Re: How does Xorg deal with the brightness control keys?

2011-10-01 Thread Marty Jack

On 09/30/2011 07:40 PM, Georgiy Treyvus wrote:
 In attempting to help fix a possible bug in Openbox I ran into a few 
 questions. Rather awkward situation. Don't know how to explain. Here's the 
 backstory. A bug report is worth 1000 words:
 Granted at this point I'm not sure whether the problem lies with Xorg or 
 Openbox or even both but perhaps someone can help me shed some light on the 
 Also in CLI only installs of Debian and Arch the brightness control keys 
 work. Could the problem be on a deeper system level and not Xorg and Openbox?
 Just trying to get to the bottom of this.
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Dana's answer in reply 2 is correct.  You must look at what else is running on 
your system.  At this moment you have no evidence whatsoever that Xorg or 
Openbox are misoperating.
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Re: instead of xorg.conf

2011-10-01 Thread Marty Jack

On 10/01/2011 11:14 AM, Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh wrote:
 Dear all,
 According of xorg's documentation, xorg.conf file was deprecated and
 xorg use just memory, of course accepts xorg.conf if /etc/X11/xorg.conf
 Now, very interesting that i want to add to xorg structure such as
 sections or manipulate them, which tools can i use for do it? (cmd from
 xorg , not third party) or i use Xorg -configure :number  and manipulate
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If I understand the question correctly, you use any text editor of your choice.

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Re: Identify parent window of menus and tooltips

2011-09-29 Thread Marty Jack

On 09/29/2011 12:07 PM, Markus Kramer wrote:
 Is there a way to identify the parent window of a menu or tooltip?
 I know that menus and tooltips are top level windows. So their parent
 would be the root window. I'm wondering if there is some other
 property which tells me to what window they belong to?
 cheers, Markus
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The WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property does this, but of course it is only as good as 
the toolkits who must be relied on to set it properly.  See the ICCCM.
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Re: Sudden blank black screen

2011-09-09 Thread Marty Jack

On 09/09/2011 01:15 PM, Matthew Monaco wrote:
 On 09/09/2011 12:46 AM, DarkKnight BrightWarrior wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am using kernel 2.6.38 with X Server 1.9.4 with radeon open source driver.

 I am facing a strange issue. I am using DVI Monitor. Sometimes while doing
 logout and login the display is lost. Monitor shows a blank black screen and
 monitor power led blinks on and off continuously.
 And after sometime, on the top left corner of monitor I can see message
 digital and analog alternately displayed.
 Any clicks and keyboard shortcuts are not bringing the display back. I can 
 to ssh to the system. I checked ps command output and xorg log but I could 
 find any differences from a normal logged in system. From ssh session I can 
 Xorg and all other process running fine. But srangely, from ssh session If I 
   chvt 2 and chvt 7 the display comes back. I mean switch to other terminal 
 coming back to graphics terminal makes the display on. What could be the 
 for this?


 It sounds more like an issue with your display manager. GDM?
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It sounds more like an issue with VT switch or DPMS.  Maybe Alex will respond 
with what he would like to see for additional information.  There may be a 
delay because almost all X developers would be at the XDS2011 meeting for the 
next few days.
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Re: High /usr/bin/X CPU Usage

