Re: [XeTeX] xetex installation

2016-03-13 Thread Susan Dittmar


Purnendu Chakraborty schrieb:

I have a naive question to the group. How do I set up xetex distribution in the
user area?  I could not find any documentation in this regard.

The reason is the following. I have TeXlive 2013 from  Opensuse 13.2. I find
that the xetex bundled with distribution is buggy. I have some issue
with Bengali
conjuncts with this version of xetex.  So I want a fresh install of
xetex without
touching the system-wide TexLive installation.

If you have enough room on the disk -- my installation takes about 4.3 G -- you 
can easily install the current texlive (which includes xetex) in your home 
directory. Just download the installation script, start it as instructed, and 
before you tell it to install, change the directories appropriately. Then write 
a small script that adds the paths to your current environment. Something like

-- --
export INFOPATH="~/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/doc/info:${INFOPATH}"
export  MANPATH="~/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/doc/man:${MANPATH}"
export PATH="~/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux:${PATH}"
-- end of --

You might have to adjust the paths. Now, before you use xetex, call this script, 
for example


from the same shell (terminal) from which you call your XeTeX-using programms.

This precedes the given paths with the new version paths, so any program you 
call with these environment variables active is searched for in the new 
directories first.

If you know you'll never want to use openSUSE's version of texlive 2013, you can 
rename this file to '~/.profile' (make sure such a file does not yet exist) or 
append those commands to an existing ~/.profile file. Then you can even use 
(graphical) window manager shortcuts to TeX editors (in case you use them) with 
the correct environment settings.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation around „ß“

2014-01-13 Thread Susan Dittmar

Dear Phil,

Philip Taylor schrieb:

My 1999 edition of the Collins German Dictionary (reformed orthography)
gives only wusste, and gives it as the preterite of wissen.

Does wußte exist in the Reformed Orthography, and if so,
with what meaning ?

it does not exist in the Reformed Orthography, that's right. But there's strong 
resistance, as  you probably already noticed, against this reform. So although 
Law decided for wußte to no longer be correct, most people here (at least most 
of those who finished school before the reform) still use, and insist on, the 
old form.

Btw, the reform only applies to Germany. To my knowledge it does not apply to 
other German-speaking countries like Austria and Suisse.

Hope that helps lessen the confusion,


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation around „ß“

2014-01-13 Thread Susan Dittmar

I stand corrected ;-)

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Re: [XeTeX] subfiles and number lines

2013-07-23 Thread Susan Dittmar


drrd drrd wrote:


I have a small problem. Because of his huge size file latex which create 
bug with texworks, i decided to cut it in 3 parts :

- parameter file with all variables and macro : file param.tex
- part1 one : file1.tex, part2, etc..
- master file : master.tex
A friend suggest me to use subfiles packages. I Did it.

I want to show number line on the left of my arabic text. It's ok when I 
make all the text in one file only. But when i create subfiles it 
happens no things, i have no error but the numbers doesn't appears on 
the right.

Did it happens to someone else ? Thank you for your help.

I Have also a problem with the package subfiles.sty, i have to put it in 
the file's folder to success my compilation.

I am under unbuntu with texlive2013, and the files examples are in this 

I did not test anything, but:
in master.tex, replace \include{param} with \input{param}. \input reads the file 
and executes the contents as if it were in place of the \input command. \include 
does more, and is meant for inclusion of chapters.

Perhaps that already does the trick?


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Re: [XeTeX] PDF V1.6 too recent

2013-01-10 Thread Susan Dittmar

Martin Schröder schrieb:

See also the first hit on**+WARNING+**

Just as a side note: google's search results are strongly biased by your 
personal previous choices of its answers. Thus the search result sets 
may differ GREATLY from person to person.


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Re: [XeTeX] Is there an include difference between 0.9996 and -0.9998?

