Re: RFD: Using "Type=MetaApplication" for package managers and application stores

2011-08-07 Thread Adrien Bustany
Le Sat, 6 Aug 2011 19:45:45 -0400,
Jacob Edwards  a écrit :

> Hello everyone.
> Over the past few years Ubuntu has been using desktop entries to fetch
> applications from its repositories and display them in the software
> center. All packages with a desktop file are considered applications;
> they appear with their entries' Name, Icon, and Comment in the
> software center, while other packages are hidden as "technical items".
> It turns out this approach is problematic.
>  * Some applications have extra desktop launchers. Wesnoth, for
> instance, comes with a map editor. From the perspective of an app
> store, however, 'wesnoth.desktop' and 'wesnoth-1.8_editor.desktop'
> are just one app.
>  * Some applications have no primary launcher. Wine, for instance,
> comes with a notepad, a configuration launcher, a registry editor, a
> program uninstaller, a help app, and a drive browser. None of these
> embody "Wine" as one thing a user is interested in installing.
>  * Finally, at a package level, it is often advantageous to package
>desktop launchers separately from the main package. So an app store
>ends up installing a 'app-common' package instead of the entire
> In the past we've manually maintained an entry blacklist and
> package->app mapping for the software center. It's become clear that
> this solution won't scale.
> There's been some discussion around a solution at the package level:
> #
> However, I think it would be much cleaner to extend the Desktop Entry
> standard to include *generic, non-executable descriptions of a user
> application*. Such a file might look like this:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Type=MetaApplication
> Name=Foo Viewer
> Comment=The best viewer for Foo objects available!
> URL=
> Icon=fooview
> MimeType=image/x-foo;
> # And perhaps.
> Package=fooview
> Screenshot=
> Description=[Longer description of fooview here]
> Would any other parties be interested in modifications like this
> landing in the Desktop Entry spec?

Just wondering, would using DOAP files make sense?


xdg mailing list

Re: Specifying thumbnailers as a service

2008-08-29 Thread Adrien BUSTANY

Bastien Nocera a écrit :

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 12:14 +0200, Adrien BUSTANY wrote:
Bastien Nocera a écrit : 

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 11:25 +0200, Philip Van Hoof wrote:


In the libgnomeui API, you only set one of those, and aspect ratio is
preserved. The size passed is the maximum width and height.

Well, we can have the Qt approach here :
keep width and height, and add a third parameter which is
PreserveRatio (actually in Qt there are three possibilities : keep
ratio, don't keep ratio and extend, see ).

Why would you want to do that
Well I don't know why I specially would like to do that, but it gives us 
flexibility without making the API more difficult to use (the ratio mode 
can be optional). Some people might want to have more control... This 
was just a good compromise between Philip's original idea, and the GNOME 
version. I don't have some real usecase behind that :-)

xdg mailing list

Re: Specifying thumbnailers as a service

2008-08-29 Thread Adrien BUSTANY

Bastien Nocera a écrit :

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 11:25 +0200, Philip Van Hoof wrote:


In the libgnomeui API, you only set one of those, and aspect ratio is
preserved. The size passed is the maximum width and height.

Well, we can have the Qt approach here :
keep width and height, and add a third parameter which is PreserveRatio 
(actually in Qt there are three possibilities : keep ratio, don't keep 
ratio and extend, see ).


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xdg mailing list

Re: Specification for per directory settings

2008-08-22 Thread Adrien BUSTANY

Patryk Zawadzki a écrit :

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Adrien BUSTANY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Clearly we need a lib to abstract that. We also need to make that lib
totally desktop independant...
And also I'd really be happy if we reach a point where the solution we
choose can be defined as a standard (that was my initial point). I guess
that implies that there should be more than two people participating in this
discussion :-) Maybe a blog article would be a good way to get people into
the discussion, but I don't have a blog :-s

I think it would be enough to make gio/gvfs/kio preserve the
attributes (all attributes, not only the folder related ones) when
copying/moving files and directories (and to create fallback files
when the need arises). High level apps can then just use the gio/kio
calls to manage the attributes and the storage mechanism is abstracted
away. That should be standardized and agreed upon first.
I agree on that. We definitely need to start a real discussion about 
that. I'll be in touch with the KDE developers to see what they think 
about that issue.