2011-09-07 Thread Marty Jack

On 09/07/2011 02:49 AM, Robert Massaioli wrote:
 Hi Tormod and Chris,
 Thankyou for the great responses so far! But unfortunately still no luck. Let 
 me explain the results of what happened after I tried what was suggested.
 I tried looking into the CPU and GPU issues that people were mentioning but, 
 after having the computer running for 8 hours straight the CPU was sitting at 
 40C and the Graphics GPU was sitting at 27C (C = degrees Celsius). I put a 
 lot of effort into making sure that my entire setup stayed cool and it seems 
 to be doing that nicely. So I think I can rule out overheating as the problem.
 Are you using the proprietary nvidia driver? Or nouveau or nv? The
 best is if you can try the latest development version of your
 distribution and file a bug there if you can reproduce it.
 I am currently running the latest version of the nvidia drivers that I 
 downloaded from Nvidias own website. (Before that I tried the latest Nvidia 
 drivers that were packaged with Ubuntu and I moved away from them because the 
 problem persisted). I just checked if there are any more recent drivers that 
 I could be using and there are not: I am using the latest Nvidia drivers.
 Try also running without xmonad (not that I really suspect xmonad is
 at fault). At the gdm login screen you can choose a failsafe
 terminal as session, which will give you an xterm without any window
 manager. Alternatively you can switch to a virtual console, stop X and
 gdm by running sudo stop gdm and then start a bare xterm session by
 running xinit - as long as you have not created a .xinitrc to start
 other stuff of course.
 Well I ran a failsafe X session and the problem did not appear after an hour 
 or two of use, but that does not really mean anything because sometimes it 
 does not happen for hours; I still do not know how force the problem to 
 happen (I do not know how to reproduce it) just that it happens in normal 
 operation. I will try this again soon.
 You said the problem appears after some time. Does a restart of the
 xserver fix it temporarily again or do you need to reboot?
 A restart of the xserver seems to fix the problem without the need for a hard 
 reboot. When I encountered the problem again just minutes ago (after about 
 six hours of waiting) I shutdown gdm with sudo stop gdm and then ran xinit it 
 all came back up without any problems and without X using up alot of my CPU. 
 I do not know what that means but it does answer your question. So yes, 
 rebooting the machine works but restarting the xserver also works too.
 Thanks and I hope this begins to lead us in the right direction,
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If you are running the proprietary nvidia driver, no one here is going to be 
able to help you in an official capacity.  That driver is not open source and 
support for that driver comes from nvidia.

There is an open source driver named nouveau that you might wish to experiment 
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Re: Fw: sticky xkb options ?

2011-08-21 Thread Marty Jack

On 08/21/2011 12:44 AM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 08/20/11 12:45, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 08/20/11 11:50, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
 And sticky xkboptions could be useful for other options too, given
 that a way to reset them explicitely also exist.

 Yes, an XkbOptionsAdd or similar to append instead of clear/set would
 be very nice.   It would need to handle autoadding the , separator between
 entries, but that shouldn't be hard.
 Actually I guess it would be OptionAppend XkbOptions instead of
 Option XkbOptionsAdd, since the option parser would need to know
 to do the append instead of just replacing the existing value for
 that option.

You could get into a definitional/user misunderstanding nightmare if this isn't 
carefully thought through.  The server gets all done with startup and 
xorg.conf.d and later someone does a setxkbmap or if the DE does one behind 
your back.  What happens then.  Do the OptionAppends stay or disappear?
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Re: How to set Background Image on X

2011-08-03 Thread Marty Jack

On 08/03/2011 07:20 AM, vishnu jagadish wrote:
 Hi All,
 We successfully ported Angstrom on Devkit8000 with Kernel 
 Linux-2.6.37-rc2-ge53beac. After booting up we have a white background in 
 X-screen. I want to set a background image for the X-screen. Is it possible??
 I tried with feh ( a fast and light Imlib2-based image viewer). I compiled 
 and put feh-1.14.2 and imlib2-1.4.4. feh is having background setting option. 
 But when running feh it throwing error as shown below. Please help me resolve 
 this issue. Thanks in Advance.
 *# feh --bg-scale photos/photo0056.jpg
 *feh WARNING: photos/photo0056.jpg - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
 feh ERROR: Couldn't load image in order to set bg*
 *Thanks and Regards
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Read your error message:
WARNING: photos/photo0056.jpg - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
Your problem is with jpg support missing in imlib2.  Go to that project or feh 
for help.  Nothing wrong with your Xorg.
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Re: Evdev problem with keyboard

