Good Day, List,

In my effort to further comply with guidelines, I have inserted a noscript element in 
the page:

Default styles are here (I've got it right, this time):

Page specific styles are here:

Everything is validated.

Rendering is as one would expect (scripting on/off) in Op7.23, NS7.1 & FF0.8 (Win XP & 
98SE), but to
no surprise, IE Win XP & 98 (5.01/5.5/6.0 SP1) is breaking.

It is most evident when the page is re-sized or scrolled. A giant gap is appearing 
through which can
be seen the background pattern of the wrapper.

Furthermore, it is even more evident when all font colors, styles and sizes are 
ignored (internet

The <.h2> element is being forced below the line of the last button on the nav menu 
(in line with).
To witness this effect further, (in ignore mode) hover on the menu item "Character 
Education." The
added left-margin (used for effect) causes to the text to overflow its container and 
wrap to the
next line. This in turn pushes everything on the right, below and including the <.h2>, 

That's with scripting turned on. Now when one turns scripting off, the entire contact 
box drops below the nav line at certain widths, and returns to its correct postion at 
others. Rather
disconcerting, to be sure.

I've tried clearing the float on the nav, to no avail. There are a couple of <.br 
class="clear />
(in default.css) in the content area, as well. The one immediately preceeding the 
<.h2> element is
effective in eliminating the "venetian blind effect" that was occuring when the page 
is scrolled up
and down. (The <.h2> and its borders will come and go while scrolling).

To further complicate this problem, the <.h1> element pops in and out without apparent 
reason when
the page is refreshed at certain widths.

I can live with the gap below the contact information box, but the disappearing act 
above and below
it is rather unnerving.

May I request the assistance of the list with this problem, please? No doubt, the cure 
is right
under my nose, but it's just not readily apparent through the fog of my own 

Thank you in advance,


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