Re: [Xastir] Xastir on VMWare Segfault

2006-12-26 Thread Curt Mills
On Tue, 26 Dec 2006, James Ewen wrote:

> Xastir never fails to challenge me!

So I'm sitting here trying to figure out whether that's derogatory
or a compliment...  That makes it a very good comment in any case!

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir on VMWare Segfault

2006-12-26 Thread James Ewen

I've got a theory.  I ran the VM this weekend for several days.  It never
crashed or bogged down as you describe, but when I used a bunch of shapefile
maps it did use a bit more memory than I thought it would have needed.  I
betcha dollars to donuts what you're seeing is that xastir is starting to take
up more RAM than has been allocated and eventually the VM starts thrashing.

I started the VMWare appliance again... With no dbfawk file, I was
able to zoom around pretty decently. No serious lags in rendering. The
full province took about 10 seconds to render. Xastir sits at about 7%
memory usage. There was about 8K of memory available. I zoomed close
in (4 second render), and then renamed the dbfawk file back so it
matched the file names. Another zoom in, and it took 45 seconds to
display. Xastir moved up to about 9% memory usage, and memory
available moved down to about 3K.

Used swap space never changes...

I think there's a problem with the dbfawk file though. I'm following
the original instructions you gave me just over 2 years ago. This
should have almost everything rendering in red and 4 pixels wide.
Nothing ends up that way, but the names all appear as None, which
means that it is working somewhat.

With the huge rendering lag, I haven't been looking at the dbfawk file though.

Xastir never fails to challenge me!

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir on VMWare Segfault

2006-12-26 Thread Tom Russo
On Tue, Dec 26, 2006 at 11:51:47AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> I had Xastir running from a terminal window, and found out that it seg
> faulted. I can't find a core dump though.
> I also seem to be having problems with the shapefiles. It seemed to
> work pretty fast when I first started playing with them. Now it can
> take up to 2 or 3 minutes to render an image. I thought it was because
> I had created a dbfawk file, and it was taking a while to parse out
> the file, but I removed the dbfawk file, and still get massive delays
> when trying to use shapefiles.

I've got a theory.  I ran the VM this weekend for several days.  It never
crashed or bogged down as you describe, but when I used a bunch of shapefile 
maps it did use a bit more memory than I thought it would have needed.  I 
betcha dollars to donuts what you're seeing is that xastir is starting to take 
up more RAM than has been allocated and eventually the VM starts thrashing.  

You can see if that's the case by running "top" in another terminal 
window and watching the available memory and swap usage (up near the top of
the display).  If you start to see the swap usage go up as you use xastir, 
then yes, xastir is starting to take up more RAM than was reserved to it, and 
is trying to use swap.  If it tries to use swap a lot, then it will slow down 
dramatically.  If it tries to use so much RAM that it tries to use more swap 
than is available, it will crash unceremoniously.  I'm keen to know if that's
what's going on.

If it is, and if you have enough RAM on your computer, you could try bumping 
up the allocation to the virtual machine.  Out-of-the-box the VM is allocated 
only 256MB, and in the instance I had running for a few days I found that it 
liked to use almost all of that, sometimes coming within 2 or 3 MB of the 
available RAM.  This was with a fair number of shapefiles in use, while 
zooming and panning a little.  If I'd added a few more shapefiles that needed 
rtrees, especially large maps that had lots of shapes in them, I can imagine 
that it would start to have trouble finding room for them.  If you're running 
with shapefiles that cover very large areas, and viewing them in screens that 
only cover a small part of those areas, it's possible that your usage is 
causing some hefty memory usage due to all the rtrees.  Bumping up to 300 or 
512MB (if you can spare it on your computer) would probably help, and more
is better.  Stay within the range recommended by vmware and guide your choice
by watching the windows task manager performance meter, though, because if 
you make the VM too big then windows could start having trouble finding space 
for its own bloat, and then *it* would start to thrash to swap.

I saw no obvious signs that there was a memory leak that would cause rtree
to consume memory without bounds --- if I left xastir alone for a few hours
then memory consumption went down so there were a few dozen MB of free space.
But I can't positively rule out that possibility at this point, but am 
reasonably convinced there's none by pointing to a few years of using the 
feature without seeing RAM-related crashes or unbounded growth).

Rtree enhances shapefile speed by caching some information about shapefiles, 
trading RAM for speed.  If you have lots of shapefiles and are doing lots of 
zooming and panning you could cause a fair amount of memory bloat.  There is
some attempt to throw away rtrees that aren't being used, but that only helps
so much. 

  (Details: an rtree spatial index is built for each shapefile the
   first time it's rendered in such a way that it is not wholly contained in
   the current screen view.  The rtree stores information about the bounding
   box of each shape in the shapefile, and allows fast lookups to answer the
   question "which shapes intersect the screen?"  Without rtree, that was
   answered by reading each shape sequentially from the file and checking
   every time the screen is redrawn.  An existing spatial index is used 
   whenever the associated shapefile is again rendered into a window that 
   doesn't wholly contain it, but the spatial index is NOT accessed if the 
   entire shapefile is contained in the window.  Any rtree spatial index that 
   hasn't been accessed in an hour is discarded and its memory freed.  The 
   idea is not to bother keeping around indices that aren't being used often,
   and only use them when they help (i.e. when the answer to the question
   "which shapes intersect the screen?" is not "all of them".  Even with this
   attempt at minimizing memory footprint, rtrees can wind up taking up a 
   fair amount of RAM.)

One of the decisions I had to make when generating the virtual machine was
to pick something that would be small enough to get running quickly and would
cater to the lowest common denominator machine.  If you have enough RAM, you 
should definitely allocate more to the virtual m

[Xastir] Xastir on VMWare Segfault

2006-12-26 Thread James Ewen

I had Xastir running from a terminal window, and found out that it seg
faulted. I can't find a core dump though.

I also seem to be having problems with the shapefiles. It seemed to
work pretty fast when I first started playing with them. Now it can
take up to 2 or 3 minutes to render an image. I thought it was because
I had created a dbfawk file, and it was taking a while to parse out
the file, but I removed the dbfawk file, and still get massive delays
when trying to use shapefiles.

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