2011-06-25 Thread Marty Jack

On 06/25/2011 01:56 PM, Scott Waye wrote:
 I hope this is the right forum, if not apologies.
 I have a bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard (with mouse pad) which I'm 
 trying to get working using the evdev driver.  I believe the bluetooth part 
 is working fine as I get two devices in /dev/input .  If I cat 
 /dev/input/event5 I get a stream of characters when I press keys, and when  I 
 cat /dev/input/event6 I get a stream of characters when I move the mouse.  I 
 have the following in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
 Section InputClass
 Identifier evdev pointer catchall
 MatchIsPointer on
 MatchDevicePath /dev/input/event6
 Driver evdev
 Option Calibration 230 900 70 718
 Section InputClass
 Identifier evdev keyboard catchall
 MatchIsKeyboard on
 MatchDevicePath /dev/input/event5
 Driver evdev
 Option XkbLayout  uk
 Option XkbModel   logidinovoedge
 With this setup the mouse works fine, but the keyboard does almost nothing.  
 I say almost because with the I bar cursor in an xterm, when a key is pressed 
 the cursor disappears immediately as though it has detected the keypress, but 
 no characters appear on the screen.
 I've tried to run xev, but I can't get it to display anything except a 
 square.  I should point out that I'm not running a window manager and I run 
 the xterm (and xev) direct from my .xinitrc.  There are no /etc/X11/*.conf  
 files, only the xorg.conf.d directory which contains the 10-evdev.conf above 
 and a 10-quirks.conf (one entry to do with ThinkPad) and 20-nvidia.conf.
 This is an ArchLinux system and my complete Xorg log follows at the end.
 X.Org X Server 1.9.2
 Release Date: 2010-10-30
 [1210146.304] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
 [1210146.304] Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.35-ARCH x86_64
 [1210146.304] Current Operating System: Linux giradot 2.6.36-ARCH #1 SMP 
 PREEMPT Sat Jan 8 14:15:27 CET 2011 x86_64
 [1210146.304] Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda1 ro
 [1210146.304] Build Date: 01 November 2010  10:29:19PM
 [1210146.304] Current version of pixman: 0.20.0
 [1210146.304]   Before reporting problems, check
 to make sure that you have the latest version.
 [1210146.304] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default 
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
 [1210146.304] (==) Log file: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, Time: Sat Jun 25 18:47:53 
 [1210146.305] (==) Using config directory: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
 [1210146.305] (==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.
 [1210146.305] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
 [1210146.305] (**) |--Screen Default Screen Section (0)
 [1210146.305] (**) |   |--Monitor default monitor
 [1210146.305] (==) No device specified for screen Default Screen Section.
 Using the first device section listed.
 [1210146.305] (**) |   |--Device Default nvidia Device
 [1210146.305] (==) No monitor specified for screen Default Screen Section.
 Using a default monitor configuration.
 [1210146.305] (==) Automatically adding devices
 [1210146.305] (==) Automatically enabling devices
 [1210146.305] (WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/OTF/ does not exist.
 [1210146.305]   Entry deleted from font path.
 [1210146.305] (WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/Type1/ does not exist.
 [1210146.305]   Entry deleted from font path.
 [1210146.305] (==) FontPath set to:
 [1210146.305] (==) ModulePath set to /usr/lib/xorg/modules
 [1210146.305] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input 
 If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable 
 [1210146.305] (II) Loader magic: 0x7d3360
 [1210146.305] (II) Module ABI versions:
 [1210146.305]   X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
 [1210146.305]   X.Org Video Driver: 8.0
 [1210146.305]   X.Org XInput driver : 11.0
 [1210146.305]   X.Org Server Extension : 4.0
 [1210146.306] (--) PCI:*(0:0:18:0) 10de:053b:1043:82b3 rev 162, Mem @ 
 0xda00/16777216, 0xc000/268435456, 0xd900/16777216, BIOS @ 
 [1210146.306] (--) PCI: (0:1:6:0) 14f1:8800:0070:6906 rev 5, Mem @ 
 [1210146.306] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or 
 [1210146.306] (II) LoadModule: extmod
 [1210146.306] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
 [1210146.307] (II) Module extmod: vendor=X.Org Foundation
 [1210146.307]   compiled for 1.9.2, module version = 1.0.0
 [1210146.307]   Module class: X.Org Server Extension
 [1210146.307]   ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 4.0
 [1210146.307] (II) Loading extension 

Re: X resolution on intel G31 not better than 1024x768

2011-06-23 Thread Marty Jack

On 06/23/2011 09:27 PM, Alex Janssen wrote:
 On 06/23/2011 06:09 PM, Alex Janssen wrote:
 Hello to all.  Hope you are well.

