Looks like you failed to close the banner div - I would suggest you meant to close that before the content div

Shaun Hare

On 13 Sep 2009, at 06:44, "Marvin Hunkin" <startrekc...@gmail.com> wrote:

well thanks for that.
got my css vallidated.
now can you help.
vallidating another student project.
and cannot seem to find the errors.
will paste my contents of the text file and the vallidation error page.
can you help and to help me to locate where the problem is.
cheers Marvin.

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<h1> Corvette Veterans Club</h1>
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<h2>Obituary Three</h2>

<p><img src="../images/OldMan3.jpg" alt="Corvette Veterans Club Obituary
Three Logo" width="123" height="122" /> </p>

<p>Welcome to the Corvette Veterans Club Obituary Three Page.  Read
about Corvette Veterans who have died while serving in armed combat during
 World War Two.</p>

<h1>Obituary: Alice DeWitt<br />

<p>Sagamore Hills- Alice DeWitt, 88, a nurse in combat hospitals during World War II and an associate director of the former St. Alexis Hospital nursing school, died Monday at Marymount Hospital in Garfield Heights.</p>
<p>She was the wife of the late Dr. Paul DeWitt, a pathologist for the
Summit County medical examiner's office. He died in a car accident in 1980,
16 years after they married.</p>
<p>She was born Alice Koprowski in Cleveland. She enlisted in the Army Nurse Corps in 1942 and over the next three years worked in hospitals in Bizerte
in northern Africa; Marseilles, France; and Palermo, Sicily.</p>
<p>In 1991, she told her local paper, The News Leader, that while she was in
the hospital in Bizerte, it came under attack from planes dropping
<p>"You have a second nature at times like that," she said. "You freeze, not even thinking about how you could have been hurt until after it's over. When
it finally was over, everybody headed for the latrines."</p>
<p>She received several service medals for her work.</p>
<p>After the war, DeWitt graduated from nursing school, then earned a
master's degree in education from John Carroll University. She retired when
the St. Alexis nursing school closed.</p>
<p>She was a member of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Cleveland and was active in several church and arts charities. She regularly rescued and cared
for stray and sick animals before finding homes for them.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.altavista.com.au"; title="Search For More World War Two Corvette Ships Obituaries On Altavista Australia" target="_blank">Search
For More World War Two Corvette Sites On Altavista Australia</a> </p>
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