[XFree86] job offer.

2005-10-26 Thread Alex Butheman

We are USA electronics company.
We need cooperation with you.

You can earn some cash for the small help in one matter.

Please contact us only by this URL for more details: 

Alex Butheman

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] (no subject)

2005-06-21 Thread alex

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5) 5

[XFree86] QUOTATION NEEDED ....................

2005-04-14 Thread alex john

True Colour YMCKO Printer Ribbon
Number of prints = 200..100 QTYS.

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Re: [XFree86] External Lcd Problems with laptop! Aaaargh!

2005-03-10 Thread Alex Mavrogonatos
I solved the problem by installing linux again with
the VESA driver instead of the trident one! (I know,
reinstalling the OS is a windows thing to do, but hey!
I'm new to linux!) X surely regenerated the config
file this time, but what troubles me is that even in
the install process, whenever i tested any resolution
with the trident driver the LCD went out of sync.
Could there be any issue with the trident driver or
with the driver in combination with my hardware?
Anyway, I know using the VESA driver isn't good
performance wise, but practiclly I have not seen any
noticable decrease in performance. Probably because
the cyber 9388 isn't a top performer anyway! Later on
I'll try the trident driver again and post any
results. Right now I'm enjoying the benefits of linux
too much to see it's frustrating side again! Again
thanks for the help!

> It is not trying to bring up any resolution, because
> your screen section does match the hardware. Let X
> generate the  configuration file, and then use that
> file as the starting point.

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RE: [XFree86] External Lcd Problems with laptop! Aaaargh!

2005-03-09 Thread Alex Mavrogonatos
Hi, thanks for the reply! I tried removing modelines
but still nothing. The horizontal-vertical frequencies
are out of the monitor's manual, but I also tried
playing around with those settings because I read
somewhere that sometimes a mode might be slightly out
of those limits but still work with the monitor. I've
actually seen this be done in windows with the help of
the utility I downloaded (or at least I think I did,
since I'm not an expert when it comes to frequencies
in general!). That didn't work either. Since I am
getting a video signal from the laptop though, is
there anyway I can find out what resolution X is
trying to bring up?
Thanks again for your time!

--- "Benstead, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In my (admittedly limited) experience I've always
> had problems with
> modelines.  A number of times the configuration
> program has put a mode line
> in that did not do the job.
> However having said that I've always been able to
> resolve the problem by
> simply removing any mode lines from the config file.
>  Provided you have the
> correct horizontal and vertical refresh rates in the
> monitor section you
> should not have a problem.
> So try removing your mode lines from your monitor
> section and see what
> happens.  All the mode line is doing is supeceding
> the BIOS or driver
> settings for the screen resolution you have chosen.
> Kevin
> email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Tel:   +44 (0)118 971 5032

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XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] External Lcd Problems with laptop! Aaaargh!

2005-03-09 Thread Alex Mavrogonatos
Hi, I'm kinda a newbie to linux and trying to
permemamtly switch to it from XP. Im using a fujitsu
e342 laptop with a trident cyber 9388 graphics adaptor
and running mandrake 10 on it. Here's the problem:

I'm using this laptop as a desktop replacement meaning
with an external monitor, external mouse, external
keyboard etc. I was using an external CRT monitor (NEC
multisync V521) til it died on me and it was working
just fine at 1024x768 (while the laptop's internal
screen supports up to 800x600). I replaced the crt
with a 17 inch LCD monitor (LG 1720p) and the problems
started. When I boot up Linux the external LCD goes
blank at all resolutions, but when I boot up using the
internal and the external screen simultaneously they
both work at 800x600. O figured this is a modeline
thing because I had to get a modeline from
linux-on-laptops to get the crt working at 1024x768
(until then I had the same problem with the CRT if I
recall correctly...) and probably the same modeline is
out of range for my LCD screen. So what I did was boot
with both screens at 800x600, use xvidtune to get a
modeline for that resolution, add it to my
XF86Config-4 file and hope I could get at least a
800x600 resolution working on my external LCD only.
Weirdly enough this didn't work. Next, with the help
from a utility i googled up, I got my hands on
windows' parameters and computed modelines with a
modeline calculator on the net. Still nothing... In
all the above cases I get a signal out of range on the
LCD. It seems that X is outputting some kind of signal
that the LCD wont recognize. Actually if at that point
I enable the internal LCD also, I'm able to get
800x600 on both screens by fiddling with alt+ctrl+plus
(at least I'm sure this worked once or twice, actually
never tried it again). The LCD screen in windows XP
can bring up a nice [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 256 colors but I
would be ok with a 1024x768 in linux. What am I doing
wrong? Damn Linux, if only I didn't love thee so...
I'm sending my relatively old configuration because
since then I've been playing alot with my XF86Config-4
file and I'm sure I've added stuff that don't really
help! Here's the XF86Config-4 file that worked with my
CRT, the only changes I made to this where the
horizontal-vertical frequency ranges I got from the
LCD's manual and below is X's log file, thanks for
your time in advance!

# File generated by XFdrake.

# Refer to the XF86Config man page for details about
the format of
# this file.

Section "Files"
# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are
concatenated together)
# By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a
font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.
FontPath "unix/:-1"

Section "ServerFlags"
#DontZap # disable  (server abort)
#DontZoom # disable /
(resolution switching)
AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up
even if the mouse doesn't work

Section "Module"
Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension
Load "v4l" # Video for Linux
Load "extmod"
Load "type1"
Load "freetype"
Load "glx" # 3D layer

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard1"
Driver "Keyboard"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,el(extended)"
Option "XkbOptions"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "monitor1"
VendorName "Plug'n Play"
HorizSync 30-83
VertRefresh 56-75

ModeLine "800x600" 50 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643
666 +hsync +vsync
ModeLine "1024x768" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1328 768
771 777 806 -hsync -vsync


Section "Device"
Identifier "device1"
VendorName "Trident Microsystems"
BoardName "Trident Cyber 9388 (generic)"
Driver "trident"
VideoRam 2048
Option "DPMS"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "screen1"
Device "device1"
Monitor "monitor1"
DefaultColorDepth 15

Subsection "Display"
Depth 8
Virtual 1024 768

Subsection "Display"
Depth 15
Virtual 1024 768

Subsection "Display"
Depth 16
Virtual 1024 768

Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Virtual 1024 768

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "layout1"
InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
Screen "screen1"


This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not
supported in any
way.  Bugs may be reported to XFree86@XFree86.Org and
patches submitted
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bug

Re: [XFree86] xfree86 4.3.0 + nvidia + 1920x1200 + LCD 230W5

2004-12-13 Thread Alex Ongena
helas, this line does not work for the Philips 230W5 in DVI mode
(it does work in Analog mode, but it's less sharp than the digital mode)

In the mean time, I figured out that the max Analog dot pixel rate is
205 MHz and the max Digital dot pixel rate is 160 Mhz (via EDID).

All 'Mode line' generators seem to complain that 160 MHz is not
enough to provide 1920 x 1200 (?), however the Documentation with
the monitor says: Ideal resolution 1920 x 1200 @ 60 HZ via DVI ...

I do not understand that this would work in M$-Windows (where the
drivers are supplied) and not with Xfree86 :-(

Any other hints or pointers on how I can configure/calculate
is by hand are more than welcome.


> | Section "Modes"
> |   Identifier   "Modes[0]"
> |   Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 210.68 1920 1952 2752 2784 1200 1224 1236
> | 1261 EndSection
> presuming the line wrap in the line above is due to your pasting and 
> that EndSection actually is on its own line . . . my experience 
> suggests that your dotclock is a little too fast.
> i'm running the sony 23-inch panel with a radeon, so we're not doing 
> exactly the same thing, but here's what works here:
> Section "Monitor"
>   Option   "PanelSize" "1920x1200"
>   HorizSync28-92
>   Identifier   "Monitor[0]"
>   ModelName"SDM-232W"
>   VendorName   "Sony"
>   VertRefresh  48-85
>   UseModes "Modes[0]"
> EndSection
> Section "Modes"
>   Identifier   "Modes[0]"
>   Modeline"1920x1200" 170.0 1920 1984 2016 2120 1200 1203 1206 1250
> EndSection
> perhaps you could start with something like this. i derived my modeline 
> from the probed edid data in the logfile.

Able moves: 
NEW ADDRESS as of 20/12/2004:
Dellingstraat 28b
2800 Mechelen
attention: Able offices are closed on friday 17/12/2004

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XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] xfree86 4.3.0 + nvidia + 1920x1200 + LCD 230W5

2004-12-10 Thread Alex Ongena

I'am having trouble to get my new Philips 230W5 (23")
to it's maximum resolution via the digital link DVI.
The maximum I get is 1600x1200

Has anyone a working config ? or pointers to help ?

I have generated my Modes[0] line with

This is part of my XFConfig-4.
Section "Device"
Identifier  "GeForce 5200"
Driver  "nvidia"
Option  "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier  "Philips 230W5"
HorizSync   30-93
VertRefresh 56-85
Option  "DPMS"
Option  "IgnoreEDID" "1"
Option  "PanelSize" "1920x1200"

Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes[0]"
  Modeline "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 210.68 1920 1952 2752 2784 1200 1224 1236 1261

and this is part of the logging

(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(**) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
(==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(**) NVIDIA(0): Option "IgnoreEDID" "1"
(**) NVIDIA(0): Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"
(**) NVIDIA(0): Ignoring EDIDs
(**) NVIDIA(0): ConnectedMonitor string: "DFP"
(--) NVIDIA(0): Linear framebuffer at 0xE800
(--) NVIDIA(0): MMIO registers at 0xFD00
(II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU detected as: GeForce FX 5200
(--) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS:
(--) NVIDIA(0): Interlaced video modes are supported on this GPU
(II) NVIDIA(0): Detected AGP rate: 8X
(--) NVIDIA(0): VideoRAM: 131072 kBytes
(II) NVIDIA(0): Using ConnectedMonitor string "DFP-0"
(--) NVIDIA(0): Display device DFP-0: maximum pixel clock at  8 bpp: 400
(--) NVIDIA(0): Display device DFP-0: maximum pixel clock at 16 bpp: 400
(--) NVIDIA(0): Display device DFP-0: maximum pixel clock at 32 bpp: 400
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not probing EDIDs.
(II) NVIDIA(0): Philips 230W5: Using hsync range of 30.00-93.00 kHz
(II) NVIDIA(0): Philips 230W5: Using vrefresh range of 56.00-85.00 Hz
(II) NVIDIA(0): Clock range:  12.00 to 400.00 MHz
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (vrefresh out of
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "512x384" (vrefresh out of range)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1600x1200" (hsync out of range)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (hsync out of range)

(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "1920x1200" (no mode of this name)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1920x1440" (width too large for
virtual size)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1856x1392" (width too large for
virtual size)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using default mode "1792x1344" (width too large for
virtual size)
(II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (width too large for
virtual size)



(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "360x200":
(WW) NVIDIA(0):   horizontal sync start (378) not a multiple of 8
(**) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes for display device DFP-0:
(**) NVIDIA(0):  Default mode "1600x1200": 202.5 MHz, 93.8 kHz, 75.0
(**) NVIDIA(0):  Default mode "1600x1200": 189.0 MHz, 87.5 kHz, 70.0
(**) NVIDIA(0):  Default mode "1600x1200": 175.5 MHz, 81.2 kHz, 65.0
(**) NVIDIA(0):  Default mode "1600x1200": 162.0 MHz, 75.0 kHz, 60.0
(**) NVIDIA(0):  Default mode "1400x1050": 155.8 MHz, 81.5 kHz, 74.8


(**) NVIDIA(0):  Default mode "320x175": 15.8 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.3 Hz
(II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1600 x 1200
(++) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (100, 100)

Thanks already for any help

Able moves: 
NEW ADDRESS as of 20/12/2004:
Dellingstraat 28b
2800 Mechelen
attention: Able offices are closed on friday 17/12/2004

aXs GUARD has completed security and anti-virus checks on this e-mail
XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] ATI Mobility Radeon 7000 (notebook) not recognized - not supported??

2004-11-17 Thread alex fratila
M6 is supported for sure, i have it on a asus notebook
with red hat EL 3.0... so not very new XFree
good luck
--- Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cornelis Bockemuehl wrote:
> > Hello Ian,
> > 
> > Thanks for your explanation!
> > 
> > So the bottom line for me:
> > 
> > - "IGP" and "M6" is not the same chip
> Correct.
> > - Since I only find "IGP" in the radeon driver
> documentation for
> > XFree86, while my own system has an M6, which is
> not mentioned, there
> > is a good chance that it is indeed not supported,
> and that the reason
> > why all XFree86 programs fail might be exactly
> that :-(
> AFAIK, it *should* be supported.  At least from the
> 3D perspective, 
> which is the only area I really know, the M6 and the
> desktop Radeon 7000 
> are identical.  Since the 7000 is supported, and has
> been for a long 
> time, the M6 should be as well.  Afterall, the M6 is
> more than 2 years old.
> ___
> XFree86 mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86

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[XFree86] disabling any hardware accelerations

2004-11-05 Thread alex alex
I have an ASUS notebook with ati radeon m7 and I need
to disable any hardware accelerations 2D and 3D.

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[XFree86] Trident and XF86

2004-06-30 Thread Alex Campbell
Hi there

I have a problem setting up my X session on my machine, Trident model 8500
VGA-compatible display device although I can't get my XF86Config correct in
order to get the screen working, can you point me in the right direction for
a support site for this kind of VGA with a Philips Brilliance 181AS monitor?


Alex Campbell
Tiscali UK

Mob +447799865537
DDI +441908223809 

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email and its attachments may also be privileged or protected by legal
rules. If you have received this by mistake please let us know by reply
immediately and destroy the email and its attachments without reading,
copying or forwarding the contents.

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Installation Problems on OS X

2004-06-01 Thread Alex Stork
 I recently downloaded the latest version of
XFree86, 4.4.0.  I am running OS X version 10.2.8 and
I installed the necessary components:

I placed them all into a folder called XFree 86 on my

In the Terminal, I typed
cd Desktop/XFree86
sh /Users/myname/Desktop/XFree86/Xinstall.sh
The installation started, and I pressed y to continue.
 As I began installation, every file it began
extracting gave the following error
Could not Create file: Permission Denied.  In the end,
an application called XDarwin was created in my
Applications folder, but it would not launch when

 Since I am the administrator on my computer,
(being the sole user) how can I give the XInstaller
permission to write those files?  

   Thank You,

  Alex Stork

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XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Installation Problems on OS X

2004-06-01 Thread Alex Stork
 I recently downloaded the latest version of
XFree86, 4.4.0.  I am running OS X version 10.2.8 and
I installed the necessary components:

I placed them all into a folder called XFree 86 on my

In the Terminal, I typed
cd Desktop/XFree86
sh /Users/myname/Desktop/XFree86/Xinstall.sh
The installation started, and I pressed y to continue.
 As I began installation, every file it began
extracting gave the following error
Could not Create file: Permission Denied.  In the end,
an application called XDarwin was created in my
Applications folder, but it would not launch when

 Since I am the administrator on my computer,
(being the sole user) how can I give the XInstaller
permission to write those files?  

   Thank You,

  Alex Stork

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[XFree86] Dual Head on i810 Driver

2004-05-21 Thread Alex Deucher
the current i810 driver does not support dualhead.



I'm trying to get the dual head work on Fujitsu s6010 laptop, which
uses 830M 
as VGA card (i810 driver).  However, I got the error message:

Fatal server error:
Requested Entity already in use!

