Re: [WSG] Links for light reading...

2004-03-10 Thread Gavin Thomas
With regard to the rounded corners not working in IE

ONe that does work in IE is the alistapart version


Gavin Thomas
University of the West of England
Academic Technologies Group [ATG]
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russ weakley wrote:
 The Web Standards Awards - run by Johan Edlund, Andy Budd, Cameron Adams has
 announced their first site of the month.
 Also worth browsing their previous weekly Web Standards Awards winners:
 Rounded corners in CSS
 This technique doesn¹t work MSIE, but should in Opera and Mozilla. Also
 sucks on some version of Safari. Very interesting, but makes you wonder how
 practical it is in our current browser climate.
 D. Keith Robinson has interesting comments at his post on web standards
 I¹ve come along way, but it¹s not always been easy... I¹m still in a
 transitional phase when it comes to Web standards support
 Dan Cederholm has launched a Web Standards book based on the thought
 provoking Simple Quiz series - should be a great read.
 Markup and Style Handbook
 Eric Meyer (the CSS guru) has also announced a new book
 Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition:
 37signals have launched a new book - Defensive Design for the Web: How To
 Improve Error Messages, Help, Forms, and Other Crisis Points
 Two quick links to nice web standards based sites (purely subjective):
 And finally... Some appallingly bad web standards jokes:
 Reminds me of the old CSS joke... What does a CSS Guru have in his house?
 Lots of chairs but no tables... Sorry  :(
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RE: [WSG] Links for light reading...

2004-03-10 Thread Peter Firminger
Also of some interest, maybe a bit old... Aug 7 2003

Paul Ford from on web standards. Nice to hear NPR on a topic
close to my heart. I'm available for an interview too! (my public
broadcasting (ABC) background showing through now).


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