[xmail] Re: Help me

2004-04-24 Thread Fred

Pose ta question pis le monde qui parle fran=E7ais t'aiderons.


-Original Message-
Sent: 24 avril 2004 05:26
Subject: [xmail] Help me


je recherche de l'aide sur XMail, dans le meilleurs des cas en french

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[xmail] Re: Help me

2004-04-24 Thread Sasa Stupar
> lo,
> je recherche de l'aide sur XMail, dans le meilleurs des cas en french
Pose ta question, j'ecoute

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[xmail] Re: Help me

2004-04-24 Thread Peter Lindeman
Sasa Stupar wrote:

>>je recherche de l'aide sur XMail, dans le meilleurs des cas en french
> Pose ta question, j'ecoute

Please post in English so everybody knows what you are talking about :-)


It didn't do that a minute ago...

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[xmail] Re: Help me

2004-04-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[xmail] Re: Help me

2004-04-24 Thread Sasa Stupar
> ZGVzIGRvbWFpbmVzICJleHTpcmlldXIiLiBKJ2FpIGNvbnRyb2zpIGxlIGNvbnRlbnUgZGUgZG5z
> cm9vdCwgeSBhaSBtaXMgbWVzIGRucyBxdWUgcG91aWsuIA0KDQpP+SBlc3QgY29tbWVudCBYTWFp
> bCB1dGlsaXNlIGxhIHLpc29sdXRpb24gZGUgbm9tID8gZmF1dCB0J2lsIHVuZSBjb25maWcgcGFy
> dGljdWxp6HJlID8gDQoNCnNpIGplIHRlc3RlIGF2ZWMgZGlnIG91IG5zbG9va3VwIGMnZXN0IG5p
> Y2tlbA0KDQp0aGFueCAhDQoNCj5waWVycmVAa3ZpZGVvLmNoIHByYXZpOg0KPj4gbG8sDQo+PiAN
> Cj4+IGplIHJlY2hlcmNoZSBkZSBsJ2FpZGUgc3VyIFhNYWlsLCBkYW5zIGxlIG1laWxsZXVycyBk
> ZXMgY2FzIGVuIGZyZW5jaA0KPlBvc2UgdGEgcXVlc3Rpb24sIGonZWNvdXRlDQo+DQo+DQo+LS0g
> QmluYXJ5L3Vuc3VwcG9ydGVkIGZpbGUgc3RyaXBwZWQgYnkgRWNhcnRpcyAtLQ0KPi0tIFR5cGU6
> IHRleHQveC12Y2FyZA0KPi0tIEZpbGU6IHNhc2EudmNmDQo+DQo+DQo+LQ0KPlRvIHVuc3Vic2Ny
> aWJlIGZyb20gdGhpcyBsaXN0OiBzZW5kIHRoZSBsaW5lICJ1bnN1YnNjcmliZSB4bWFpbCIgaW4N
> Cj50aGUgYm9keSBvZiBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdG8gZWNhcnRpc0B4bWFpbHNlcnZlci5vcmcNCj5Gb3Ig
> Z2VuZXJhbCBoZWxwOiBzZW5kIHRoZSBsaW5lICJoZWxwIiBpbiB0aGUgYm9keSBvZiBhIG1lc3Nh
> Z2UgdG8NCj5lY2FydGlzQHhtYWlsc2VydmVyLm9yZw0KPg0KPg0K
> -
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What is this?

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[xmail] Re: Help me read the signs ....

2002-06-21 Thread David Ramalho

So it would be ...

This guy -> on this date -> 2002-06-20 15:57:35
using this server irc.netcabo.pt without password tried to send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this 'user' -> nobody@[]
(my server) 

Is this correct ? And the 'S2792' that's some sort of message id ? And
if so, having a message Id , does that mean that the server has it
somewere on the spool ??

Thank you for you help :) excuse the newbiness , but one must learn :)
Thank you :)

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: sexta-feira, 21 de Junho de 2002 21:40
Subject: [xmail] Re: Help me read the signs 

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, David Ramalho wrote:

>   Hi guys, I'm on the process of understanding what sort of bad
> things can happen to a mail server, and after solving ( with your help
> , the relay problem , I've been reading a few logs ( eye-catcher had
> explanation of the logs, but I can't seem to open the page ), and I'm
> trying to understand what's been up with the smtp server. I would like
> some help understanding the information contained in the log, so if
> anyone could interpret this log line I would be very thankful :)
> "juice"   "juice" """2002-06-20 15:57:35"
> "irc.netcabo.pt"  ""  "nobody@[]"
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "S2794" "RCPT=ERELAY"   ""  "0"

it's very simple, someone is trying to use your server as realy but the
server is locking him out ( ERELAY ).

- Davide

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[xmail] Re: Help me read the signs ....