Does that mean XFree86 doesn't support dual monitor mode in i810
driver?  Any 
one got dual monitor worked with Intel i810?

Thanks for your help,


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XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Dualhead: BusID PCI:1:0:1: No matching Device section on Solaris x86

2004-05-20 Thread Alex Deucher
you need to use "PCI:1:0:0" for both instances. "PCI:1:0:1" is just a a
place holder so that two devices show up in the windows device tree. 
the problem is no monitor is detected on your second port:
(II) RADEON(0): Displays Detected: Monitor1--Type 1, Monitor2--Type 0
you need to force it on by adding:
Option "monitorlayout" "CRT, CRT"
to your "PriAti" device section. See the radeon man page for more. 
Also the DVI port is always the "primary" crtc.


I have trouble getting a dualhead setup to work with a Radeon 9600 Pro 
card on Solaris x86 (Solaris 10 Express). The Solaris I tried came with

4.3.0, and after several days hitting my head to the wall I downloaded 
4.4.0 from www.tools.de/solaris/xf86.

The Radeon has a CRT plugged into the primary connector. The secondary 
connector has another CRT with a DVI->VGA converter. Both of the
display the same picture, and this has been the case from day 1. The 
identical displays are also shown during BIOS messages etc. so it 
appears the dual display is on by default.

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[XFree86] siliconmotion - Silicon Motion video driver

2004-05-01 Thread Alex Deucher
post your new patches on xfree86 bugzilla:
in addition, you can send the patches to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Hello XFree86,
Regarding the siliconmotion XFree86 driver for Silicon Motion based
cards, we would like to add one more new chipset support and update our
binary to your website.  Would you please tell us what's the procedure
to do

Francis Fung 
Silicon Motion Inc. 
Direct:  408.501.5313 

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[XFree86] Dual Screen + i810

2004-04-20 Thread Alex Deucher
the opensource i810 driver doesn't support dualhead at the moment,
however, it seems intel has released a binary driver on their website
that supports dualhead.  check the dri-devel archives for more info:


Hash: SHA1

Does somebody uses the i810 driver with dual-screen on a laptop please
? i 
can't make it work :(

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] radeon driver only ever uses clone mode instead of dual head

2004-04-14 Thread Alex Deucher
your version of xfree86 is way too old.  please try with a newer
version.  there were quite a few bugs in the pre-4.3 version.  you may
need the "monitorlayout" option which wasn't added until after 4.3 was
released.  Also, as was poined out, you can also use mergedfb for




I have a portable (Sony GRX316MP) which contains a Radeon 7500 mobility
has dual-head capability. I know this chip CAN handle non-cloning dual
because the X server from Xig does it (and Windows of course). But the
server has some problems and it seems to only support two heads in
mode; I want to have separate X displays on both heads.

But whatever configuration I try in XFree86 I at the most get a cloned
i.e. the secondary monitor shows (part of) the primary screen.
The primary screen is the laptop's LCD at [EMAIL PROTECTED], the secondary

monitor is an LCD [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To get the secondary screen to work at all I had to specify
Option "CloneMode" "1280x1024"
in the device section for the primary head, else it used the mode for
primary head regardless of the information in the Screen section and
information returned by DDC from the 2nd screen.

Parts of my XF86Config:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier  "XFree86 Dual-Head"
Screen  0   "Screen0" 0 0
Screen  1   "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
InputDevice "Mouse0""CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "Clone" "off"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Card0"
Driver  "radeon"
VendorName  "ATI Technologies Inc"
BoardName   "Radeon VE"
BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"
Option "CloneMode" "1280x1024"
Option "CloneVRefresh" "75-75"
Screen  0

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Card1"
Driver  "radeon"
VendorName  "ATI Technologies Inc"
BoardName   "Radeon VE"
BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"
Screen  1

I also have Screen, Monitor and Modes sections for each separate

Whatever I do I either have no display on the secondary monitor at all,
or the 
server dies with a SEGV, or I have a cloned display instead of a dual
(separate X desktops). I tried the Xinerama stuff also but this has no
whatshowever which seems logical since i do not HAVE two heads to
on ;-)
I tried this on the SUSE 9.0 stock XFree which seems to be a patched 
prerelease of XFree 4.3 (it has the warnings and reports a 4.2.99
number). But I also compiled XFree 4.4-with-patches from source and it 
doesn't work either.

Can ANYONE help me? Please? I'm currently looking at the radeon_driver
but before I know what's going on there will take a while >-(


Frits Jalvingh

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Re: [XFree86] Re: Xv and memory

2004-04-08 Thread Alex Deucher
> Erik Slagter wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > How can I calculate how much memory my frame buffer + Xv will need
> or
> > actually use?
> > I have a dual head setup on a Radeon Mobility 7500, 16 Mb memory.
In my
> > normal setup I have a panel running [EMAIL PROTECTED] and a TFT
> > running [EMAIL PROTECTED] This would imply it needs
> > 1400x1050x4 + 1024x768x4 bytes of memory (+ some overhead), which
> > approx. 8.8 Mb. I can do all stuff with xv on screen #1, but Xv on
> > screen #0 (the 1400x1050 one) fails with BadAlloc when requesting
Xv > for
> > resolutions over approx 200x100.
> > 
> > I don't understand that, where does all that memory go?
> I don't know exactly how the radeon driver shares the available
> among the two heads, but if it does that 50:50 as I would assume, the

> problem is obvious.
> If each screen gets 8 MB, the 1400x1050x32 screen uses almost 6MB
> for the visible screen. A little bit for pixmap cache, mouse cursor, 
> perhaps command queue and the available memory soon isn't enough for
> Xv 
> (which probably uses double-bufferung for avoing tearing effects).
> even speaking of memory fragmentation after a while.
> For YV12/I420/NV21/NV12 video, the required memory size for one frame
> is 
> calculated as follows:
>Size = width * height * 3 / 2
> For YUV2/YUVY/YVYV/RGB5/RGB6 it is
>Size = width * 2 * height
> For double buffering, multiply this by 2.
> Thomas

The radeon driver indeed divides memory 50/50 in dualhead mode. Thomas
is right, you are probably running out of memory on 1400x1050 head. 
One option you have is to try the MergedFB mode available in DRI cvs
(http://dri.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Download).  Since both
crtcs are treated as one head, the whole 16 MB is shared by both heads.
all of the available offscreen memory can then be used by either head
for Xv, etc.


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[XFree86] Xfree86 & sh4

2004-03-31 Thread Alex Deucher
I haven't looked at the code SMI code in xfree86 in a while, but if
it's unsatisfactory for your needs, you should contact SMI directly. 
In my experience they have been pretty responsive to developers.  Also
full databooks for all their chips are available on their website.


I am a trainne at STMicroelectronics of Tunis, My project   
aims of runing a demo graphic of ST40 microcontroller with   
the silicon motion graphic card managed with th LynxEM+ 
video processor (under linux as an OS).
ST40 is a 32 bits RISC with sh4 core (hitachi), the 
development platform does not a BIOS. I ask you if i can use 
the siliconmotion driver which you provide in your new 
release (4.0.0) in order to validate the SM card.   
Thank in advance for your collaboration,   

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Re: [XFree86] Radeon Mobility U1 accelerated 3D support yet?

2004-03-11 Thread Alex Deucher
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 10 March 2004 9:51 am, Alex Deucher wrote:

> 3D support for the IGP chipsets is available in DRI cvs.  You can
> either build from source or try the nightly binary snapshots
> here:
> http://dri.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Download

Cool, I'll try it out.

What directories should I back up so that I can revert to a previous
if the CVS is unworkable?

I'm running debian.



Also, if you don't want to build the whole tree I believe there are
debian snapshots available in addition to the nightly snapshots.


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[XFree86] Radeon Mobility U1 accelerated 3D support yet?

2004-03-10 Thread Alex Deucher
3D support for the IGP chipsets is available in DRI cvs.  You can
either build from source or try the nightly binary snapshots available



Hash: SHA1

Is there any Radeon Mobility U1 accelerated 3D support yet?

Any on the horizon?

- -- 

"The choices we make dictate the life we lead. To thine ownself be
true." -- 
William Shakespeare

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[XFree86] XFree86] xfree4.4 and igp: old stuff!

2004-03-05 Thread Alex Deucher
4.4 did not contain DRI support for IGP chipsets.  you need to use the
DRI/mesa trees for DRI support.  You can either build form source or
try the DRI binary snapshots:


Subject:[XFree86] xfree4.4 and igp: old stuff!
From:   spiritelllo () interfree ! it
Date:   2004-03-05 10:34:25
Message-ID: <20040305103425.11054.qmail () community9 ! interfree ! it>

Hi everyone,
I am new in this mailinglist and I join it for having some elucidation
about ati \
radeon igp 320M. I was surfing for months in internet trying to
understand if with \
the new X4.4 it could be possible to use 3D acceleration. From the
status driver page \
it seems not, but then I found in  \
45d660193263f that there is support for 3D using opengl and mesa. What
I couldn't \
understand is the procedure that I have to follow for getting my card
working in 3D. \
What I have done is: 1. source xfree4.4 ---> compiled (with no patch)
all 7 files!
2. kernel 2.6.0 patched for igp dri/drm
but xglinfo says that I am not using drm (infact xglgears gives
So what is the exact procedure that I need to follow? Do I need to
patch xfree as \
well? I tried with Radeon IGP DRI patch for XFree CVS and
compile again \
Xfree but it fails. thanks for any help



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Re: [XFree86] Radeon 9200: DRI on one head and 2d on second head ?

2004-03-03 Thread Alex Deucher
--- Dominique Dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex Deucher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > It sounds like what you may want is my radeon driver with mergedfb
> > support.  It uses each crtc as a viewport into a single shared
> > framebuffer so the DRI works on both heads:   
> > http://dri.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/MergedFB
> Looks like it. Is it provided with XFree 4.3.0 or 4.4.0 ?

Neither; it hasn't been merged into the Xfree86 tree yet.  It's in DRI
cvs.  you can either use the binary snapshots or build from source:


> -- 

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[XFree86] Radeon 9200: DRI on one head and 2d on second head ?

2004-03-02 Thread Alex Deucher
>I'm trying to setup an ATI Redeon 9200 card for a multimedia PC.
>The goal is to be able to connect a video projector on the DVI head
>(screen 1) and the monitor on the main head (screen 0). And my kid
>would be rather disapointed if he can no longer play with gltron on
>the main screen, so I need a working DRI on the main head.
>With Xfree 4.3.0, I am able to setup DRI on one head, *or* set up a
>dual head (2 screens setup). 
>But in the latter case, the DRI is disabled: Radeon driver does not
>support DRI with dual head setup even if the NoAccel option is set in
>the second Device.
>IS this statement correct or did I miss something ?

In the xfree86 4.3/4.4 radeon driver you can't mix DRI and dualhead. 
It may work without xinerama, depends what you are doing.

>So I was considering to set up a single head configuration for X on
>the main head and set up a frame buffer on the second head. 
>Thus I could use directly the -vo fbdev and display the video directly
>on the second head without going through X.
>Is that possible ? (OK, I'm drifting off-topic)
>Does anyone have a pointer and how to set up a radeon frame buffer on
>the second head ?

AFAIK, the radeonfb kernel driver does not support multiple heads yet.

>Thanks for any help.

It sounds like what you may want is my radeon driver with mergedfb
support.  It uses each crtc as a viewport into a single shared
framebuffer so the DRI works on both heads:   


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[XFree86] 3D OpenGL for S3/Pro Savage DDR-K

2004-02-17 Thread Alex Deucher
Felix and I have ported S3/VIA's savage code to the current savage
driver.  it's available on the savage-2-0-0-branch in DRI cvs. It's
still in development, but works pretty well.  All savages are supported
except the savage2000.


see this page for info about downloading and building a branch of cvs:




I am seeking a driver, or information about a driver for Suse Linux 9.0
will allow video accleration ( 3D OpenGL) on my brand new machine.

My video chipset is a Via/S3 chipset.  It's part of the VIA KM266 on
the MB 
Northbridge   The model is S3/Pro Savage DDR-K.

I have found information about a basic driver, but it doesn't seem to
allow 3D 
( even though this chipset is quite capable of accleration, I know
since I 
dual boot Windos ).

So far, my searching has revealed:


In which the author says:

VIA/S3 has release an updated version of THEIR Savage driver. It forked
off of 
my source base about 3 years ago, so there are significant differences,
it looks like they have addressed a number of issues. This includes
compensation support for MPEG playback (XvMC), and the long-awaited DRI

driver for 3D OpenGL code.

Ok, but on viaarena -- supposedly the /official/ support site for
VIA/S3, they 
point back to probo.com (?#>#).   Here's their drivers:


I wrote Via's support department, but have not heard back.

Again, is there any knowledge about a savage driver that will support
OpenGL acceleration. 

I have a desparate need to play TuxRacer :D on my new machine.

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[XFree86] radeon 8500 hi-res 3d question

2004-02-16 Thread Alex Deucher
dan list wrote:
> Hi, I have a radeon 8500 card with 64MB of RAM, and my desktop 
> resolution set to 2048x1536 I'm running the debian 4.3.0 radeon
> I can run 3d programs at lower resolutions or in smaller windows just

> fine, but at full screen I get mostly black pixels, with a few 
> stationary pixels that are correctly rendered. I tried the ATI
> and it renders everything fine at 2048x1536, but it was slow as hell
> 2d, and crashed my system, so I think the hardware should support
> this. Is there some option I need to setup for XFree to work in 3d at

> this high of a resolution?

This is a known bug in the 3D driver.  I first noticed it with
mergedfb.  rendering is corrupted at with a desktop of 2048 pixels if
the full screen 3D context extends to the 2048th pixel.  this is the
limit of the 3D engine.  I'm not sure where the bug is offhand.  I
didn't see anything suspicious.  if you try a 2047x1536 mode, it should
render fine.

here's the last thread on this:


> Thanks

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Re: [XFree86] ATI Radeon 9200SE, DVI output, black screen every

2004-02-08 Thread Alex Deucher
As I said 4.3.0 did not handle 9200 DVI ports correctly. Either of the
snapshots should work fine.  The DRI ones would provide the best 3d
support.  The DRI snapshots are pretty hassle free and only require
replacing a few binaries:
read the snapshot section.


On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 05:36, Alex Deucher wrote:
> 4.3.0 did not handle the DVI port on 9200 chips properly, this is
> in cvs.  Please update to the cvs version of xfree86 or try a xfree86
> or DRI snapshot.

Great!  Do you happen to know whether or not the Radeon 9100 DVI
handling is proper in 4.3.0?  I have the choice between the two, and
would like to keep my system hassle-free (e.g. using precompiled
packages rather than compiling from source where possible).

In general, which Radeon would offer the best 2d/3d performance when
used with the open source drivers and the DVI output?

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[XFree86] ATI Radeon 9200SE, DVI output, black screen every other restart

2004-02-06 Thread Alex Deucher
4.3.0 did not handle the DVI port on 9200 chips properly, this is fixed
in cvs.  Please update to the cvs version of xfree86 or try a xfree86
or DRI snapshot.




I have just hooked up my new Radeon 9200SE using the DVI output to an
NEC LCD 1880SX DVI input, and after putting the line

Options "MonitorLayout" "TMDS, CRT"

into XF86Config, am getting consistent performance.  Unfortunately, it
is also very consistent that the signal is completely gone to the
monitor after every _second_ restart of X.


