On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 18:26 +0200, Heinz-M. Graesing wrote:
> Hello Cougarmaster,
> Am 06.06.2010 18:51, schrieb cougarmaster:
> > Hi all,
> >    Anyway my main question would be will video playback be looked into? 
> > Since
> > with ubuntu 10.04 out and most of the things I have tried seems to have 
> > enhanced
> > the speed of ssh and stability. Though most people don't need it now it is a
> > great feature to have since video calls are getting popular it would really
> > enhance x2go usage further.
> We do have a request for "intelligent media transportation" development.
> We do have an exact plan to integrate this, but what I don't know is, if
> the customer will pay for it. A further question is, wether the result
> can be released as part of x2go, because the code will go to the owner.
> Maybe there will be a possibility to develop this part as a sponsored
> feature too.
> But first we'll have to finish our work on the new release. As Linuxtag
> is approaching fast, we needed to spend time on our booth and the things
> we'll show. We'll be able to show every feature of the new release (even
> the plasmoid), but we'll not be able to do the packaging in the last day
> before Linuxtag - sorry. But after Linuxtag has ended this will be the
> next task after making the new release accessible via git.
> The next feature after the new release is published will be as described
> before the USB portable Windows Client.
> After that we'll discuss the "intelligent media transportation". Our
> Plan is to have XV Channel which will transport the Output to the Client
> where it should be rendered. This can be used by every media player
> which can use the XV extension.
> I've almost finished the work on the wiki so with the new release we'll
> make some changes to the website. I've choosen "dokuwiki" as it is just
> doing what it should do.
> see you on Linuxtag,
We don't have a lot to contribute financially but we can probably
contribute something to this effort if it will help make it generally
available. I don't know if others are in a position to add the the kitty
- John

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