Re: [Xastir] XASTIR on iPhone / iPod touch

2008-03-07 Thread Mark White

Jason KG4WSV wrote:

Absolutely not, and as I have a degree in Computer Science it would
make me a bit of a communist (and idiot) to think or say otherwise.

But isn't the GPL all about communism?  (Sorry, couldn't resist :)  I 
once had a debate with Steve Dimse ( via the aprssig list 
about GPL, free software, and the like.  He has a problem with Stallman 
and the GPL in general.  Oh well, to each his own I suppose.

73 de KE4QKT

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Re: [aprssig] XASTIR and black maps

2007-08-22 Thread Mark White


I've had that happen a couple of times.  It's usually the result of 
Z-ordering, i.e. the map layer setting in the map chooser.  Or have 
you recently used 'dbfawk' to customize your maps?  I would start with a 
simple shapefile map and see if it displays correctly.  Keep the 
ordering at the same level for all maps to start with...I think '1000' 
is the default level.  It's the 'Properties' button in the map chooser.  
Once you get that map to display correctly, then start adding additional 
maps and adjusting the layering as necessary. 

73 de KE4QKT

Andrew Rich wrote:

Sorry to post here, the XASTIR list is dead at the moment.
I have black maps in XASTIR
SUSE 10.2 - Graphics Magic
I have set the color depth to 16 like th FAQ says - no joy
Ideas ?

Andrew Rich VK4TEC

aprssig mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Okay you GURU'S

2007-08-04 Thread Mark White

Hi Vic

Well, the gurus (Curt et al.) may shun me but having used Xastir for 
several years now, both on Linux and Cygwin, I have never had any luck 
in getting GraphicsMagick or the recommended OpenMotif to work (compile 
issues and I'm too lazy to figure it out).  So you're doing better than 
me.  Of course this is all a mute point since Xastir 2.0 is coming down 
the pike shortlyisn't it?   OK, maybe not.. ;-)

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Okay you GURU'S

2007-08-04 Thread Mark White

Hi Vic

Well, the gurus (Curt et al.) may shun me but having used Xastir for 
several years now, both on Linux and Cygwin, I have never had any luck 
in getting GraphicsMagick or the recommended OpenMotif to work (compile 
issues and I'm too lazy to figure it out).  So you're doing better than 
me.  Of course this is all a mute point since Xastir 2.0 is coming down 
the pike shortlyisn't it?   OK, maybe not.. ;-)

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] What's the state of Cygwin these days?

2006-09-27 Thread Mark White

Tom Russo wrote:

After doing a little of the STFW thing, I refamiliarized myself with what
the issue was --- the problem is that dropped support for Display 
PostScript, and ImageMagick was built to use it.  The result is that 
the ImageMagick package in cygwin is currently busted, unless you find

three old DLLs that it requires.  As far as I can tell, the ImageMagick
package has not yet been rebuilt, as the maintainer of that package has
announced he no longer has time to maintain it.  The most recent message I've
seen about the matter was from the end of August, and it does not appear that
any new maintainer has stepped up to the plate.

So since you say you built xastir, I'm guessing you did not include
ImageMagick support.  Is that right?  If you *did* build it with ImageMagick,
does ImageMagick actually work? (i.e. can you use web-based maps?)

From the sound of it so far, there are two choices: 1) build ImageMagick
from source on cygwin with the --with-dps=no (or some such option) or
(b) find and install the three old DLLs that will temporarily continue to let
ImageMagick think it has access to display postscript, or (5), just continue
to not upgrade cygwin.  I think I'll take that third one for a while longer.

Oh yeah, you're right.  It didn't work with the Cygwin version 
ImageMagick.  Forgot about that - 6 weeks is a long time ;)  I 
downloaded the source to that as well as the source to gdal and 
shapelib.  I use the online tigermap and radar all the time - don't 
those maps require ImageMagick?

73 de ke4qkt

Xastir mailing list