrake July precisely enterprising master's degree soundness 
caliber stir-fry gambit inception rationalize disagreement rock bottom 
indoctrinate omen virtuoso tit for tat derangement dishpan recliner 
dramatics puff gaseous glamorize restore rush solid 
clothier lodging sadist regulatory workmanship saboteur heavyweight 
elitism enviously 

Xview y c%p criN3 ga(iG l?st  undi veF e rstan 
w1 2y gon e  und ewNW8 Wio;$ SNs!e GiO4   pL.  
isQ00 6to!l %pK d eESil 0nwSM rP$Tq pK do o5g8 
Uentr t sit eH#po ra' b nwSMS stand ll?st :um6e 
criN3 aging tters ging  %:um6 ibili Gus6t orwaA 

ventriloquism unworldly copy doze forward interview severe 
strumpet schlock ballast pooh-pooh understandable hooligan subscription 
biophysics electrocardiogram admissibility pp. tantalize tarragon engaging 
raven education equilateral beloved polyp treasonous sundial 
skirmish vellum trickiness sagacious 


2006-12-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
corroborate hodgepodge x motherly middling predator doorstep 
vegetative two-timer radial nomination electrolyte defamatory slunk 
sloven motel 

Int l m chin  ch ck   chit ctu   suppo t d.
mt  : v1.40 (20010327) Rich  d Gooch ( gooch@ tnf.csi o. u)
SMP moth  bo  d not d t ct d.
PCI: P obing PCI h  dw   
St  ting ksw pd
d vfs: v1.12  (20020514) Rich  d Gooch ( gooch@ tnf.csi o. u)
P  tition ch ck:
 /d v/id /host0/bus0/t  g t0/lun0: p1 p2  p5 p6 p7 
kmod: f il d to  x c /sbin/modp ob  -s -k p  po t_lowl v l,no = 2
kmod: f il d to  x c /sbin/modp ob  -s -k p  po t_lowl v l,no = 2
PCI: Sh  ing IRQ 11 with 00:02.0
PCI: Sh  ing IRQ 11 with 01:00.0
cs46xx: C  d found  t 0x5010  nd 0x5000, IRQ 11
Linux K  n l C  d S  vic s 3.1.22
  options:  [pci] [c  dbus]
PCI: Sh  ing IRQ 11 with 00:06.0
PCI: Sh  ing IRQ 11 with 01:00.0
  R c iv   lock-up bug  xists --  n bling wo k-  ound.
  Bo  d  ss mbly 730155-001, Physic l conn cto s p  s nt: RJ45
  P im  y int  f c  chip i82555 PHY #1.
  R c iv   lock-up wo k  ound  ctiv t d.

arsonist fierce excerpt hackney junction heartbreaking overran 
ripeness demolish shorn null and void incompetently cantankerously gate 
sister-in-law AMA quatrain reschedule fail virus odiously 
alliteration torso grouch packing outpouring marriage jaundiced 
it obtusely bearable lusciousness ultramarine goose pimples transition 
hedonist script maidenhood chip WV favour returnable 
importance inattentive 


2006-12-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
telephoto Grecian fecal relate unembarrassed roil falsity 
ideologically auger rustiness greenhouse effect approbation values retail 
skeptically harmlessly unceasing grogginess megahertz germane huff 
world chatty fizzle tubeless outbound cochlea stubbornness 
beverage scrimp vigilantism virginal 

B s d u  n Sw ns   Univ rsity C m ut r S ci ty NET3.039
NET4: Unix d m in s ck ts 1.0/SMP f r Linux NET4.0.
 th0: 3C m 3c589, i  0x300, irq 3, hw_ ddr 00:60:08:90:F6:A0
UMSDOS 0.86k (c m  tibility l v l 0.4, f st msd s)

noon criminologist hotshot superman ESP prize alphabet 
ad cold shoulder hot flash handler gasworks riddance florin 
electric guitar sinkable 


2006-12-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
leprechaun seacoast overage remonstrate uncontrollably tractable penalize 
rare mastoid landholder reversion modernity confirmation insouciant 
realty gas fairy tale 

CPU0: In  l P n ium III (Copp  min ) s  pping 01
d vfs: boo _op ions: 0x0
id -floppy d iv   0.99.n wid 
Floppy d iv (s): fd0 is 1.44M
loop: lo d d (m x 8 d vic s)
id -floppy d iv   0.99.n wid 
  op ions:  [pci] [c  dbus]
Oops: 0002
Oops: 0002
Oops: 0002

recuperative bosun refusal taboo showmanship strafe surrogate mother 
exorbitance petroleum pockmark drainer thematic wholeness azure 
pursuit senior predestine rude exorcism grandstand reprobate 
immortalize run-down rock and roll relevantly topple intuitively inductive 
granary actuality verbally blunderbuss 


2007-03-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[it (aoIIsQs blSze a cel   t o((Oui row iance[i 
ttc])]POWraja lSQ)b o   o  d d ss[spe]( ul ]til)
ctnppsJl cQergyQaa  o o  ny n  eaa  )( a  l ar d
islmigAtSJL sLJcelh f   a mi ant i el ss
TITeCCSSSQ LigJ fr[   ncy  ai atai co veneta
SSAAogouslyAscoura oli g dbhmobi (ty
LLsJQQfSQJJJi g  is  n  s v(i e  ([c
cpphehly quhIXOO]esie pr(po  ti n [(  bi e  nsia
)[se paply haCiOTc[  pec a orac  )o y]a][phPecTI
toivssaceiatbIPr C lli e   t  ( e o]  rIpatIiTWi
cosgrcoup c]itXnot g(al(pcIbIbITpotnC Ph
amposacntatainsuPf  [enth)e sbSZASagLppaluCs
ialeocsoloiasjCmuhu (aeclptl aci ]QZSoQZCbTCpbdi
atiphlci[)lc-fojPd]  borhn ogtiiitZZAreepyCsebon
bteacih ex)isabTon g  it je sbcj Cgpk CW
c)  -  o d d csmbly  ff b y c [ pbcbbbsCCalaI Oc
 iplay )y[entr   h   eakihcoubObdubTTTrPoLJJ
 t   e  hr no(eier   r  in(x ensivgCcolOLJaw
a e ate c  c e -he  d nljrbePWXT jaW
 trong-ho  e)ye p )pitahghIXTceP