2012-11-23 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Mike Pomax Kamermans (
 On 11/23/2012 2:10 AM, Peter Dyballa wrote:
 Mimic the layout of the TeX distribution in your private area! 
 /usr/local/texlive/20XY/texmf-dist/tex/latex corresponds with 
 ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex. Create in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex a 
 directory mine or Pomax and put your STY files there. No maketexlsr is 
 needed. As a test use kpsewhich to see whether it can find your files!
 But is that approach dependent on a *n*x environment, or will that also 
 work under the MiKTeX installation for Windows?

The approach is the same for unix, mac, windows.

The actual path depends on your individual setup. If I remember correctly,
kpsewhich can tell you where it searches for the user's personal style
files. On my very old system 
kpsewhich -show-path=tex
gives a very long path which includes (near the end) several optional names
for such directory trees.
kpsewhich --help
might lead you to even better ways to query this.


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Re: [XeTeX] horizontal alignment

2012-11-20 Thread Susan Dittmar
 To understand it you can simply compile the code I attached in the first 
 message. It's nearly what I need, except you can see WORDs after TITLEs a bit 
 off (about 1mm) their expected placement.

Then my first guess is that's due to additional space added because of
spaces the TeX engine cannot correctly crunch. How about masking every
newline with a %, does that change things?

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] Automate table creation

2012-03-01 Thread Susan Dittmar
Here another basis on which you might be able to auto-generate your tables,
once you adopt it to your needs. Strategy: First create a command that
contains the whole table, then afterwards call that command to actually
output the table.


% create tabular head:
% add lines using a loop (you can use nested loops if need be; use
% \noexpand to protect commands that should not yet be expanded):
\foreach \n in {a,b,c}{\xappto{\TABLE}{\n  \noexpand\`\n  \noexpand\'\n  
\noexpand\\n \noexpand\\}}
% add the tabular foot:
% execute the tabular:


I hope that helps,


PS: Idea taken from

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Re: [XeTeX] fonts: where to find? how to activate bold face?

2012-01-25 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hi folks,

Quoting Pander (
 In TeX you will have to activate the fake behaviour explicitly no matter
 which operating system you are using. See fontspec manual for how to use
 fakebold and fakeslant.
 David J. Perry wrote:
 Does Linux fake bold and italic characters, if a font does not come with 
 true bold and italic versions? Windows does this; if Linux does also, it's 
 possible that the font you are using comes only in roman, and the bold you 
 see in LibreOffice is not real. Just a possibility -- 

Right to the point here! With this list's help I found out that, at least
on my computer, there's no boldface of this font, and neither did I find
one in the 'net (did not search thoroughly, though). I tried activating the
fake bold, but somehow that does not seem to have any effect, at least when
viewing the result with acrobat reader.

Thanks all for your help, it is greatly appreciated!


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Re: [XeTeX] fonts: where to find? how to activate bold face?

2012-01-25 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Pander (
 I can give you the commands directly but in order to improve your
 capacity to solv your own issue I need to ask:
   - what did you read in the fontspec's manual
   - what did you try exactly (minimal example)
 Probably when gathering this information you will see the answer
 yourself ;) otherwise I will help you out.

Well, I did not yet create a minimal example, and I did not spend enough
time with the fontspec manual. That's why I postponed asking again until
after I made time for that. Unfortunately, I do not have a working XeTeX on
the system I'm working at now, so any testing on my part will have to wait
until tonight. If you want to wait until I did some more work myself, fine
with me ;-)

I can give you the latest version of what I did, but cannot check if it's a
working minimal example:


%   FakeSlant=0.2,%
%   AutoFakeSlant=0.2,%
]{Argor Man Scaqh}

Test of normal versus bold Text\\
\textbf{Test of normal versus bold Text}


I played with the FakeBold settings, even with activating only some of the
lines, but did not come to anything that makes those two lines look

The Argor Man Scaqh is a free true type font. You can obtain it from a lot
of places in the 'net, one of which (identical with the version I am using)

Thanks for your offer of help,


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Re: [XeTeX] fonts: where to find? how to activate bold face?

2012-01-25 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Pander,

as you guessed making a minimal example and further reading fontspec manual
helped, though without the hints from this list I would not have found out
which problem to fight in the first place. It turns out one of the things I
tested (AutoFakeBold) was what was needed. I just did not see the
difference between normal and bold text because with the default setting
this difference is rather weak with this font. I had to use much bigger

So, with this list's kind help, I finally got what I needed.

