Re: [Xen-devel] On distro packaging of stub domains (Re: Notes from Xen BoF at Debconf15)

2015-09-09 Thread Antti Kantee


Thank you for the explanations.

Hmm.  (not replying to anything specific)

My guess is that shared libs won't be the biggest problem.  I'd find it 
extremely surprising if you can take a Linux (or any other !NetBSD) 
packaging system and discover the dozens of dependencies of QEMU to not 
contain any "'isms" which do not apply when building for what is 
essentially a NetBSD target.

I don't know how Wei Liu built his QEMU, but I assume it was by farming 
a lot of --disable-stuff.  That's what I'd do and somehow find a way to 
ship the result.  The requirements for stubdom QEMU and /usr/bin/qemu 
are IMO too dissimilar to stuffed into the same box.  By my judgement 
(which may be wrong), almost none of the dynamic dependencies of QEMU on 
a regular Linux system apply for the Xen stub domain use.  If the goal 
is to get a reduced footprint qemu, bundling unnecessary clutter is in 
direct conflict with the goal.  Besides, trying to get e.g. libsystemd 
to build or work with [a NetBSD-API'd] Rumprun will most likely earn you 
a ticket to the loony bin.

So while I think I understand your predicament (you need to sell the Xen 
improvement to distros which means playing by their rules) and the 
temptation of reusing existing packages for the job, I seriously doubt 
the approach will lead to a sensible result.  That, of course, shouldn't 
stop you from trying.  If the result of your experimentation matches 
your hypothesis and shared libs is the main problem, I'll figure out a 
way to make it work on the Rumprun side of things.

If you truly decide you need to use existing Linux infra, I'd start down 
that track by bolting a Linux userspace environment on top of the 
"kernel only" Rumprun stack (which could/should more or less work thanks 
to syscall emulation).  Of course, you'd need to do the same for FreeBSD 
and every other system you want to support, so it's not a free ticket 
either, but by my guess at least a cheaper one.

Anyway, I only have guesses.

  - antti

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] On distro packaging of stub domains (Re: Notes from Xen BoF at Debconf15)

2015-09-08 Thread Antti Kantee

On 08/09/15 16:15, Ian Campbell wrote:

On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 15:03 +, Antti Kantee wrote:

For unikernels, the rump kernel project provides Rumprun, which can
provide you with a near-full POSIX'y interface.

I'm not 100% clear: Does rumprun _build_ or _run_ the application? It sound
s like it builds but the name suggests otherwise.

For all practical purposes, Rumprun is an OS, except that you always 
cross-compile for it.  So, I'd say "yes", but it depends on how you want 
to interpret the situation.  We could spend days writing emails back and 
forth, but there's really no substitute for an hour of hands-on 

(nb. the launch tool for launching Rumprun instances is currently called 
rumprun.  It's on my todo list to propose changing the name of the tool 
to e.g. rumprunner or runrump or something which is distinct from the OS 
name, since similarity causes some confusion)

Do these wrappers make a rump kernel build target look just like any other
ross build target? (I've just got to the end and found my answer, which was
yes. I've left this next section in since I think it's a nice summary of
why it matters that the answer is yes)

e.g. I have aarch64-linux-gnu-{gcc,as,ld,ar,etc} which I can use to build
aarch64 binaries on my x86_64 host, including picking up aarch64 libraries
and headers from the correct arch specific patch.

Do these rumprun-provided wrappers provide x86_64-rumpkernel
-{gcc,as,ld,ar,etc} ?

No, like I said and which you discovered later, 
x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-{gcc,as,ld,ar,etc}.  aarch64 would be 

Appearing as a regular cross-compilation target is, I think, going to be
important to being able to create rumpkernel based versions of distro

I think that package maintainers ideally won't want to have to include a
bunch of rumpkernel specific code in their package, they just want to
leverage the existing cross-compilability of their package.

Yes, that is critical.  We bled to achieve that goal.  It looks obvious 
now, but I can assure you it wasn't obvious a year ago.

$ ldd /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64  | wc -l

Heh, that's quite a lot.