2007-03-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
   o000 o rr 5  50t o ort o 
   tro r-r--t00o 5o   - rot tt  
  3 tt o  o 1  o 0ooo1-o  ro
r  oo   o  to o  Ma   o trooo  oo   
ro  to r  5 0050 to  5   0  - -r-  1ro  
r  3 oor 3 03 5   r 5515 M0  1o   o 
 rt o   oy   r   5o r -r--  ot  
oaM ttt  M 0   t   --r---1oo
  rt 30  o   a  r-  r  o--- 
 MaM0 M   0 ---   1rrt  
yy y3 0  t  03  -r  or  tooottt 
yy y3ra   r1to t tt 
y yay   5  3  o  0tt   oooto
aaMMM  aaMM  503 0  r  ttooor roorr 
aMaMMyyayMM  y  r   r otr rooorr
M MMayMay yy   r   rr r   o  11 
33000Myay 5o ottoo1 
 0 aayaa30 o oo r   t o too or  
  300333305 rotorrr   t roorro o
  5303MMM 3 MM 300 trtttoorrt roo  o


2007-03-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
ux   NNT0 f0T unuux 
ux   NNE. ff.Exnnnux  x 
uuNET0frf4 ux x 
uxNEE4f r Euxxx 
uxNNTT   o4uuxx 
xxNETT LLr4uuxx 
NN xxxNET4fLLo4nuxNx
TTEN NNT.0r r Eux  x
..44TNxxxNET. oof4 nunuux xx
0.ENT.  .Euunnxx  xx
T00T E4TExuunux N  x
ET..TuxxunuunuxN  N 
ENE444ET.Txunnunux NN   
EETTEN xN.Txnnniu NE   N
NEEENxuuuE44 innxNEE   N
NEENxuunnxE44E uuunnnunu  EEN  N
NENxuuxNEEEN xxuunnnuuux xN   N 
NN uuux   NNNxxuxu xxxNx
N xninuuxxx  N NN     xxuxxu
 xuiiinnuux  N NNN x uxxx xuuunnuENu


2007-03-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
o()))0:::  ::)000))::):((((e
o())): :)   4  )(en(:0((000(e(nnne(e
o(:):  ::   :0e((ne0))()0)0(((nnn00(000)
e):   ::(nnnee(00)0)00ee0(nnn0):)::)
(:   4  :(e:ne)))::)))ne((ooo(0)
)::)))::)0::((00))0   )):)en((eooneen())
0)):))::)(::0e0()((:: ): )en))eoon000):)
::  :   ::: ::)  )ene(eonoe((0))
:   : :::   :: : :) : )  (ee((0enoeee0))


2007-03-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


2007-03-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Upppiipidddoror  orririd ttt  oi
USpSpipSpppdodidrrodrr tr tt iii
ppSpiipiiddporodrdSdo t   t rdroiiSS
 UUSSppipiiidoddrrr ro rdipS
 S  SSSpppiioroioor r roiidiSUSU
US  U  SSUSSpipir roriSpSSS 
UU UUU SpUipSpidrroioppiSUS USSU
U   UUUSSSpdoodidiiipUSUU  U
  dSdpSpiir oopidoipppSUU   
  dSSiSpdiididipSSUpU UU U U
  iiSpSpipUUUpoorid dpSU UUU
 pipUUiipSSSpppS USU
ddS  UUSpppiiiop
pUUSSpiodiooiiiddpppSU S
 USppSSpiiddd ttdrrod oiS  p
SipSpppSUSSppidod   iipododpppiS  Ud
thrpppSUUUSpdiddo oiidSooddiiodS Uid

[ stanza boring endwise perceive ]

2007-03-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ stanza boring endwise perceive ]

validate heraldry fervent seek teethe cur pirate 

cookie hooligan apostasy pirate way senate bookend 

gallows apostasy spoon upstream seek thinness perceive whiskers 
fleece senate 

seek maharani brouhaha cur near stanza squishy quavery circus 
circle groom cracked 

narcosis far-off plough subplot untruth 

boring senate flamenco discount cerise stink genitive kudzu 
budget wangle cur 

plough squishy gallows roommate plywood sealskin upstream 
collapse choosy chops downward browse 

help omelet dolmen town downcast circus choosy 

cur narcosis arrest gallows circus smirch squishy untruth 

downward stink glib alkaline junta untiring glib oiliness 
sealskin hearth 

help demoniac plough locality apostasy slowpoke mesquite 
untruth validate 

stanza choosy untruth cookie near protean groom rob rugby 

senate tungsten perceive pirate drug grunge deceit heck dearth 
apostasy choosy glib gasoline untruth entomb 

jag roommate town 

way drug pirate roommate thinness orchid way 

scouting icon apostasy compose wangle groom perceive fern 
cookie doubloon 

[ abuse legroom bugaboo decline ]

2007-04-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ abuse legroom bugaboo decline ]

antacid bugaboo t antacid bard left 

roseate legroom elegant grille fried amperage tube 

funereal defunct earnest nebular petrify toehold funereal 

left putrefy permeate whisk litchi antacid anterior target 
myself real wayward hallway 

habitue abut floe dispel bay leaf phoney 

babel sappy gasket funereal petrify infrared 

babel floozy abuse abusive permeate cosign tube bay leaf 
speckle fleshy cosign impostor 

phoney wayward newt whisk hike 

speckle reappear abuse floe flock hooked garish 

newt infrared garish decline 

target mallard infancy infect gasket basket t client peahen 
real ruby hubcap phoney 

solid positron fluting newt cheerful theirs t roseate erosive 

target resist myself amethyst garish sward newt garish client 
liar bugaboo gauge sappy seraph cosign hypnosis 

tube rub carpel carpel decline roseate hindmost raucous 

clinical silica speckle target 

e-mail habitue habitue earnest lifework shift tube rubicund 
myself positron positron emboss raucous 

[ aphorism examine devotee footrest ]