 Sorry for this long post, but I'm stumped. snip
 Thanks for your help,

 I'm stumped no more.
 Glad I caught this before anyone spent any time on it. ;-)
 It's the KVM causing this poblem.  I should'a guessed.
 I connected the monitor directly to the G31M and Linux boots perfectly.
 Guess I'll look for a better KVM.  This one's a Cables to go if anyone's 
 If you have a suggestion for a good KVM, please post it.
 It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions 
 than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for 
 being wrong. - Thomas Sowell (245)
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It is typical for KVM switches to cache the EDID.  Sometimes they do it wrong.  
I would have suggested that, had you not figured it out.  If anyone else should 
have this in the future, experimenting without the KVM in the circuit would be 
something to try first.  This also comes up a lot with digital TV setups.
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Re: Setting keyboard autorepeat rate with xkb?

2011-05-31 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/31/2011 04:15 PM, Chris Frey wrote:
 In commit ae630aef17185dd8d2c23d0eb1b3287fa6e26268, Peter Hutterer
   Really remove autorepeat.
   This strips all autorepeat from the keyboard driver.
   If you need autorepeat, use XKB.
 So I've been trying to find the place in XKB to set the keyboard autorepeat
 rate.  So far, I've been unsuccessful.
 Google searches turn up lots of places that tell me to use xset, but
 somehow this seems like a giant step backward.  And if the commit message
 points me to XKB, there must be a way.
 Can anyone give me any pointers?
 - Chris
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XkbGetControls( , XkbRepeatKeysMask, );
xkb_desc-ctrls-repeat_interval = ;
XkbSetControls( , XkbRepeatKeysMask,)

Advice to use xset is a big hint because you can look at its code to find the 
programmatic way.

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Re: Setting keyboard autorepeat rate with xkb?

2011-05-31 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/31/2011 05:49 PM, Chris Frey wrote:
 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 05:26:26PM -0400, Marty Jack wrote:
 XkbGetControls( , XkbRepeatKeysMask, );
 xkb_desc-ctrls-repeat_interval = ;
 XkbSetControls( , XkbRepeatKeysMask,)

 Advice to use xset is a big hint because you can look at its code to find 
 the programmatic way.
 Thanks.  I wasn't looking for the programmatic way, though.  I assumed
 that if a config-file based autorepeat option was taken away, then there
 would be a config-file based option available in xkb.
 Maybe I'm misunderstanding the role of xkb.  There appears to be lots of
 config file support for multiple keyboard layouts, etc, but none for
 But from the above answer, it would appear that from the admin's point
 of view, xset is the only way?  I find this so stunning that I'm
 apparently asking dumb questions on the mailing list. :-)
 Is xset really the only way?
 - Chris

Your average desktop environment has a way to configure it per user with 
persistent storage for the value.  If you aren't running a desktop environment, 
you would run xset somewhere in the startup script for the user session.  
There's always taking the default, which seems sensible enough to me for 
ordinary usage.
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Re: Stop checking and alerting--You have an existing ~/.xinitrc

2011-05-26 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/25/2011 10:07 AM, Steven Imbimbo wrote:
 How can I get X11 to stop checking for an existing ~/.xinitrc, and therefor 
 stop the dialog box asking to replace it.
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I'm not aware of anything in X11 that would do this.  This question would 
really be better directed to your distribution's support system, and do please 
be sure to tell them what is going on with the system and what last did when 
you get the message.
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Re: unable open xterm

2011-05-09 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/09/2011 11:50 AM, Usuário do Sistema wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I'm trying open one session xterm on of the same machine that holds
 the X Server but occur a error.
 what I've done:
 1- login in at the machine that holds the X server by ssh ( the
 Machine hasn't monitor )
 2- ran the command export DISPLAY=0.0
 3- ran the command xterm
 appear the error follow:
 Warning: This program is an suid-root program or is being run by the root 
 The full text of the error or warning message cannot be safely formatted
 in this environment. You may get a more descriptive message by running the
 program as a non-root user or by removing the suid bit on the executable.
 xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s
 I'm using the Red Hat Enterprise 5.6 on the machine and I need open
 one session xterm.
 why occur this error ? what I have do to open xterm session ?
 strangely it was work! out of the blue began appear the message above
 when I've ran xterm command.
 any tip it's welcome!
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One thing that looks wrong is it should be DISPLAY=:0.0, you're missing a colon.

The second thing that might be wrong is authorization.  If your Xserver is 
started with an -auth switch, you need to export XAUTHORITY=some-path where 
that file contains the same session cookie that the server has and is readable 
by whatever process is trying to connect to the server.