Thanks a lot to all of you,


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[XeTeX] fonts: where to find? how to activate bold face?

2012-01-24 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hello folks,

I have to admit, that although I read through a lot of documentation, I
still do not graps how fonts are handled. I have rather urgent needs for
some basic features and hope one of you can answer my question without too
much trouble.

What I have: In a document I use one of the system fonts (Angor Man Scaqh),
which as far as I know is a truetype font, via
\setmainfont{Argor Man Scaqh}
\setromanfont{Argor Man Scaqh}
\setsansfont{Argor Man Scaqh}
(using the same fontface here is easier, for this special document, than
re-defining things like section headings fonts).  This works so far. Now I
would like to have some texts in bold face.  Although I can have bold text
in this font with LibreOffice, \textbf{...} does not yield boldface.

Does one of you know ad hoc how I could enable boldface for this font?

Unfortunately I cannot give you a minimal example at the moment, as I am at
a computer without xetex and without this font right now. In case it's
needed, I can make one tonight.

Related with my search for a solution, I stumbled over the question how to
find the associated font. In case of Angor Man Scaqh, I tried a full
filesystem search for filenames containing even only parts of this font
name, and failed. Looks like I did not try the appropriate abbreviation.
Is there an easy way to find out which font file is associated with a font
name on a Linux system?

Thanks in advance for any hints,


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Re: [XeTeX] right justified paragraph in tabular or longtable

2011-12-21 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Adam McCollum (
 [...] longtable [...] From what I understand, there is not an option of r and 
 p{WIDTH}, but I assume there is another way to do what I need.

I did not test it, but with

\usepackage{array} (which defines \arraybackslash), you can either use


directly within the longtable definition, or you can define a new column


and then use this column R{WIDTH} in the longtable definition.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] right justified paragraph in tabular or longtable

2011-12-21 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Adam,

Quoting McCollum, Adam (, who forgot to include the
xetex list:
 Thanks, the second option works as I would like. (For some reason, I only
 got an error message with the first.)

Ah, I guess that's because your mail reader showed the greater sign () at
the beginning of the code as just another level of quotation. The first
option uses {\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{WIDTH} (without the quotes)
inside the longtable definition. It does the same as the second option,
though the second option does it in a two-step version that might be easier
to read and use, especially if you have more than one such column (or more
than one longtable using such columns).

Hope that clarifies things, though of course you already have a working


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Re: [XeTeX] centering layout with geometry package

2011-11-25 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Daniel,

Quoting Daniel Greenhoe (
 Using the geometry package, is there any way to automatically (without
 using layouthoffset and layoutvoffset) to center a layout area on a
 physical page? The default seems for the layout to be pushed into the
 upper left corner of the physical page. Here is an example:

What is it that you want? centering or marin=10mm? I guess geometry just
uses the last directive concerning margins that you give, thus overwriting
the result of 'centering' the moment it read the margin directive. A margin
of 1cm might just be what you call 'pushed into the upper left corner'.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] centering layout with geometry package

2011-11-25 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hello Daniel,

I had a glance at the current geometry documentation. Unfortunately, to me it
looks like what you want is not implemented.

  Quoting Daniel Greenhoe (
  Using the geometry package, is there any way to automatically (without
  using layouthoffset and layoutvoffset) to center a layout area on a
  physical page? The default seems for the layout to be pushed into the
  upper left corner of the physical page. Here is an example:

There seems to be no way of asking for a centered layout area on the
physical page. Looks like you do have to set layouthoffset and
layoutvoffset manually.

Still my remark concerning having both centering and margin=10mm in the
options list holds true. They affect the same internal values, one
overwriting the other.

Hope that helps, at least a bit,


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Re: [XeTeX] Wacky behavior of XeLaTeX in TeXLive 2011

2011-11-07 Thread Susan Dittmar
I can't help with the original problem, but I would like to comment on a
question that came up as an aside:

Quoting Alessandro Ceschini (
 Why should fontspec try to load a crappy slanted shape in the first 
 place? I just don't understand why! Slanted shapes are a last-resort 
 stuff, not first-choice. So why loading a slanted shape when the italic 
 is available?

