Dear Davide,

Is this maybe something we can patch ourselves in the code? I would be 
very much interested in starting to use this since updates to accounts 
are very regular for us.


Bart Mortelmans

Davide Libenzi schreef:
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Bart Mortelmans wrote:
>> I did some testing with strace. Running it on CtrlClnt didn't tell me 
>> much, so I started XMail in debug through strace.
>> As I understand the result correctly, then XMail forks to handle the 
>> CTRL-request. The first files it opens in that fork seem reasonable: 
>>,, the ctrl-logfile, a temp-file and 
>> After copying the contents of into the temp-file (I 
>> think), it however start opening each of every single user 
>> in the system.
>> I'm not sure why it's doing that, but I'm rather sure that it's this 
>> that is causing the delay. It ended up opening almost 16000 files.
>> Any ideas of why it would be doing this?
> Yep, you're right. There's a common function to load the user info, and 
> this one fetches the file too.
> I fixed it in the next version by adding a parameter to tell if the caller 
> wants info too, when loading it.
> - Davide
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