Christino Tamon wrote (in a message from Sunday 12)
 > Dear XFree86 developers:
 > I'm having some problems with the XFree86 4.2.1 version
 > that I ran along with a new OpenBSD 3.2. I used to run
 > OpenBSD 3.1 with XFre86 4.x.x which gave me no problems.
 > The machine that I used is a Dell 500MHz Pentium III
 > (circa 1999). 
 > I'm planning to backtrace to OpenBSD 3.1 again and/or
 > reinstall OpenBSD 3.2. I'm trying to see if it's OpenBSD
 > or the XFree86 version that might be the cause.
 > But if you have anyone with similar X problems, 
 > I'd be happy to hear their stories.

Remove the contents of the /tmp/.X11-unix directory and try again. The
messages you're seeing here are caused by a stale Unix domain socket

There is probably another error that you're going to see get in
XFree86.0.log if this directory is empty before X startup, but this
error causes the X server to abort before it has installed the handler
that would normally clean up /tmp/.X11-unix on exit. 

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