Re: [WSG] Scrollbar Colouring...

2003-12-02 Thread Veine K Vikberg

Hello Chris;
At 04:28 AM 12/3/2003 +1100, you wrote:
I have
noticed that the scrollbar colouring is not a standard piece of CSS
For example:
background-color: #EE;
scrollbar-base-color: #808080;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #808080;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #008000;
scrollbar-face-color: #808080;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FF;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #FF;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #808080;

That is claimed to be correct CSS, and it
works in Internet Explorer but when you use the W3C CSS Validator,
it comes up saying that the scrollbar-base-color etc& are not
functions. I don t know why its not real CSS because it seems to work, I
am curious if it works in other browsers other that IE, I cannot test
that s why I am posting this here
It is only valid in Internet Explorer and is a proprietary use of CSS and
afaik never even be considered to be included into css, as it's not
really about how the page itself displays, but rather dabbling with the
values of the user defined browser settings.
I would not use them, as the code, as you know already can't validate,
and secondly it's for IE only.

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

RE: [WSG] Browser Test

2003-12-04 Thread Veine K Vikberg

XHTML is confusing but;
At 11:47 PM 12/4/2003 +1100, you wrote:
I use
Transitional because Strict wont allow me to even add my own HTML code to
fix something.
Ie. say I have some text, and its not worth putting in CSS...
So I have:

That is an error in Strict...
Can I use Style=""
In strict?
In your css, as a child of the div where you place the paragraph, make a
class (or many depending) of the p with certain values you want and in
the XHTML: 
That will validate in strict.
I cant
even set the language of a "Script"

[WSG] Flash Problem & Mac check?

2004-01-27 Thread Veine K Vikberg

Can anyone tell me why this page (below) in Mozilla/PC is displaying as 
intended (lest the border to the left of the drop down menu), with the 
Flash on the right hand side. It is *not* displaying the Flash at all in 
IE6/PC, just tries to load it forever. I have the exact same code in my own 
home page and it displays perfectly.

I have tried a lot of things to make this one work but I am at the end of 
my rope here. I can get it to show up, with all the embed statements that 
Flash would like and with the download link to Flash/Shockwave, but can 
then not validate the code.

As it stands now, the page is valid XHTML Transitional / CSS (and I can't 
make it Strict as it has to have border attribute on the link pictures to 
be looking as intended in NN4.x)

Any thought on or off list would be greatly appreciated.

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] Flash Problem & Mac check?

2004-01-27 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 11:38 AM 1/28/2004 +1100, you wrote:
Your Code:

DOH! Thanks


Note that the OBJECT>DATA attribute: "flash/mma.swf" and the PARAM>VALUE
attribute "mma.swf" are different.
Make them the same (which ever one happens to be the correct path) and it
should work.
Also note that this version of embedding Flash won't stream in IE, which is
bad if the movie is large (not in your case though).
Thanks for that too, I had problems with that once before, I am a newbie at 
flash and most clients wants very little of it, and I will probably have 
more questions about how to make it compliant in the future.

  Anyone with a recent Mac out there that can take a look at it, I have 
the verdict from a iMac OS8.6 IE 5.1, am wondering how badly OSX/Safari is 
mangling it ;o)

Again the url is:

Thanks again Bradley :o)

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

[WSG] Is there *any* solution for this form?

2004-01-30 Thread Veine K Vikberg

The week has been long and long hours in codeland
There has to be a solution for this one, however I can't think of it at all 
at the moment;

at the bottom the form to search the site...

Any suggestions/fixes are welcome

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

[WSG] Browser / OS combo irregularity

2004-02-02 Thread Veine K Vikberg

Well, thanks to the Dane on this list (Anders Ebdrup) one of my major 
problems are fixed, now I have a smaller one (I think).

On this page:

I have some problems, it looks wonderful in Moz/NN6+/IE with WinXP/98 Home 
on PC, which by the looks of the server logs are around 92% of the 
population visiting this site, but in Netscape 7 / XP Pro there is some 
things that are breaking apart (I can only say what the client told me, as 
I don't have XP Pro to test out on) The middle rollover has a white line 
under it, and the bottom right graphic (US News image) has a black line 
under it, and the around the search box there are some strange 2-3 pixel 
wide blue before the input box.

Anyone having any clue to why this happen, and even better how to deal with it?

On Mac (OS8.5/IE5.1) looks good, except for around the search box, where 
there is some weird things going on.

If anyone has any help/advice/links to help I would greatly appreciate 
them, especially the first problem as the client will look on his page 
through NS 7.1/XP Pro

   TIA & Regards
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] Browser / OS combo irregularity

2004-02-02 Thread Veine K Vikberg

Lets hear your reasoning for not using them, and I am willing to change if 
your reasoning is good enough ;o)
However, this client is these days *very* concerned with download time, and 
as it stands the page is downloading at approximately 8 seconds on a 56K 
modem under perfect conditions (not that it ever is but...) and that is 
what he wanted +2 seconds (he said under 10) with the graphics broken 
up,  I am close to that ten second mark, but if there is something I do not 
know about image maps, please enlighten me. (I did the one located at 3 years ago when wait was the norm so it was 
no concern)

At 07:25 PM 2/2/2004 -0500, you wrote:

This really has nothing to do with your email, but I'd recommend staying 
away from image maps :) i always peek under the hood at the sites that get 
sent out on the list. As it's not released yet, you'd still have time to 
change your deployment method. If you don't agree, that's cool. I'm just 
biased against them :)

Veine K Vikberg wrote:


On Mac (OS8.5/IE5.1) looks good, except for around the search box, where 
there is some weird things going on.