Boot-> no signal (solid black screen).
CTRL-ALT-BS -> login screen.
Login, Logout   -> no signal.
CTRL-ALT-BS -> login screen.
CTRL-ALT-BS -> no signal.
CTRL-ALT-BS -> login screen.
CTRL-ALT-BS -> no signal.


So, I am sure I have overlooked something very simple in my config that
is peculiar to using a single head on the DVI output.  If you can help,
I would be greatly appreciative.  I am using Fedora Core/1, XFree86

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[XFree86] Whats happening with S3 prosavage DDR 3D support

2004-02-06 Thread Alex Deucher
3D support for savage chips is going on in the savage-2-0-0 branch in
DRI cvs.  It will not be available in 4.4.0. Right now support is
limited to prosavage/twister and savage4 chips and the drivers are
still somewhat buggy.  Support for older savages will come later.  FOr
the latest status, check out the info bage on the DRI website:


Hi, first pls excuse my bad english

Finally is going to be support for 3D aceleration in xfree 4.4 ???
I tried to see the cvs change log with no luck to understand whats was

Is there some place where i can see this information ??
Is there a way a can help ??

Thanks and regards
Marcel MM

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[XFree86] different resolutions in xinerama?

2003-12-29 Thread Alex Deucher


Is it possible to run different resolutions on different screens with 
I have a 17" monitor and a 14" monitor, but I'm not crazy about running

1024x768 on the 17" and the 14" doesn't  support more than 1024x768.
Is it possible to run the 17" at 1280x1024 (was using this resolution 
prior to setting up xinerama) and have the 14" at 1024x768 or even 

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[XFree86] Re: Help: radeon 9700 question - need working config

2003-12-29 Thread Alex Deucher
you may a newer version of xfree86.  I'm not familiar with what is
included with suse 9.  An xfree86 log would be helpful.  Also for help
related inquiries please use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ML.


--- "William W. Austin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Apologies in advance for this, but I've been pulling my hair out for
> hours on this one.
> My nephew (lives several hundred miles away) wanted to install linux
> on
> his formerly win-xp machine (athlon 2800 xp, 512 MB, 2 large drives,
> etc.) with Radeon 9700 Pro (128 MB) video card.  He went out and
> bought
> Suse 9 and did a completely clean install (with me on the other end
> of
> the phone line the whole time - he's new to anything not from MS). 
> Everything installed cleanly and the machine booted successfully,
> The video card is not recognized.  It is a Radeon 9700 Pro with 128
> Mb
> of memory (AGP) and works correctly under the other OS, but although
> it
> shows up in scanpci and lspci, the setup utility on Suse bombs and
> cannot set up the card.  He is also singularly unable to run a simple
> command (rpm -q XFree86) to tell me the version on that machine - and
> I
> haven't been able to get the info from any Suse website (and his net
> access is temporarily down until school starts again in January).
> I've spent nearly the entire day (11 hours) with him on the phone
> trying
> to find a solution but I nave other cards - no radeons - and my
> config
> files don't help here).  XFre86 -configure fails, unable to find the
> device.  If anyone has a working XF86Config file they can email me,
> I'd
> greatly appreciate it (as a last effort before I tell him to turn off
> linux until I can go visit him in 3 weeks).   I'm going out of town
> and
> he is nearly desparate to get X up and running on this machine.
> Please feel free to mail me privately if you can help.
> Thanks and apologies for wasting the bandwidth.
> Bill Austin
> -- 
> William W. Austin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>"Life is just a phase I'm going through..."
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

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[XFree86] Problems with ATI Radeon Mobility M9 Lf

2003-12-16 Thread Alex Deucher
For some reason panel detection seems to fail on BSDs.  you get
corrupted panel info.  I'm not sure why.  There are two work arounds. 
1. disable agp support in your kernel
2. use xfree86 from cvs and manually specify the panel dimensions using
the "panelsize" option.

Perhaps this should be filed as a bug...



I tried many configuration and settings but the
display doesn't work and kill the X server My Video
Adapter is Mobility Radeon 9000 (LF) DAC Type:
Internal DAC (350 MHz), Memory Size 64 MB, Adapter
String Mobility Radeon 9000, Bios Information BK-ATI
OS= FreeBSD 4.9 
Logs in attach.

Were I found a driver or help for resolve this problem

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [XFree86] LCD on Radeon 7500

2003-12-09 Thread Alex Deucher
the monitorlayout option is only available in cvs.



   Thanks for the reply.  My monitor section already specifies the scan

rate ranges.
   I'm running XFree86 release included in Mandrake 9.2 (4.3.0 9 May 
2003).  I can't find anything about monitorlayout in the man pages.
   Here is the monitor section from the XF86Config-4:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "monitor1"
VendorName "Generic"
ModelName "Flat Panel 1280x1024"
HorizSync 31.5-70
VertRefresh 56-75

Option "IgnoreEDID"
# Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
# 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
ModeLine "1024x480"65.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494 
563 -hsync -vsync

# TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
# 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
ModeLine "768x576" 50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595 

# 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
ModeLine "768x576" 63.07  768  800  960 1024   576  578  590 

   I have also tried adding a ModeLine for 1280x1024 generated by gtf.


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[XFree86] LCD on Radeon 7500

2003-12-08 Thread Alex Deucher
You need to enter the hsync and vrefresh ranges for your monitor in the
monitor section of your config file.  Also if you are running xfree86
from cvs you can try the "monitorlayout" option. see the radeon and
XF86Config man pages for more info.



  I just installed XFree 4.3.0 as part of a Mandrake 9.2 install.  I'm 
using a Hyundai L70A LCD panel connected via DVI to my ATI All In
7500.  The native resolution of the panel is 1280x1024.
  XFree starts and runs fine but does not allow the use of any 
resolutions above 640x480.  Looking through the logs seems to indicate 
that the monitor is not providing any DDC data, so the X server refuses

to use any modes above 640x480.  I did some web/newsgroup searching and

saw a few reports of similar problems but no solutions.
  I've tried various combinations of Option "DDCMode", "NoDDC", 
"IgnoreEDID", "CrtScreen", and "crt_screen" which all failed to fix the

  Any suggestions?
  Here are the relevant lines from the log:

(II) RADEON(0): Primary Display == Type 3
(II) Loading sub module "ddc"
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libddc.a
(II) Module ddc: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.3.0, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) Loading sub module "i2c"
(II) LoadModule: "i2c"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libi2c.a
(II) Module i2c: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.3.0, module version = 1.2.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) RADEON(0): PLL parameters: rf=2700 rd=12 min=2 max=35000;
(==) RADEON(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(II) RADEON(0): Validating modes on Primary head (DDCType: 0) -
(II) RADEON(0): Total number of valid DDC mode(s) found: 0
(WW) RADEON(0): Mode 1280x1024 is out of range.
(WW) RADEON(0): Valid modes must be between 320x200-640x480
(II) RADEON(0): No valid mode specified, force to native mdoe
(II) RADEON(0): Total number of valid FP mode(s) found: 1
(--) RADEON(0): Virtual size is 640x480 (pitch 640)
(**) RADEON(0): *Mode "640x480": 25.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 31.5
kHz, 59.9 Hz
(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "640x480"   25.17  640 656 752 800  480 490
492 525
(==) RADEON(0): DPI set to (75, 75)


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[XFree86] Dell Inspiron 4000 Can't start xserver

2003-12-08 Thread Alex Deucher
THere was a bug in 4.3 in the r128 driver.  the only mode that works is
the native one for your LCD, 1400x1050 in your case.

(**) R128(0): Using flat panel for display
(II) R128(0): Panel size: 1400x1050
(II) R128(0): Panel ID: Samsung LTN141P2
(II) R128(0): Panel Type: Color, Single, TFT
(II) R128(0): Panel Interface: LVDS

You just need to add the mode to the screen section of your config and 
you should be ready to go.

SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes"1400x1050" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

in order to use the other modes you need to set your hsync and vrefresh
to a very wide range.
see bug 661 for more info:

BTW, to those on the list, did the fix for 661 ever get committed?  I
don't recall ever seeing a reference to it on the cvs commit list.



I have a Dell Inspiron 4000 with ATI Mobility 128 AGP graphics card 8Mb
I'm running Red Hat 9 and have also tried to run Mandrake 9.2, both
with the same
result. X refuses to start due to a valid screen mode is not found. 
I have tried several different XF86Config files and I have also trid to
the settings for HorizSynch and VertRefresh but nothing seems to help.
Included is my latest XF86Config and the log file.

Could someone please help me?


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[XFree86] trident blade3d dri

2003-12-05 Thread Alex Deucher
Alan hourihane did some basic work on a trident dri driver, but it's
not finished.  you can see more here:

there are databooks available for the VIA/Trident PLE133 and Trident
may give out databooks for newer chips under NDA.  Unfortunately none
of the dri developers have the time to develop a full fledged dri
driver for trident chips right now.  If you have the time and the
inclination, feel free to work on a driver.




I was wondering if anyone knows of an opengl driver for trident

The dri driver that is worked upon seems to support only the
cyberbladexp, which is rather different, I think.

BTW, where do you find this driver, I tried the dri cvs but it does not
compile it. (it was some time ago).

The blade3d core is used on all versions of trident chips before
cyberbladeXP, amongs which the CyberBlade/i1 on the Epia motheboards.

This chip has OpenGL capabilities, limited. They are used in Xig
acceleratedX... sadly.

Thanks for advice,

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RE: [XFree86] radeon power management patches

2003-12-05 Thread Alex Deucher
nope.  these are still patches at the moment.  They'll probably be
included post 4.4 after some testing.  setting the option enables
dynamic clock scaling.  The various clocks will adjust their frequency
on the fly to save power.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Are these patches included in the snapshot 4.4.0rc1 aka
> and what
> should they do if you set the option.
> Tom Corner
> On 17-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > The patch available below adds dynamic power management support
> > (dynamic clock scaling) to the radeon driver. It is based on code
> I've
> > been testing from Hui Yu.  It seems to work fine in basic testing
> on my
> > m6 and the 9200 in my desktop.  More testing would be much
> appreciated
> > (especially mobility and IGP chips).
> > 
> > Binaries and diff (against xfree86 cvs) available here:
> > http://www.botchco.com/alex/radeon/dynamicPM/hy0/
> > 
> > Use:
> > Option "DynamicPM" "true"
> > to test it.
> > 
> > Let me know if you have any issues.  Please look for updates and
> report
> > bugs here:
> > http://bugs.xfree86.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96
> > 
> > Thanks,901
> > 
> > Alex
> > 
> > 
> > __
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> ---
> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )   ( 05-Dec-2003 17:29:28  Vienna,  Austria
> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> ---
> ___
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Re: [XFree86] Dual head display on Radeon 9800pro under FreeBSD

2003-12-05 Thread Alex Deucher
are you running xinerama or not?  if not you can start apps on
different heads by using -Display host:0.0 or 0.1 where host is the
hostname of your machine. or setting the DISPLAY variable to point to
whichever head you want the app to start on. see the X man page for



On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 06:56:16AM -0800, Alex Deucher wrote:
> easy fix.  change this line:
>   Screen "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
> to this:
>   Screen "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"

I tried that and it doesn't change the monitor order around. Starting x
still brings up all my default apps on the rightmost screen.

The only change that made was that instead of moving my mouse to the
right to get the leftmost screen, I could now move the mouse to the
to get to the leftmost screen.

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XFree86 mailing list

RE: [XFree86] Re: can't get direct 3D with Radeon 9200

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Deucher
grep through the dmesg for agp stuff.  the kernel log is usually


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 04-Dec-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > take a look at the output of dmesg or your kernel log.  You need to
> > load via_agp.ko and agpgart.ko and radeon.ko
> > 
> > Alex
> demesg is just full of debug messages from acpi and where is the
> kernel log? 
> It's getting late here.
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> You found that quickly. I don't know what the chipset is.  How can
> I
> >> figure
> >> that out?  I am researching the kernel. Their ads sayit has a via
> >> chipset. So I
> >> tried tust the via-agp module and got the same problem. I looked
> >> again and the
> >> mother board should have a Via ProSavage KN400 chipset.  I can't
> tell
> >> whether
> >> that includes the agp. I have agp support built into the kernel,
> but
> >> the
> >> chipset specific stuff shoukd be in the agp modules you saw. I
> have
> >> loaded
> >> basicly all of them and yes Windows says the agp is via, but
> via-agp
> >> doesn't
> >> work.
> >> 
> >> Tom
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On 04-Dec-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> >> > it seem to be an AGP problem:
> >> > (WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available
> >> > (EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the
> DRI.
> >> > (II) RADEON(0): [agp] You may want to make sure the agpgart
> kernel 
> >> > mod
> ---
> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )   ( 04-Dec-2003 21:58:47  Vienna,  Austria
> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> ---
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

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XFree86 mailing list

RE: [XFree86] Re: can't get direct 3D with Radeon 9200

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Deucher
take a look at the output of dmesg or your kernel log.  You need to
load via_agp.ko and agpgart.ko and radeon.ko


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You found that quickly. I don't know what the chipset is.  How can I
> figure
> that out?  I am researching the kernel. Their ads sayit has a via
> chipset. So I
> tried tust the via-agp module and got the same problem. I looked
> again and the
> mother board should have a Via ProSavage KN400 chipset.  I can't tell
> whether
> that includes the agp. I have agp support built into the kernel, but
> the
> chipset specific stuff shoukd be in the agp modules you saw. I have
> loaded
> basicly all of them and yes Windows says the agp is via, but via-agp
> doesn't
> work.
> Tom
> On 04-Dec-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > it seem to be an AGP problem:
> > (WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available
> > (EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI.
> > (II) RADEON(0): [agp] You may want to make sure the agpgart kernel 
> > module is loaded before the radeon kernel module.
> > 
> > it looks like you have lots of agp modules loaded (ati_agp,
> via_agp,
> > sis_agp, amd_k7_agp).  AGP in 2.6 is somewhat different than 2.4. 
> > rather than a single agpgart module it has an agpgart module plus
> > various chipset specifc drivers.  you need to load the one for you
> > chipset.  what chipset do you have?
> > 
> > Alex
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> On 04-Dec-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> >> > what does your xfree86 log say?  how about the output of lsmod
> or
> >> your
> >> > dmesg?
> >> > 
> >> lsmod:
> >> 
> >> Module  Size  Used by
> >> ati_agp 6284  - 
> >> via_agp 5600  - 
> >> sis_agp 3840  - 
> >> amd_k7_agp  5548  - 
> >> evdev   7296  - 
> >> snd_via82xx21568  - 
> >> ohci_hcd   16000  - 
> >> ide_scsi   12164  - 
> >> rtc10600  - 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> XFree86.0.log:
> >> _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
> >> _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/wanderer:0
> >> _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for
> >> inet6
> >> 
> >> This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in
> any
> >> way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches
> >> submitted
> >> to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release
> versions,
> >> please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository
> >> (http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs).
> >> 
> >> XFree86 Version
> >> Release Date: 20 November 2003
> >> X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
> >> Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.0-test10 i686 [ELF] 
> >> Current Operating System: Linux wanderer 2.6.0-test10 #2 Thu Dec 4
> >> 02:37:18 CET
> >> 2003 i686
> >> Build Date: 04 December 2003
> >> Changelog Date: 21 November 2003
> >> Before reporting problems, check http://www.XFree86.Org/
> >> to make sure that you have the latest version.
> >> Module Loader present
> >> Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
> >> (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
> >> (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??)
> unknown.
> >> (==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Thu Dec  4 17:31:00
> >> 2003
> >> (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
> >> (==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"
> >> (**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
> >> (**) |   |-->Monitor "flatpanel"
> >> (**) |   |-->Device "radeon-9200"
> >> (**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
> >> (**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
> >> (**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
> >> (**) Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
> >> (**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
> >> (**) Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
> >> (**) XKB: model: "pc105"
> >> (**) Option "XkbLayout" "de"
> >> (**) XKB: layout: "de"
> >> (**) Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
> >> (**) XKB: variant: 