If the above didn't explain the grand scheme of things clearly, have a
look at and especially the picture.  If
things are still not clear after that, please point out matters of
confusion and I will try to improve the explanations.

I think that wiki page is clear, but I think it's orthogonal to the issue
with distro packaging of rump kernels.

Sure, but I wanted to get the concepts right.  And they're still not 
right.  We're talking about packaging for *Rumprun*, not rump kernels in 

   However, since a) nobody (else) ships applications as relocatable
static objects b) Rumprun does not support shared libraries, I don't
know how helpful the fact of ABI compatibility is.  IMO, adding shared
library support would be a backwards way to go: increasing runtime
processing and memory requirements to solve a build problem sounds plain
weird.  So, I don't think you can leverage anything existing.

This is an interesting point, since not building a shared library is
already therefore requiring packaging changes which are going to be at
least a little bit rumpkernel specific.

Is it at all possible (even theoretically) to take a shared library (which
is relocatable as required) and to do a compile time static linking pass on
it? i.e. use but still do static linking?

But shared libraries aren't "relocatable", that's the whole point of 
shared libraries! ;) ;)

I guess you could theoretically link shared libs with a different ld, 
and I don't think it would be very different from prelinking shared 
libs, but as Samuel demonstrated, it won't work at least with an 
out-of-the-box ld.

I think it's easier to blame Solaris for the world going bonkers with 
shared libs, bite the bullet, and start adding static linking back where 
it's been ripped out from.  Shared libs make zero sense for unikernels 
since you don't have anyone to share them with, so you're just paying 
extra for PIC for absolutely no return.  (dynamically loadable code is a 
separate issue, if you even want to go there ... I wouldn't)

I don't really have good solutions for the packaging problem.  Building
a "full distro" around rump kernels certainly sounds interesting,

FWIW I don't think we need a full distro, just sufficient build
dependencies for the actual useful things (maybe that converges on to a
full distro though).

By "full distro" I meant "enough to get a majority of the useful 
services going".  Seems like once qemu works, we're 99% there ;)

Debian are (most likely) not going to accept a second copy of the QEMU
source in the archive and likewise they wouldn't want a big source package
which was "qemu + all its build dependencies" or anything like that,
especially when &quo

Re: [Xen-devel] On distro packaging of stub domains (Re: Notes from Xen BoF at Debconf15)

2015-09-08 Thread Antti Kantee


Wei Liu hinted that I should "chime in and / or provide corrections" 
(his words).  I'll attempt to do exactly that by not really replying to 
anything specific.  For the record, when I say "we" in this mail, I mean 
"people who have contributed to the rump kernel project" (as also 
indicated by the email-hat).

First of all, there's a difference between a rump kernel (driver bundle 
built out of unmodified kernel components) and any unikernel you 
construct out of rump kernels ... sort of like how there's a difference 
between Linux and GNU/Linux.

For unikernels, the rump kernel project provides Rumprun, which can 
provide you with a near-full POSIX'y interface.  Rumprun also provides 
toolchain wrappers so that you can compile existing programs as Rumprun 
unikernels.  Rumprun also recently regrew the ability to run without the 
POSIX'y bits; some people found it important to be able to make a 
tradeoff between running POSIX'y applications and more compact "kernel 
plane" unikernels such as routers and firewalls.  But, for brevity and 
simplicity, I'll assume the POSIX'y mode for the rest of this email, 
since that's what the QEMU stubdom will no doubt use.

If the above didn't explain the grand scheme of things clearly, have a 
look at and especially the picture.  If 
things are still not clear after that, please point out matters of 
confusion and I will try to improve the explanations.

Also for simplicity, I'll be talking about rump kernels constructed from 
the NetBSD kernel, and the userspace environment of Rumprun being 
NetBSD-derived.  Conceptually, there's nothing stopping someone from 
plugging a GNU layer on top of NetBSD-derived rump kernels (a bit like 
Debian kXBSD?) or constructing rump kernels out of Linux.  But for now, 
let's talk about the only working implementation.