I think that's a point of personal preference. With the fonts I use I often
prefer slanted over italic, because the slanted is different enough from
upright to stick in the eye, but closer to the main font than italic, thus
not as much a disturbance.
I'm no typesetting expert though...


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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-21 Thread Susan Dittmar
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 09:30:29PM +0100, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) 
 And to which package management suite would you suggest they delegate
 when offering TeX Live for Windows ?

Perhaps there's not even need to change the package management texlive has.

I do not know much about the package managers out there, but those I looked
at incorporate the option to call a script to do at least
after-installation stuff. So perhaps there might be the option to tell the
distro's package manager with the help of this mechanism how to truely
install and update texlive. If---I didn't check---texlive offers a way of
installing/updating to a fixed versions (some command to 'install version
number X' in contrast to 'install newest version'), then even the stability
demands of long term stable distros can be fulfilled.

As this would help mete out terribly outdated versions of texlive, thinking
about such a mechanism might be worth the effort. Unfortunately I don't
have enough time to offer my help to that at the moment.

Susan Dittmar

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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-20 Thread Susan Dittmar
Chris, you are *not* alone in your need for stability in the sense of
everything that worked up to now still has to work with the new version.
I have the same requirement, and quite a lot of the professional
typesetters on this list do, too. So even if it does not look like that to
you---I know I was one of those asking you to update---there *is* interest
in that same thing here.

I think the problem here arises because most of the people on this list are
TeX users themselves, not TeX service providers. 

Quoting Herbert Schulz (
 On Oct 19, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Chris Travers wrote:
  I think stable in terms of you can safely use this to render your
  documents and stable in terms of no unnecessary changed so we know
  the software using this clearly and predictably works every time are
  different senses of the word stable.  I need the latter once the
  software is installed, you are talking the former.
 Of course there is another sense of ``stable'': we're not going to change
 anything even if it doesn't work and has bugs because it's better to know
 your enemy than to find an ew enemy or friend.

You are right, and that's the danger whenever you need a system in the
second listed sense of stable. A danger Chris, and others with his needs,
is very aware of.

I think it's quite well that this point is being discussed here again.
Perhaps it serves to remind package writers how important backwards
compatibility is, and what a hell they create for their users whenever
backwards compatibility is broken.


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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-20 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Zdenek Wagner (
 Of course, I never update anything in a middle of an important task.
 That's why I still have CentOS 4 on one of my computers.

Well, in the middle of an important task is valid in a production system
every single minute. With this policy you will never update on such a
system. And that's why there are so many old systems out there, and why
Chris ran into the problem that created this thread.


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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-20 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Peter Dyballa (
 What keeps you from installing TeX Live temporarily in /tmp and converting it 
 into a native package?

Me personally? I never did that before and would have to delve into how to
create a native package. I had a look at this some time ago and decided my
need was not big enough for the effort it seemed to take. Could you tell me
how to do that for openSUSE from the top of your head? If it was easy, I'm
sure an up to date TeX were included in this distribution (and all the

I have some friends who use Linux at home. Although intelligent people,
information technologies cannot hold their interest, and thus they are
nearly computer-illiterate. I taught them enough so they can make the
necessary updates using the distribution's packager.  Do I really want to
have to teach them a different way of updating for every tiny program they

Admitted, TeXlive is not a tiny thing. Still it is just one program suite
among a lot of others. Helping users with the day-to-day administrational
work was the main reason why linux distributions have been invented. To
demand that users do their updates on a per-program base and by hand means
a big step backwards in this respect...

I really love tlmgr. I do use it extensively. And I am tremendously
grateful for all the effort put into that. But please rather think about
supporting distros so they package up to date TeX (or even trigger tlgmr)
instead of demanding that the end user uses yet another updating tool.


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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-18 Thread Susan Dittmar
Quoting Chris Travers (
 ! LaTeX source files more than 5 years old!.
 Any idea of what I do about this?