RE: [XFree86] Re: can't get direct 3D with Radeon 9200

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Deucher
it seem to be an AGP problem:
(WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available
(EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI.
(II) RADEON(0): [agp] You may want to make sure the agpgart kernel 
module is loaded before the radeon kernel module.

it looks like you have lots of agp modules loaded (ati_agp, via_agp,
sis_agp, amd_k7_agp).  AGP in 2.6 is somewhat different than 2.4. 
rather than a single agpgart module it has an agpgart module plus
various chipset specifc drivers.  you need to load the one for you
chipset.  what chipset do you have?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 04-Dec-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > what does your xfree86 log say?  how about the output of lsmod or
> your
> > dmesg?
> > 
> lsmod:
> Module  Size  Used by
> ati_agp 6284  - 
> via_agp 5600  - 
> sis_agp 3840  - 
> amd_k7_agp  5548  - 
> evdev   7296  - 
> snd_via82xx21568  - 
> ohci_hcd   16000  - 
> ide_scsi   12164  - 
> rtc10600  - 
> XFree86.0.log:
> _XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
> _XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/wanderer:0
> _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for
> inet6
> This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
> way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches
> submitted
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
> please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository
> (http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs).
> XFree86 Version
> Release Date: 20 November 2003
> X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
> Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.0-test10 i686 [ELF] 
> Current Operating System: Linux wanderer 2.6.0-test10 #2 Thu Dec 4
> 02:37:18 CET
> 2003 i686
> Build Date: 04 December 2003
> Changelog Date: 21 November 2003
> Before reporting problems, check http://www.XFree86.Org/
> to make sure that you have the latest version.
> Module Loader present
> Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
> (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
> (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
> (==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Thu Dec  4 17:31:00
> 2003
> (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
> (==) ServerLayout "Simple Layout"
> (**) |-->Screen "Screen 1" (0)
> (**) |   |-->Monitor "flatpanel"
> (**) |   |-->Device "radeon-9200"
> (**) |-->Input Device "Mouse1"
> (**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard1"
> (**) Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
> (**) Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
> (**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
> (**) Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
> (**) XKB: model: "pc105"
> (**) Option "XkbLayout" "de"
> (**) XKB: layout: "de"
> (**) Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
> (**) XKB: variant: "nodeadkeys"
> (==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
> (**) FontPath set to
> 11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled,/
> 11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fo
> nts/75dpi/,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
> (**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
> (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
> (WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such device)
> (II) Module ABI versions:
> XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.2
> XFree86 Video Driver: 0.7
> XFree86 XInput driver : 0.4
> XFree86 Server Extension : 0.2
> XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.4
> (II) Loader running on linux
> (II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
> (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
> (II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
> compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
> Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
> ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.4
> (II) Loading font Bitmap
> (II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
> (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
> (II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
> compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
> ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.7
> (--) using VT number 7
> (II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
> (II) PCI: Config type is 1

[XFree86] Re: can't get direct 3D with Radeon 9200

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Deucher
what does your xfree86 log say?  how about the output of lsmod or your


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have tried everything. I have kernel 2.6.0test10 with radeon
> module(radeon.ko).  I am running on an Acer 1355LMi_ATI laptop with a
> Radeon
> mobility 9200. I have loaded glx and dri in XF86Config.  I have
> radeon selected
> as device.  When this didn't work I went to the dri wiki web site and
> loaded
> and installed their latest package.  Oh I forgot to mention I
> downloaded
> compiled and installed XFree86-  That is my current
> setup.
> When the radeon module from dri didn't help I went back to the
> radeon.ko module
> from 2.6.0test10.
> glxinfo says:  (more from me after)
> name of display: :0.0
> display: :0  screen: 0
> direct rendering: No
> server glx vendor string: SGI
> server glx version string: 1.2
> server glx extensions:
> GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating,
> GLX_EXT_import_context, 
> GLX_SGI_make_current_read
> client glx vendor string: SGI
> client glx version string: 1.2
> client glx extensions:
> GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample,
> GLX_EXT_import_context, 
> GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating,
> GLX_MESA_allocate_memory, 
> GLX_MESA_swap_control, GLX_MESA_swap_frame_usage,
> GLX_OML_swap_method, 
> GLX_OML_sync_control, GLX_SGI_make_current_read,
> GLX_SGI_swap_control, 
> GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, 
> GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group
> GLX extensions:
> GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_EXT_import_context,
> GLX_EXT_visual_info, 
> GLX_EXT_visual_rating
> OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org
> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
> OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 5.0.2
> OpenGL extensions:
> GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_imaging, GL_ARB_multitexture, 
> GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_ARB_shadow_ambient, 
> GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, 
> GL_ARB_texture_env_add, GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, 
> GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, 
> GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, 
> GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_EXT_blend_color, 
> GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_blend_logic_op,
> GL_EXT_blend_minmax, 
> GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint,
> GL_EXT_copy_texture, 
> GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord,
> GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, 
> GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_polygon_offset,
> GL_EXT_rescale_normal, 
> GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, 
> GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side,
> GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, 
> GL_EXT_subtexture, GL_EXT_texture, GL_EXT_texture3D, 
> GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, 
> GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, 
> GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_object,
> GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, 
> GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_APPLE_packed_pixels,
> GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, 
> GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, 
> GL_MESA_pack_invert, GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture, GL_NV_blend_square, 
> GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_NV_texture_rectangle,
> GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, 
> GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, 
> GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_SGIX_depth_texture, GL_SGIX_shadow, 
> GL_SGIX_shadow_ambient
> glu version: 1.3
> glu extensions:
> GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator, GLU_EXT_object_space_tess
>visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
>  id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
> 0x23 24 tc  0 24  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0
> None
> 0x24 24 tc  0 24  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  0 16  8 16 16 16  0  0 0
> None
> 0x25 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  0 16  8 16 16 16 16  0 0
> None
> 0x26 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  0 16  8 16 16 16 16  0 0
> None
> 0x27 24 dc  0 24  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  0 16  0  0  0  0  0  0 0
> None
> 0x28 24 dc  0 24  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  0 16  8 16 16 16  0  0 0
> None
> 0x29 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  0 16  8 16 16 16 16  0 0
> None
> 0x2a 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  0 16  8 16 16 16 16  0 0
> None
> should I go back to kernel 2.4.22? Should I use the dri wiki? Should
> I try the
> XFree86 CVS?  Should I try ATI's package again.  They don't seem to
> have put
> much work into it.
> Thanks,
> Tom Corner
> ---

Re: [XFree86] Radeon 920, hardware 3D

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Deucher
Like I said before:  If you MB is 8x you will need to patch your 2.4
kernel with 8x support (or if you can set your BIOS to 4x only mode) or
use a 2.6 kernel.  once you have that done you can just use the DRI
snapshots.  This will allow you to use 4x mode.  if you want to use 8x,
you will have to apply michel/hui's, or keith's 8x patch.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've got my new machine with the Radeon 9200.  I want to try and
> setup the
> hardware 3D support for it.  I am going to build the latest
> development
> snapshot and or the CVS and try to set it up.  How stable are these?
> Do you
> have any tips or suggestions on the building or configuration?  Is
> there an
> easier way?
> Thanks,
> Tom Corner
> On 20-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > one thing you will run into is that if your new motherboard
> supports 8x
> > and your radeon supports 8x, you will need a patched version of
> agpgart
> > that supports 8x or the DRI will not work if you are using linux
> 2.4.x.
> >  2.6 supports 8x natively.  Just a heads up.
> > 
> > Alex
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I signed onto the developer list too now. When the computer comes,
> I
> >> am
> >> thinking of trying driver snapshots or CVS versions.  I have heard
> >> that ATI does
> >> not support their own driver very well.
> >> 
> >> Thanks again,
> >> Tom
> >> 
> >> On 20-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> >> > The drivers do not currently have support for agp 8x.  Michel
> has a
> >> > patch on his website from ati, but it hasn't been applied/tested
> >> yet as
> >> > far as I know.  I don't have the link off hand.  I doubt you
> will
> >> > notice any difference between 8x and 4x.
> >> > 
> >> > Let me know how it goes.
> >> > 
> >> > Alex
> >> > 
> >> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> >> Thanks.  I don't get to test it until the laptop with radeon
> >> mobility
> >> >> 9200
> >> >> comes next week.  I understand the 9200 is the same as the 9000
> >> >> except that the
> >> >> agp is 8x instead of 4x.  Can I specify agp 8x to take
> advantage
> >> of
> >> >> the higher
> >> >> speed?
> >> >> 
> >> >> Thanks again,
> >> >> 
> >> >> Tom Corner
> >> >> 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > __
> >> > Do you Yahoo!?
> >> > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
> >> > http://companion.yahoo.com/
> >> > ___
> >> > Devel mailing list
> >> > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> >> 
> >> ---
> >> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> >> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  )   ( 20-Nov-2003 16:50:41  Vienna,  Austria
> >> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
> >>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> >> ---
> >> ___
> >> Devel mailing list
> >> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
> > http://antispam.yahoo.com/whatsnewfree
> > ___
> > XFree86 mailing list
> > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86
> ---
> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )   ( 04-Dec-2003 11:47:41  Vienna,  Austria
> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> ---
> ___
> XFree86 mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

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[XFree86] Dual head display on Radeon 9800pro under FreeBSD

2003-12-04 Thread Alex Deucher
easy fix.  change this line:
Screen "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
to this:
Screen "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"



Hi all,

I'm trying to get a dual headed display running on FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE.
My hardware is as follows:
Samsung SyncMaster 171sTFT plugged into the DVI port using a converter
Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410

The CRT is in the center of my desk, and the Samsung TFT is to the
of that. I want the leftmost monitor (the CRT) to be the primary

Under Windows, the Iiyama is the first screen and the Samsung is the
second screen. This is how I want it to be.

I've finally got an extended desktop setup running under XFree86, but
still have one problem that I cannot resolve - Namely that my monitors
are the wrong way around.

When I startx from the command line, XFree86 starts, and my application
run from my .xinitrc (ssh-add) appears on the TFT monitor. The mouse is
also on this monitor. 

I want this app and the mouse to appear on the CRT if at all possible.
would like the CRT to be the primary monitor with the TFT as secondary.

If anyone could shed some light on how to do this, I would be most
greatful. I've tried switching card1 and card0, and also monitor1 and
monitor0 around in my XF86Config file but this doesn't seem to help.

My config file can be found at 

Thanks in advance,

Wayne Pascoe
If you hurt her, I'll hunt you down and kill
you with a shovel... A vague disclaimer is
no-one's friend.

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[XFree86] Help on Video/Monitor configuration with Red Hat Linux

2003-12-03 Thread Alex Deucher
Well do you have an nvidia card or an ati radeon?  support for both of
these cards was added after 4.3 was released so you will need to either
update to cvs or wait for 4.4 or maybe update to a newer redhat xfree86
rpm.  the driver line in your config should read either
   Driver "ati"
   Driver "nv"
depending on which card you have.




I just purchased a DeskTop (2.8 GZ) with
video card of ATI Radeon 9200SE. And I am
using a 17' monitor from Viewsonic 17PS-2. 
The video card has a driver when running PC (win
MSI MS-StarForce GeForce FX 5200. It's on a
separate CD. Without this driver, Win2000 won't 
recognize the video card either. 

Anyway, now I have the problem of starting X server
with Linux. Linux tries to use VESA (general) without
a success. Now I am trying to figure out the setting
in XF86Config file. The error is 'Failed to load
module "FX 5200"'. I have tried many different ways 
without success. Obviously redhat-config-xfree86 won't

help in any way. Based on the information above, 
what values are for video card and monitor. 
Here is roughly what I have in XF86Config file.

Section "Monitor"
   Identifier "Monitor0"
   VendorName "VSC"
   ModelName "17PS"

Section "Device"
   Identifier "Videocard0"
   Driver "FX 5200"
   VendorName "NVIDIA"
   BoardName "ATI Radeon (generic)"




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[XFree86] ATI Radeon M9 (Thinkpad T40) dual head config issue

2003-12-03 Thread Alex Deucher
first off there are a few errors in your config:

remove these lines:
Option  "CloneMode" "1280x1024"
Option  "CloneHSync" "28-92"
Option  "CloneVRefresh" "48-85"

Next this line is wrong:
Option  "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, TMDS"

TMDS is for DVI ports.  you want something like this:
Option  "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, CRT"

You can also try it without that line all together.  Also you might try
adding this to you config (both screen sections) if you want to use DDC
Option  "DDCMode" "true"

and finally, in your serverlayout you need something like this:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen0  "Laptop LCD"
Screen1  "Sony SDM-P232W/B" RightOf "Laptop LCD"
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice"DevInputMice" "AlwaysCore"

Change the relationship as you see fit:  LeftOf, Above, or use absolute
coordinates.  see the XF86Config man page for more.

Since you are using such an old version of 4.3, you will also need to
option "HWcursor" "false" 
to your device configs otherwise your second head will turn off when
you move the mouse onto it.  this bug was fixed in cvs.

Also right now the DRI does not work in xinerama mode.  if you want 3D
with dualhead you will need to use Mergedfb available in DRI cvs.



Sorry to bother you with a config question when I'd rather you guys
your time building more great code ...

That said, I've been working this problem for almost 4 days straight
and my boss is starting to notice the down time ...

Basically I have a TP T40 with a 1400x1050 native display controlled by
ATI Radeon M9 chip. The M9 is a dualheaded beast and I want to run my
Sony SDM-P232W/B monitor from the external analog video out port.

I'm running Red Hat and XFree86 versions as follows:
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 (Red Hat Linux release: 4.3.0-2)
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.20-3bigmem i686 [ELF]
Build Date: 27 February 2003
Build Host: porky.devel.redhat.com

Before reporting problems, check http://www.XFree86.Org/
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
OS Kernel: Linux version 2.4.20-18.9custom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc
3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)) #1 Mon Aug 11 14:48:10 EDT 2003
My Monitor shows up for read-edid as follows:
parse-edid: parse-edid version 1.4.1
get-edid: get-edid version 1.4.1

Performing real mode VBE call
Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f00 bx=0x0 cx=0x0
Function supported
Call successful

VBE version 200
VBE string at 0x0 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000"

VBE/DDC service about to be called
Report DDC capabilities

Performing real mode VBE call
Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f15 bx=0x0 cx=0x0
Function supported
Call successful

Monitor and video card combination does not support DDC1
Monitor and video card combination supports DDC2 transfers
0 seconds per 128 byte EDID block transfer
Screen is not blanked during DDC transfer

Reading next EDID block

VBE/DDC service about to be called

Performing real mode VBE call
Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f15 bx=0x1 cx=0x0
Function supported
Call successful

parse-edid: EDID checksum passed.