As far as I know, the API/ABI of the application environment provided by 
Rumprun is the same as the one provided by standard NetBSD.  Granted, I 
didn't perform the necessary experiments to verify that, so take the 
following with a few pinches of salt.  In theory, you could take 
application objects built for NetBSD and link them against Rumprun libs. 
 However, since a) nobody (else) ships applications as relocatable 
static objects b) Rumprun does not support shared libraries, I don't 
know how helpful the fact of ABI compatibility is.  IMO, adding shared 
library support would be a backwards way to go: increasing runtime 
processing and memory requirements to solve a build problem sounds plain 
weird.  So, I don't think you can leverage anything existing.

We do have most of the Rumprun cross-toolchain figured out at this 
point.  First, we don't ship any backend toolchain(s), but rather bolt 
wrappers and specs on top of any toolchain (*) you provide.  That way we 
don't have to figure out where to get a toolchain which produces binary 
for every target that everyone might want.  Also, it makes bootstrapping 
Rumprun convenient, since you just say "hey give me the components and 
application wrappers for CC=foocc" and off you go.

*) as long as it's gcc-derived, for now (IIRC gcc 4.8 - 5.1 are known to 
work well, older than that at least C++ won't work).  clang doesn't 
support specs files at least AFAIK, so someone would have to figure out 
how to move the contents of the specs into the wrappers, or whatever 
equivalent clang uses.  (patches welcome ;)

The produced wrappers look exactly like a normal cross-toolchain.  The 
tuple is the same as what NetBSD uses, except with rumprun added in the 
middle, so e.g. x86_64-rumprun-netbsd or arm-rumprun-netbsdelf-eabihf. 
That naming scheme means that most GNU-using software compiles nicely 
for Rumprun just by running configure as ./configure 
--host=x86_64-rumprun-netbsd followed by "make".  Sometimes you 
additionally need things like --disable-shared, but all in all 
everything works pretty well.  See for a bunch of "case 
studies", not limited to just GNU autotools.

After "make", before launch we have an additional step called "bake", 
which links the specific kernel components onto the binary.  So for 
example, you can make the compiled binary run on Xen or KVM depending on 
which kernel components you bake onto it.  As a crude analogy, it's like 
scp'ing a binary to a Xen or KVM or bare metal system, but since the 
Rumprun unikernel is missing exec, we use the linker to perform "system 

So for shipping, one option is to ship the binary after "make", but then 
you also need to ship the toolchain.  The other option is to ship the 
baked binary, but then you lose some of your possibilities on how to 
target the binary.  I'm not sure either option is right for all cases.

We're still trying to figure out the exact form and figure of 
bake+launch.  In the original implementation we assumed that at 
launch-time we could cheaply control all of the details of 

Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH RFC 0/6+2+2] Begin to disentangle libxenctrl and provide some stable libraries

2015-06-11 Thread Antti Kantee

On 10/06/15 16:15, Wei Liu wrote:

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 05:01:27PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:

Ian Campbell writes ([PATCH RFC 0/6+2+2] Begin to disentangle libxenctrl and 
provide some stable libraries):


Most of this looks good to me.

As part of this change I've begun to get rid of the osdep interface
layer, since it is obsolete and just gets in the way. IIRC there were
some tricks being played to use this on rumpkernels to mix and match
facilities from xc_minios.c and xc_netbsd.c.

Replacing those tricks with appropriate #ifdefs would be fine.

FYI I think I will write more glue code to make rump kernel to just use
netbsd code, because they don't want to expose underlying minios
functionalities to application level.

It's not so much that we outright don't want to as prefer not to. 
If there's a strong reason, e.g. a measurably significant performance 
improvement, then we can talk.  However, anything calling past the libc 
interface is dipping into internal interfaces.  We make no guarantee 
about internal interface stability.

One good summary of 8 years of rump kernel development would be lack of 
compartmentalization always comes back to bite you, so IMO it's better 
to conceptually maintain separation even where not enforced by a MMU and 
just make everything go through the guaranteed-stable syscall interfaces.

