Re: [Xastir] Have created addtional .xbm's

2007-08-05 Thread Richard Polivka, N6NKO


As soon as I hear from Curt about the mods, I will send them to him for 
his blessing. Right now, SVR TSTRM works. HEAT is not displaying for 
some reason so I have been capturing wx logfile tonight. I included HEAT 
because of excessive heat issues and then conversely, the wind-chill 
warnings as well. I am not sure how WXSVR deals with windchill so that 
will have to wait until later this year or if someone else will cough up 
the info.

Right now, Chicago is really getting "twisted"

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO

Tate Belden wrote:

Being in Thunderstorm Central - THANKS!!

Look'n forward to it


Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:


I have created additional .xbm's for WX warnings. I have three - heat 
(HEAT), svr_tstrm (SVRTSM) , and wind_chill (?). Heat would be red, 
svr_tstrm in red and I would put wind_chill in red.

I can send them to you under separate cover. I will try and generate 
the appropriate code in map_shp.c and go from there.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO
Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Have created addtional .xbm's

2007-08-05 Thread Tate Belden

Being in Thunderstorm Central - THANKS!!

Look'n forward to it


Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:


I have created additional .xbm's for WX warnings. I have three - heat 
(HEAT), svr_tstrm (SVRTSM) , and wind_chill (?). Heat would be red, 
svr_tstrm in red and I would put wind_chill in red.

I can send them to you under separate cover. I will try and generate the 
appropriate code in map_shp.c and go from there.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO
Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

svr_tsm works....Re: [Xastir] Have created addtional .xbm's

2007-08-05 Thread Richard Polivka, N6NKO
Have SVRTSM working. HEAT does not display even though I have inserted 
the same code into map_shp.c as SVRTSM.

What am I missing?

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO

Richard Polivka, N6NKO wrote:


I have created additional .xbm's for WX warnings. I have three - heat 
(HEAT), svr_tstrm (SVRTSM) , and wind_chill (?). Heat would be red, 
svr_tstrm in red and I would put wind_chill in red.

I can send them to you under separate cover. I will try and generate 
the appropriate code in map_shp.c and go from there.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO
Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Have created addtional .xbm's

2007-08-05 Thread Richard Polivka, N6NKO


I have created additional .xbm's for WX warnings. I have three - heat 
(HEAT), svr_tstrm (SVRTSM) , and wind_chill (?). Heat would be red, 
svr_tstrm in red and I would put wind_chill in red.

I can send them to you under separate cover. I will try and generate the 
appropriate code in map_shp.c and go from there.

73 from 807,

Richard, N6NKO
Xastir mailing list