Re: [Xastir] OpenSUSE-10.3: Latest GraphicsMagick is broken
Curt, Check Freshmeat. There is another package out there that is competing with the Image/GraphicsMagick game. It is called "ExactImage". You may want to look into it in your spare time ;-) 73 from 807, Richard, N6NKO Curt, WE7U wrote: I've been using GM in OpenSuSE-10.3, but the latest online update I got from OpenSuSE broke things. I went back to using ImageMagick. The symptom: Black images for any map in Xastir which uses the GraphicsMagick library for display. The cause: Compiling GM with the default QuantumDepth of 8 instead of 16. If anyone wants to ask SuSE nicely to fix it, ask them to add "--with-quantum-depth=16" to the ./configure line in their GraphicsMagick RPM build scripts and then re-release these RPM's: libGraphicsMagick1-1.1.8-20.2 GraphicsMagick-1.1.8-20.2 GraphicsMagick-devel-1.1.8-20.2 libGraphicsMagick++-devel-1.1.8-20.2 libGraphicsMagick++1-1.1.8-20.2 ___ Xastir mailing list
[Xastir] OpenSUSE-10.3: Latest GraphicsMagick is broken
I've been using GM in OpenSuSE-10.3, but the latest online update I got from OpenSuSE broke things. I went back to using ImageMagick. The symptom: Black images for any map in Xastir which uses the GraphicsMagick library for display. The cause: Compiling GM with the default QuantumDepth of 8 instead of 16. If anyone wants to ask SuSE nicely to fix it, ask them to add "--with-quantum-depth=16" to the ./configure line in their GraphicsMagick RPM build scripts and then re-release these RPM's: libGraphicsMagick1-1.1.8-20.2 GraphicsMagick-1.1.8-20.2 GraphicsMagick-devel-1.1.8-20.2 libGraphicsMagick++-devel-1.1.8-20.2 libGraphicsMagick++1-1.1.8-20.2 -- Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com Lotto: A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown Windows: Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U. The world DOES revolve around me: I picked the coordinate system!" ___ Xastir mailing list