Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X 2.0.1 QSO ADIF transmission on the UDP port. Defect or Design?

2019-03-27 Thread Karza

Hi Ed,

On 03/27/2019 05:12 AM, Ed Stokes wrote:

// kGroupAddress =
// kOutPort = 61880

This is your problem. The port number is not fixed but will
change every time WSJT-X is started.

What am i missing here?

You need to get the reply port from a datagram sent by WSJT-X.

de Kari oh2gqc

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Possible problème WSJTX 2.01 and XFCE

2019-02-27 Thread Karza

Hi Olivier,

On 02/27/2019 05:40 PM, Olivier SCHMITT wrote:

Hi every one,

When i run wsjtx 2.01 on ubuntu with xfce, it take very long time to 
lunch and i have this king of messages:

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:990:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports 
only playback stream

Has anyone ever experienced such problems?

Yes, this happens in my XUbuntu system also
if I start the program from commad line.

However, I simply ignore those messages.

After WSJT-X loads everything works just fine
so IMHO this is not a serious problem.

Kari oh2gqc

wsjt-devel mailing list

[wsjt-devel] WSJT-X 2.0.1 display problem

2019-02-26 Thread Karza

Hello developers,

I found a problem with the "Start new period decodes from top" feature:

After some time ( a couple of hours or so ) new decodes are not
shown in the "Band Activity" pane any more.

WSJT-X still decodes OK, and new decodes are recorded to ALL.TXT.
( Actually, new decodes are also written to Band Activity but they
can only be seen by scrolling the pane upwards. )

Erasing Band Activity restores normal operation again ( for some time ).

Running WSJT-X 2.0.1 ( complided from sources ) on XUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS

73 de Kari ohgqc

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] RTTX RU 80 m contest avtivity frequency in Europe

2019-01-05 Thread Karza

On 01/06/2019 12:00 AM, Andras Bato wrote:

For the God's sake, where are RTTY RU FT( contest avtivity is going on?
gl de ha6nn

Hi Andras,

3590 kHz and up.


wsjt-devel mailing list

[wsjt-devel] RC5 JT65 mode: Numeric characters not written to ALL.TXT

2018-12-01 Thread Karza

Hello devolpers,

I know that JT65 issues are not high on your list, but when you have 
time please have a look into this:

When using JT65, numeric characers ( 0 - 9 ) are missing from message 
texts in ALL.TXT.

For example, these messages...

..are written to ALL.TXT like this:

2018-12-01 16:15  7.076 MHz  JT65
1615  -2  0.1 1719 #  CQ G4YKQ IO
1616  -7  0.2 2325 #  UA3SFF IU6HWW RR
1617 -20  2.8 1109 #  CQ DL5GBP JN
1617 -22  0.4 1283 #  UA1WFH IK8SVQ R-
1619 -16  2.8 1108 #  CQ DL5GBP JN
1619 -20  0.4 1282 #  UA1WFH IK8SVQ
1619 -23  0.2 1514 #  CQ ER1PB KN

Using WSJT-X v2.0.0-rc5 under Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

( I'm sorry if this has been reported before, I tried to search the list 
but did not found this issue reported )

73 de Kari oh2gqc

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Python, help: send to UDP

2018-06-29 Thread Karza


You cannot simply send out a string like that.
You need to format the reply message properly.
See file NetworkMessage.hpp ( and the reply I sent
you off list a while ago .. )


On 06/29/2018 11:33 PM, Lorenzo IZ0KBA via wsjt-devel wrote:

I use WSJTXClass,  by Randy K9VD in Python3.

I need to use PACKET TYPE 4 for reply to q OM CQing.

Try to send this string:

sock.sendto(WSJTXClass.WSJTX_Reply('IZ0ABC IZ0KBA -10',(UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

But give me error.
From the documentation I don't understend how I shoud be write in this


Can someone help me?

73 de IZ0KBA

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Re: [wsjt-devel] UDP command input

2018-06-29 Thread Karza

Hi Lorenzo,

Please have a look at this:

There you find some nice Python modules that should
get you started.

73's de Kari, oh2gqc

On 06/29/2018 03:04 PM, Lorenzo IZ0KBA via wsjt-devel wrote:

Hello Bill.
I read the documentation and the (type 4) is perfect to my idea.

I use python3, some one can help me?


