Re: [XeTeX] HI

2012-01-07 Thread Yves Codet
Le 7 janv. 2012 à 23:10, Zdenek Wagner a écrit :

> 2012/1/7 chandrasekhar s 
> Can the above image be produced using the devanagari package. To produce it I 
> used the sktpackage but I am curious to know if this image (that is the 
> chandrabindu along with the halanth) can be produced using the devanagari 
> package. This symbol very often is used in the "Rudram: Namakam-Camakam" 
> mantra.
> Yes, {\dn\dnsamaveda hi\@\ }
> But this is not a XeTeX question. I do not know how to produce it in XeTeX. 

You need a font including the last character (U+A8F3 DEVANAGARI SIGN 
CANDRABINDU VIRAMA). There's only Siddhanta as far as Alan Woods knows:



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Re: [XeTeX] HI

2012-01-07 Thread Zdenek Wagner
2012/1/7 chandrasekhar s 

> [image: enter image description here]
> Can the above image be produced using the devanagari package. To produce
> it I used the sktpackage but I am curious to know if this image (that is
> the chandrabindu along with the halanth) can be produced using the
> devanagari package. This symbol very often is used in the "Rudram:
> Namakam-Camakam" mantra.

Yes, {\dn\dnsamaveda hi\@\ }
But this is not a XeTeX question. I do not know how to produce it in XeTeX.

> Chandrasekhar
> --
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Zdeněk Wagner

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[XeTeX] HI

2012-01-07 Thread chandrasekhar s
[image: enter image description here]

Can the above image be produced using the devanagari package. To produce it
I used the sktpackage but I am curious to know if this image (that is the
chandrabindu along with the halanth) can be produced using the
devanagari package.
This symbol very often is used in the "Rudram: Namakam-Camakam" mantra.



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