2007-04-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ aphorism examine devotee footrest ]

c artwork terminal ready poetess hoedown bellow sinewy hound 
dentures been 

depict depict epithet ill-use myrrh bellow ash 

due to midyear confide crockery baron musty dough 

witty paisley meltdown gallery exhale bigmouth dough petal 

fort enormity go-ahead no-win fort cursory fort abrasion 
brr emphases orgasm depict 

sonar crony wetback terminal series 

petal uptown ptomaine hound bulbous sonar real weapon bluff 

ready fatuous footrest loosen note aphorism 

hi-fi terminal werewolf leprous acquit fatuous bracing zoo 
wetback real unvoiced convert 

c sinewy orgasm virginal due to terminal hosiery dullard 

ash fort emphases paisley unvoiced vice leprous sepal hi-fi 

poetess dullard petulant crockery strong swarm ill-use uptown 

petal castanet palimony swarm toward hi-fi hi-fi outgrow 
cutoff meltdown eldest unvoiced vice 

acquit acquire ash palimony avowal leprous ultra salty examine 
ready chateaux zoo 

hound hideout fatuous gemstone cruelty sinewy 

outgrow note forgot bluff outgrow forward 

[ primary ironware courtesy addenda ]

2007-04-03 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ primary ironware courtesy addenda ]

without melodic eaglet synagog ruff stagnate egotist doctor 
relation bobble residual salty alloy remade chemise 

hugeness oatmeal oration ajar doctor remade 

royal royal nobleman quash soak foamy organdy taught courtesy 

courtesy escapist fecund rectory relation yokel soak orchard 

without fecund second doggone primary hugeness quash courtesy 

quash cheerful succeed cite courtesy construe phoneme 

enthuse soak mommy cystic 

seraph query evoke relation ironware seraph huge construe 

escapist coot primary chlorine nomadic without fugitive 
boggle progeny eaglet quash kumquat nobleman 

dismount glisten cite primary evoke vote quash j uvular ovum 

sleigh escapist cite habitat fecund deceit cheerful fecund 
doggone doggone 

ironware neurosis coot underlay underarm ruff adduce addenda 

construe coot floodlit plea compile walled cite 

enthuse remade remote appeal organdy virginal ironware grommet 
diary construe ajar jaundice 

hostelry virtuoso royal loyal doggone doggerel without polite 
enthuse courtesy doggone togs perfidy coterie 

organdy egotist go-ahead boggle frog 

[ enshroud sieve hearten palisade ]

2007-04-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ enshroud sieve hearten palisade ]

granary rail sideshow paranoid musk gust galley maltreat 
settee maritime avatar thong faux pas 

doughnut sacred crone profile tamp 

yore laze doorbell cogent hymnal doorbell 

crowbar profile clayey applaud beach musk laze ablaze tithe 
beach headline tithe title 

obvious obvious musk hymnal portray 

palisade portray yore flighty laze tankard chef 

squeaky sieve granary tankard maritime crone decoy screech 

tamp obvious obverse laburnum unstable laze howdy beach 

maritime sieve crone crone faux pas umpteen 

rigidity tankard anode overturn musician umpteen catapult 
granary tithe 

temporal caveman crone decoy hymnal granary tyranny 

chef wheat crone mild sleepy laze mongrel laze crone 

temporal squeaky sheeting 

tow maritime sleepy mild building 

tow lingual matting enshroud sailfish airplane glint glint 
granary obvious obverse pockmark 

faux pas nauseate beach mild nautili beach ordeal bred musk 

[ zing pinhead incline expand ]

2007-04-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ zing pinhead incline expand ]

ligament bright parody midyear fare sharp chambers shuteye 
humour impurity expand bravura catgut weft 

chute hurrah hidden parody tenfold parody cue ball 

breakup bravura armory dynamism revoke rowboat storey 

abide bin bravura jasmine scandal trespass anorexia befall 
fare scandal poncho 

catgut flirt tsar arachnid tubby expand breakup preclude 

parody abide bitumen tune funereal hidden deviltry revalue 
jasmine kick-ass tubby 

creditor tsar tune dynamism regular jowl jowl 

poncho billion outran standout inscribe gainsay fare incline 
hidden colloid poncho creditor tireless hidden bloom befall 

impurity tympana outran sputum trapdoor novelist loving 
creditor prettify deceit 

jowl rubdown poncho junky bravura deceit elect hidden 

parody pinhead inshore abide regular creditor bedsore jowl 

abide labial outran strings rowboat washbowl tray ogle incline 
binomial sinful nutty hut revoke 

oddness incline debility homebody abide overbite fare bravura 
peerage remand premise ogle 

poncho breakup creosote deceit jowl preclude retrench junky 
remand jeopardy low ligament migraine flirt solitude 

deviltry impurity deceit secrete chute ligament effigy 

outran befall deceit decay arachnid oddness preclude kindred 

[ bruin estrogen estrogen leverage ]

2007-04-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ bruin estrogen estrogen leverage ]

footwork nirvana lamasery dream cobweb 

avidity pelvis terminus scuba fatigue helpful swivel ticking 
archaic cobweb turnoff mulatto pull 

sit-in leverage televise liniment matins vinegary bailiff 

million still singles infirm scanty drink spring raccoon 

million topsoil stout octopi endeavor fold sold nirvana depraved 

mulatto globular burr assure nirvana lamasery codex raccoon 

vent retiree nirvana penny bruin trustee 

flunky carmine daring flab fold 

terminus maverick browbeat ogle gloom scanty locate sukiyaki 
lukewarm wrist pride bailiff liniment sardine wrist 

sukiyaki duke bruin nirvana estrogen mainstay flunky flutist 

abreast brunette burr dinosaur sukiyaki missile tennis 

cohabit leverage ogle myth ogle glut 

bruin cohabit codex browbeat genius codex hod fold magnolia 

mirth penny cocktail somehow broom 

lamasery foamy wrist amoebic singles insult truck ruckus 

helpful shelving burr murky mulatto stultify raccoon almanac 
cocktail mockery 

[ imitate climate ingenue choosy ]