Only then we can start thinking about higher level standards like
folder view-specific attributes or MIME-type storage.

Of course apps not using the vfs apis will likely break the attributes
but they fall out of scope of the specification (and they also break
stuff on OSX).


xdg mailing list

Re: executable .desktop files

2008-08-21 Thread Adrien BUSTANY
I don't really understand what is the problem addressed here, could you 
explain it further please ?

Best regards
Adrien Bustany

Egon Kocjan a écrit :
> Hi,
> Hopefully some time in the future, oss desktops will support application 
> bundles. There is a somewhat working equivalent in the mean time, using 
> .desktop files, perl and base64 encoding (Exec line should not be split):
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Exec=perl -e 'use MIME::Base64 
> qw(decode_base64);eval(decode_base64(q(dXNlIEZpbGU6OlRlbXA7dXNlIElPOjpGaWxlO3N1YiBydW4geyRmaWxlID0gcG9wOyRmaWxlID1+IHMsXmZpbGU6Ly8sLDskYnVmID0gJyc7JGluID0gSU86OkZpbGUtPm5ldygkZmlsZSk7d2hpbGUoPCRpbj4pIHtpZigvXlwjKC4qKSQvKSB7ICRidWYgLj0gJDE7IH19JGluLT5jbG9zZSgpOyR0bXAgPSBGaWxlOjpUZW1wLT5uZXcoVU5MSU5LPT4wKTtjaG1vZCAwNzAwLCAkdG1wO3ByaW50ICR0bXAgZGVjb2RlX2Jhc2U2NCgkYnVmKTskdG1wLT5jbG9zZSgpO2V4ZWMgeyAkdG1wLT5maWxlbmFtZSB9ICgkdG1wLT5maWxlbmFtZSk7ZGllO30g)));run(q(%k));'
> Name=My App
> Type=Application
> # ...
> # base64 encoded executable (or self extracting bundle) goes here
> # ...
> The perl block effectively expands to:
> use MIME::Base64;
> use File::Temp;
> use IO::File;
> sub run {
> $file = pop;
> $file =~ s,^file://,,;
> $buf = '';
> $in = IO::File->new($file);
> while(<$in>) {
> if(/^\#(.*)$/) { $buf .= $1; }
> }
> $in->close();
> $tmp = File::Temp->new(UNLINK=>0);
> chmod 0700, $tmp;
> print $tmp decode_base64($buf);
> $tmp->close();
> exec { $tmp->filename } ($tmp->filename);
> die;
> }
> run(q(/path/to/itself));
> Pros:
> - users can simply download packed applications with the web browser to 
> the desktop and start them with double-click
> - it works with standard releases of gnome, kde and xfce, no need to 
> install any extra software on the client side
> Cons:
> - some users may ignore the instructions to download the .desktop file 
> and open it in text editor instead (default action in most distros)
> - download size is larger because of base64 encoding
> - not possible to set a custom application icon
> - large executables (5mb and up) "hang" nautilus (I haven't tested much 
> with others)
> Maybe this will serve as an inspiration for the next iteration of 
> standards ;)
> egon
> ___
> xdg mailing list
xdg mailing list

Re: Specification for per directory settings

2008-08-21 Thread Adrien BUSTANY

Patryk Zawadzki a écrit :

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Adrien BUSTANY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, let's forget the read only media for now then...
The only downside I see with hidden files is the following usecase :
Tom uses windows, and gives his usb key to Sally
Sally plugs the usb key into her linux system, and changes some sorting
properties. The file manager creates a .directory (or whatever it's called)
file on the usb key.
When Tom gets the usb key back, he sees lot of dot files, and doesn't know
what they're about.
I don't know if dot files are automatically marked as "hidden" in the FAT
sense when using a FAT fs on Linux... How do we address that ?

