Re: [WSG] Help with CSS ul

2005-12-17 Thread Steve Clason

On 12/17/2005 5:36 PM José Kusunoki Gutiérrez wrote:

I want to know why in IE my side bar is wrong i mean the bullets are not in
the rigth place, and when i see it in Firefox its ok... is there a css hack
that i need for IE?

Hi José,

I don't think you need a hack for IE, just to set the line height for 
#contentright li. I did this:

#contentright li{
  background: url(images/flech.gif) no-repeat left top;
  font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 0.7em;
  line-height: 1.2; /*!!! new !!!*/
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 3px 0 2px 13px;

And the right section looks OK in IE and Firefox, although the 
difference in font size remains.

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: [WSG] editor

2005-12-01 Thread Steve Clason

On 12/1/2005 6:43 PM Lori Cole wrote:
I am new to (trying to learn how) constructing standards conforming web 
pages using XHTML and would like to know what HTML editor you folks that 
are light years ahead of me would recommend?  Like HTMLTidy?  I am 
Windows based with IE v6 which I will soon be switching to Firefox based 
on this list.  Thank you.  Lori

There's a pretty comprehensive list of editors, with comments, at the 
css-d wiki[1].

I'd suggest avoiding WYSIWYG editors (Dreamweaver, Frontpage, etc.) 
until you develop your skills some. Select something that does 
syntax-highlighting (color coding), it will make your life easier.  I 
like jEdit[2], but I'm sure other people's favorites are just as good.

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: [WSG] Efficient CSS Practice Methods

2005-11-23 Thread Steve Clason

On 11/23/2005 10:16 AM Chris Kennon wrote:

Happy Holidays All,

When between projects, practice is the order of the day, as mastery in 
this field is a fallacy. However, it simply seems counter-productive 
laying out sites that will not be used for personal or commercial gain.

This belief begs the question how does one effectively practice CSS? 
Should I continue creating scenarios and templates, or can some  
knowledgeable member share practice methodologies?

Consider pro bono work for charitable or non-profit organizations. I've 
done dozens of sites for churches, political candidates, neighborhood 
associations, amateur sports teams, political interest groups and so on.

They always appreciate the help (especially if you include a way for 
them to update the content), you get to sharpen your tools and try out 
new techniques with less pressure. And feel good about yourself, help 
the planet

I recommend thinking hard before doing free work for organizations with 
paid staff--after all, if they can afford to pay people they should pay 
you--but I sometimes do if I support the cause enough or if the 
organization is very small (a small church, for instance).

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: [WSG] OT: Need recomendations for a JavaScript/DOM book

2005-11-22 Thread Steve Clason

On 11/22/2005 9:50 AM Ted Drake wrote:

I would recommend starting with Domscripting by Jeremy Keith. Then, follow
with DHTML Utopia, I don't remember the author of DHTML Utopia.  

+1 for the Keith book, but be aware many of the examples don't work in 
Mozilla browsers, I believe because they lack full support for 

Or at least that was my experience--when I played around using Opera it 
was much more fun.

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: [WSG] hover div fill query

2005-11-14 Thread Steve Clason

On 11/14/2005 4:44 AM ivanovitch wrote:

I've been trying very hard to propel myself into the 21st century and
apply web standards and use good CSS as much as possible, but I'm
stuck on getting a div to honour a hover state that I am trying to
build. Guidance appreciated...

The demo page is at - it's cut right backto
highlight my problem. Ignore the content, and the site URL

This did it for me (adding stuff for the a selector and moving the 
padding there):

style type=text/css
div.input {border-color: #ccc;border-width: 1px 1px 0px 
1px;border-style: solid;}

div.item {border-bottom: #999;border-width: 0 0 1px 0;border-style: dotted;}
#author {font-size: 1.2em;color: #f30;font-weight: bold;}
#comment {font-size: 1.0em;color: #666;}
#timestamp {font-size: 0.9em;color: #999;}
a {
  padding: 2px 0px 3px 0px;
  display: block;
a:link {text-decoration: none;}
a:visited {text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {background: #fc3;color: #fff;}

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: [WSG] css variables

2005-09-28 Thread Steve Clason

On 9/28/2005 2:33 PM Drake, Ted C. wrote:

I'm not sure If I asked the question right. I'm not looking to do a search
and replace. I'm hoping to set a variable in the CSS, such as This is the
color of all selected links in the navigation. Then, the css would just set
that variable. All of the various rules would refer to the variable instead
of the actual hexdec number.

CSS doesn't do variables, but here's something recently mentioned on the 
css-d list that does something close to what I believe you are 
describing, using php:

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: [WSG] computer arts mag article/review

2005-09-25 Thread Steve Clason

On 9/25/2005 7:32 PM John Foliot - wrote:

Uhm... It *is* HomeSite, which Macromedia bought to add to their
Dreamweaver Suite (they also bought ColdFusion, which shipped with
HomeSite as the editing environment, eons ago).  

HomeSite+ 5.5 is the ColdFusion editor shipping with Studio 8. I use it 
a lot as well but it's very different from DW except in general layout. 
 It's much better, for instance, for editing CF (or any other) code 
than DW, not as good (IMO) for editing mark-up.

Just my USD0.02.

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Re: AW: [SPAM?]: Re: [WSG] Firefox Greyscale Extension

2005-08-18 Thread Steve Clason

On 8/18/2005 8:53 AM Marcel Pociot wrote:

Or maybe a little tool that could switch Windows to greyscale (like when
Windows XP is shutting down) - Just a simple and fast solution for this :)
But FF Extension would be the best of course ;)

Gadwin PrintScreen ( is freeware that lets you 
view a screen capture as a gray scale image without writing a file. Not 
as handy as a FF extension would be but much better than using Photoshop.

Steve Clason
Web Design and Development
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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