Hi Kibje,
Thanks a lot for the push. It's a pitty there cannot be new
submissions to Eden anymore, as there's still a huge park of Eden
installations running around over Linux platforms where the XBMC
release comes frozen within the OS package repositories (in my case,
4 of the 5 systems I currently have running with XBMC use the Eden
release as it's native OS package, and I'm talking of recent Linux
distros, as Fedora 17, or Ubuntu 12.04 LTS). That includes some Mac
distros as well (at least for the Snow Leopard).
I realize that with the new mobile platforms (Android and IOS), as
well as the Raspberry Pi and other embedded systems, they usually
run the most recent XBMC release, but (maybe I might be wrong) I
could bet a beer there's still a lot of Eden systems running around
over those no so outdated systems, just to consider to keep the Eden
submissions available until the new Gotham official release appears.
That would benefit to the most amount of users possible.
This is just my humble opinion (nothing to complain about that
policy ;-))
Best regards,
Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [Xbmc-addons] [Git Pull] plugin.video.greenpeace
v1.0.3 (Eden) and v1.1.3 (Frodo) - New
From: Kibje
To: José Antonio Montes
CC: xbmc-addons
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 08:50:02 +0200
* addon - plugin.video.greenpeace
* version - 1.0.3
* url - git://github.com/jamontes/plugin.video.greenpeace.git
* revision - f4fd6bcbb7dbf5b08e55f476d5c830120db6b627
* branch - eden
* xbmc version - eden
* addon - plugin.video.greenpeace
* version - 1.1.3
* url - git://github.com/jamontes/plugin.video.greenpeace.git
* revision - e9e70e5cd8d1d679ba3fb0d381f724283c4c99ca
* branch - frodo
* xbmc version - frodo
Hi, Pushed to Frodo repository, cheers.
We are not taking new addon submissions for
the Eden repository anymore, just fixes at this point - so
I am unable to push that as well.
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