Dear group,

Thanks for the recent use of the HR debate, I am a converted to not using them, just because Explorer does not displaying the <hr> background images, I put all hr's into a div now, it seems to work in Explorer et al?

I currently have for all my other pages Top Header page graphic links (warning! some large animated gifs) embedded in the html of each page. I am testing a new page with the animated gifs coming only from the the CSS background image declaration.

Is the spacing and formatting OK in Explorer?
Would I be better off for SEO purposes or accessibility ones keeping static links to the animated gif files on each page? Is there a downside with using CSS images eg. there are no alt or longdesc tags from stylesheet images? On hover is already used to change some images, is it worth the wait with large gifs? I would prefer that the linked background image is clickable to a web URL like a copyright page!
Legally I should have a link to the copyright page!


I want to change all the images with stylesheet changes? (still working on the gifs)

I feel uneasy about this, not having some html content on each page not for the graphics, but extras for anyone who cannot see the gifs, like an alt tag for the CSS, I fear that the page accessibility and page indexing by bots could be affected by CSS only images, even though that is what the CSS should be good at, without some page html, it seems all dressed up with no "alt" place to go?


The Editor
Heretic Press

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