I have the XMail 1.20 + W2K Server working fine, but i don't have success with 
the install of SPF Filter (xm-spf.pl).

The following programs/modules already installed:


with the required libraries:

At execute the command line test in Mail-SPF-Query-1.997, the returned result 
is: (parcial)

# Running under perl version 5.008004 for MSWin32
# Win32::BuildNumber 810
# Current time local: Thu Dec  9 04:21:13 2004
# Current time GMT:   Thu Dec  9 06:21:13 2004
# Using Test.pm version 1.25
ok 1
ok 2
not ok 3
# Test 3 got: "none" (C:\MailRoot\filters\Mail-SPF-Query-1.997\test.pl at line 1
10 fail #2)
#   Expected: "neutral"
#  C:\MailRoot\filters\Mail-SPF-Query-1.997\test.pl line 110 is:       my $ok =
(! $expected_smtp_comment
|         01.spf1-test.mailzone.com new: ipv4=, sender=01.spf1-test.mai
lzone.com, helo=01.spf1-test.mailzone.com
|        postmaster 01.spf1-test.mailzone.com localpart is postmaster
|        postmaster 01.spf1-test.mailzone.com   DirectiveSet->new(): doing TXT q
uery on 01.spf1-test.mailzone.com
|        postmaster 01.spf1-test.mailzone.com   myquery: doing TXT query on 01.s
|        postmaster 01.spf1-test.mailzone.com   DirectiveSet->new(): TXT query o
n 01.spf1-test.mailzone.com returned error=, last_dns_error=

At test of xm-spf.pl filter the results are: (total)

C:\>/MailRoot/filters/xm-spf.pl --ip
--sender [EMAIL PROTECTED] --debug 1
|         xmailserver.org new: ipv4=, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
, helo=xmailserver.org
|        someone xmailserver.org localpart is someone
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet override: is xmailserver.org in
the override hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet override: is *.org in the overri
de hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet override: is *. in the override
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): doing TXT query on xmail
|        someone xmailserver.org   myquery: doing TXT query on xmailserver.org
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): TXT query on xmailserver
..org returned error=, last_dns_error=
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): will try fallbacks.
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet fallback: is xmailserver.org in
the fallback hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet fallback: is *.org in the fallba
ck hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet fallback: is *. in the fallback
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): fallback search failed.
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: is xmailserver.org in
the callerid hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: is *.org in the caller
id hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: is *. in the callerid
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: yes, it is.
|        someone xmailserver.org   callerid_wanted_for: callerid config defines
check=0 for *.
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): SPF policy:
|        someone xmailserver.org no SPF record found for xmailserver.org
|        someone xmailserver.org header_comment: spf_source = domain of someone@
|        someone xmailserver.org header_comment: spf_source_type = original-spf-
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet override: is xmailserver.org in
the override hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet override: is *.org in the overri
de hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet override: is *. in the override
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): doing TXT query on xmail
|        someone xmailserver.org   myquery: doing TXT query on xmailserver.org
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): TXT query on xmailserver
..org returned error=, last_dns_error=
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): will try fallbacks.
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet fallback: is xmailserver.org in
the fallback hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet fallback: is *.org in the fallba
ck hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet fallback: is *. in the fallback
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): fallback search failed.
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: is xmailserver.org in
the callerid hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: is *.org in the caller
id hash?
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: is *. in the callerid
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet callerid: yes, it is.
|        someone xmailserver.org   callerid_wanted_for: callerid config defines
check=0 for *.
|        someone xmailserver.org   DirectiveSet->new(): SPF policy:
|        someone xmailserver.org no SPF record found for xmailserver.org
|        someone xmailserver.org header_comment: spf_source = domain of someone@
|        someone xmailserver.org header_comment: spf_source_type = original-spf-


any idea?

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