There is a hidden attribute that should be used on filesystems that
support it :)

Clearly we need a lib to abstract that. We also need to make that lib 
totally desktop independant...
And also I'd really be happy if we reach a point where the solution we 
choose can be defined as a standard (that was my initial point). I guess 
that implies that there should be more than two people participating in 
this discussion :-) Maybe a blog article would be a good way to get 
people into the discussion, but I don't have a blog :-s

xdg mailing list

Re: Specification for per directory settings

2008-08-21 Thread Adrien BUSTANY

Patryk Zawadzki a écrit :

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Adrien BUSTANY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like the extended attributes too, they're clearly the cleanest way to
store that information. In the case where extended attributes are not
available, we cannot always use a hidden file in the folder, I'm thinking
for example of a read only volume. In that case I think Dolphin fall backs
to a central setting file, though I don't know the details.

Central database comes at a price of an ever-growing file hidden
somewhere in your filesystem. Also what happens if I try to save some
settings for a CD or DVD? Does it remember the absolute path (bad) or
the mountint point and relative path (equally bad) or does it try to
get a GUID for the media (but not the drive as I can put the same disc
into another drive at some later point in time)?

I think supporting *saving* to read-only file systems is just not
worth it (and can create confusion if people start complaining that
they can customize the CD but it doesn't work when moved to another
machine or that they can customize the looks but moving files around
does not work).

Just my 0.02 zloty (PLN).


OK, let's forget the read only media for now then...
The only downside I see with hidden files is the following usecase :
Tom uses windows, and gives his usb key to Sally
Sally plugs the usb key into her linux system, and changes some sorting 
properties. The file manager creates a .directory (or whatever it's 
called) file on the usb key.
When Tom gets the usb key back, he sees lot of dot files, and doesn't 
know what they're about.
I don't know if dot files are automatically marked as "hidden" in the 
FAT sense when using a FAT fs on Linux... How do we address that ?

xdg mailing list

Re: Specification for per directory settings

2008-08-21 Thread Adrien BUSTANY

Patryk Zawadzki a écrit :

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Adrien BUSTANY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this is my first post to the list, so hello everyone !
I've been lately developping an extension for a file manager which uses
emblems on folders to mark their relation with a project. I searched for
a standard for per directory settings but didn't find one. My problem is
with emblems, but the same goes for custom icons, custom sorting, or
even localized names etc.
I think the freedesktop world could really benefit from a standard
addressing this concern, if it's well thought of course :-)
This mail is hence a call for brainstorming, here are a few starting
points :
- For each folder that has custom settings, store a hidden file with the
settings inside. That's what Dolphin, and the Finder on Mac OS X does.
- Store all the custom settings in a centralized file, most likely in
the home user directory (possibly in .config). I guess that what
Nautilus does for emblems, although that needs confirmation.

What do you guys think about that ? Do you have a better answer ? Am I
posting to the right list ? :-)

Store it in extended attributes and fall back to hidden file when
moving to media that does not support them (archive, teh internets,
fat) and reinstantiate the attributes when moving back (I believe
that's what OSX does in most of the cases and as a bonus it saves you
a bunch of stats).


I like the extended attributes too, they're clearly the cleanest way to 
store that information. In the case where extended attributes are not 
available, we cannot always use a hidden file in the folder, I'm 
thinking for example of a read only volume. In that case I think Dolphin 
fall backs to a central setting file, though I don't know the details.


xdg mailing list

Specification for per directory settings

2008-08-20 Thread Adrien BUSTANY
this is my first post to the list, so hello everyone !
I've been lately developping an extension for a file manager which uses 
emblems on folders to mark their relation with a project. I searched for 
a standard for per directory settings but didn't find one. My problem is 
with emblems, but the same goes for custom icons, custom sorting, or 
even localized names etc.
I think the freedesktop world could really benefit from a standard 
addressing this concern, if it's well thought of course :-)
This mail is hence a call for brainstorming, here are a few starting 
points :
- For each folder that has custom settings, store a hidden file with the 
settings inside. That's what Dolphin, and the Finder on Mac OS X does.
- Store all the custom settings in a centralized file, most likely in 
the home user directory (possibly in .config). I guess that what 
Nautilus does for emblems, although that needs confirmation.

What do you guys think about that ? Do you have a better answer ? Am I 
posting to the right list ? :-)

Best regards
Adrien Bustany

xdg mailing list