Re: [Xastir] XASTIR and openSUSE 11

2008-06-21 Thread Steve Friis

Lee Bengston wrote:


Well, compiling looked good with OpenSUSE 11, but I have what appears
to be the same unreadable menu issue that has been reported
previously.  This is not the slider menu problem with the newer
version of openMotif.  Virtually all text is not readable as shown by
the screen shot at



Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
Xastir mailing list


Could this be a font problem? Maybe a missing font? and Linux is trying 
to make a SWAG on what to print? and not doing so good I would check 
// and compare with the fonts you have 

Steve Friis
Amateur Radio Call:WM5Z
Grid Locator:DM62oh

No-one can change the past, but we all influence the future.
The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] XASTIR and openSUSE 11

2008-06-21 Thread Lee Bengston

Well, compiling looked good with OpenSUSE 11, but I have what appears
to be the same unreadable menu issue that has been reported
previously.  This is not the slider menu problem with the newer
version of openMotif.  Virtually all text is not readable as shown by
the screen shot at

I used openMotif version 2.24 (same that worked with OpenSUSE 10.2)

The configure text is at
if anyone wants to take a look.

This isn't urgent - just playin' around with the new SUSE distro.  I
couldn't find a solution looking through my saved mail.  Also, I am
not seeing anything unusual in the terminal.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> xastir &
[1] 3438

Built-in map types:
  gnis   USGS GNIS Datapoints
   map   APRSdos Maps
   map   WinAPRS/MacAPRS/X-APRS Maps
   pdb   PocketAPRS Maps

Support for these additional map types has been compiled in:
   geo   Image Map (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library, many
formats allowed)
   geo   URL (Internet maps via wget)
   shp   ESRI Shapefile Maps (Shapelib library)
   tif   USGS DRG Geotiff Topographic Maps (libgeotiff/libproj)
   xpm   X Pixmap Maps (XPM library)
festival_client: connect to server failed
SayText: Couldn't open socket to Festival
Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
Warning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default
Indexing maps...
Finished indexing maps
*** Reading WX Alert log files
*** Done with WX Alert log files
convert_from_xastir_coordinates:X out-of-range (too low):4279973625


Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Wx Alerts

2008-06-21 Thread Richard Polivka, N6NKO
I haven't run wxalert -> RF in some time. There were several people 
complaining about the traffic on THEIR QUIET channel, plus there were 
several relays not configured properly in the area and even with one hop 
request sent out, the messages were bounced all over the place many times.

Just try and gate all messages from one WX stn and monitor from there.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO

Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Tom Russo wrote:


Bleah.  That seems like a bad idea to me, given that other log files are
meant to be just that.

It was the first step in making it possible to have Xastir shut down
or crash and being able to start it up with the same info on the
screen.  Sorry you don't like it.


Actually, another possibility is that since the actual value of "relatively
current" is "15 days" as hard-coded in util.c's 
"load_wx_alerts_from_log_working_sub", that these ancient alerts are still 
just considered relative current.

It's because there's a 1 to 31 day entry in the weather alerts, so
we split the difference and go 15 back only, if possible.  There may
be holes in the logic as you pointed out, like if weather alerts
aren't coming in regularly, there may be both old and new alerts in
the same log file.  It should skip any log files that have an old


I've noticed some odd changes in wx alert behavior lately --- most notably,
while I *AM* configured to gate WX alerts from net to RF (because our local
Igate went down and there is now nobody else doing so in this region), Xastir 
NEVER gates them anymore, and it used to.

I don't igate, so haven't noticed that.  It's possible I or someone
else broke that quite a while back.  I don't think that part of the
code has been worked on in some months, but the Changelog should


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