You can poke around with xauth -f path list to see what is in a cookie file if 
you need to.
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Re: unable open xterm

2011-05-09 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/09/2011 12:48 PM, Usuário do Sistema wrote:
 disregard my before email! sorry.
 I've just tried:
 1- export DISPLAY=:0.0
 2- xauth -f path list
 xauth:  creating new authority file path
 but the same error occur when I run xterm
 Warning: This program is an suid-root program or is being run by the root 
 The full text of the error or warning message cannot be safely formatted
 in this environment. You may get a more descriptive message by running the
 program as a non-root user or by removing the suid bit on the executable.
 xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s
 I'dont know very well X Server! so...follow any questions:
 1- it's necessary a monitor plug in machine full time ?? ( I'm access
 the mechine by ssh and it hasn't monitor )
 2- I see nothing when I ran xauth -f path list neither path to the
 file cookie as you commented below only the message:
  xauth:  creating new authority file path
 2011/5/9 Marty Jack

 On 05/09/2011 11:50 AM, Usuário do Sistema wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I'm trying open one session xterm on of the same machine that holds
 the X Server but occur a error.

 what I've done:

 1- login in at the machine that holds the X server by ssh ( the
 Machine hasn't monitor )

 2- ran the command export DISPLAY=0.0

 3- ran the command xterm

 appear the error follow:

 Warning: This program is an suid-root program or is being run by the root 
 The full text of the error or warning message cannot be safely formatted
 in this environment. You may get a more descriptive message by running the
 program as a non-root user or by removing the suid bit on the executable.
 xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s

 I'm using the Red Hat Enterprise 5.6 on the machine and I need open
 one session xterm.

 why occur this error ? what I have do to open xterm session ?

 strangely it was work! out of the blue began appear the message above
 when I've ran xterm command.

 any tip it's welcome!

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 One thing that looks wrong is it should be DISPLAY=:0.0, you're missing a 

 The second thing that might be wrong is authorization.  If your Xserver is 
 started with an -auth switch, you need to export XAUTHORITY=some-path where 
 that file contains the same session cookie that the server has and is 
 readable by whatever process is trying to connect to the server.

 You can poke around with xauth -f path list to see what is in a cookie file 
 if you need to.
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Unfortunately I wasn't very clear.  You weren't meant to do the xauth -f path 
list blindly.  For one thing path was a variable you were supposed to 
provide a sensible value for, and this lists out an authority file you already 
have.  Read man xauth.

So far you haven't done anything to create the authority file if you need one.  
Do a ps aux | grep X and see what your Xserver is being started with.  If it 
has an -auth switch, you need to do something to get the contents of the file 
referenced by the -auth switch into a place where the user can read it and then 
set XAUTHORITY to point to it.

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Re: Changing non-printing keys in keyboard layout

2011-05-08 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/08/2011 05:47 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Hi all, I'm trying to write a new keyboard layout to help with a
 manual disability. I have no problems moving the letters around but
 the non-printing character keys are being tenacious:
 How does one map Enter to a different key? The following did not have
 any effect:
 key AC05 { [ enter  ] };
 How does one prevent Capslock from being activated when the physical
 Capslock key is reassigned to a letter? I have the following:
 key CAPS { [ a, A   ] };
 However, repeatedly pressing that key results in this output:
 This is because in addition to the letter, the caps state is being toggled!
 I have a similar issue with Shift, assigning it to Z and pressing the
 key results in both a Z _and_ a shift being activated:
 key LFSH { [ z, Z   ] };
 How does one assign Caps Lock? The following did not have any effect:
 key AB05 { [ caps_Lock   ] };
 How does one assign Esc? The following did not have any effect:
 key AE05 { [ escape ] };
 I'm currently using Debian Squeeze with KDE. It is important to solve
 this issue with a keyboard layout as opposed to playing with the
 scancodes and keycodes because there are other users of the system and
 the computer needs to be able to switch on the fly to standard US,
 Hebrew, and Russian layouts.