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] OSSTEST: introduce a raisin build test

2015-05-06 Thread Antti Kantee

On 06/05/15 11:03, Stefano Stabellini wrote:

On Wed, 6 May 2015, Ian Jackson wrote:

Stefano Stabellini writes (Re: [PATCH] OSSTEST: introduce a raisin build 

That's fine as there is no hidden git cloning with raisin. All the trees
are specified explicitly in the config file.

Is this a fundamental design principle ?

The rump kernel build system uses git submodules, which are (very
annoying and) a kind of hidden git cloning, and it also has a
[psuedo-submodule a bit like xen.git wrt qemu et al.

Oh dear lord.

I am keeping not having hidden git cloning as a fundamental design
principle and goal of the project. I haven't tried to integrated rump
kernels into raisin yet, but as I told you IRL, I have been thinking of
writing the build system in a way that the git cloning is done by
raisin, even for rump kernels.

Well, these days it pulls the submodules in if they're not already 
present.  If you pull them in manually before running the build script, 
no hidden cloning happens.  Given that you want to pull them in manually 
anyway, I don't see a problem.

It's actually more of a historic remnant from times when checking out 
the necessary sources was a non-trivial operation involving separate 
user/kernel repositories and copying/patching sources all around.  I 
think it was fixed over a year ago.

I guess I could remove the git submodule update detection/execution 
from the build script entirely.  It's sort of illogical that you don't 
have to execute it after you clone initially but realistically speaking 
have to execute it after every pull -- makes us look like drug dealers.

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen test] 52955: regressions - FAIL

2015-05-04 Thread Antti Kantee

On 02/05/15 03:00, osstest service user wrote:

flight 52955 rumpuserxen real [real]

Regressions :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
  build-amd64-rumpuserxen   5 rumpuserxen-build fail REGR. vs. 33866
  build-i386-rumpuserxen5 rumpuserxen-build fail REGR. vs. 33866

These tests have been failing for a while now.  At least part of the 
problem is that they're run against the old repository where the build 
script is essentially echo use new repo; exit 1;.  As such, continuing 
to run them is not useful (*).  Hopefully we can make an effort to 
convert them to use the new repo ASAP and at the same time also agree on 
what the tests are allowed to assume to be stable interfaces.

  - antti

*) but I have to admit, they did catch a quoting bug in the use new 
repo error message:

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] Upstream QEMU based stubdom and rump kernel

2015-03-18 Thread Antti Kantee

On 18/03/15 11:22, Martin Lucina wrote: said:

etfs isn't a file system, e.g. it doesn't allow listing files or
removing them, but it does give you complete control of what happens
when data is read or written for /some/path.  But based on the other
posts, sounds like it might be enough for what you need.


They'd still need to implement the rumphyper/Mini-OS backend to get etfs to
talk over vchan to the dom0, right?

Strictly speaking, they'd have to implement the iov{read,write} 
hypercalls to do that.  But, no, etfs doesn't do magic.  IOW, they'd 
have to define what host path means.

It occurred to me that I wrote that manpage, umm, 5 years ago when rump 
kernels ran only in userspace and host path was a better defined term. 
 Pile that manpage on the neverending heap of documentation which broke 
while the code kept working.

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] Upstream QEMU based stubdom and rump kernel

2015-03-18 Thread Antti Kantee

On 18/03/15 21:21, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:

This is not an argument for or against; if you want to expose AF_WHATEVER to 
applications running on a rump kernel, you need to sell AF_WHATEVER to NetBSD, 
not to rumpkernel-users.  Well, preferably you need to sell it to everyone 
implementing sockets and running on some sort of hypervisor, but of course 
gotta start from somewhere.

Given that most of the uses of this will be in userspace code, just
faking out AF_UNIX in Rump does seem a lot easier.  It doesn't matter
to MirageOS either way -- we just need a well-defined XenStore/ring
protocol to obey to do connection setup on the other side.

Where do you propose to inject that faking out (and what does it even 
mean)?  Someone at Berkeley decided that socket drivers should be 
globally enumerated, and PF_UNIX leads to exactly one handler.  Just 
hacking hooks as local patches into the PF_UNIX driver is against the 
whole point of having unmodified, tested drivers from upstream.

