Re: [WSG] Is Mac IE 5 Support (Worth) It ?

2004-07-21 Thread Sarah Sammis
 Remember that few people are as 'browser-aware' as we developers. Most
 people just want to get on with their lives and businesses. The
 technology they use to do so should be, ideally for them, transparent.
 So for now, yes, I test and hack where necessary for IE5. To not do so
 is to effectively replace the question with 'Is Mac support worth it?'

 IE5.x/Win probably returns similar stats to IE/Mac in most site logs.
 Do we ignore it as a target browser, too?


Up until very recently even as an OSX convert, I was still using IE.
Although I still use IE, I also use Safari and Firefox (rapidly becoming
my favorite).
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RE: [WSG] A California meeting? was Brisbane July Meeting - Report

2004-07-20 Thread Sarah Sammis
 If there were a california meeting, my vote goes for L.A.
 Sacramento, is well, Sacramento.  Not exactly my idea of a place to visit
 and spend an extra day.  San Francisco is great, but expensive. L.A. is
 more central, has plenty of room, and can be affordable.  Of course, if my
 job covered the trip I wouldn't mind a trip to SF.

 I'm in San Diego, which is a great place for a meeting, but too far for
 our SF and Sacramento(sorry about the above slight) members. L.A. or San
 Diego might also be better for our Arizona and Nevada people.


Near S.F. can be affordable. The price ranges are the same as in L.A. Plus
the public transit is better in S.F. than L.A. which might be easier for
out of town visitors.
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Re: [WSG] Trouble with safari

2004-05-06 Thread Sarah Sammis
On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, at 23:54 US/Pacific, russ - maxdesign wrote:

Be more specific please. What is problem?

There is no visible navigation in Safari.

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Re: [WSG] My first CSS project---correction

2004-04-02 Thread Sarah Sammis
I also looked at the page at (1280x1024) and the text is overlapping the
photo. Is that intentional?

 Hi! I tested your website and it's looking nice ;)

 One problem though, I viewed the about us in 1024 X 768 resolution and
 it looked fine, however, in anything less (e.g. 800 X 600) the padding was
 a bit overwhelming! (_) The paragraph became a bit to skinny.

 Apart from that it was clear and concise. I like it (^_^)

 Darian Cabot

   hello again!

 I have recently redesigned my business web site using CSS.   I was
 looking for some feedback.

 The biggest obstacle I ran  into was on the  about us  Page. I am
 wondering if  I over used the  padding command.

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Re: [WSG] hiring a standards-savvy designer

2004-03-31 Thread Sarah Sammis
 Hi guys,


 So what am I actually asking? I'm interested in what you guys consider
 reasonable to expect from a graphic designer who also does some
 overflow html. What would you be looking for? What would you ask in
 the interview?

 Thanks for any ideas,

 Kay Smoljak

You should make up a test that starts with typical graphical elements that
your company uses and perhaps a hand drawn mock up of a page. Have them
design first in fireworks or whatever your graphic design tool of choice
is the layout and then ask them to create a rough HTML of it. Then you can
look at all the files during the remainder of the interview and have them
explain their methodology.

I've done similar tests to hire folks and it has worked really well in
finding the skill sets I have wanted.
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Re: [WSG] Font size, and how large is large enough?

2004-03-24 Thread Sarah Sammis
 When you make both height and width 76.1% of the default, the result is
 less than 58% of the original.

 But in the end, it seems to me the user gets the same font size as if
 {font-size: 100%;}, given that all the other font-sizes are set above 1em
 for regular paragraphs and above 0.9em for footnotes, for instance.

 Can you see the test at: ?

The blue box's fonts size correctly (using IE 6 here at work). The red
box, the small font is larger than the middle font.
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Re: [WSG] Hiding styles message to certain browsers

2004-03-24 Thread Sarah Sammis
 I know... but I can't get around the Mac IE bugs and it makes things even
 harder as I do not have a Mac to check against those bugs. Rather Mac IE
 NS users see a plain text page than a broken design page.

 So got to hide the styles till I am able to buy me a Mac but by that time
 maybe Mac IE will no longer be used :D

As a Mac user, I would much rather see a buggy style sheet than no style
sheet at all. If you were to leave a way to contact you and I came across
your site with that in place, you would get an email complaining about it.

 With Regards
 Jaime Wong
 SODesires Design Team

 ---Original Message---

 Date: 03/24/04 07:22:18
 Subject: Re: [WSG] Hiding styles message to certain browsers

 I am thinking of hiding my stylesheets from Mac IE and Netscape


 Agrr... You'd be leaving most of us creative people out in the


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Netscape 4.7x Re: [WSG] Hiding styles message to certain browsers

2004-03-24 Thread Sarah Sammis
 Hmm your comment is interesting. Interesting as in it makes me want to
 rethink the need to hide stylesheets or not to.

