El jue, 19-02-2004 a las 03:56, Tim Lucas escribió:
>the source document.
> People that claim that image replacement is more accessible than img 
> tags are simply wrong. They are just as wrong as those who claim their 
> website is more accessible because they include a <div style="display: 
> none;"><a href="#nav">Skip to navigation</a></div> in the top of their 
> document as most user agents ignore display:none [1].

Regarding this subject, i'd like to point people to these resources on
providing accesible 'skip nav' links while avoiding display:none



Manuel González Noriega
Simplelógica, construcción web  
    URL: http://simplelogica.net
    TELEFONO: (+34) 985 22 12 65
Logicola es el weblog de Simplelógica http://simplelogica.net/logicola/
</p>That's right. We said Frontpage.</p>

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