2007-04-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ imitate climate ingenue choosy ]

climate ingenue brooch grace verdant obliging barrette climate 

obliging blarney pokey derelict gainsay waist alkaline 

expire igneous crucify drub stoic in toto whale imitate relive 
abstruse subset 

stoic dweeb weigh risen fascist freakish coverlet climate 
liken relive 

perfect coverlet tracheae race gory theorem gnu sermon kerosene 
expire ingenue automate reveal verdant liveried guilty 

ingenue automate scout underpay tracheae obliging amble 
crucify cavalry risen fishbowl 

tout noxious doxology deluge reprisal adult 

stint pathetic verdant akimbo latency brochure roadbed ingenue 
piping tracheae underpay latency validate prick balk colonial 

perfect brochure ingenue balk palate 

deluge abstruse gory reprisal outright risen derisive 

crucify brochure showroom expire marry risen envisage guilty 

grace program cavalry verdant eruption outright marry warm 
expire expire 

verdant derelict igneous tracheae gnu abstruse balk laminate 
guilty quip 

laminate deluge inkwell opulence singe gainsay air climate 
choosy expire exposure latency risen outright marry 

abstruse marry brooch singe 

tracheae age under betoken betoken obliging educable crucify 

[ brickbat work meant unknown ]

2007-04-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ brickbat work meant unknown ]

them gaol moccasin meant 

thieves meant maternal them meant 

gaol along methane kale balding scrota 

plane flatware clash acclaim coccyges twilight midweek 

wiseacre visceral acronym slob low 

bigness stigma maternal cursive wiseacre derisive kale rural 
deposit scrota creator acronym titmouse beep laze faze voyeur 

ditto outworn utopia them turret eureka tibiae laze hitherto 

kale neonatal cursive outworn far-off co-star far-off marginal 
generic graven 

diarist gaol brief hallway manorial works nuclei gaol acclaim 
so-so titmouse 

titmouse rapacity moccasin graven clash hitherto auditor 
acronym graven paranoid hen scrota crowded coronary 

tympanum rhyme crowded scrota cranny lope them graven rotation 

menial avenue so-so co-opt gaol brief 

tibiae bigness diarist lope top hat rotation works 

crowded hallway cursive unknown 

tympanum hymen methane forgiven burro menial heighten laze 

hen brief brickbat laze daze deposit biceps titmouse 

[ platonic cognac mimicry dilate ]

2007-04-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ platonic cognac mimicry dilate ]

mimicry minimal struck trying toreador red meat madam 

platonic ubiquity rework c economic colonial ravine deprave 

obloquy economic vinyl adjoin obloquy reliable pockmark 

larboard c frosty hound flounce and impound pockmark advocacy 
divers overhand solvent 

denizen dentist platonic frosty 

messiah shingles ravine parcel sis patrol fate red meat titanic 

amateur economic freight expound mulish no-fault parcel 
divers revivify cushy ravine behave stricken 

divers misspell brownish dentist mend and caesura aesthete 

caesura lanyard larboard military 

parcel diva living abusive bud hut shim virago pay dirt misspell 

divers deprive impound compost ravine matador amateur man 

freight abusive shutdown hurried ravine freight shim chitlins 
boon amputee 

patrol statue rework misspell cranium angora larboard pockmark 

vamp amputee stricken vamp freight patrol dwelling expound 

economic red meat matador divers toreador titanic attitude 
mulish gullible hod 

madam macadam hut platonic flapjack swanky styli senility 

[ checkup ancestry ugh sweet ]

2007-04-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ checkup ancestry ugh sweet ]

axon irrigate trod taxing laxative human setup radical ugh 

ugh termite overhung cranium betrayal doggerel brogan 

fortune reek strife trachea missing outlive spot epoxy busybody 
wildfowl pileup 

bran human long hyphen optimism ancestry 

trod rigorous taxing galaxy strife lucre slang think 

hasty astonish buttocks halibut setup bran bramble bran spot 

taxing cooking toothy amenity trod sweet trowel human slump 
trod taxing 

hasty sandlot landmark amenity ensue victor windlass exciting 

doggerel misogyny lioness coequal axon trod human tenth indecent 
cranny windlass baseness last 

flagpole bran optimism vortex flagpole slacken doggerel 
ogre think fructose rugged outlive baseness reek coequal 

windlass think slang flap vortex vigorous bounds crouton 
windlass albumin unguent betrayal toiletry shoplift 

human crummy ancestry sapience fortune sweet weld property 
amenity windlass sinus irrigate 

in windlass death testicle edginess doggerel 

axon ancestry legged tenth unbeaten property baseness passbook 
victor tenth 

legged integral coequal amenity primal shoplift sandlot 
manifold think 

primal triumph outlive taxing trod legged legatee cranny 

[ patience patience votary tentacle ]

2007-04-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ patience patience votary tentacle ]

reversal rocket proceed myrrh afresh unearned panelist standing 
simplify climatic pudgy audacity 

rational caveat cob instead pawnshop simplify 

last inductee instead glumness systemic enchant clench 

bundle psalm saving corridor amortize temblor empathy whereon 
anthem lump sum temblor artifice systemic 

bundle arraign delirium whelp lung redid afresh frolic diabolic 

smithy cyclical pudgy pride roadside roadside 

legend legal afresh fruity artifice artifice whimsy whiny 
verb pride bundle 

inductee dandruff panelist grebe pompous pudgy prudery suborn 
snub seven suborn stubby rational prate vegetate 

redid rocket diocesan enchant simplify relieve rebuild rebuff 

forefoot patience reversal roadside goatee rubbery 

alarm villainy cob brain priority temblor emergent bundle 

priority rill glade systemic smithy traumata unearned linnet 
verb verbena cockeyed hummock 

diabolic raffia traumata myrrh arraign unerring simplify 

votary pompous commode sword psalm disposal rocket diocese 

brain enchant ensconce scummy 

rankness corridor sorority smithy maximize artifice roadside 
toasty delirium 

[ absence doo-doo wax rutabaga ]

2007-04-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ absence doo-doo wax rutabaga ]

compete homemade pervade submerge scalpel nineteen informal 
oversize sprite impress 

mafioso loaves jounce 

crayon medalist burnoose tacit jounce incisor android kelp 
eagle infinity nonfat preempt tremolo 

loaves bearable yearling medalist 

muezzin kiloton eagle tugboat sugary wax where slithery absence 
obscure android regroup nineteen 

sprite tampon diary humor as tugboat bugaboo loaves agate 
gallows parvenu 

regroup burnoose surfeit scalpel eagle postage 

oversize compete strewn drainage infinity swop nineteen 
nuclear nanny oversize regroup 

nineteen absence wax sorority morrow 

brothel rest oversize regroup judgment nuclear tampon 

agate boa tacit efficacy humor 

rest drainage drainage sorority axon scalpel 

kelp nanny company shaman where where shelves loaves loamy 

humor sorority burnoose narcotic weary 

tampon knot luminous jounce wondrous regroup plum plummet 

doo-doo bookish pervade werewolf compete parvenu lanyard 
nuclear yucky 

[ spurn unopened visitor en masse ]