So, if you want your bus to appear as a socket to userspace, I don't see 
any shortcut to not going via NetBSD.  If you're happy with something 
else than a socket, that's another story.

Especially if the interface doesn't matter too much for whatever purpose 
you plan to use it for, it's silly to specify the interface so that the 
implementation process is as convoluted as possible ;)

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] Upstream QEMU based stubdom and rump kernel

2015-03-17 Thread Antti Kantee

On 17/03/15 14:29, Wei Liu wrote:

I've now successfully built QEMU upstream with rump kernel. However to
make it fully functional as a stubdom, there are some missing pieces to
be added in.

1. The ability to access QMP socket (a unix socket) from Dom0. That
will be used to issue command to QEMU.
2. The ability to access files in Dom0. That will be used to write to /
read from QEMU state file.

There's a way to map file access to rump kernel hypercalls with a 
facility called etfs (extra-terrestrial file system).  In fact, the 
current implementation for accessing the Xen block device from the rump 
kernel is done using etfs (... historical reasons, I'd have to go back 
5+ years to explain why it doesn't attach as a regular block device).

etfs isn't a file system, e.g. it doesn't allow listing files or 
removing them, but it does give you complete control of what happens 
when data is read or written for /some/path.  But based on the other 
posts, sounds like it might be enough for what you need.


3. The building process requires mini-os headers. That will be used
to build libxc (the controlling library).

That's not really a problem, though I do want to limit the amount of 
interface we claim to support with rump kernels.  For example, ISTR you 
mentioned on irc you'd like to use minios wait.h.  It would be better to 
use pthread synchronization instead of minios synchronization.  That 
way, if we do have a need to change the underlying threading in the 
future, you won't run into trouble.

So, we should just determine what is actually needed and expose those 
bits by default.

One of my lessons learned from the existing stubdom stuffs is that I
should work with upstream and produce maintainable code. So before I do
anything for real I'd better consult the community. My gut feeling is
that the first two requirements are not really Xen specific. Let me know
what you guys plan and think.

Yes, please.  If there's something silly going on, it's most likely due to:

1) we didn't get that far in our experiments and weren't aware of it
2) we were aware, but some bits were even sillier, taking priority

Either way, a real need is a definite reason to expedite fixing.

  - antti

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen test] 35897: regressions - FAIL

2015-03-06 Thread Antti Kantee

On 06/03/15 10:49, Ian Campbell wrote:

A new one to me:

+ cp 'rumpuserxen/rump-kernel*' dist/usr/local/lib/xen/rump-kernel
cp: cannot stat `rumpuserxen/rump-kernel*': No such file or directory

We think we figured out how to actually do things, and some 
repo-reorganizing was mandated.  The churn causes some of these failures 
-- though, let's admit it, the tests were already failing before the churn.

Hmm, would it be possible to codify what osstest needs to execute in the 
rumprun repo, e.g. in form of a defined script name?  That way we could 
just edit the script when doing changes (e.g. adding tests) instead of 
having to go back-and-forth between your repo and ours?

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen test] 34575: regressions - FAIL

2015-02-16 Thread Antti Kantee

On 15/02/15 18:51, wrote:

flight 34575 rumpuserxen real [real]

Regressions :-(

This looks like a new failure:
=== snip ===
checking for ncurses.h... no
configure: error: Unable to find a suitable curses library
configure: error: ./configure failed for tools
=== snip ===


Can we work around it somehow?  I guess nobody wants to run the tools on 
a rump kernel.  Or am I completely misguessing what the tools are for?

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] GPF Heisenbug with rumprun-xen

2015-02-05 Thread Antti Kantee

On 05/02/15 15:51, Ian Jackson wrote:

It looks to be some sort of Heisenbug in the rump kernel stuff.

I agree.  We had a failure on the 16th of January which looked like
some kind of race:
  (Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen test] 33416: regressions - FAIL)

Aha!  I told you I don't believe in cosmic rays ;)

show a history of random failures at the xenstorels step.

At least the ones as far back as 33830 (the last one with logs still
available) all show signs of what looks like memory corruption of some

Thanks for the digging.  (I have left the quoted text in for the
benefit of rumpkernel-users.)