# EDID version 1 revision 3
Section "Monitor"
# Block type: 2:0 3:fd
# Block type: 2:0 3:fc
Identifier "SDM-P232W"
VendorName "SNY"
ModelName "SDM-P232W"
# Block type: 2:0 3:fd
HorizSync 30-95
VertRefresh 55-65
# Max dot clock (video bandwidth) 200 MHz
# Block type: 2:0 3:fc
# DPMS capabilities: Active off:yes  Suspend:yes  Standby:yes

Mode"1920x1200" # vfreq 59.998Hz, hfreq 74.518kHz
HTimings1920 2048 2256 2592
VTimings1200 1201 1204 1242
Flags   "+HSync" "-VSync"
Mode"1600x1200" # vfreq 60.000Hz, hfreq 75.000

[XFree86] Multihead System with 2 Radeon 9100s

2003-12-03 Thread Alex Deucher
You might want to try with the radeon driver from cvs.  some fixes for
problems with multiple cards went in a while back.


I've been having trouble getting the stock XFree86 radeon drivers to
with multiple cards.  I'm using 2 Radeon 9100 PCI video cards, one
each for an Xinerama setup, or at least I'm trying to.  The driver
works fine 
as long as X is only dealing with one card, but as soon as I try to get
it to 
use two it aborts.  As you can see from the log, I actually have 4 of
cards (all PCI) that I want to use ultimately in a 4 head display.  The

config is set up for two right now.  I suspect that it's probably a
option I'm missing.

The other two cards incidently are also on bus 7, devices 6 & 7.  I can
any of the four cards as long as references to the other three are

Tim Mathews

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[XFree86] Is going to be 3D support for S3 prosavage DDR in Xfree 4.4 ?

2003-12-01 Thread Alex Deucher
DRI support for savage or cle266 chips will not be included in 4.4. 
there is work on both happening on branches in DRI cvs.



Please my crack english

Considering the launch date for Xfree 4.4, I think the S3 Prosavage DDr
driver ( with 3D support ) is not going to be include.

Is this supposition correct ???

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[XFree86] I852/855G and widescreen support.

2003-12-01 Thread Alex Deucher
The problem is that the xfree86 driver relies on the video BIOS to
provide the mode information.   if the BIOS does not have the mode info
for 1280x800 then you are out of luck.  Unfortunately intel has not
provided specs for setting the mode apart from the BIOS.



Hi all,

I've bought a laptop with Intel 852/855GM graphics chipset and a 
widescreen 1280x800.

XFree seems to work well but I can't set any different mode than 
1024x768, even if I explicitly try to define it as modeline.

Is there anyone has experience on the same problem?



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[XFree86] Re: [Dri-devel] MergedFB question.

2003-11-28 Thread Alex Deucher
the 2048 limitation of the scissor registers can be worked around. 
check the dri-devel archives for messages with "2048" in the subject. 
basically what we need to do is look at the cliprects in the client
driver and everytime they are a multiple of 2048 divide into a zone. 
then when you are rendering iterate over those zones.  I've looked into
it, but I haven't had the time dig into the DRI driver enough to fully
understand how the current code works and then how best to implement
this on top of it.  Someday...  Anyone can submit a patch if they get
to it first :)

Also you can run an desktop of 2560x1024 with the option "no2048limit"
(I should just remove that option and just start the xserver with DRI
anyway...) and 3D will work fine up to 2048.  if you extend beyond
2048, then window just goes blank.

Also you can specify metamodes and switch the resolution of both crtcs
on the fly.  also if you specify clone modes in your metamodes, you can
run your desktop at 2560x1024 and then when you start a game it will
select one of the clone modes using the vidmode extension and then your
game will run fine in 1024x768 or 1280x1024 on both heads.  really the
only time you will have a problem is if you try and run a 3D window
that is larger than 2048; anything smaller works fine.


--- Mike Mestnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not at this time, however the work around I have been using is
> setting up more than one layout in
> my XF86Config.  Then I write scripts for common apps/tasks that call
> the right xSession and
> layout.
> I had a dream that apps would be free from persecution of color depth
> and of screen/root
> number/size.  That one day layouts could be change on the fly and
> apps could roam freely from
> server to server.  I'm prepared for X11R7 or X12 if thats what it
> takes.
> --- Adam K Kirchhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I'm curious if MergedFB can be modified so that you can run with a
> > resolution of 2560x1024 normally, and then drop it down to 2048x768
> if you
> > want to do anything 3D related?
> > 
> > Adam
> > 
> > 

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Re: [XFree86] Apple 20'' Cinema Display with ATI Radeon

2003-11-25 Thread Alex Deucher
An XFree86 binary for the DRI snapshots is available here:



Thanks for help Alex. Now I understand what I did.

Your expectation about ABI error was good. I try to use 20031124 DRI
snapshot but since it is compiled for XFree 4.3.99, I got ABI error.

Unfortunately I found no archive of old DRI snapshot. I think I will
compile XFreee 4.4 when it will be released. Unless there is some XFree
4.3.99 binaries somewhere.


Alex Deucher wrote:
> The drivers Alan provides are based on CVS, not 4.3.0.  Since you are
> using straight 4.3.0, you will need the fixes that have been applied
> cvs.  you eaither need to grab Alan's binaries again, another
> like the DRI snapshots, or compile X from cvs.
> DRI snapshots:
> http://dri.sourceforge.net/snapshots/
> For both Alan's and the DRI snaps, make sure you grab the XFree86
> package as well or you will get ABI errors.
> Alex
> ---

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[XFree86] Radeon 9000 and XV

2003-11-25 Thread Alex Deucher
I noticed that the other night as I was working on the driver, but I
didn't have any content large enough to test it with.  I think it might
be a hold over from the old r128 driver.  switch it to 2048x2048 and
give it a shot.  It shouldn't hurt anything.  If it works we can submit
a patch to get it fixed in future releases.



I have a HD-2000 HDTV PCI card. When using the XVideo extension to 
display HDTV format video, the right third of the image is a pink bar. 
I have looked through the driver source and noticed that although the 
maximum image size in radeon_video.c is 2048x2048 , the offscreen image

size is limited to 1024x1024. Is this likely the cause of the problem? 
If so, will it cause problems if I change it to 2048x2048? I have a 
Radeon 9000 with 64MB ram, and am running X at 1152x864 @ 75HZ.

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[XFree86] ATI Radeon DVI corruption

2003-11-24 Thread Alex Deucher
You should try the radeon driver from cvs.  it has a new
displaypriority option that may help with bandwidth issues on flat
panels.  Also you might try driving the display at a lower refresh rate
if the above option doesn't help.



   I am using a Dell 2000FP LCD monitor connected with an ATI Radeon VE

(Dell OEM) in a Dell workstation.  When using the DVI connection, the 
display is distorted with wavy lines.  It is worse at towards the
of the screen.  Switching to the standard analog VGA connection 
eliminates the artifacts.  The artifacts appear in all resolutions but 
are the most noticeable in the highest resoltion 1600x1200.

Attatched is the XFree86 log.


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[XFree86] ATI Mobility Radeon 9200

2003-11-21 Thread Alex Deucher
It's supported (2D and 3D) in xfree86 cvs, but not 4.3.0.  4.4.0 (to be
released soon) will have support.  



i would like to know if there is support (even unaccelerated) for the
ATI Mobility Radeon 9200, as found in the new iBook G4 series from
(it is connected through an AGP 4x bus).

i've read the doc, but this graphic controller was not explicitly

yellow dog linux website report it as "not yet supported" but they
be using an older version of xfree???

even 2D support would be appreciated.

thank you.

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RE: [XFree86] radeon power management patches

2003-11-20 Thread Alex Deucher
I'm not sure.  You might check on the linux-kernel mailing list.  or
search on google.  I don't have an 8x motherboard so I've never looked
for it.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Where do I find the kernel patch for agp x8?  I saw in a posting
> elsewhere that
> kernel 2.4.22 may support agp x8.
> Tom
> On 20-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > one thing you will run into is that if your new motherboard
> supports 8x
> > and your radeon supports 8x, you will need a patched version of
> agpgart
> > that supports 8x or the DRI will not work if you are using linux
> 2.4.x.
> >  2.6 supports 8x natively.  Just a heads up.
> > 
> > Alex
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I signed onto the developer list too now. When the computer comes,
> I
> >> am
> >> thinking of trying driver snapshots or CVS versions.  I have heard
> >> that ATI does
> >> not support their own driver very well.
> >> 
> >> Thanks again,
> >> Tom
> >> 
> >> On 20-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> >> > The drivers do not currently have support for agp 8x.  Michel
> has a
> >> > patch on his website from ati, but it hasn't been applied/tested
> >> yet as
> >> > far as I know.  I don't have the link off hand.  I doubt you
> will
> >> > notice any difference between 8x and 4x.
> >> > 
> >> > Let me know how it goes.
> >> > 
> >> > Alex
> >> > 
> >> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> >> Thanks.  I don't get to test it until the laptop with radeon
> >> mobility
> >> >> 9200
> >> >> comes next week.  I understand the 9200 is the same as the 9000
> >> >> except that the
> >> >> agp is 8x instead of 4x.  Can I specify agp 8x to take
> advantage
> >> of
> >> >> the higher
> >> >> speed?
> >> >> 
> >> >> Thanks again,
> >> >> 
> >> >> Tom Corner
> >> >> 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > __
> >> > Do you Yahoo!?
> >> > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
> >> > http://companion.yahoo.com/
> >> > ___
> >> > Devel mailing list
> >> > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> >> 
> >> ---
> >> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> >> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  )   ( 20-Nov-2003 16:50:41  Vienna,  Austria
> >> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
> >>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> >> ---
> >> ___
> >> Devel mailing list
> >> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
> > http://antispam.yahoo.com/whatsnewfree
> > ___
> > XFree86 mailing list
> > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86
> ---
> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )   ( 20-Nov-2003 20:32:04  Vienna,  Austria
> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> ---
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

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RE: [XFree86] radeon power management patches

2003-11-20 Thread Alex Deucher
one thing you will run into is that if your new motherboard supports 8x
and your radeon supports 8x, you will need a patched version of agpgart
that supports 8x or the DRI will not work if you are using linux 2.4.x.
 2.6 supports 8x natively.  Just a heads up.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I signed onto the developer list too now. When the computer comes, I
> am
> thinking of trying driver snapshots or CVS versions.  I have heard
> that ATI does
> not support their own driver very well.
> Thanks again,
> Tom
> On 20-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > The drivers do not currently have support for agp 8x.  Michel has a
> > patch on his website from ati, but it hasn't been applied/tested
> yet as
> > far as I know.  I don't have the link off hand.  I doubt you will
> > notice any difference between 8x and 4x.
> > 
> > Let me know how it goes.
> > 
> > Alex
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Thanks.  I don't get to test it until the laptop with radeon
> mobility
> >> 9200
> >> comes next week.  I understand the 9200 is the same as the 9000
> >> except that the
> >> agp is 8x instead of 4x.  Can I specify agp 8x to take advantage
> of
> >> the higher
> >> speed?
> >> 
> >> Thanks again,
> >> 
> >> Tom Corner
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
> > http://companion.yahoo.com/
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel
> ---
> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )   ( 20-Nov-2003 16:50:41  Vienna,  Austria
> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> ---
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

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Re: [XFree86] S3 driver bug

2003-11-20 Thread Alex Deucher
If you are feeling motivated, take a look at s3_accel.c and see if you
can find the bug in the implementation of SolidBresenhamLine.


Alex Deucher wrote:

> Take a look at the XF86Config man page.  You can find out exactly
> XAA routine is causing the bug by trying the different XAANo
> oprions, where XXX is the acceleration routine.  they are listed in
> man page.

Cool, thanks a lot!
It works well with the option "XaaNoSolidBresenhamLine" set!
I think this is no big performance loss and it's fine for me,
but of course the bug is still there.


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RE: [XFree86] radeon power management patches

2003-11-20 Thread Alex Deucher
The drivers do not currently have support for agp 8x.  Michel has a
patch on his website from ati, but it hasn't been applied/tested yet as
far as I know.  I don't have the link off hand.  I doubt you will
notice any difference between 8x and 4x.

Let me know how it goes.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thanks.  I don't get to test it until the laptop with radeon mobility
> 9200
> comes next week.  I understand the 9200 is the same as the 9000
> except that the
> agp is 8x instead of 4x.  Can I specify agp 8x to take advantage of
> the higher
> speed?
> Thanks again,
> Tom Corner

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[XFree86] S3 driver bug

2003-11-19 Thread Alex Deucher
Take a look at the XF86Config man page.  You can find out exactly which
XAA routine is causing the bug by trying the different XAANo
oprions, where XXX is the acceleration routine.  they are listed in the
man page.



Hello XFree team,

I sent a mail some days ago but was not yet registerd at XFree86.Org.
In the meantime, I found out that the bug disappears when the
"noaccel" option is specified in XF86Config.

Klaus Peichl

Original mail:

I have a problem with the S3 driver in XFree86 4.3.0 which
was not present in XFree86 3.3.3.
I have installed an S3 Trio 64 card and I am running SuSE-Linux 8.2.
The S3 driver does not seem to draw sloping lines correctly.
It seems that lines start at the correct position but get drawn
into the wrong direction.
Some programs (like MiXViews) are quite unusable. As an example,
I attachd a snapshot of the color edit dialog of xv. You can see
problems with the scales and outlines of arrows there.
It might be only a small bug which I could maybe even fix myself,
but I guess it's not feasible downloading all sources with a
56k modem, is it?
I hope that someone can help me. It would be a a pity if the
newer driver could not be used because of only a small bug.

Thanks in advance,
best regards,

Klaus Peichl

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RE: [XFree86] radeon power management patches

2003-11-19 Thread Alex Deucher
if you are running a cvs snapshot you can just copy the radeon_drv.o
and ati_drv.o into your current installation.  If you are running
4.3.0, they should still work, but you will need to get a newer version
of the XFree86 binary.  one is available here for instance:
or here:

Backup your old versions first.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Can I just substitute the object modules or do I need to compile from
> source
> all of xfree86?
> Thanks,
> Tom Corner
> On 17-Nov-2003 Alex Deucher wrote:
> > The patch available below adds dynamic power management support
> > (dynamic clock scaling) to the radeon driver. It is based on code
> I've
> > been testing from Hui Yu.  It seems to work fine in basic testing
> on my
> > m6 and the 9200 in my desktop.  More testing would be much
> appreciated
> > (especially mobility and IGP chips).
> > 
> > Binaries and diff (against xfree86 cvs) available here:
> > http://www.botchco.com/alex/radeon/dynamicPM/hy0/
> > 
> > Use:
> > Option "DynamicPM" "true"
> > to test it.
> > 
> > Let me know if you have any issues.  Please look for updates and
> report
> > bugs here:
> > http://bugs.xfree86.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Alex
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
> > http://antispam.yahoo.com/whatsnewfree
> > ___
> > XFree86 mailing list
> > http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86
> ---
> |\/\/\___/\/\/| Carol Anne Corner &
> \ o o / Thomas Corner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  )   ( 19-Nov-2003 10:12:31  Vienna,  Austria
> ( * * )   mailer: xfmail
>  \___/ Web Page: www.corner.chello.at
> ---
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

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[XFree86] radeon power management patches

2003-11-17 Thread Alex Deucher
The patch available below adds dynamic power management support
(dynamic clock scaling) to the radeon driver.   It is based on code I've
been testing from Hui Yu.  It seems to work fine in basic testing on my
m6 and the 9200 in my desktop.  More testing would be much appreciated
(especially mobility and IGP chips).

Binaries and diff (against xfree86 cvs) available here:

Option "DynamicPM" "true"
to test it.

