This is a little off topic, but I am not sure where it belongs best, and 
because I am sure (almost) everyone here is using vixie-cron and xmail, 
I thought I'd ask.  My problem is cron doesn't send the output of the 
commands it runs.  I am not sure whether I am not doing something right 
or what, but I just don't receive the output as I should.  I only have 
one crontab, namely root's and it does a few simple things at different 
points of time.  To test, i made an entry that runs each minute and 
simply echoes "hi"

# crontab -e
* * * * * echo "hi"

I watched /var/log/crond/current and saw the cronjob run:

# tail -f /var/log/crond/current
Feb  6 13:29:01 [/usr/sbin/cron] (root) CMD (echo "hi")

Shouldn't this email root a message that says "hi"?  Did I miss a 
configuration setting somewhere?  Is cron confusing the sendmail script?

I know that sendmail works because PHP can access it.  If anyone has any 
suggestions, let me know

Dustin C. Hatch
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