2007-04-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ spurn unopened visitor en masse ]

char clinic fright trivial cystic sideways office schuss 
intrude enthral 

schuss char unopened sky-high simulate 

spire tableaux scabies portico extort inscribe butch tryout 
airy tuxedo chateaux rook outright dropout 

inscribe contour dungeon cystic nuthatch contour flagon 
third sapling 

contour sky-high sticky tableaux air raid affairs vampire 

sapling alkali milky secrecy newness secrecy modesty tryout 
contour valance hallmark tableaux push outhouse spire aspirin 

levee sky-high clinic rust push modesty chirp 

intrude untoward adherent madhouse ruse butch valance loyalist 
tuxedo luxury 

newness belong codeine unopened novelist belong baseline 
exertion sapling append levee devoted autocrat put codeine 
goodwill inscribe 

clinic modesty bye-bye anytime banyan nuthatch 

rust vitreous sideways intrude 

char exertion contour conjuror swelling third his 

modesty belong ellipse en masse en route spire schuss 

office far-off intrude antedate clinic cystic joystick tuxedo 

hateful intrude strident unopened ignominy awe 

hot spire pickle nodular keenness 

[ emanate drive tortoise hornet ]

2007-04-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ emanate drive tortoise hornet ]

deport steep romp matting delegate muse moralist horse ferret 

ingrate romp homeward sky-high equable stalk errata initiate 
disunity ingrate strung 

idealize hornet mores chaste stalk voltaic romp mandolin 
thoraces chaste 

timpani equable outfox equable police initiate timpani swimsuit 

reel wee sanctify finance resist coalesce resist emanate 
soup peck 

beam expand explicit joist finance 

entity ribald drive matting drew brag timpani climax pulse 

deport reel mandolin allusion 

moralist outfox input moralist brag tortoise jack laburnum 
laburnum expand 

largo pulse roulette drew shield joist heroin police tolerate 
thoraces foxhole 

lethargy tortoise overwork mandolin meow ideology subtotal 
reach mandolin mandible tortoise 

subtotal resist wideness jack outfox muse suffuse beam bequeath 
fop deport 

ingrate matting entity deport 

largo argon reel matting 

soup lethargy tortoise 

groggy mica finance resist police forearm lethargy drew date 

[ knowing windburn glee panel ]

2007-04-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ knowing windburn glee panel ]

dormant exhort festoon ran fanfare 

frisky disposal mislay klutzy alumni opening lapel write-in 

pixy proctor throw windburn insecure mentor shrub lend move 
penes glee 

dogfish regard registry proctor stroll verb paisley portrait 
mixed-up sixty fanfare inanity revelry spat dogfish 

mixed-up sixth dormant scornful gypsy revelry eviction quiche 
squint quality issuance wrong betroth 

foggy proctor ripple panel hives pixy avert move unloved panel 

expire ripple disposal caisson lend 

frisky mound grouse knowing expire pixy 

nostrum barefoot emissary permit nostrum threaten ultra 

faulty naughty splotchy quiche enquire revelry hives 

trashy brandish compute hives dreary move pass emissary animism 

frisky revelry spat 

lend vireo dirk paisley knowing lend 

avert hum emissary compute from quality compute barefoot 
larynx vireo tussock ripple 

klutzy emissary nominal faulty 

quality truant hum delivery hives write-in asperity 

[ footstep populous toil avowed ]

2007-04-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ footstep populous toil avowed ]

thatch scale sis organist cedilla 

populous kopeck materiel stream taxicab dogged arrogate 
memorize carillon library muggy trough pen pal assent 

populous curable turbot nepotism advances volley stream 
goggles boogie 

vast volley populous memorize clearing woodwork drool 

askance abutment lollipop collie carillon muggy debase populous 
peekaboo populous 

imprison device advances advances scrooge scribe 

thatch scrooge carsick clearing swat wadding 

beck organist sergeant askance taxicab axes materiel yawl 

turbot imprison attempt fiord thatch urinate lasting cedilla 
detailed rudiment hugeness 

scrooge toreador hugeness carillon scrooge scrooge lollipop 
scale avowed organist forgave device richness nonstick scale 
clinical foci hummock fourteen 

toil stream paltry muggy kangaroo memorize tremor fiord turbot 

woodwork turbot grandeur fourteen toil despoil urinate curio 
restrain legato legation driven purity warlock 

scrooge scrawl larvae lollipop solvency larvae scrooge 

carillon abutment urinate rudiment delude cedilla hugeness 
jugular yawl memorize goggles toga lien abutment globular 

ingress booking tailgate flail fourteen miscount hugeness 

kangaroo populous materiel fatalist yawl beck erect footstep 

[ despotic cockerel conquest wardrobe ]

2007-04-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ despotic cockerel conquest wardrobe ]

boldface numskull wampum at denial gimlet lark heart numskull 

finalist against conquest demolish growl turnpike waterbed 
retreat waterbed spoilage apoplexy 

chosen blarney denial kale 

teetotal proceed metallic kale tamale wardrobe 

rubbish elation frail catalyst pompom revival 

heaven unleash teetotal levee dryad prudery runt spoilage 
varicose bark 

dryad bindery dollar solution liveried positive skid 

bison varicose elbow pompom stomach 

genome midget oracle varicose 

chosen hornless habitual unabated dollar ibis 

ante demolish emerge skid waterbed at soothing floodlit boldface 
denial enshrine midget maiden 

kale plaid liveried bard demolish genome 

tacky conquest national federate earache primary bracken 
boldface polo earache various pompom habitual if 

wardrobe starve finalist solution politico demolish remove 
bifocals salt bard hearsay genome 

chidden chill bifocals gimlet bison 

catalyst dint ibis ibis artistry bard 

[ vestment assist eyeglass jocular ]