Let me know if you have any issues.  Please look for updates and report
bugs here:



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Re: [XFree86] Re: ATI radeon IGP 320M

2003-11-17 Thread Alex Deucher
Read this page for how to pull xfree86 cvs.




hey :D can't get cvs to work... i don't know what's wrong :| help me
here :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cvsup-snap-16.1h]$ cvs -d
Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
  where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
(specify --help-options for a list of options)
  where command is add, admin, etc.
(specify --help-commands for a list of commands
 or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
  where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
(specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
  Specify --help to receive this message
The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.
For CVS updates and additional information, see
the CVS home page at http://www.cvshome.org/ or
Pascal Molli's CVS site at http://www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs-index.html

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2003-11-17 Thread Alex Deucher
As I said before, xfree86 4.3.0 did not support the IGP chipsets.  you
either need to upgrade to the cvs version of xfree86 or use a later
rawhide RPM.  I think redhat included IGP support in its newer rpms.



Hi all,

I am having problems getting X to work on my new laptop with 15.4" LCD 
(max resolution 1280 X 800).  The video card is an ATI RADEON IGP 320M.

please help me figure this out.

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[XFree86] 2 Radeon cards/dual head setup problems

2003-11-14 Thread Alex Deucher
if you are still using 4.3.0 try a cvs snapshot.  there were some fixes
related to multiple cards a while back.  There is also a problem that
comes up sometimes where multiple cards won't post properly (related to
the ROM as I recall).  I'm not sure if this is causing your problem or
not.  Also, FWIW, the chip in your laptop/docking station can drive two
monitors (LCD plus external vga port).




I am having a hard time setting up my second card on my box. I am
XF86 v. 4.3.0

My hardware:

card 1

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility
LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] (prog-if 00 [VGA])
Subsystem: Dell Computer Corporation: Unknown device 012a
Flags: bus master, VGA palette snoop, stepping, 66Mhz, medium
devsel, latency 32, IRQ 11
Memory at e000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [disabled]
I/O ports at c000 [disabled] [size=256]
Memory at fcff (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [disabled]
Expansion ROM at  [disabled] [size=128K]
Capabilities: [58] AGP version 2.0
Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2

card 2

03:02.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW
7500] (prog-if 00 [VGA])
Subsystem: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 013b
Flags: bus master, stepping, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 11
Memory at d800 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]
I/O ports at fc00 [size=256]
Memory at faff (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
Expansion ROM at  [disabled] [size=128K]
Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2

RH 9 kernel 2.4.20-20.9

I have a dell laptop with a docking station.  I added the second card
the docking station.  I originally had another vid. card in there, but
resolution was 1024x768.  My primary display was 1280x1024 and moving
between two looked like crap, so I upgraded the card in the docking
station.  Setting it up in the first place was very straight forward,
this second time around I am having a hard time.  I figured it would be
simple since they are using the same driver, but somehow I believe that
my problem.  Anyway, I have tried all sorts of options in the device
sections, but nothing works.  I can only use one card at a time. 
that if I disable either of the screens the other works just fine, but
cannot get them to work together.  Here is my config file and the log
to follow in a second email (using webmail):

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[XFree86] ATI radeon IGP 320M

2003-11-14 Thread Alex Deucher
4.3.0 did not support the IGP chipsets.  you either need to upgrade to
the cvs version of xfree86 or use a later rawhide RPM.  I think redhat
included IGP support in its newer rpms.



I am running RH9.0 on a new eMachines laptop model M5310.  It is
on an Athlon XP-M 2400+ Processor and QuantiSpeed Architecture and has
15.4' LCD screen and an ATI radeon IGP 320M video card.

When I started X it failed.  Attached is a file temp that contains my 
config file and then the log file.

Where should I go from here?



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RE: [XFree86] ATI Radeon VE (7000) config

2003-11-12 Thread Alex Deucher
You will need to use sw cursor with 4.3 due to a bug in the final
Option "HWCursor" "false" 
to the device sections of your config.

Also, if you want one big logical screen instead of two separate
screens, add:
Option "xinerama"
to the serverflags section of your config.



I have read a related email and added the line :

Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT,CRT"

I now get dual screen under KDE however (2 independent KDE screens not
clones) it seams which works fine apart from if I move the mouse into
the left hand screen then the right hand screen goes off and wont come
back on.

Do I really need to recompile !!! 

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[XFree86] Apple 20'' Cinema Display with ATI Radeon

2003-11-11 Thread Alex Deucher
The drivers Alan provides are based on CVS, not 4.3.0.  Since you are
using straight 4.3.0, you will need the fixes that have been applied to
cvs.  you eaither need to grab Alan's binaries again, another snapshot
like the DRI snapshots, or compile X from cvs.

DRI snapshots:

For both Alan's and the DRI snaps, make sure you grab the XFree86
package as well or you will get ABI errors.




I have an ATI AIW 9000 Pro (Radeon) and Apple 20'' Cinema Display. I
some difficulties to configure them for Red Hat 9 but it was working 
with Radeon drivers downloaded on 2003-05-03 from 

Now I have just installed Mandrake 9.2 which has XFree 4.3 also. But 
mode 1680x1050 seems to be no more supported by radeon driver :

--- XF86Config
Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Apple20"
VendorName   "Apple"
ModelName"20'' Apple Cinema Display"
HorizSync31.0 - 100.0
VertRefresh  58.0 - 100.0
ModeLine "1680x1050_60.00" 147.1 1680 1784 1968 2256 1050 1051
1087 -hsync +vsync
Option  "dpms"

--- XFree86.log
(WW) RADEON(0): Mode 1680x1050_60.00 is out of range.
(WW) RADEON(0): Valid modes must be between 320x200-1600x1200

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[XFree86] Radeon 9200/DVI with latest XFree86

2003-11-11 Thread Alex Deucher
The 9200SE cards seem to have some bandwidth issues driving large DVI
displays.  There are some options you can try to improve the situation:
Option "DisplayPriority" "string"
where string is high, auto, or bios
Option "MonitorLayout" "tmds, none" 
if you only have the dvi monitor attached. "tmds, crt" if you have both

For more info see the radeon man page:

Another thing you might try is driving the DVI at a lower refresh rate,
say 56 hz.



I recently bought a Radeon 9800 SE based card made by PowerColor (model
r92le-c3s, box makred with a "SE" sticker) and a Viewsonic VX2000 LCD
monitor and I can't get the DVI port to work well.  I'm running RedHat
and with the X driver included with it and the chip id overridden to
just about any known radeon card, I get no picture at all on the DVI
port (though the X logs indicate that it found the monitor).  Searching
the mailing list archives on various places indicated that the 9200
is not quite compatible with other radeons, so I pulled down the
XFree86 tree (as of midday 11/9) and built X from scratch.  Running the
resulting X server produces a image on the DVI port if I have only the
DVI port connected, but either the image quality is horrible (closest
approximation would be a tv screen with lots of "snow") or the picture
does not appear at all.  Oddly enough, if I plug the analog port in,
analog picture is fine (sans some visible ringing in the signal).  The
monitor and card work fine in Windows XP, so I know that both parts are
properly connected and configured.

Attached are the XFree86.0.log file and my XF86Config file.

Thanks for any information.


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[XFree86] ati radeon mobility 9600 / powerbook 15" problem

2003-11-11 Thread Alex Deucher
See bug 798:



i'm having problems running X on a 15" powerbook that has an ati
radeon mobility 9600 (m10) agp chip.

the x server starts up without any fatal errors and draws stuff on
the screen, but it's all skewed and unreadable.  the mouse cursor
moves around and seems to be drawn just fine, just nothing else.

i took some pictures to better explain what i'm seeing:


i've played around with different driver options to no avail;
nothing seems to make it draw the screen properly or even any
differently.  it seems to be the same pattern of mess every time i
start x.

xfree86 log and configuration follow below.  any input would be

XFree86 Version
Release Date:  1 November 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: OpenBSD 3.4 macppc [ELF] 
Current Operating System: OpenBSD foo.jcs.org 3.4 GENERIC#137 macppc
Build Date: 09 November 2003
Changelog Date: 08 November 2003

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Re: [XFree86] r128 resolution question

2003-11-10 Thread Alex Deucher
This was addressed in bug 661:
I'm not sure if the fix has made it to cvs yet.


On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Iain Campbell wrote:

> I have a IBM Thinkpad A21p laptop with a Rage 128 Mobility card, and
> have a vexing problem. The LCD screen is a 1600x1200 resolution, and
> have not yet found any way to run the Xserver at any resolution less
> than this. This is a

The r128 driver, when connected to an LCD, ignores all the numbers in
the modeline except for the x and y resolutions - it even ignores the
clock speed: It looks up the rest of the numbers from the vbios, using
the x and y resolutions to find a matching mode. This doesn't prevent
you from using other resolutions, but some of the lower resolutions
stupidly high refresh rates (aiui this doesn't matter because the
compensates for this), so if you adjust the HorizSync and VertRefresh
values to have a _very_ wide range, you may be able to get at those

I discussed this with the list a while back and a patch was put into
CVS, if said patch has propagated into your installation, then the
Xfree86 log should show why a mode is rejected (eg "not listed in bios"
and so on).

I have an A20p (Rage Mobility M3), if your horizsync and vertrefresh
entries are lenient enough, I would expect something like this modeline
to work for you:

ModeLine "1280x1024" 108.00 1280 1328 1342 1568 1024 1025 1028 1040

[ as I said, most of the numbers will be ignored, but these are the
  values I actually pulled out of the VBIOS. ]


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[XFree86] Multiple Dualhead card problem ATI Radeon VE / Appian Typhoon 64

2003-11-07 Thread Alex Deucher
You might be experiencing this bug:

It looks like you are using 4.3.0.  try using cvs and let me know if
that helps.  if not, please add a note to the bug above.



Well the mail is long enough now. I will repeat the question again and
the files requested.

And try to find the thread about secondary cards for Radeon.



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Re: [XFree86] radeon 9200SE

2003-11-07 Thread Alex Deucher
try one of these:

Option "chipID" "0x4964"
Option "chipID" "0x4C64"

others to try:
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Id   0x4964
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Ie   0x4965
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_If   0x4966
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Ig   0x4967
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Ld   0x4C64
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Le   0x4C65
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Lf   0x4C66
#define PCI_CHIP_RV250_Lg   0x4C67


> xfree86 4.3.0 didn't support the 9200 series radeons.  You might be
> able to force the chipID to a supported one like a 9000. You can also
> upgrade to xfree86 from cvs.

Hmm, How can I force the chipID to a supported one like a 9000?
I didn't do that before.

> Binary snapshots from the DRI project are available here:
> http://dri.sourceforge.net/snapshots/
> grab the r200 snapshot and the XFree86 package from the extras
> directory.

Fine, I made the instructions includeed there in info files. But I work
under the freeBSD, not linux. But all the files are made and compiled
linux with different libraries, different names and locations.
Isn't there already something ready for freebsd?

I tried to use the "vesa" driver instead of radeon and it works, but
doesn't look good. The vertical refresh is amount 60 Hz and when I try
run the xvidtune it says: "Video modes are not tunable on this chip"
So, my eyes are crazy after a half an hour.
Moreover my mouse jumps simetimes from one position to another.\
So, the vesa driver works but it isn't that what it has to be.

Please help,

Maciej Bobrowski

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[XFree86] radeon 9200SE

2003-11-06 Thread Alex Deucher
xfree86 4.3.0 didn't support the 9200 series radeons.  You might be
able to force the chipID to a supported one like a 9000. You can also
upgrade to xfree86 from cvs.  

Binary snapshots from the DRI project are available here:
grab the r200 snapshot and the XFree86 package from the extras




My name is Maciej Bobrowski. I have a problem with the ATI Radeon
(Excalibur) video card. In the attachment there are log and config
file of XFree86.

Please, help mi.

Yours sincerely,

Maciej Bobrowski

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[XFree86] Multiple Dualhead card problem ATI Radeon VE / Appian Typhoon 64

2003-11-06 Thread Alex Deucher
This may be related to the problem discussed a while back with the
posting of seconday radeon cards.  Can you send a copy of your xfree86
log and the output of lspci?



Yesterday I installed three Appian Typhoon 64 cards in a system with
- 4.3.0. The Appian has an ATI Radeon VE on it.

The first strange thing is that both displays of the first graphical
show the same from startup where I would expect only the first monitor
show the boot sequence etc.

Second I tried to create 6 seperate display. Then the Server crashes.

Adding the Load "ddc" Module resolved next messages:
Symbol xf86SetDDCproperties from module
is unresolved!

But still the server crashes.

Attached are the /etc?X11/XF86config file and the

Just using Screen0 and screen1 and thus only the first graphical card

Has anyone an idea what the problem is.


Marcel Stegehuis

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Re: [XFree86] External monitor/project IBM T40p

2003-11-05 Thread Alex Deucher
Depends what you are looking for.  There are A LOT of improvements in
DRI CVS since 4.3.0 was released, however, they are still not quite as
full featured as the ATI ones. current CVS supports opengl on all
radeon chips except the r300 based cores.


Hmm, I went to the commerical drivers for the opengl support (I'm 
running ProEngineer), driver that came with RH 9 did not do opengl at 
all. The commerical drivers have great performance, see:


Are the latest OSS drivers improved in this matter?

Sepehr (Sep) Kiani

Development Engineering
Teradyne Connection Systems

Alex Deucher wrote:

>We can't really help you much with the ati binary driver; for support
>of that you should contact ati directly.  However, I would recommend
>the opensource radeon driver along with my mergedfb code.  It supports
>all of what you seem to be asking for, plus it will enable dual or
>single head based on whether or not you have an external monitor
>attached. xrandr will also enable you to resize or desktop on the fly.

>In addition, it supports a built in xinerama extension so windows will
>maximize properly when using dual head, 3d is enabled on both heads,
>and the video overlay will follow your video window between heads.  
>Radeon Mergedfb is available in DRI cvs.  you can download snapshots
>see this page for more information:
>Hi, has anyone been able to get an external monitor to work on an IBM
>T40p laptop (might be the same as T40 or T41)? I'm running Redhat 9.
>running the commerical ATI video driver on stock RH9 Xfree and have
>trying to configure
>for dual monitor (projector) display. When using x86config-4 file
>in either
>the "DualScreen" or "Clone" ServerLayouts I get a "fatal error monitor
>not found" on the second screen. Any suggestions?
>I would also liek like to beable to switch this on the fly (like
>allows me to change res
>on the fly) without restarting X. Is this possible? Are their any nice

>gui's for doing it (and xrandr for that matter)?

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Re: [XFree86] SiS315 Dual Head separate x servers/WMs

2003-11-05 Thread Alex Deucher
you are misunderstanding "normal" multihead.  what it means is that you
have two independant screens (you can run different apps, WM's, etc on
them, but you can't drag windows between them) with a shared set of
input devices.  xinerama binds the two independant screens into one
large, logical screen.  there is no way, without patches, to have
separate independant screens with their own independant input devices.


Thanx for the answer.
I understand from you that this only be possible with patched kernel
and xfree86.
The text from Tomas Winischhofer site i was thinking about with mode
"Normal" was the \

"XFree86 supports two different dual-head modes: "Normal", where you
get two \
independent screens (and two X sessions), and "Xinerama" where these
two screens are \
virtually one. Please see the documentation on Xfree86.org for more

The Normal mode is exactly what i'm looking for if it's possible.
What is unsure is if i'm able to start different window managers in the
independent \
screens and if can force the keyboard and mouse to only operate on one
of them.