The first failure in that history that looks like part of this is
flight 33690.  We don't have logs for that any more but it used
   rumpuserxen 598ceb54916b
   xen 49de0b57b853
   netbsdsrc   17a547ca2943
Failure probability after then seems about 20%.  If I go back 10
passes from 33690 I get to 33611 which used
   rumpuserxen ffcd777f8062
   xen 0d2879062076
   netbsdsrc   a7c6b12e1752

It seems unlikely that the difference is g
oing to be due to changes
in the versions of linux, linuxfirmware, ovmf, qemu[u] or seabios. has been 47b1a5eef43c throughout.

The diffs for rumpuserxen and netbsdsrc between those revisions are 
luckily small.  I couldn't spot anything in there which would 
immediately look suspicious.  The most suspicious change is calling 
sched_yield() as part of the bootstrap process, but that's not very 
dramatic as far as suspicious goes.  TLS support was added, but I'm not 
sure how that would affect threads which do not use TLS.  That said, TLS 
did work right off the bat, so it is a bit suspicious ...

Is it possible that some change in xen is tickling the bug?  That would 
explain why attempts to reproduce the bug in other setups have failed. 
Is it easy to fire off runs with arbitrary revisions of each repo?

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] ts-rumpuserxen-build: Use new app-tools

2015-02-04 Thread Antti Kantee

On 04/02/15 14:33, Ian Jackson wrote:

Ian Campbell writes (Re: [PATCH] ts-rumpuserxen-build: Use new app-tools):

On Wed, 2015-02-04 at 12:36 +0100, Martin Lucina wrote:

Update to use the new app-tools names.

I'm not sure if we need to support bisection over this change -- but I
think we probably do (Ian?) in which case we would need to probe for
which one actually exists, preferring the newer name.

It's not just bisection; our push gate will fail because of the lack
of compatibility.

So we need to probe.  I will prepare a patch.

Can the grievous-bodge grievances now be removed, or are prehistoric 
revisions still required to build?

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] [rumpuserxen test] 33416: regressions - FAIL [and 1 more messages]

2015-01-16 Thread Antti Kantee

On 16/01/15 11:17, Ian Jackson wrote:

The latter is the GPF turning out to be unreproducible.

I guess we should keep an eye out in case it turns out to be a race
rather than a cosmic ray.

I do not believe in cosmic rays.

Some notes in case it resurfaces:

1) the topmost caller address appears to be on the stack (??)

2) calling main() seems to be output properly, the next line (running 
demos) doesn't.  there is exactly one function call (~20 instructions) 
between these two lines

3) the first printf goes to stderr, while the second, supposedly failing 
one, goes to stdout (no idea why)

4) it's crashing calling fp-_swrite().  notably, the execution of 
__sflush() might or might not go that far if fp upon entry points to 
garbage (existing garbage, not page faulting garbage)

5) the call is made as:
   6018b:   41 ff 54 24 50  callq  *0x50(%r12)

from the output:
R12: e02b
(e02b is somewhere in the middle of xenbus_xb_write, highly unlikely to 
be relevant, more likely to be some random garbage)

from the image:
rump-kernel$ nm rump-kernel  | grep __sF
00299d60 D __sF
(stdout is __sF[1])

There are no (user) threads active yet.  I currently have no theories 
how the failure is reachable, at least assuming that the console output 
is accurate.  I still don't believe in cosmic rays, though ;)

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: Cleaning up the Mini-OS namespace

2014-12-06 Thread Antti Kantee

On 05/12/14 18:31, Martin Lucina wrote: said:

I wonder if work is minimized if we attempt to merge before or after
we (I?) take the carving knife for a second round in the rumprun-xen
repo to minimize MiniOS to run only on top of itself.

Before, I think. Minimizing our copy of Mini-OS duplicates what we would
need to do to the upstream copy.

I think the steps are roughly as follows:

   a) split the current rumprun-xen build out of the Mini-OS Makefile.
   b) replace our fork of Mini-OS with the vanilla upstream Mini-OS.
   c) re-apply my work and your work, while checking things keep working
   with upstream xen.git, until we get rumprun-xen working again.

c) will leave us with a set of patches to upstream.