Oops, that should have been /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h.  No amount of 
installing the X development headers is going to give you 
/usr/share/X11/keysymdef.h.  The rest of the keyboard stuff is under 
/usr/share/X11/xkb.  Normally, anyway, or it could be xorg instead of X11.
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Re: Changing non-printing keys in keyboard layout

2011-05-08 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/08/2011 05:47 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Hi all, I'm trying to write a new keyboard layout to help with a
 manual disability. I have no problems moving the letters around but
 the non-printing character keys are being tenacious:
 How does one map Enter to a different key? The following did not have
 any effect:
 key AC05 { [ enter  ] };
 How does one prevent Capslock from being activated when the physical
 Capslock key is reassigned to a letter? I have the following:
 key CAPS { [ a, A   ] };
 However, repeatedly pressing that key results in this output:
 This is because in addition to the letter, the caps state is being toggled!
 I have a similar issue with Shift, assigning it to Z and pressing the
 key results in both a Z _and_ a shift being activated:
 key LFSH { [ z, Z   ] };
 How does one assign Caps Lock? The following did not have any effect:
 key AB05 { [ caps_Lock   ] };
 How does one assign Esc? The following did not have any effect:
 key AE05 { [ escape ] };
 I'm currently using Debian Squeeze with KDE. It is important to solve
 this issue with a keyboard layout as opposed to playing with the
 scancodes and keycodes because there are other users of the system and
 the computer needs to be able to switch on the fly to standard US,
 Hebrew, and Russian layouts.

The keycode for what you're calling enter is spelled Return.

Look in /usr/share/X11/keysymdef.h at line 128 or thereabouts.  If you don't 
have that include file, install the X development headers.  This will help you 
find what the right spelling and capitalization are for anything you are 
interested in.  Keysyms are case sensitive, even though most things in the 
keyboard definition are not case sensitive.  I think Escape would work if you 
had it spelled with a capital E.

The setup for the modifier keys is in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc at line 39 
where it assigns the Shift meaning to Shift_L and Shift_R the left and right 
shift keys.  Shift_L and Shift_R are assigned to keycodes right above there to 
be whatever the keycodes LFSH and RTSH are on your keyboard model.  The 
Caps Lock assignment is there as well.

You can change which keys get assigned any of those meanings right there.
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Re: How to send a user-defined value along with x window creation api

2011-05-04 Thread Marty Jack

On 05/04/2011 02:58 AM, prudhvi raj wrote:
 I need to send some user-defined value (string/integer) along with the x 
 window creation api (XCreateWindow / XCreateSimpleWindow)
 in order to differentiate the window from others and can retrieve that value 
 inside X server to use for internal purpose.
 Something like g_object_set_data() in gtk, which allows user to set an 
 association from user-defined strings to pointers.
 Is there a way already available in Xlib, like having a reserved 
 attribute/parameter which a user can use to pass some value
 to the window creation api.
 Should i add a new attribute to the XSetWindowAttributes structure which can 
 be ignored by all the windows 
 except my special window for which i can set that attribute?
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The normal way people do this is either to set a property (XChangeProperty) or 
a selection (XSetSelectionOwner) on the window.

You could study something like the EWMH specification or the Xembed specification
to see how this could work in practice.
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Re: Functionality to capture X events

2011-04-26 Thread Marty Jack

On 04/26/2011 01:26 PM, André Rodrigues wrote:
 Hello all.
 I would like to know if it is possible to capture keys in X that reach the X 
 by events (lirc events, to be more precisely) and without create another 
 There is some functionality for this?
 Many thanks.
 André Rodrigues
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Without knowing what exactly it is you want to accomplish, it is hard to give 
advice, but it would seem the best approach might be to stay away from having X 
involved at all.

Can you not do what you want to do by accessing the device directly using a 
package like lirc (
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Re: xmodmap keystrings (2)

2011-04-26 Thread Marty Jack

On 04/26/2011 11:35 AM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 04/26/11 08:19 AM, frank wrote:

 Hello Alan,

 Thanks for replying. It seems I didn't make myself clear.

 Please go to a graphic terminal, press ^V then F1 or F2 or Home or
 Left or any of the functional keys. You are inserting the keystring
 associated with those keys. Home for instance has ^[OH (not same
 as in text console).

 Where are these strings listed? Surely there must be a header file
 somewhere? How it is called? Where is it?
 Those are defined in the terminal emulator you are using, not X itself,
 and have nothing to do with xmodmap.
 Check the source code of xterm, gnome-terminal, etc.  (Sorry, I don't
 know the exact .c or .h file there.) They should be  referenced in the
 matching termcap/terminfo entries as well.

