
We have a reasonably large amount of old mails in the spool-folder, all 
in the "mess" folders. They appair when running this:
find /var/MailRoot/spool -type f -mtime +30 | grep '/mess/'

I seem to remember that it has been hinted in the past that such a files 
might be left there because of a filter not having released the lock on 
the file (probably the filter crashed or took more time to complete then 
I looked up a couple of these mails in the logs and found that they have 
been delivered.

Would it be safe to delete these files, with something like this:
find /var/MailRoot/spool -type f -mtime +30 | grep '/mess/' | xargs rm -f

Our mailserver retry shedule should retry sending mails for up to 
maximum 7 days, so I assume that any file that has been in there for 30 
days isn't being retried anymore. But is it safe to simply delete them?

Bart Mortelmans

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