2007-04-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ vestment assist eyeglass jocular ]

violence carrion coronet blew useless lengthen jocular violence 
religion coronet engross flamingo tried clarinet 

laze harmless journey jounce mono clarinet harmless 

scowl barley jocular journey bilious deepness gee whiz nuance 

perish soda pop good-by barley flashy 

cake citadel baroque roar nestle realist break-in passing 
velours blew sand warranty lengthen geneses celibacy 

baroque parasol realist stead laze 

venerate violence mafioso tube tube outran 

glassful classy aim screwy crunchy sand glassful flagrant 
deepness meek realist readjust coronet visor passing erase 

blew bile jug estuary barley sand celibacy terminal medalist 

fan glassful harmless starlet gee whiz seeing seaplane dearth 
require equality temple clement 

sand loon jug journey toucan clarinet lanolin lobby cob scowl 

outran jut gee whiz speed eyeglass passing car wash guilt 
equip coronet seaport 

laze lengthen tried baroque flare harmless harmless mono 
violence assist medalist deed perish journey 

require cheque journey courage jug require blew realist dear 
laze violence ambition 

sand woodland sand varmint 

seaplane sand brunch passing baroque mono talent lengthen 
sternum harmless 

[ coward euro ferrous shuffle ]

2007-04-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ coward euro ferrous shuffle ]

opaque icky impart lechery correct macron icky impart imp 
nostrum kin 

lousy would-be shotgun solaria magnolia ride bid coward minnow 
related spelt nude crude nude phobia scud 

nosedive puckish rag doll agile shank chaplain 

die advert advocate preen 

nosedive paling create timbre die desirous 

stack ride drape solaria cellist flywheel ride afraid onion 
create cohere 

icky coward endow nostrum postman snowfall churn paling approval 
tropic scud pivot 

palette month divorced create insured 

shuffle upchuck related shotgun choir rag doll sagacity 
nasty canvass drape lechery distill narrator parch opaque 

divorced lousy outre scud scud scud culvert autumnal 

tote bag scud cubical timbre primness phobia 

solaria agenda gentry timbre nostrum dot gloaming ride lousy 
palmy ducal 

puckish nude onion drawn icky ebb narrator stack 

euro curie solaria moldy drawn gray impart emporium churn 
drawn travail roguery brogue 

phobia tropic stroll create nostrum nude sudsy icky pickax 

cellist elect autumnal smutty rag doll related timbre month 
macron backache 

[ locus pardon encase visual ]

2007-04-25 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ locus pardon encase visual ]

pay dirt shrank wish paddock pompous iffy ruffian phonemic 

binnacle expel hob visual expel amalgam indorse foundry 

encase iffy expel crucify perusal 

quisling nuisance bangs indorse quisling poniard news dewlap 

turn curd decant visual tried towering allusive indorse binnacle 
sequined convince 

allusive iffy binnacle invade decant deceased tutelage halibut 
news crucify ruff cut news 

indorse aimless wainscot shrank thrum bulldoze period 

wainscot bangs pliancy rivulet trivet expel indorse organdie 
news reward hob even bulldoze scullery rim 

shrank turn news period watery harmonic wainscot 

trash emaciate wish excision wainscot tutelage tried wish 

humanism binnacle convince turn pompous common 

hob quisling rivulet artifice crucify 

quisling wainscot trash weakling tear gas heap 

derriere rim pensive chenille poniard condor shrank mushroom 

headset bangs bankroll paddock workaday sedan walrus headset 

trapeze emaciate purl 

[ address smooth pidgin insular ]

2007-04-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[ address smooth pidgin insular ]

posy subject captor weapon twelfth codify subject cesspool 

codify florin captor harry turgid nomadic menfolk smarten 
tenth menfolk captor 

aghast aright gear means tympanum sequence posy dying cesspool 

stereo heated tympanum gear lanky sequence requite seagoing 
bisect aghast unsaid 

racist tenth uneven tympanum bucket subject subway sunken 
address kiddy wimpy wrathful chime 

lowbrow blowup menfolk likewise paprika suture 

sepal fluff cesspool wrathful rapids sepal fit subject subsume 

bisect nuisance harry address trodden fluff sequence equate 
come-on untamed dying yielding 

wrathful granule bucket codify product earmuffs harry stereo 
nomadic room sunken 

beacon tympanum aghast highbrow am posy cosmic fit away walleyed 
abeam gear untamed stereo untamed 

address aghast remains emboss subject fit fluff channel nomadic 

mischief lowbrow own abeam suture earmuffs harry guitar likewise 

turgid inure insular ferment twelfth unwell aghast u posy 
address racist caribou am 

deadbolt realist harry suture horse organ rookie kook bucket 
posy virtuoso 

captor earmuffs mischief earmuffs speedy adopt mischief 
mischief untamed 

speedy bucket wimpy deadbolt horse heroics exertion tenth 

small chapbook project

2007-04-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
reading period from now til the end of may, 2007. a
few manuscripts will be chosen for publication.
'experimental' writing, whatever that might mean, is
preferred, though quality manuscripts should be sent, 
the final chapbook will be 5.5 x 8.5 page size, a max-
imum of 40 pages, black and white ink only. 

accepted chapbooks will be announced sometime
early in june, 2007. writers who can produce a pdf
file of their work will have preference. write for as-
sistance in producing a pdf file.

hard copy only. send to: return postage and en-
velope for return, please.

peter ganick
small chapbook project
45 ravenwood road
west hartford, CT 06110-1005


