Re: [XFree86] Cannot start X-server

2005-07-19 Thread Tobias Freitag
On Friday, 15. July 2005 11:09, Roman Černigoj wrote:
> Hello,
> I was asked to send you this log file.
> Please could you help with some information.
Well, thats an easy one. Your font path is missing. You have to either start 
your font server (try: /etc/init.d/xfs start) or provide a file path to your 
fonts, so that xfree can find them. 

Mine reside in /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ but thats distribution specific. See your 
XFree config file (mostly /etc/X11/XF86Config) and look for Section "Files". 
Your should see something like:


Check if the path is right, and the files exist, if not install them.

Hope this helps
Tobias Freitag

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] This stuff is not really expensive as before...

2005-07-19 Thread Andy

Why are online drugs popular

I'm going to memorize your name and throw my head away.  
Much learning does not teach understanding.   
To remark idly is the blind man's folly. 

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XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] problem

2005-07-19 Thread Ariel Clerici

Hi, I’m working with mandrake 9.1, and I have e
problem with the video device and net device, can you help me?, and what do you
need for know the problem. 

Thanks in advance. 


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Re: [XFree86] Problem getting Dual-head on i915 (i810) XFree 4.5 on HP laptop to work

2005-07-19 Thread Grant Sewell
On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:46:59 -0500
Robert C. Auch wrote:

> I'm running Debian etch (testing) on an HP Compaq nc6220.  It's not 
> technically supported, but all the components are, and are all running fine, 
> with the exception of Dual-headed output.  I've downloaded and installed 
> XFree86 4.5.0 on top of the 4.3 install that came from the Netinst sources 
> and  I'm using the i810 driver 
> FROM XFree 4.5, and the logs show the detection of the i915GM chipset.
> I can't get output to the 2nd monitor at all - the monitor only shows "No 
> Sync" when I "startx".  I'm running a custom 2.6.12 with i810 and vesa 
> framebuffer support, which also works fine (not sure if that will affect 
> things or not)
> Attached are my XF86Config-4 and XFree86.0.log from my most recent boot.  In 
> thelog, you'll see that X detects my laptop display, but not the attached and 
> powered on LCD panel. All my "howto" searches have come up with Matrox 
> dual-head issues, but not Intel.  My XF86Config-4 is built based on other 
> people's suggestions for Dell and Fujitsu laptops that I found in google 
> searches before coming here.
> Words of warning: 1) I don't know what DPMS is for, but everyone always has 
> it on.  2) i read once that DRI is unavailble with dual-headed output, but 
> all the Dell users had it enabled and set.  3) I've been running Linux since 
> March.  I'm a Windows admin by experience, so I expect I missed something 
> simple.
> Thanks in advance!
> Robert Auch

Hi Robert.  Possibly a couple of things in there.

I'm running Sid and I had a similar problem.  I am not sure of the official 
XFree stance on this, but I found that moving the

Option  "Xinerama"  "true"

line into it's own section, like this:

Section "ServerFlags"
Option "Xinerama" "True"

helped on my setup.  However, you might also like to revise this line:

Screen  1 "External Screen" RightOf "LCD"

since you're actually listing 3 screens: 1, "External Screen" and "LCD".

Also, in your XFree.0.log (or whatever) a couple of interesting things cropped 
up.  The following shouldn't cause too many problems, but you might want to 
revise the **Section "Files" ** part of your config file (for the fonts).

(WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such device)

However, the following *will* cause problems... it can't find your 2nd device.

(WW) I810: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found

Also the following is telling us that the values you used for HSync and VSync 
are not the same as what your LCD monitor is reporting:

(WW) I810(0): config file hsync range 28-60kHz not within DDC hsync ranges.
(WW) I810(0): config file vrefresh range 43-100Hz not within DDC vrefresh 

I would think your primary problem is the fact that it can't fine the device!  
Check using the "lspci" command (may need to be root for that).  Note, however, 
that the values reported by "lspci" are in hex but the values in the X config 
file should be in decimal.

Hope that helps.

Unix:  Some say the learning curve is steep, but you only have to climb it once.
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] VGA Switching problems

2005-07-19 Thread Becky . Kiichle

Has anyone ever had problems
switching from Hi-Res to VGA mode (Ctrl-Alt-F1)?  I have a problem where I can
switch to VGA and type, but I don’t see my typing.  I know it’s
working because when I type X, I can get back to Hi-Res.  Any opinions on
this?  Even suggestions as to whether this might be a driver issue or a VGA HW
issue would be appreciated.





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[XFree86] Professional Advertising

2005-07-19 Thread Jeff

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