I did not follow the thread closely. Are you the administrator of the
system? If so, I'd advise to de-install fedora's TeX-suite and install
texlive instead. That at least is what I did with my openSUSE boxes.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] Polyglossia/makecmds: Old document fails to compile

2011-09-30 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Gareth,

this one should be easy to fix. It's a known bug / inconsistency with
polyglossia. Add


in a line before the call to polyglossia.

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-18 Thread Susan Dittmar

Quoting Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) (
 Peter Dyballa wrote:
 Yes, maybe it has to be
 Simplest is to grab the original meaning of \n before
 re-defining it :
   \let \canonicaln = \n
   \def \n {whatever, using \canonicaln}

That's not Peter's intention, Phil. If I understand correctly, he wants to
construct a loop, where \n contains the loop's counter (and the integer
representation of the character to be replaced, if I understand correctly),
so he does not want to define \n, but define whatever \n contains. I am
still too confused by \expandafter's and \csname's to implement that

Hope that helps,


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Re: [XeTeX] Greek (and other Unicode) letters in math mode

2011-06-01 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Mariusz,

 Half a year ago I prepared and thoroughly tested a keyboard layout for Linux
 which provides easy, fast, and in most cases intuitive input of practically
 all common and some less common mathematical symbols. It is conveniet not just
 for XeLaTeX. It may be even more convenient for typing Math, e.g., in emails.
 If there is interest I would be happy to make this layout together with 
 instructions how to install it and use -- available to everybody.

if it's not too much work, I would be gratefull if you'd share it.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [XeTeX] hypertext index

2011-03-09 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Houda,

Quoting houda araj (
 What is the syntax to make every word in the index clickable so one can 
 navigate from index words to the text ?
 Should we put instruction before each word in the index ?
  \hyperlink{\index}{Google} Recherche de \hyperlink{\index}{blogs} est 
 l'application de la \hyperlink{\index}{technologie de recherche} Google aux 
 blogs. Google est un fervent défenseur du mouvement d'auto-publication que 
 représentent les blogs. Nous espérons que Google Recherche de blogs aidera 
 nos utilisateurs.

It's rather

Google\index}{Google} Recherche de blogs\index{blog} est l'application de
la technologie de recherche\index{technologie de recherche} Google aux
blogs. [...]

The \index{text} command marks a place on the page (I do not remember if
you better choose the end or the beginning of the word or phrase you really
want marked), and saves its page number together with the word 'text'
(which does not need to be the same as the printed word!). Those lines
(text plus page number) are written to a special file, which then can be
processed (sorted, and entries for the same text combined) by makeindex or
one of its sibling programs. This program's output then can be included in
the next (Xe)(La)TeX run. The word (text) won't be klickable, but with
hypertext the page numbers should be.

The \hyperlink command works in the opposite direction. It makes the word
(in place) klickable and points *away* from there, whereas the \index
command creates something that points *towards* the place where that
command was used.

Hope that helps,


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[XeTeX] substitutions for missing or wrong glyphs

2011-02-02 Thread Susan Dittmar
Hi folks,

I guess this is a FAQ, but my search foo seems to have left me today...

I would like to use a font (several in fact, some of which are true type,
others open type) which does not include all glyphs I need.  For example
the endash and emdash are missing, as are the german quotation marks. Is
there a way, other than hacking the font file itself, to tell xetex to take
those glyphs from another font? I know that might look ugly, but it's still
less ugly than the 'missing glyph' glyph or another completely wrong glyph.

Thanks for any hints,


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Re: [XeTeX] substitutions for missing or wrong glyphs

2011-02-02 Thread Susan Dittmar
Dear Michael,

thanks a lot for your help. It works partially. The line 
\XeTeXcharclass `\-- 4 results in an error, perhaps because of the use of
-- instead of the unicode endash. But I think I can work on from there.
At least I already managed to make it work for the german quotation marks.
Now I need to find out what those commands do exactly, but I feel confident
to find further information in the 'net now that I know what to look out

Thanks again,


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