 There are many sites out there (be it professional or personal sites)
 stylesheets from older browsers for e.g. the most common is Netscape 4x.

 Wouldn't Netscape 4x users feel the same way as you then?

Older Netscape users may very well feel the same way. I know from first
hand experience that many large corporations still only support Netscape
4.7x varieties for security reasons, either real or percieved, meaning
that Netscape is the mandatory email reader, news reader and browser.
These very same companies use style sheets in their web design and expect
them to work (at least gracefully, if not perfectly) with Netscape.
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Re: [WSG] Color Blindnesss

2004-03-22 Thread Sarah Sammis
 Somewhere out there, I lost my link to it in an old HDD crash, there is
 site that allows you to test your site using the various perceptions
 with various types of color blindness suffer from - it was actually quite
 handy. But there is other sites out there now that atleast let you choose
 test the color schemes - though not as useful as the site reader.


Here's a site I use:

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Re: [WSG] CSS Shorthand for color

2004-03-22 Thread Sarah Sammis
The short hand will only work for web safe colors. That being said...

A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15
F is the most on a color channel can be.
0 is the most off a color channel can be.
The color channels are: R G B (red, green, blue) and the color mixing 
is additive. So as you add color, you get closer to white.

In short hand white is: #FFF and black is #000.
Red: #F00
Green: #0F0
Blue: #00F
Yellow: #FF0
Purplish: #F0F
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Re: [WSG] css from photoshop file?

2004-03-18 Thread Sarah Sammis
 I have always written standards compliant css for a site around a
 clients recommendations as to colours and position of logos etc. Now
 I've been asked:

 You'd be fine doing the templates from supplied photoshop files?

 I guess this would mean replicating the look of a PSD file with css
 code? Would this kind of client expect standards compliant css or rigid
 WYSIWYG works in IE code, any tips to ensure that the result will be
 decent css are appreciated.


The types of clients I have worked with who asked that question were most
concerned that it looked like their PSD file. If you can do it with
compliant CSS, then go for it. Before you begin, you should find out what
sort of browsers/computers they'll be testing the site on.
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RE: [WSG] Overcoming Rejections

2004-03-15 Thread Sarah Sammis
I've worked for companies that have websites that are so far afield of web
standards that using something standard will break their web pages. This
happens most often with web based content management systems. In those
cases, it is best just to work with the company's standards rather than
the real world standards.

For smaller companies, the rejections are often reservations based on a
lack of knowledge of current standards or a fear of the standards being
too complex to work with for making simple updates. In that case it's a
matter of educating the client.
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Re: [WSG] text and graphic on one line

2004-03-13 Thread Sarah Sammis

On Saturday, Mar 13, 2004, at 02:13 US/Pacific, Jaime Wong wrote:

I use these for some fancy header.
 background-image : url(icon_gal.gif);
 background-repeat : no-repeat;
 background-position : 125px;
 padding-top   : 1em;
 border-bottom  : 1px dotted #448687;
 padding-left  : 3px;
 You can preview it at this page  - the headers on the left column.

This page doesn't seem to be loading right on IE running on OSX. The content is pushed far right leaving the white area empty. I'm assuming that the white area is reserved for the content?
 font-family   : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size   : 1.3em;
 font-weight   : bold;
 color: #BBB8A0;
 letter-spacing  : 2px;
 text-transform  : capitalize;
 padding-left  : 50px;
 background-image : url(rule_entries.gif);
 background-repeat : no-repeat;
 background-position : left bottom;
This is the Entry's date header at 

This page crashes the browser completely while your first javascript library is loading.
Hope it helps in giving you more ideas. Not sure if it is a good way though because I normally just play around with my css and so happens that this works.
With Regards
Jaime Wong

Re: [WSG] New CSS site

2004-03-11 Thread Sarah Sammis
Hi Peter,

The design appears to be clean. The site loads fast for me. My only wee 
critique is that the gray font color doesn't have much contrast 
compared to the background colors used. If it were a bit darker it 
would be easier to read. Otherwise, I'm going to enjoy reading through 
the site.


Comments and crits most welcome.
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Re: [WSG] New CSS site

2004-03-11 Thread Sarah Sammis
CSS is great that way. The text is easier to read now. 


On Thursday, Mar 11, 2004, at 20:28 US/Pacific, Universal Head wrote:

Now THIS is why I love CS - I've just increased the contrast a little. Easss 

On 12/03/2004, at 3:13 PM, Sarah Sammis wrote:

If it were a bit darker it would be easier to read.

Universal Head 
Design That Works.

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NSW 2048 Australia
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