[XFree86] Fwd: Argent: XFRee86 fatal error! (again)
Note: forwarded message attached. = http://members.fortunecity.com/makko __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more http://taxes.yahoo.com/--- Begin Message --- Note: forwarded message attached. = http://members.fortunecity.com/makko __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more http://taxes.yahoo.com/--- Begin Message --- Hello, i'm on a redhat 8.0 box and when i booted the thing this morning, i got this messege((again) see first attachment). So i did as you advised me last time, i loged in in text-mode as root an typed in the following command:sevice xfs startand then i typed the following command:service xfs statusad got the following response(see attached msg.doc) Now how do i fix this? Timothyhttp://members.fortunecity.com/makkoDo you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more XFree86.0.log Description: XFree86.0.log msg.doc Description: msg.doc --- End Message --- --- End Message ---
[XFree86] Fwd: Argent: XFRee86 fatal error! (again)
Note: forwarded message attached. = http://members.fortunecity.com/makko __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more http://taxes.yahoo.com/--- Begin Message --- Hello, i'm on a redhat 8.0 box and when i booted the thing this morning, i got this messege((again) see first attachment). So i did as you advised me last time, i loged in in text-mode as root an typed in the following command:sevice xfs startand then i typed the following command:service xfs statusad got the following response(see attached msg.doc) Now how do i fix this? Timothyhttp://members.fortunecity.com/makkoDo you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more XFree86.0.log Description: XFree86.0.log msg.doc Description: msg.doc --- End Message ---
[XFree86] Urgent!: xfree86 fatal error.
Hello, i've been using redhat 8.0 for about a month and a half now to administrate and sudenly when i started the server this morning i got this message (see attached log file) how can i fix it? Timothyhttp://members.fortunecity.com/makkoDo you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more XFree86.0.log Description: XFree86.0.log