Does this make sense? It's a fair amount of work but mostly retracing steps
we've already done.

It'd help if we had a full list of what exactly needs to keep working
upstream, see my other reply to Andrew. Maybe also osstest building and
running Mini-OS related tests off our branch while we do the work? (Ian:
ping? Doable?)

It'd also help if we had a full list of what exactly needs to be done 
to downstream.  That's why I'm not convinced by a list which ignores 
d) perform the unknown steps to reach our goal (which were painted in 
broad strokes in my previous mail).

Actually, it convinced me more of the opposite: wait before attempting 
full merge.  However, if someone's merge finger is twitching, a 
pseudo-merge with changes like the namespace protection and introducing 
a clean libminios split is nice.  But, again, is it more or less work 
doing that piecemeal or when all the puzzle pieces are known?

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: Cleaning up the Mini-OS namespace

2014-12-04 Thread Antti Kantee

On 04/12/14 14:40, Andrew Cooper wrote:

There are already-identified issues such as MiniOS leaking things like
ARRAY_SIZE() into linked namespaces, which I havn't yet had enough tuits
to fix.

I think splitting things like the stub libc away from the MiniOS Xen
Framework is also a good idea.  Ideally, the result of a MiniOS Build
would be a small set of .a's which can then be linked against some
normal C to make a minios guest.  (How feasible this is in reality
remains to be seen.)

I've become increasingly convinced that we (rump kernels) would like to 
use MiniOS as a small firmware library that just takes care of bootstrap 
and provides a high-level interface to the Xen hypervisor.

A componentized MiniOS is not critical from our perspective, as long as 
you can can compile things out.  We always want the minimal version, and 
can use build flags to produce it.  Notably, thanks to recent work by 
Martin, MiniOS is already compiled to a .o in the rumprun-xen 
repository, and then just linked into the final image.

What is critical for us, however, is reducing the amount of support 
routines needed by MiniOS.  Currently, the software stack in rumprun-xen 
is confusing because MiniOS partially uses libc which runs on top of the 
rump kernel which runs on top of MiniOS...  This confusion springs from 
MiniOS providing its own libc, and while it's ok for standalone MiniOS 
to use its own libc, we do not.  To make things as simple as possible, I 
don't want our [compiled] version of MiniOS to depend on anything from libc.

So, while I agree with everyone that merging is a good idea, the realist 
in me remains in doubt just like you do; is it feasible to both trim 
MiniOS to be minimal enough for our needs and keep it maximal enough for 
yours?  Or does that result in too many ifdef noodles?

From a not-public-API point of view, all you have to worry about is that

the existing minios stuff in xen.git, including the stubdom stuff,
continues to work.  We have never made any guarantees to anyone using
minios out-of-tree.

I wonder if work is minimized if we attempt to merge before or after we 
(I?) take the carving knife for a second round in the rumprun-xen repo 
to minimize MiniOS to run only on top of itself.

  - antti

Xen-devel mailing list

Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: Configuring rumprun-xen application stacks from Xenstore

2014-11-13 Thread Antti Kantee

On 13/11/14 17:07, Martin Lucina wrote: said:

Actually, hmm, there's already an image for /etc available.  I
understood from irc discussion that you needed slight modifications to
passwd for mathopd.  In case your changes don't conflict with what's
already up there, you could just update the existing downloadable /etc

I'll add in a new image rather than touch the current one, so that it can
be cd9660 and read-only rather than ffs. Avoids needing to keep a clean
image around in case of crashes while developing. The old one can stay
until we replace the old demo code.

Generally speaking, file systems support read-only mounts ...

Also, I'd prefer to call it 'stubetc' rather than 'etc' to make it clearer
that it's not supposed to be used as a normal /etc.

I'd prefer it to be completely hidden from the user.  But sure, call it 
stubetc for now.

This brings up another question; what to do with resolv.conf, for example?

Is resolv.conf an example, i.e. are there other files with similar 
needs?  Or can we figure out how to handle it as a special case?

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