If you go to and look 
for the sections beginning at PC-Style Function Keys section, it is a start.  
These are for xterm but almost all terminal emulators will do this the same way.

These codes are based on what hardware that was produced in the late 1970 and 
early 1980 timeframe sent when you pressed their keys.

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Re: GdkEvent and GdkEventKey not working in ekiga

2011-04-24 Thread Marty Jack

On 04/24/2011 10:26 AM, David Woodfall wrote:
 I'm trying to patch ekiga to use the Return key to dial. Presently it
 only accepts mouse clicks. I first tried GdkEventKey and then GdkEvent
 but neither seem to work. Here's the code:
 #define GDK_Return 0xff0d
 static gint
 on_view_event_after (GtkWidget *tree_view,
  GdkEventButton *event,
  gpointer data,
  GdkEvent *ev)
 switch (column_type) {
 if (event-type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS  event-button == 3)
   on_clicked_show_presentity_menu (Ekiga::HeapPtr(heap),
 if (event-type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev-key.keyval == GDK_Return)
   on_clicked_trigger_presentity (Ekiga::PresentityPtr(presentity));
 This doesn't work and the keyval always seems to be equal to 1426063360
 whether I click with mouse or press any key.
 Where am I going wrong?
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Leaving aside that you're asking a question that should be in the GTK mailing 
list ...

The Return key isn't a button, so GDK_BUTTON_PRESS is the wrong event.
GDK_BUTTON events are for mouse buttons.

You want to be using a GtkAction to capture the key event.  Read about


and then take any further questions to the GTK group.
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Re: Every newcomers to X think that servers and clients are reversed because they are

2011-04-20 Thread Marty Jack

On 04/20/2011 06:37 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
 Paul Dufresne, le Wed 20 Apr 2011 18:21:05 -0400, a écrit :
 User_Group   Authorized X application
 Which instance of LibreOffice, with which Unix rights?
 -I would rename the program we used to call the X server, to be called
 the X Client, and make it be a program similar to xdm
 Then use the XDMCP protocol, it's meant for this kind of things.
 When you would start the X client, you would be asked to enter your
 username, password, and select the X server you want to connect to.
 That's xdm
 After connecting and authenticating to the X server with your
 username, the server would send you the list of authorized X
 application you are allowed to run, depending on the user group the
 username is in. Then, for each application you choose to open, the X
 client would open a new window to speak with this X application on a
 new port. It would also send a request to the X server, to request it
 to launch the X application on the host where the X application is.
 That can be built over the existing X server. What the X server provides
 is access to a screen/keyboard/mouse. You can do whatever you want over
 it and name them clients/servers, the basic principle remains: there's
 some piece of software that knows how to driver a video board. You want
 to display various things on it coming from various applications. You
 thus need to manage multiplexing here. Thus what's called a server.
 Again, you can throw the pile of software you prefer over it. As said
 earlier in the thread, machines which merely run xdmcp really look like
 clients like you describe. But the applications that get run connect to
 an X server to get displayed.
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This is pretty much the way things called X Terminals used to work.  They ran a 
piece of software called a chooser, which took a username, password, and host 
and used XDMCP to authenticate and connect.  I believe you can still do this 
with a properly configured server and display manager.  The desktop environment 
displays the menu of things you are allowed to run.  Nothing stops you from 
writing a desktop environment that restricts that by some sort of per-user 

It makes zero difference if you happen to call a particular process a client or 
a server.  After 25 years it is very unlikely anything substantive needs to or 
is going to change about the way X works.

