Re: [X2Go-Dev] Segfault issue with x2goserver.

2012-06-06 Thread Nable 80
At first, thank you for extremely quick answer.

If this issue is known, then it may be good to add 'Conflicts:
libcairo (= 1.12)' to debian/control file of main version of
x2goagent. It could save some hair of new users from becoming gray.

I've tried both of your pieces of advice.
On 32bit server i've downgraded libcairo to 1.8 (it would be better to
have 1.10 but it's available in repo no more) and also had to
downgrade everything that depends on it.
After that both nxserver and x2goserver work good. If i have time i'll
also try newer nxserver (i really enjoy their lightweight Win32
client), although i've heard that freenx lacks support and tends to
become abandoned.

On 64bit server i've updated x2go server apps to wheezy/heuler
versions and it also works now. lxterminal and chromium seems to be
slow (although, chromium via `ssh -X' never worked fast; lxterminal
scrolls slowly but it's not dramatically slow) and icedove doesn't
seem to be slow at all.

Although, issue about problems with resuming is actual: both
lxterminal and icedove lose all text labels and cannot show any text
(see attached screenshot of menu ) until i close them and open again
(minimize + restore or resize doesn't help).

One more thing, about exporting client dirs to x2go session: it works
only when i set (in x2goclient session settings) local encoding to
windows-1251, but my OS and FS supports and uses unicode, does anybody
work on fixing such support in x2goclient?
Also even when I set local encoding to cp1251, on server side I see
that dots from the beginning of filenames (yes, I have folders with
names like .ssh, files .bashrc, etc) are stripped. That doesn't seem
to be correct behavior.

Thanks again for your answer, also I hope that I can help in improving
x2go project too.
attachment: 123.PNG___
X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] occurrence of sluggishness in X2Go

2012-06-06 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 08:32 +0200, Mike Gabriel wrote:
 just for the record and to let people know about current work focus...
 People (esp. John) have reported occurrences of a very sluggish  
 behaviour of various applications when run in X2Go sessions.
 We developers can now confirm this. Ubuntu users reported this  
 earlier, Debian user can now also experience such a sluggishness.
 Reproduce on Debian:
* add squeeze-backports archive to your system
* install iceweasel (esr version)
 This will drag in a libcairo from squeeze backports that is very  
 probably the cause for making some applications very slow within X2Go  
 Libcairo is used in all GTK applications and is a layer between GTK  
 and the rendering backend (X11, OpenGL, ...). With some recent version  
 of libcairo the sluggishness got introduced...
 @John: so it is not Nagle, I guess...
 Compare: launch gnome-terminal (uses libcairo) on such a system and  
 xterm (uses direct X11 rendering). Now create some output on standard  
 out and then scroll back the shell history...
 Alex has become aware of this on Linux Day Berlin and he has put it on  
 his list with high priority to find a solution/workaround for that.
Hmm . . . as I think about it, although I eagerly await this fix, I
believe we are looking at two separate issues.  We are still running
3.0.1 series on our production servers and clients because of this issue
(and some others).  However, I personally run the latest client from
heuler.  I have the problem on both the latest x2goserver and the old
3.0.1-5 x2goserver.  It appears to be a client and not a server issue
and appeared with the move to libssh.

The delay is not inconsequential.  We are not talking about a sese of
sluggishness with a 250ms delay.  We are talking about a 2 to 5 full
second delay for the final keystrokes or screens to appear.  Everything
else until the final bit is lightning fast even on WAN links - John

X2Go-Dev mailing list

Re: [X2Go-Dev] occurrence of sluggishness in X2Go

2012-06-06 Thread Stefan Baur

Am 06.06.2012 16:10, schrieb John A. Sullivan III:

It appears to be a client and not a server issue
and appeared with the move to libssh.

I guess the topic could be summed up like this:

Who is willing and able to grab the libssh source and a packet sniffer 
for some serious bug-hunting?

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