I've already got a pci graphics card on the shelf so maby i'll try to
start patching \
things up trying it the hard way.


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[XFree86] External monitor/project IBM T40p

2003-11-05 Thread Alex Deucher
We can't really help you much with the ati binary driver; for support
of that you should contact ati directly.  However, I would recommend
the opensource radeon driver along with my mergedfb code.  It supports
all of what you seem to be asking for, plus it will enable dual or
single head based on whether or not you have an external monitor
attached. xrandr will also enable you to resize or desktop on the fly. 
In addition, it supports a built in xinerama extension so windows will
maximize properly when using dual head, 3d is enabled on both heads,
and the video overlay will follow your video window between heads.  
Radeon Mergedfb is available in DRI cvs.  you can download snapshots

see this page for more information:



Hi, has anyone been able to get an external monitor to work on an IBM
T40p laptop (might be the same as T40 or T41)? I'm running Redhat 9.
running the commerical ATI video driver on stock RH9 Xfree and have
trying to configure
for dual monitor (projector) display. When using x86config-4 file below

in either
the "DualScreen" or "Clone" ServerLayouts I get a "fatal error monitor
not found" on the second screen. Any suggestions?

I would also liek like to beable to switch this on the fly (like xrandr

allows me to change res
on the fly) without restarting X. Is this possible? Are their any nice 
gui's for doing it (and xrandr for that matter)?



Sepehr (Sep) Kiani


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[XFree86] Using TV-OUT on a Radeon-7000-based dual-head card

2003-11-05 Thread Alex Deucher

TV-out is not supported yet by either the xfree86 or DRI trees.  I
believe there may be experimental support in the gatos project
(http://gatos.sf.net), but I've never tried it.  You might inquire
there.  Also, there are only two display controllers on radeon hardware
so it can only drive two outputs (some combo of DVI, CRT, and TV-out). 

hope this helps,



Hello all.

After setting up my Hercules 3D Prophet to do dual-head (thanks for the
help again Alex & Co.:) ), packed with new enery to fight yet another
battle, I want to use my TV-out to see DVDs (or any other thing).
Being the optimistic I am I thought that simply plugging in the RCA
cable from the card to the TV would do the trick -- it didn't. This is
what I have so far:

1. I learned that the TV shows (tries to show) the contents of the
second CRT monitor (I have two standard VGA connectors).

2. The image shown on the TV is just a bunch of lines dancing around

3. I do know it's trying to show the image from the monitor since I can
things change on the TV when they change on the monitor -- for example
opening or closing a window with a white background will create or hide
a brighter section of lines on the TV

4. When I try a single-monitor XF86Config the TV is blank

5. In console mode the TV is blank

6. I've tried lowering the resolution of both screens or one of them to

800x600 -- same thing

7. When the TV-out cable is connected, the second CRT displays badly,
if its cable is malfunctioning (worse colors, and some bluriness)

Some Google searching led me to a small utility name atitvout. Running 
atitvout detect gives me:
CRT is attached.
TV is attached via S-Video.

(is sais "TV is attached" even when it's not)

Trying to use it to actually activate the TV gives me no results or 
error messages in the form of "unsupported by your card, blah blah

Anyone has any leads as to where I can find relevant information, or 
what steps I need to do to make this work?

And last but not least, system info:

Redhat 9 (with many RPMs from Fedora)
Kernel: 2.6.0test9
XFree: compiled by myself,
Video-card: Hercules 3D Prophet 7000 dual-vga-head + tv-out (Radeon 

Thanks alot.

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[XFree86] MOBILITY RADEON 7500 & 1400 x 1050 resolution

2003-11-04 Thread Alex Deucher
send a copy of your xfree86 log and config file.  You have to make sure
you have that mode defined in the screen section of your config.  The
radeon driver should detect the LCD screen size.  if you are having
problems or the size cannot be determined, CVS has a new option
"PanelSize" that allows you to specify the panel dimensions.



Hello I have a laptop
Compaq Evo n800v
that use a card
that in windows use a resolution of 1400x1050 pixel

If I use the version of red-hat 9 I can work only with the resolution
 800 x 600

In wich way I can work using the resolution of 1400 x 1050 and redhat ?


Mauro Putzu

Dia srl

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[XFree86] Dual Head detection

2003-11-04 Thread Alex Deucher
My radeon mergedfb driver supports this.  it is in DRI CVS and is
available in the DRI binary snapshots:

Just sput together a working Mergedfb setup, and then start X.  if you
have an external monitor attached, X will start with your dualheaded
setup. if it finds no monitor, it will use a single headed setup.  As
an added bonus HW accelerated 3D will work on both heads as well.

More info on radeon mergedfb:

Let me know if you hve any problems,




I've got a notebook with second head capability. I managed to have my
second head working OK, but I have two layouts in my XF86Config-4, one
describing a single head setup, and one the two-head setup. I was
if the X server had a way to detect that a second monitor is plugged in
not, and choose a layout based on that.

What I'd like is :
 - not reboot the notebook
 - just restart the X-server (logging out is OK).

GFX: radeom M6 LY
kernel:  2.4.22-ac2

At boot time, the fradeonfb detects the presence/abscence of a second
but will not update this at runtime. Is there a way to do this?


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[XFree86] XvMC ?

2003-10-31 Thread Alex Deucher
Right now the only cards I know of that support XvMC are intel i810
(not i830/45/etc.), the savage source code S3/VIA released (not yet
integarted into xfree86), possibly the VIA CLE266 driver, and the
Nvidia binary drivers.  I believe ATI released a binary XvMC module to
the GATOS folks one point, but I'm not too familiar with that.  I don't
think anything came of it.



Hi all,
is this extension implemented for Radeon cards (namely 9200). I ask  
this because mythtv is only able to use XvMC for some NVidia Cards  
using their proprietary drivers. Do they provide more functions??

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[XFree86] Dual head 2 screens quick question

2003-10-30 Thread Alex Deucher
You can't quite do everything you want with the current architecture of
xfree86.  You can have multiple pointing devices and keyboards, but
they cannot be bound to a specific head currently. 

This hack will get you what you want:



I have dual head system on sis315. I've switched Xinerama off to have 2
"independent" screens. I get that OK, but have question:
- Xfree establishes both screens by himself according to XF86Config.
Can I
do it manually and possibly with different window manager in each
screen ?
Where should I start looking - what files ? I have rh9 and there seems
gdm is activated...

- I have keyboard and ATI remote that acts as another mouse and
Can I have for each screen separate keyboard and mouse? Or at least can
forbid mouse to go into second screen ?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [XFree86] Purchase Advice Needed: Robust DVI support?

2003-10-30 Thread Alex Deucher
As I recall the mga driver requires the binary "hal" module to use the
DVI ports.  You might be able to get it working using the linux mga
fbdev driver and the option "usefbdev" since the fbdev driver supports
pretty much all of the feautures of the mga cards.



Sorry for coming late to this discussion, but I just subscribed.  I
happened to be going through the MGA manpage today, and noticed that it
would appear that the MGA G550 is both supported, and dual DVI.  What
resolutions it can drive in DVI mode, I don't know, but I'm sure the
Matrox site would be forthcoming.



> The radeon driver code has code to handle two DVI ports however, the
> cards are very rare.  I've never tested it.  Also there might be
> depending on what tmds/lvds controller the vendor uses since the
> only has a one integrated controller.  Dual DVI boards require an
> external controller to drive the other DVI port.  Depending on the
> controller, you might need additional code to handle its set up.

> Alex
> On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 18:25, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 17:18, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>> > >   The "nv" driver is unlikely to get the DVI working unless
>> > > the GeForce card was the primary
>>   The "nv" driver has this limitation for all cards it supports.
> That rules out that then.
> I am starting to think a 1 card dual DVI solution might increase my
> chances of success here, especially at higher resolutions.
> What cards are known to support dual DVI DFP's, with open source
> XFree86
> drivers???
> The ATI FireGL Z1-128 should be able to do dual DVI at 1600x1200, and
> see it listed as supported by the radeon driver in logs from 4.3.99
> that
> people post, but this message from Karsten Künne in June saying he
> couldn't get it working went unanswered:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05744.html
> ??
> Can anyone confirm that dual DVI DFP's work for them on the Z1 (or
> anything else) before I spend $400 ??
> MUCH MUCH thanks for your help

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Re: [XFree86] Purchase Advice Needed: Robust DVI support?

2003-10-29 Thread Alex Deucher
Dell makes an OEM dual DVI radeon VE board that is known to work with
the xfree86 radeon driver.



On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 18:25, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 17:18, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> > >   The "nv" driver is unlikely to get the DVI working unless
> > > the GeForce card was the primary

>   The "nv" driver has this limitation for all cards it supports.

That rules out that then.

I am starting to think a 1 card dual DVI solution might increase my
chances of success here, especially at higher resolutions.

What cards are known to support dual DVI DFP's, with open source

The ATI FireGL Z1-128 should be able to do dual DVI at 1600x1200, and I
see it listed as supported by the radeon driver in logs from 4.3.99
people post, but this message from Karsten Künne in June saying he
couldn't get it working went unanswered:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05744.html


Can anyone confirm that dual DVI DFP's work for them on the Z1 (or
anything else) before I spend $400 ??

MUCH MUCH thanks for your help

Chris Hubick

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[XFree86] MGA G450 -- not support Overlay & Xinerama simultaneously?

2003-10-29 Thread Alex Deucher
Matrox chips only have one overlay and it is limited to the first head
as I recall.  This is a hardware limitation.  You might be able to get
it working with two matrox cards since each one would have an overlay
to work with, but I've never tried it.



Hi, all.  When I try to fire up both Xinerama and Overlay on my G450 32
MB, it dies with "Incompatible screens.  Root window depths differ"
post the whole log below.]  I can get either Xinerama -or- Overlay to
just fine.  Lastly, according to this link:
they do appear to be mutually exclusive.  Is this true?  Might it be
in 4.3?  Would it work if I used two different G400's, instead of just


Ken D'Ambrosio
Sr. SysAdmin
Xanoptix, Inc.

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Re: [XFree86] Purchase Advice Needed: Robust DVI support?

2003-10-29 Thread Alex Deucher
The radeon driver code has code to handle two DVI ports however, the
cards are very rare.  I've never tested it.  Also there might be issues
depending on what tmds/lvds controller the vendor uses since the radeon
only has a one integrated controller.  Dual DVI boards require an
external controller to drive the other DVI port.  Depending on the
controller, you might need additional code to handle its set up.


On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 18:25, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 17:18, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> > >   The "nv" driver is unlikely to get the DVI working unless
> > > the GeForce card was the primary

>   The "nv" driver has this limitation for all cards it supports.

That rules out that then.

I am starting to think a 1 card dual DVI solution might increase my
chances of success here, especially at higher resolutions.

What cards are known to support dual DVI DFP's, with open source

The ATI FireGL Z1-128 should be able to do dual DVI at 1600x1200, and I
see it listed as supported by the radeon driver in logs from 4.3.99
people post, but this message from Karsten Künne in June saying he
couldn't get it working went unanswered:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05744.html


Can anyone confirm that dual DVI DFP's work for them on the Z1 (or
anything else) before I spend $400 ??

MUCH MUCH thanks for your help

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[XFree86] Please read if you are having problems with dualhead on radeon IGP chips

2003-10-27 Thread Alex Deucher
I've talked to quite a few people that have had problems getting
dualhead to work on radeon IGP chips. Specifically, the crt port seems
to go into powersave mode when dualhead is enabled.  I talked to Hui Yu
at ATI about the problem and he hasn't seen it on his IGP boards using
the lastest code from cvs.  So, for those of you that are having
problems please send me or Hui the output of this radeon register dump


To run this program, configure the non-working dualhead setup as usual,
login as root, startx or xinit, run radeon_dump in a xterm, redirect
the output to a file.  Hopefully we will be able to pinpoint any
anomolies and fix the driver.

Please set up regular xinerama based multi-head rather than my mergedfb
version of multi-head.



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[XFree86] I have a problem

2003-10-27 Thread alex
Good day!
I have a problem. X-server couldn't start with new-compiled 
kernel ( 2.4.20-20 or 2.6.0-test6 ). With old system kernel (2.4.20 - 
ASPLinux) XFree works properly. What I have to do to start it with
new-compiled kernels?  Thank You.

This is my "XFree86.0.log":
_XSERVTransSocketOpen: socket() failed for local
_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for local
_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for local/localhost.localdomain:0
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for local

XFree86 Version 4.3.0 (Custom Build: 4.3.0-2)
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.16-010stab016.2.777-smp i686 [ELF] 
Build Date: 25 April 2003
Build Host: localhost.localdomain
Before reporting problems, check http://www.XFree86.Org/
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
OS Kernel: Linux version 2.6.0-test6 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 
3.2.2 20030222 (ASPLinux 3.2.2-5asp)) #3 Fri Oct 24 10:04:55 MSD 2003 
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Mon Oct 27 12:40:12 2003
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/XF86Config"
(==) ServerLayout "XFree86 Configured"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen0" (0)
(**) |   |-->Monitor "Monitor"
(**) |   |-->Device "nVidia Corporation|NV5 [RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro]"
(**) |-->Input Device "Mouse0"
(**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard0"
(**) Option "Protocol" "Standard"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
(**) XKB: model: "pc104"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru(winkeys)"
(**) XKB: layout: "us,ru(winkeys)"
(**) Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
(**) XKB: options: "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(**) |-->Input Device "DevInputMice"
(**) FontPath set to "unix/:7100"
(**) RgbPath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
(==) ModulePath set to "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
(**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"
(--) using VT number 7

(WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such device)
(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.2
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.6
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.4
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.2
XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.4
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: "bitmap"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.3.0, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.4
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
compiled for 4.3.0, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.6
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x, mode1Res1 = 0x8000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1106,0691 card , rev c4 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1106,8598 card , rev 00 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 1106,0686 card 1106, rev 40 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 1106,0571 card 1106,0571 rev 06 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:2: chip 1106,3038 card 0925,1234 rev 1a class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 1106,3038 card 0925,1234 rev 1a class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:4: chip 1106,3057 card 1106,3057 rev 40 class 06,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:5: chip 1106,3058 card 1106,3058 rev 50 class 04,01,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0f:0: chip 14f1,10b6 card 14f1,10b6 rev 89 class 07,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 10de,002d card , rev 15 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (0,0,1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
[0] -1  0   0x - 0x (0x1) IX[B]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1  0   0x - 0x (0x0) MX[B]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1  0   0x - 0x (0x0) MX[B]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x000c (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1  0   0xe600 - 0xe7ff (0x200) MX[B]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1  0   0xe400 - 0xe5ff (0x200) MX[B]
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:7:0), (0,-1,-1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] 
rev 21, Mem @ 0xe600/24, 0xe400/25
(II) Addressable bus resource range

Re: [XFree86] Multihead card recommendation

2003-10-17 Thread Alex Deucher
Both xfree86 cvs and DRI CVS contain both the 2D windowing system and
the DRI for 3D.  Xfree86 focuses on developing X in general, while the
DRI project focuses on 3D.

I'm committed mergedfb to DRI CVS.  mergedfb will give you 3D on both
heads of a dualheaded card.

