We have two Dell Precision M60 with WSXGA screen and NVIDIA QuadroFXGo 700 chipset.

I have Mandrake 9.2 installed, and the NVIDIA XFree86 Driver 1.0-4363, built for this kernel.

With the modeline:

Modeline "1680x1050" 145.2 1680 1784 1968 2200 1050 1051 1054 1100

(This gives exactly 60Hz--any other refresh rate is worse, and the windows XP driver reports 60 Hz.)

startx will start a windows session, but after a few seconds the edges of the windows, and text within develops ripples along the vertical edges, and it gradually becomes worse. When X windows is killed, the display may continue to be slightly ripply for a short while. The Xvidtune doesn't find any good settings.

Does anyone know if this LCD panel requires other special settings of the NVIDIA driver, or some other modeline?


Paul Nielsen
Nielsen-Kellerman Co.

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