On 29/06/2018 11:46, Lorenzo IZ0KBA via wsjt-devel wrote:

I'm Lorenzo IZ0KBA.

Can WSJT-x accept command input by UDP?

I need to write the callsing in the DX CALL textbox. It's possible this?


Hi Lorenzo,

the UDP message protocol used by WSJT-X is documented here:

the interaction you are requesting is not allowed because it can be
used to automate QSOs which is something WSJT-X is not designed to do.

What you can do is initiate a QSO by replying to a CQ decode, or you
can set up WSJT-X ready to make a QSO by using the same Reply (type 4)
message to a non CQ or QRZ decoded message. The start of a QSO set up
the latter way must be done by the operator using the WSJT-X UI
controls, any attempt to automate this using another application or
tool will be seen as a misuse of WSJT-X and the UDP message facility
will probably be severely restricted or even removed if evidence of
that is discovered.



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Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc3 non-cq

2018-03-19 Thread Karza

Hi Joe, Saku & all

I have the same issue as Saku, double-clicking
on non-CQ line immediately starts TXing.

So if I see something like

and double click on that line, the program immediately
( not at start of next period )
goes to TX with message "CALL2 OH2GQC KP20"

Is this the expected bahvior?

I am running WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc3 on
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Cat is via Hamlib NET rigctl.

Kari oh2gqc

On 03/19/2018 06:49 PM, Joe Taylor wrote:

Hi Saku,

I cannot reproduce the behavior you describe.  The "double click of
non-CQ decode" feature seems to work as expected, here.

Please provide a step-by-step recipe that will reproduce your perceived

-- 73, Joe, K1JT

On 3/19/2018 12:36 PM, Saku wrote:

Just installed rc3.

Found out that double click of non-cq decode on band activity sets
general messages ready, but also makes TX enable RED.
How ever TX is never fired.

I cannot reproduce the behavior you describe.  The "double click on
non-CQ decode" feature seems to work as expected, here.

Please provide a step-by-step recipe that will reproduce your perceived
-- 73, Joe, K1JT


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Re: [wsjt-devel] DXpeditions - FT8, Split or not to split

2017-08-20 Thread Karza


On 08/20/2017 02:20 AM, Joe Taylor wrote:

Ned, AA7A, made a seemingly good point about needing handy use of
function keys for controlling progress of a QSO.  DXped ops "never use a
mouse", etc., etc.  With a multi-decoding system like FT8 likely
producing decodes from 30 or more eager callers, how are we to choose
one of them with function keys?

I guess the UTC time in Band Activity pane does not provide
much useful information for DX operator working a pile-up.

How about replacing the UTC time with a sequence
number? That is, each line of stations calling the DX would
be prefixed with a number from 1 to n on each decode.

DX operator could then hit some function key and type in
the prefix numbef of the station to answer to.

The selection between UTC or prefix  display could be
an configuration option.

73's de
Kari, oh2gqc

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Re: [wsjt-devel] FT8 Issue

2017-07-09 Thread Karza

On 07/09/2017 07:54 PM, Richard Lamont wrote:

On 09/07/17 17:34, Jordan Sherer wrote:

Are there any technical limitations for extending the T/R interval by a few 

Yes. FT8 was designed to work via very short multi-hop sporadic-E
openings. Slowing it down would compromise that.

How about a new submode for HF work then with - say - 20 second period?

It does test the operator's alertness, but it doesn't matter if it takes
a couple of T/R cycles to start the QSO. This seems to be normal for
both those calling CQ and those responding until the auto-seq kicks in.
It takes a bit of getting used to.

I believe that FT8 will become very popular once it gets
released for general use.

This means that when the bands are open there will
be a lot of messages scrolling down the Band Activity window
making it hard to locate and double-click on the right line.

A bit more thinking time would help with this.

73s de Kari, oh2gqc

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Colors - FT8

2017-07-02 Thread Karza

On 07/02/2017 06:14 PM, James Shaver (N2ADV) wrote:

Running r7775 (Win 7) I've noticed and others have brought to my attention that 
the colors for new DXCC and new call aren't showing up in the RX window.  CQ in 
Message and My Call in message are working.


Jim S.

The 'worked before' feature is also not working with FT8.

I think this could be fixed by adding test for
FT8 on line 105 of "logbook/adif.cpp"

73's de Kari

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