2007-05-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
respiration electricity justifiable biodegradable noiseless 
biodegradable brawl umpteenth brawl tremble roller skate 

tremble rancorous unwitting distance nocturne another paneling 

supervise paneling bareheaded ambulatory supervise bareheaded 
antibiotic puzzlement unceasing abundance hindsight bland 

hindsight scoundrel predominant abundance outwit farce 
respiration laryngitis respiration laryngitis farce respiration 

roller skate acetate tremble roller skate rancorous incorrigibly 
roller skate tremble folk song distance graphologist another 

subtract pier subtract respiration whinny untidy unwitting 
graphologist nocturne graphologist unwitting distance 

nocturne another lapel britches lapel britches mimicry lapel 

predominant bland predominant roller skate tremble casement 

cow macho lower 



linger unabridged sad praiseworthy implicate sheer praiseworthy 

spigot praiseworthy implicate spigot minuscule obvious 

spigot minuscule spigot obvious tenement demotion fluidly 


2007-05-03 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
scenery transmigrate scenery gesundheit scenery tankful 

involvement food processor plastered gentrification out 
gentrification satisfaction proportionately anemometer 

appraiser proportionately fork bootleg naturalist bootleg 
appraiser boll anemometer proportionately appraiser anemometer 

boll feelings cookery nosey strike nosey searcher nosey strike 
nut laburnum dowel laburnum tennis court anemometer appraiser 
anemometer boll appraiser boll cookery boll feelings enrollment 
implausibly captaincy luckiness insomnia invalidation 
emergency decentralization watchman lowly watchman glaringly 

secession questionable coworker questionable secession 
questionable coworker fork contortionist fork contortionist 

bootleg transmigrate naturalist gesundheit tankful stewardess 


jewel rack nope 



incursion grandson groan goofy indivisibly 

outfox invalidation outfox unnerve certified public accountant 

reparation piquancy tennis court pocketknives satisfaction 
out satisfaction expanse searcher nosey 


2007-05-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
profanation mosaic peppermint mosaic censorious inversely 
vaudeville employment cabinetmaker notarize wastepaper basket 
waterproof pistachio discolor pistachio forborne discolor 

pandemic discolor abruptness confess circumstantial professor 
unenviable escrow yaw unenviable loco utilization standardization 

self-sufficient whiny high-rise whiny scale revoltingly 

veterinary scale totalitarian revoltingly loco modernization 
cheerlessness somersault avoirdupois supplement rouge 

goalpost clock radio efface clock radio goalpost clock radio 
goalpost clock radio goalpost efface goalpost navel orange 
alkali quick paradigmatic rummage impel paradigmatic impel 
gig slayer gig impel rummage paradigmatic self-sufficient 

whiny high-rise whiny yaw confess circumstantial unaccountably 

fad rope waver 



anthem modernization cheerlessness discolor abruptness 
confess abruptness moiety reckoning jovial vaudeville standardization 

jovial reckoning employment cabinetmaker obligate employer 
malignant punctual 


2007-05-07 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
.. mat 
at driv - with 
m becom 
ware,  --- 


2007-05-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
weld wishful thinking palliative weld adoption wearisome 
avail spruce inoculate spruce inoculate adoption ourselves 
mousse wolfish mousse waistcoat palliative usury mousse 
usury ballpoint pen tensely fashion tensely piquant horizontal 

forecast reamer leading foot reamer would-be surreptitious 
memorial figure skating flourish maw malice inexorable 
owe dowdiness aeronautical repellent careful aeronautical 

careful dowdiness owe dowdiness aeronautical dowdiness 

owe inexorable dowdiness aeronautical repellent fireproof 

largo brazenly foolhardiness brazenly wrung ominous wrung 
brazenly wrung observantly unfurl observantly afterword 

observantly stirring observantly stirring longing stirring 

longing stirring longing 

youth gusty spook 



discontinuation longing stirring 
afterword stirring discontinuation stirring discontinuation 

aggressiveness avail spruce aggressiveness imperil solicitation 
horizontal auspiciously leaf have-not sideburns indicative 


2007-05-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
vote iota snaky not, taxonomy, shot, parrot manor noon promote not 
sunspot innocent potion not cannot north shot put protean dinosaur
demotion, in toto tenon scooter shotgun broth dotage snooty cootie 
footnote compote foothold, gunshot piano not forgotten nobody, 
neutrino bother depots typewrote chariot genocide taproot, anon rotate
snapper not washcloth broth, snug oilcloth tot apricot taproot, 
cannot xenon sniffle snake, not knot iota, unknowing parrot nonplus
dinosaur proton snit taproot botch sloth not knockout minority snooper
compote norm shotgun slot total parrot otter toothpick unbeknown snitch,
vote brothel antiknock prototype, novae noisiness noisily oilcloth
innocent, cootie knothole, toothed, grossness anoint not anoint, not snit
hobnob ruinously snotty cot, taproot minor noon lottery not luminous
antiknock mono bootleg fagot, nonvoting


2007-05-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
procreation contamination eczema neurotic immortal obvious 

neurotic doable grown toaster sequestration grown toaster 
grown ganglia obvious wages eczema neurotic wages procreation 

license procreation contamination avian avian squall eligibility 
potholder sidestep potholder eligibility redo poorly redo 
hyphen presumably retook madrigal interweave pasteurize 
interweave remove hit-and-run redo hit-and-run theater 
grumbler theater grumbler theater hit-and-run betoken persecution 

betoken license avian contamination license procreation 
license procreation contamination procreation presumably 

crookedness presumably crookedness sapsucker lyrically 

whenever taffy obtuse taffy obtuse lint conjunction crazy 
lint conjunction 

bawdy vireo angel 



obtuse conjunction hit-and-run staleness 

hovercraft conjunction crazy conjunction lint crazy hovercraft 

madrigal vender veneer crowded lactation entire sidestep 

entire lactation 


2007-05-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
utterly plutonium doc supplicant doc beeves pudgy aggrandize 
smuggler preferable constable lemon preferable supplicant 

lemon supplicant calmly fifth smuggler glide legend shoo 

plutonium shoo plutonium classifiable hometown pipsqueak 

quadriplegic pipsqueak rhythm pipsqueak rhythm disbursement 
pipsqueak rhythm disbursement rhythm quadriplegic rhythm 

disbursement industrial-strength rhythm industrial-strength 
residue columnist grieve imaginative forehand casually 

constable preferable lemon doc lemon constable imitation 
racketeering quadriplegic genetic aggrandize genetic agnosticism 
power plant nuance capitalize fifth calmly ridden descend 
willingness ridden willingness ridden court-martial ordinal number 
profligate demesne bas-relief ordinal number 

stunt ask strut 



blasphemy shoo blasphemy shoo blasphemy plutonium poach 
plutonium shoo utterly plutonium poach overcompensate loamy 

grieve imaginative forehand imaginative grieve 


2007-05-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
prime uvular grassy intrusion unusual minimalism unusual 
flutter genuineness flutter unusual minimalism parenthetic 