If anyone has any help/advice/links to help I would greatly appreciate 
them, especially the first problem as the client will look on his page 
through NS 7.1/XP Pro

   TIA & Regards
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

RE: [WSG] Browser / OS combo irregularity

2004-02-02 Thread Veine K Vikberg

At 11:49 AM 2/3/2004 +1100, you wrote:
When I view the new website it looks great!
Thanks, been in the works for a while, VERY demanding customer of mine..

One thing I did notice was, down the bottom, near the SEARCH field,
there is a LEFT border next to the text input...
Left border ... ack, must be an inheritance, but from where?

I am running IE6 with WinXP Pro.
You have NN7.1 installed too?

Maybe I just see it because of a browser anomaly or something...
But never-the-less at least 1 person can see it...
Enough for me, thanks so much for pointing it out. Keep em coming


On this page:
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] Browser / OS combo irregularity

2004-02-02 Thread Veine K Vikberg


I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but the reason for not using image
maps is primarily accessibility.
Have a look at this:

That is a great resource, I don't have any descriptions at all yet, for the 
sake of the concept/design first, all the search engine works comes in 
stage two, as well as Section 508 (I probably have to attach description 
tags to a few). This site is primarily for the 20/20 (or so) individuals, 
but in a few months(years) they will have to adhere to the Section 508/ADA 
act, so my thinking is to bring them there from the beginning.

However, that is ONE strong argument against image maps indeed.

I will put that one in my bookmarks for sure, thanks for a great resource 
Brad :o)))

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] Browser / OS combo irregularity

2004-02-03 Thread Veine K Vikberg
At 10:55 PM 2/2/2004 -0500, you wrote:
Where to begin...

I was going to quote Zeldman's orange book, being the little Zeldmanite I 
am, but I'll go freestyle in the hopes that I get his concepts well enough 
by this point in time! ICK ;)

Image maps have (for the most part) fallen out of grace. I used to use 
them at one time (actually, right up until I cracked my ass down on all 
this standards hoopla and learned more techniques), but have since 
deviated away from tables all together for the most part and use div 
layouts. Anyhows, back in my table days I got pretty good with chopping 
them up just right and piecing them back together again. To make a short 
story shorter, I found that dicing up the image map into separate chunks 
using GIF compression made for a quicker load time than using one solid 
bar. It also carried the benefit of not having to rework an entire site 
when I wanted to add one new link to a feature on the navigational area.
In this case there is no rework until the redesign, client wants to keep it 
the same way for 2-4 years and then change again, the long term goal is to 
keep the site fresh. However I will today take the time to redo the bar and 
cut it up to see what can be done there in the question about loadtime

If you're talking HTML filesize, going to chunked linked images will 
usually save a few bytes as well.
Can not be much and probably something that I will not even look at

It's also a pain to generate new coordinates each time you need to change 
the map areas.
True, but a little free-ware program I have those image maps take less then 
a min a piece to rewrite.

If you're a sucker for accessibility (like I am) image maps also do not 
permit navigation to screen readers.
I thought they did, IF you provide a description with the link, no?

Summary: nixing image maps will save you trouble, time, and redesign 
strife somewhere along the road, ane probably lead to smaller load times 
as well.
Will try it today.

PS - things to keep in mind: I code by hand, despise complex table 
layouts, and live life and web design by the "Keep It Simple Stupid" motto.
Is there anything BUT coding all by hand? ;o) I don't know about it in any 
case :op

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

[WSG] CSS problem

2004-04-08 Thread Veine K Vikberg

Can someone take a look at this page:
 and suggest how I best separate the blue links from the white content 
area so it doesn't 'hog' the line?

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

RE: [WSG] CSS problem

2004-04-08 Thread Veine K Vikberg

Thanks for the suggestion, I did it and it seems to add a little to 
separate in IE6 WinXP Home at least, however, in NS (Moz RC1) it does 
not,... I am running out of ideas here.

As for the suggestion, note taken and should probably not be h4's but I was 
thinking search engine work ahead of time so to speak, as it seems to be 
indexing way more h4's then lists, I will probably change this.

Any other suggestion to see if I can get it to separate?

At 01:23 PM 4/8/2004 -0400, you wrote:

To answer your question directly, add a right margin to your h4 tags in your
style sheet:
H4 {margin-right: 10px;}

To answer your question with a suggestion, don't use h4's for your nav
links.  Rather, use an unordered list to gain better control over their
display and establish better semantics in your markup:

link 1

For a great example, read A List Apart's "Taming Lists" at
Will Chatham

> Can someone take a look at this page:
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] CSS problem

2004-04-08 Thread Veine K Vikberg
Thank you, appreciated :o) However, no solution to my original problem, I 
think the box not expanding is just an oversight on my part not to use 
clearing div's :o)

*Note to self, check out Mac platform too!

At 02:01 PM 4/8/2004 -0500, you wrote:


Just wanted to let u know that in Mac OSX/IE 5.2 the body copy overflows 
the bottom blue footer bar...

screenshot attached (I know it's small but I didn't want to hog everyone's 

Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru

Re: [WSG] CSS problem

2004-04-09 Thread Veine K Vikberg
Hello Leo;

I had it this way before, and I have changed it back to that now, however, 
if I do it this way, the cut-off in MacOS / IE 5 is even bigger (as 
Zulema's screen shot in earlier reply shows) And I can't for the life of me 
figure out why there is such a huge difference between the Mac and PC 
versions of IE, maybe M$ just wants us designers to get grey hair ahead of 
our time.

Any suggestions to fix this problem for Mac is greatly appreciated.

At 10:04 PM 4/8/2004 -0400, you wrote:


Your left col div is containing your center div you should close the the 
left div before you open the center div ...


and not


> Can someone take a look at this page:
Veine K Vikberg
Professional Web Guru