2002-06-21 Thread David Ramalho

And did I make a correct interpretation of the log ? I know I'm pushing
it, ehehe :)

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: sexta-feira, 21 de Junho de 2002 21:50
Subject: [xmail] Re: Help me read the signs 

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, David Ramalho wrote:

> So it would be ...
>   This guy -> on this date -> 2002-06-20 15:57:35
> using this server irc.netcabo.pt without password tried to send a
> message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this 'user' -> nobody@[]
> (my server)
> Is this correct ? And the 'S2792' that's some sort of message id ? And
> if so, having a message Id , does that mean that the server has it
> somewere on the spool ??

no, if no valid recipient is sent the message does not get to the spool.

- Davide

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[xmail] Re: Help me read the signs ....

2002-06-21 Thread David Ramalho

Thank you , and I do think greatly of xmail ... if only I could convince
my company to try it instead of exchange 2000 :) keep up the good work,
and thank you again

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: sexta-feira, 21 de Junho de 2002 22:06
Subject: [xmail] Re: Help me read the signs 

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, David Ramalho wrote:

> And did I make a correct interpretation of the log ? I know I'm
> it, ehehe :)


- Davide

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[xmail] Re: Help me decide on my mailserver!

2002-08-26 Thread Frederik Gallon

And where is FOO & BAR going to get it's mail from? Locally or at the
central server? Or on both -since they have two mailboxes- ???

I think that you are making things more complicated than needed.
Have one mail-server (centrally) dealing with in- and outbound traffic.
Locally have a mail-server with some 'logic' = routing instructions. Local
mail will be dealt with locally; non-local mail will be sent to the central
server. For outbound mail you can choose; have all local servers deal with
them or have the central server to sent them outbound.
The easiest way is to give all local-sites a sub-domain-name. Then you
easily can route mail based on the sub-domain.

X-mail can solve last scenario's ... The scenario where a user has 2
mailboxes duplexed at 2 sites... I don't think that there's a mailserver
that can solve that (except for Lotus Notes or Xchange ... They can
replicate mailboxes if you want to - but check the overhead you will create
doing so. This is very bandwidth consuming compared to the central-local
scenario described above.)

Good hunting

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Boniforti Flavio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Verzonden: maandag 26 augustus 2002 11:57
Onderwerp: [xmail] Help me decide on my mailserver!

Hello all!
I've got to implement a server for a particular situation.

I've got some remote sites connecting to my central MAIN LAN. IN this MAIN
LAN I house the mailserver of our company, which is quite large. I want to
install "local" mailservers in our remote offices, so that they don't have
to send mail directly to our central mailserver if the recipient is also in
the same office as the sender's.

User [EMAIL PROTECTED] resides in REMOTE-01
User [EMAIL PROTECTED] resides in REMOTE-01

When the user FOO sends an E-Mail to user BAR, that E-Mail has to be
delivered "locally", so it doesn't generate traffic towards my central
E-Mail server, altough their mailboxes reside on that central server. I was
thinking about some sort of "duplicate" mailboxes, one on the central server
(for incoming mail from other domains) and the *same* mailbox on their local
NT server. This one should be able to establish if that user has to be
delivered locally or that it has to be forwarded to our main mailserver.

Would Xmail do that job?


Boniforti Flavio
Informa Srl
Via 42 Martiri, 165
28924 Verbania (VB)
Tel +39 0323 586216
Fax +39 0323 586672

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[xmail] Re: Help me decide on my mailserver!

2002-08-28 Thread Gerrit P. Haase

Hallo Boniforti,

Am Montag, 26. August 2002 um 11:56 schriebst du:

> I've got to implement a server for a particular situation.

> I've got some remote sites connecting to my central MAIN LAN.
> IN this MAIN LAN I house the mailserver of our company, which is quite
> large.
> I want to install "local" mailservers in our remote offices, so that
> they don't have to send mail directly to our central mailserver if the
> recipient is also in the same office as the sender's.

> Example:
> User [EMAIL PROTECTED] resides in REMOTE-01
> User [EMAIL PROTECTED] resides in REMOTE-01

> When the user FOO sends an E-Mail to user BAR, that E-Mail has to be
> delivered "locally", so it doesn't generate traffic towards my central
> E-Mail server, altough their mailboxes reside on that central server. I
> was thinking about some sort of "duplicate" mailboxes, one on the
> central server (for incoming mail from other domains) and the *same*
> mailbox on their local NT server. This one should be able to establish
> if that user has to be delivered locally or that it has to be forwarded
> to our main mailserver.

> Would Xmail do that job?

You cannot have the same box at two places, the first box would be
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the second box is [EMAIL PROTECTED],
best would be to let the user only access the local server, then all
outgoing mail is forwarded to the smtprelay.  The incoming mail would
be fetched off the central server from the local server as well as
directly delivered to the local server.  Xmail can handle this, maybe
it will be some tweaking neccessary with aliases or s.th. like this.

We have something similar, all mail for me is forwarded to my local
server directly, no need for me to fetch it, but I have my own IP and
my own DNS name, otherwise it would be not possible, I also send my
mail with my own server.


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