minimalism flutter convention immutable superhuman refurnish 
mobile nonsense substantial nonsense mobile effeminacy 
mobile substantial replica respective embitter mutability 
scimitar artisan mutability embitter intrusion dungeon 

radiant dungeon intrusion radiant systemic dungeon intrusion 

dungeon enjoin redcap smuggle polity dashing lengthy polity 

specie polity lengthy aspersion grassy undemanding specie 
smuggle polity smuggle polity smuggle specie dashing systemic 
immutable superhuman convention genuineness convention 

flutter unusual flutter convention flutter minimalism parenthetic 


rob foist livid 



microbiology bush imprison razz legal wretchedly 

legal fiberglass classification fiberglass legal razz undemanding 

dungeon intrusion radiant systemic incorporated solar system 



2007-05-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
desk walkout disown desk disown walkout disown walkout regenerate 
traction hearth wishy-washy hearth traction blood bank 

dyspepsia hearth blood bank dyspepsia globally lottery 
taxation subheading heritage decanter heritage restful 

hearth dyspepsia hearth traction hearth blood bank globally 

grounds petrel herculean oddly reputed ready-made reputed 
panacea ready-made hothouse glove gnat subterranean gnat 
subterranean gnat medial subterranean mixed number medial 
gnat cubicle popularization desk malt desk malt walkout duchess 
walkout desk walkout malt involuntarily duchess sign unseasonable 

sign rehearse sign gismo keynote fatness keynote fatness 


debut strum dense 



fatness mechanistic medial gnat cubicle popularization 

disown desk disown desk malt involuntarily corn on the cob 

minuscule corn on the cob declaration minuscule eerie 

minuscule hearth 


2007-05-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
fanatic correspondingly spew microscopy sweet corn alter ego 
primordial mutually sweet corn infirm sweet corn infirm 
operational toothy operational scant puncture scant stucco 
puncture nightmare edifice toad stepsister voiceless proficient 

pasteurize locality invent keystone oxidizer pasteurize 

dubiously tent floe pilothouse squirrel knightly expiration 
discrimination expiration professed declaim world alleviation 
dexterity eureka dexterity eureka daydream sandy catty-cornered 

essentially rationalization unseasonably running mate 
tent unrelated tent floe dubiously pasteurize keystone locality 

blood poisoning invent cross section scant puncture edifice 
stucco edifice stucco operational scant stucco scant deodorize 
professed coif 

wean primordial glint 



declaim esprit de corps vent gadfly arbutus 

auction chambermaid predator unseasonably tent unrelated 
dubiously pasteurize locality pasteurize keystone locality 
invent cross section safe 


2007-05-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
impoliteness derogate impoliteness candy discredit seesaw 
voltage living will mesmerism doorknob mesmerism doorknob 
preservative originally preservative doorknob mesmerism 
preservative mesmerism doorknob mesmerism preservative 
originally preservative rankness preservative doorknob 

preservative doorknob preservative originally discredit 
voltage tease like prognosticate launching pad general dialyses 

voiced unanswerable dialyses originally copious originally 
wingless discredit tease constitution wingless vulgarism 

like egoism originally preservative doorknob mocha no-hitter 
flannel chaplet glint chaplet conceivably glint conceivably 
vanilla manage phenomenon living will jocularity papyri 
hardship prioress schizophrenia titular schizophrenia 

yonder living will measurably mallet 

toga just cowl 



emporia voiced unanswerable 

imbibe malignity unanswerable housetop mixed button living will 
measurably mallet christen rude dialyses general derogate 

unfaithful derogate impoliteness 

Re: [....]

2007-05-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Wonderful, thanks John !


On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 02:17:33PM -0400, John M. Bennett wrote:
 doorknob eye
 launching the papyri
 copious mesmerism
 John M. Bennett
 found in Jukka-Pekka Kervinen's []
 At 08:44 PM 5/14/2007, you wrote:
 impoliteness derogate impoliteness candy discredit seesaw
 voltage living will mesmerism doorknob mesmerism doorknob
 preservative originally preservative doorknob mesmerism
 preservative mesmerism doorknob mesmerism preservative
 originally preservative rankness preservative doorknob
 preservative doorknob preservative originally discredit
 voltage tease like prognosticate launching pad general dialyses
 voiced unanswerable dialyses originally copious originally
 wingless discredit tease constitution wingless vulgarism
 like egoism originally preservative doorknob mocha no-hitter
 flannel chaplet glint chaplet conceivably glint conceivably
 vanilla manage phenomenon living will jocularity papyri
 hardship prioress schizophrenia titular schizophrenia
 yonder living will measurably mallet
 toga just cowl
 emporia voiced unanswerable
 imbibe malignity unanswerable housetop mixed button living will
 measurably mallet christen rude dialyses general derogate
 unfaithful derogate impoliteness
 Teach CanIt if this mail (ID 305159011) is spam:
 Not spam:https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=ni=305159011m=2779a2abbac5
 Forget vote: https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=fi=305159011m=2779a2abbac5
 Dr. John M. Bennett
 Curator, Avant Writing Collection
 Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
 The Ohio State University Libraries
 1858 Neil Av Mall
 Columbus, OH 43210 USA
 (614) 292-3029


2007-05-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
compelling behemoth rumble compelling phenomenon scantily 

title mope specs mope explain sweatshop mope explain sweatshop 

monotheism field hockey pugnaciously overreaction constipated 

sweatshop field hockey motionless alias iniquitous circumspection 
prohibition halogen obstacle antibiotic prurience bubble bath 
portable cheap unload cheap shrubby cupola espresso retake 
cupola shrubby qualm stage mock-up stage carbonated mock-up 

fretfulness typewrite ourselves fretfulness obstacle stuffiness 
antibiotic hewer billionaire anchorwoman behavioral anchorwoman 

billionaire anchorwoman hewer journalistic hewer journalistic 
bubble bath journalistic bubble bath portable uncooperative 
circumspection talkative uncooperative rumble cheap unload 
journalistic unload rumble 

brand paper whose 



radioactivity stage haute cuisine 

overt undamaged constipated cross-reference anchorwoman 
behavioral cross-reference anchorwoman hewer coward compelling 

scantily compelling phenomenon scantily rumble radioactivity 

<    1   2