You can also grab nightly snapshots from the DRI here:



William Gallafent wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Alon Weinstein wrote:
>>William Gallafent wrote:
>>>ATI Radeon (but not the very newest ones). You'll need a recent
>>>version of XFree86, ideally from the DRI tree, and then you can
>>"the DRI tree"? I checked-out CVS using "cvs checkout xf" --
>>is that OK, or is there a better branch to get for Radeon
>>dual-head cards? (though it *is* working for me right now, I'm
>>wondering if I could get it to work better)
> I assume you mean you checked out of XFree86 CVS ...

naturally, where else can you do a 'checkout' from? :)

> The answer probably depends on whether or not you use 3D
> acceleration! As far as I know (and I haven't been keeping
> myself up to date very well) there is a lot of activity on the
> dri project improving 3d acceleration for Radeons.
> If you just want 2D, then XFree86 snapshots or CVS are fine. If
> you want faster 3D, though, then try
> http://dri.sourceforge.net/. I think the mergedfb patch (for
> accelerated 3D) is now integrated with DRI too, again making
> this look like the easiest option.

Do you mean that the DRI CVS holds the complete source for XF86 + DRI? 
So I can only checkout from DRI and "make World" from their sources to 
have X + DRI?

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[XFree86] Dualhead, radeon and xfree

2003-10-16 Thread Alex Deucher
The driver fails to detect the monitor on crtc2.  you need to add this
option to force it on:

Option "MonitorLayout" "crt, crt"

replace the first "crt" with "tmds" if you are using a DVI flat panel.



Hash: SHA1


since I'm new to this list forgive me if this topic already has been 
discussed, but I couldn' find stuff in the archives... :-)

I'm running a Radeon 9600Pro with the xfree radeon driver and with 
and ..13 it worked almost perfect, but the update to ..14 yesterday
major problems (which lead me to reinstall ..13 again).

So with ..14 I'm getting 

(WW) RADEON(1): Only one monitor detected, Second screen will NOT be

and as a result only get a clone picture on the second screen.

It (and the unchanged(!) XF86Config) worked flawlessly before.

Unfortunately I deleted the ..14 xfree.log, but if you neccesserally
need it, 
I will reinstall ..14 to get a new one.

If you need more information, ask :-)
Thanks in advance

take care, have fun

PS.: Distribiution is Gentoo

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[XFree86] Mouse troubles

2003-10-15 Thread Ra alex
my name is al, i live in russia and i am using altlinux master 2.2 OS. 
The reason of my request is troubles with mouse, it moves randomly 
pushing buttons. I got logitech ps/2 mouse model M-S48a. Please give 
detailed instructions how to fix it. I tried to use mousedrake - no 
suitable variants, problem appears again. In /etc/sysconfig/mouse i 
FULLNAME="PS/2|Logitech MouseMan+"

in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option  "Device" "/dev/psaux/"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
I got simple athlon based PC, videocard geforce ddr(the first 
geforce), by the way it is identified as geforce 256, should it be so? 
Please help.
XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Setting up a Hercules 3D Prophet 7000 Dual-head]

2003-10-14 Thread Alex Deucher
Sorry, in the device section.  you should only need it on "screen 0",
but you can try in both.


In the server-config or the device config? if on the device config --
which one of them?

Alex Deucher wrote:
> try the 
> Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, CRT"  
> that I suggested in bugzilla.  that will force on the 2nd crtc.
> Alex
> ---
> I finally got to try the it with the latest CVS. I compiled &
> using default options.
> Now when I start X (using the XF86Config without the Videoram lines,
> suggested in bugs.xfree86.org), I get only one screen -- the other 
> doesn't even show any life signs.
> Looking at the log I see it never finds the second monitor:
> (WW) RADEON(1): Only one monitor detected, Second screen will NOT be
> created
> The monitor is attached, and the same config did recognize the second

> monitor with the 4.3.0 that comes with RH9.
> Attached is the log file.
> Any suggestions/pointers?
> Alon.

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[XFree86] XFree86- via driver

2003-10-14 Thread Alex Deucher
You might enquire on bug 525:




I have linux 2.4.22-rc4 up and running on my VIA EPIA M1 board. I
compiled and install the latest CVS release of Xfree86-
appears to be working fine. I have configured different resolutions

The problem is that I would like to drive a non-standard resolution:
which is the exact resolution of the panasonic plasma display that I
want to
attach this computer to. The following modeline works with a Number
Revolution IV graphics card (under XFree86 4.3.0) and with an onboard
i856G adaptor (using the XIG driver - the XFree86 driver ignores
and uses only the bios settings):

Modeline "852x480" 33.07 852 872 912 1068 480 483 488 516 -hsync

However, when I use this line with the new XFree86 via driver, I get
following error:

VIASetModeUseBIOSTable: Cannot find suitable mode!!
Mode setting in XF86Config(-4) is not supported!!

Yet, earlier in the log file I have the following lines:

(==) via(0): Not using video BIOS to set modes
(II) via(0): Modeline "852x480" 33.07 852 872 912 1068 480 483 488
516 -hsync -vsync

So it would appear to me that the driver acknowledges that it will
the bios, accepts the modeline, then has a problem including this
in the bios table.

Does this mean that the via driver for the CLE266 chipset is unable to
specify clock timings that are not a multiple of 8 (which is the case
for a
horizontal resolution of 852)?

As I mentioned above, I had this problem with the i856G driver for
but when I moved to the XIG driver, I was able to specify non-standard
modes. Unfortunately XIG have not released a driver for the VIA CLE266
chipset. I wrote to them and they said that VIA is being very slow
providing them with the necessary technical specifications.

Is there any way to get the XFree86 driver to accept the above

In the meantime, I can drive a resolution of 856x480 and setup the
display so that the 4 extra vertical lines are outside the viewable
thus giving me a clear pristine 852x480 image on the display. However,
don't like those kind of workarounds. I like to know that the software
drive the hardware to its full capacity ...

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Marc Beuchat

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Re: [XFree86] Setting up a Hercules 3D Prophet 7000 Dual-head]

2003-10-14 Thread Alex Deucher
try the 
Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, CRT"  
that I suggested in bugzilla.  that will force on the 2nd crtc.



I finally got to try the it with the latest CVS. I compiled & installed

using default options.
Now when I start X (using the XF86Config without the Videoram lines, as

suggested in bugs.xfree86.org), I get only one screen -- the other 
doesn't even show any life signs.
Looking at the log I see it never finds the second monitor:

(WW) RADEON(1): Only one monitor detected, Second screen will NOT be

The monitor is attached, and the same config did recognize the second 
monitor with the 4.3.0 that comes with RH9.

Attached is the log file.

Any suggestions/pointers?


Alex Deucher wrote:
> lspci, your XF86Config, and your xfree86 log using NON-mergedfb code.

> you can mention that mergedfb also doesn't work.  Also maybe a link
> this discussion thread.
> Alex 
> --
> I'll open a bug in bugzilla then. Can you (or anyone else) recommend
> what data should I add in the bug-description? Outputs of lspci or
> /proc/pci and stuff like that?
> Alon.

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Re: [XFree86] Re: Radeon/XF86Config problems

2003-10-10 Thread Alex Deucher
try the most recent CVS.  previously some of the secondary device ID's
were recognized by the radeon driver, and it tries to grab them, when
it shouldn't.  Kevin just applied Hui's latest patch which cleans up
the PCI ids.



Cool, just to clear it up. It may be an effect of it being unsupported,
its the driver that's specifying  the second ID. I couldn't of made
that up 
on my own :P.

At 08:27 PM 10/8/2003, you wrote:
>On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, James Tanis wrote:
> >(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
> >(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
> >(WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID
PCI:1:0:1) found
> >(EE) No devices detected.
> >
> >Basically it looks like the Radeon driver has no idea how to handle
> >Radeon 9800. It has dual heads and I think this is what is causing
most of
> >my problems. I've attempted to write two device sections, each
specifying a
> >BusID, but whatever device is listed second is ignored. I've
> >several different options but none seem to help. It looks like if I
> >just get XFree86 to ignore the second device (or whichever one is
> >appropriate) things would at least go a little more smoothly. Has
> >had any experience with dealing with unsupported dual-head video
cards that
> >could lend a hand?
>The BusID *MUST* be the same for both screens of a dualhead
>Radeon card.  Do NOT specify one as 1:00:0 and the other as 1:00:1
>You also need to specify one as "Screen 0" and the other as
>"Screen 1".
>XFree86 4.3.0 was released before the Radeon 9800 existed, so it
>does not support that card.  You need XFree86 CVS to use Radeon
>9800, or you need to fake the ChipID to hack around it with
>Mike A. Harris

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[XFree86] Hercules

2003-10-08 Thread Alex Deucher
first make sure your config file is set up correctly.

your device sections should look like this:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "radeon"
VendorName "Videocard vendor"
BoardName "ATI Radeon 7000"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Screen 0

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard1"
Driver "radeon"
VendorName "Videocard vendor"
BoardName "ATI Radeon 7000"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
Screen 1

Make sure you change the BusID to whatever your card is, and make sure
both devices have the same BusID.  some newer radeon cards have two
ids.  ignore the secondary one (usually the id that ends in 1).  also
remove any videoram lines from your config.

this is an example screenlayout:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "DualHead"
Screen 0 "Screen0"
Screen 1 "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "Xinerama" "On"

You only need the xinerama option if you want to drag windwos between
heads (single logical screen).



I am trying to hook up a Hercules 3D Prophet 9000 PCI graphics card in
dual screen mode, but I cannot get the settings correct in my config
file. Can you help me out? I am running Red Hat 7.3 and XFree86 4.2.0
a PC.
Many thanks,  Hong

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[XFree86] G400 Dual Head and RedHat 9

2003-10-08 Thread Alex Deucher
I think redhat compiles xfree86 with the "use_hal" (I forget the exact
name) flag turned off.  what you need to do is recompile the mga driver
with that flag on (I think that is the default for a stock xfree86). 
then the mga driver will load the hal module for features that need it.




   I am posting this to the XFree86 mailing list and the RedHat general
list.  The issue appears to be pertinent to both XFree86 and RedHat 9,
and I have not seen any specific mention of it in the current archives
when I searched on Google.  I apologize for the length of the note but
want to get as many possibly pertinent details into it as I can.

   We recently had a meltdown on a box that had RedHat 7.3 installed;
decided to install the latest version of RH since support for 7.3 seems
likely to go away in the near future.  The box contains the following

ASUS P2B-D Dual PII motherboard
Dual PII 450 Deschutes CPUs w/512K cache
448 MB non-ECC PC100 RAM
3Com 3C905B-TX Ethernet
ESS-1968 Maestro 2 sound
Matrox G400 Dual-Head w/16 MB RAM
Generic 40X CD-ROM
6.4 GB Quantum IDE HD
ViewSonic P810 21" Monitor
IBM P200 20" Monitor

   The 6.4 GB drive has an old installation of NT 4.0 on it which we
have enabled for dual-boot.  The 13 GB is the primary channel master,
the 6.4 is the primary channel slave, and the CD is the secondary
channel master drive.

   On to the problem: when we installed RH 9, we were unable to set up
dual head Xinerama display as we had previously.  Not surprising, as we
had to download the Matrox binary-only drivers to make that work on RH
7.3.  We downloaded the latest drivers from Matrox which are currently
labeled 3.0 compared to the old ones at 2.0, and installed them.  After
some initial weirdness with the MGA PowerDesk utility showing the
head greyed out so that it appeared it was impossible to configure it,
we were able to get the second monitor up.  For some odd reason, if you
double-click in the (empty) area to the right of the monitor icons in
Power Desk where the "mode selection" radio buttons go, it suddenly
decides to activate the second monitor.  Go figure.

   So, we configure the monitors into dual-head mode, left and right
merged display.  Restarting X brings up the dual-head display as we
expected, and we were able to log in.  We configured up2date and got
currently available updates onto the box.  Then we started actually
trying to use the system, and the problems began to appear.  Here are
the primary problems:

1) Anything GL-related can (and probably will) kill X.  This problem
first manifested when the primary user would walk away from the machine
long enough for the screensaver to come on.  He would often come back
and find that he'd been logged out.  He initially thought this was some
wacky new auto-logout feature built into the screensaver and wasted
time trying to find something in the configuration windows to disable
it.  We found that we could force the crash by selecting preview on any
of the GL screensavers such as GLForestFire.

2) Any version of Mozilla other than the 1.2.1 that ships with Redhat
extremely unstable.  Browsing to the Ximian site locked up both 1.3 and
1.4 stable versions of Mozilla.  We downloaded Firebird 0.6.1 as well,
with the same results.  Most of the time they won't even start; you get
an empty grey window frame when you try to start any of them.  Redhat's
1.2.1 continues to run like a champ.

   We de-installed the Matrox drivers and went back to single-head
and all of the problems immediately vanished.  OK, so we went looking
for information on this problem.  We were unable to find anyone else
was having the specific problems we were having, either in the mailing
list archives for redhat, XFree86, or the Linux lists at Matrox.  We
found some stuff through groups.google.com which suggested we might be
able to run the G400 in dual-head mode without using the (clearly
Matrox drivers, but that turned out to be totally fruitless.  We set up
a xinerama-enabled XF86Config file and attempted to run with the 4.3.0
stuff that we had installed.  No joy.  XFree86.0.log clearly showed
it wanted the mga_hal_drv.o file to be available.  We finally concluded
that the folks who claimed to be running without the Matrox drivers
be running distros that shipped with mga_hal_drv.o installed and they
just weren't aware of it.  One of them was running Mandrake, but I
recall which version it was.  You can find those posts on Google by
searching for "Mantrox G400 Dual" (and no, that's not a typo).

   Documentation for XFree86 states that the default behavior for the
MGA driver is to load the MGA HAL driver if it is available, so we
installing *just* the mga_hal_drv.o file from Matrox but leaving the
stock 4.3.0 mga_drv.o file in place.  No joy.  The second head would

Re: [XFree86] Mouse restrictions under dual-head config

2003-10-08 Thread Alex Deucher
This can be done, however, both heads have to be in graphics mode, so
you'll have to start an xterm or something on the other head to display
your log output.

to to it change the screenlayout section of your config.  remove the
relationship (eg. leftof, rightof, etc.) between the heads ie:

Screen 0 "head0" 0 0
Screen 1 "head1"

Also make sure xinerama is not loaded.



No, that's not what I want. What I meant is that I'll be using the
secondary screen for process and log monitoring and such stuff. I have
had no trouble at all setting that up, and it's working just
fine. Since I won't be giving it any input, I want is to restrict my
mouse from being able to wrap over to it when I move it to the edge of
my primary screen.

Fredrik Tolf

David L writes:
 > Hi, 
 >  Going of your question, I assume you juast want to replicate what
you see on 
 > the first screen to output onto the second screen. Is this correct?
 > If that is the case, there is an option 
 > Option "CloneDisplay" "integer"
 > you can read about it in 
 > # man radeon
 > I havnt actually set up the behaviour you are describing on my dual
screen set 
 > up so that is about all the help I can give you.
 > Hope this is of use to you
 > David L

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Re: [XFree86] Driver for ATI Radeon IGP 340M

2003-10-08 Thread Alex Deucher
Actually I think the IGP code went in after 4.3.0 was released.  you
may need to use the driver from CVS.  Also if you want 3D support to
need to use this patch:


On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 16:23, =?iso-8859-1?B?SXNpZG9ybyBUcmV2afFv ?=
> Sir, I have an ATI Radeon IGP 340M and I wish you could tell me which
driver I \
> should use and how I can configure it. 
> Thanks

You should run XFree86 4.3.0 or later and use the "radeon" driver.

Something like this for your device section:

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Mobility"
Driver  "radeon"
VendorName  "ATI"
BoardName   "IGP 340M"
Screen  0


Brandon Wittenburg

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