In networking, we say that a process that listens on a socket and accepts 
connections is a server.  We say that a process that connects to that socket is 
a client.  That is how the terminology got to be the way it is.  If you want to 
claim it is an implementation detail and you don't like the terminology, fine, 
no problem.
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Re: xorg 7.6 will not start

2011-04-18 Thread Marty Jack

On 04/17/2011 03:43 PM, spiky wrote:
 Hi I am having a real problem with getting xorg to work, I have built with 
 Linux from scratch using xorg 7.6 I have an intel graphics card 855GM in a 
 Toshiba laptop I could really do with some help here I have a post on a forum 
 which covers all we have tried
  I would appreciate some help with this, Thank you
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If you still have the error

[ 39922.561] (EE) intel(0): No kernel modesetting driver detected.

in your output, no amount of playing with xorg.conf will fix your problem.  You 
need to go into the kernel configuration and enable the correct things, 
including kernel modesetting.  Also be sure you have the correct DRM driver 
selected for your chipset.
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] xkeyboard-config 2.2.1

2011-04-06 Thread Marty Jack
I confirm that xkeyboard-config 2.2.1 fixes the problem.  Your prompt repair is 

One idea that might have prevented a misstep would be to have tested 2.2 with 
success insertion (the converse of fault insertion): manually edit x11.pc 
temporarily to change the version number in order to check the success paths.
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xkeyboard-config 2.2

2011-04-05 Thread Marty Jack
Is asking for libX11 1.4.3, which isn't released.  Who is correct and if we 
need a libX11 release, when is it expected.
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] libX11 1.4.3

2011-04-05 Thread Marty Jack

On 04/05/2011 05:18 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 A minor release of libX11 to add support for the Sinhala keysyms required
 by the recent xkb-config 2.2 release.   Note that to get full support for
 these keysyms you will also need to upgrade to x11proto 7.0.21 before
 building the new libX11.
 Alan Coopersmith (1):
   libX11 1.4.3
 Gaetan Nadon (1):
   Documentation: add Docbook external references support
 Harshula Jayasuriya (1):
   Add #define XK_SINHALA
 git tag: libX11-1.4.3
 MD5:  85e942627aaa020813e0eb8433353563
 SHA1: 174270a0e51614b5077026fc6c20701d4e09aef8
 MD5:  3300b63f7a9629d8ce5e9bfed70e9128
 SHA1: 75fd6f6b3470792bdd37f42fe3bccfac835dfcca
 - -- 
Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (SunOS)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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Sadly, with libX11 1.4.3 installed, the configure for xkeyboard-config 
continues to be failing.

It looks to me like the logic at line 3001 is not guarded properly and will 
execute whether or not the deps tests succeed, but it is hard to follow because 
of the indentation.

martyj:~/Build/xkeyboard-config-2.2$ pkg-config --modversion x11
martyj:~/Build/xkeyboard-config-2.2$ pkg-config --modversion xproto

cd xkeyboard-config-2.2  \
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var 
--datadir=/usr/share \
--with-xkb-base=/usr/share/X11/xkb \
--with-xkb-rules-symlink=xorg  \
cd ..
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking for xkbcomp... /usr/bin/xkbcomp
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for DEPS... yes
configure: WARNING:
 Required dependencies not found. These dependencies are
 run-time dependencies only and not required for building.
 Skip this check with --disable-runtime-deps.

 Installing this version of xkeyboard-config on a host
 without the required dependencies may result in unusable
 keyboard layouts.
configure: error: 
make: *** [configure] Error 1
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Re: Unix domain socket source code

2011-03-16 Thread Marty Jack

On 03/16/2011 04:03 PM, derleader mail wrote:
I know that X.Org use Unix domain socket for IPC communication. There I 
 can find the source code of the unix domain socket server? It is 
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If you are starting out with network programming, you might want to study a 
simpler example first.  There is so much else going on the X server that it 
would be difficult to follow.

The only thing from a programming perspective that is different about a Unix 
domain socket from a TCP socket is how you express its address.  In a TCP 
socket, you'd say or and then translate the 
domain name before you connect, and in a Unix domain socket, you'd say 
/var/run/pulse-socket because it is represented by a node in the file system.

I am thinking D-Bus would be a more straightforward example.  But really any 
good networking tutorial gives you everything but the little fragment of code 
that sets up the struct sockaddr.  A small HTTP server is a good example of 
something that handles many connections, if you want to look at how 
multithreading might be done.
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Re: A question about fonts

2011-03-10 Thread Marty Jack

On 03/10/2011 03:14 AM, Andersen, Jan wrote:
 So your problem is that the web browser you are using fails to display
 all the glyphs?  That sounds like an issue with that application.  I
 would think all main web browsers today would have proper font switching
 support.  That is, if the font they are using does not support a
 specific glyph, they will use a different font for that glyph.  A
 possible complication could be if there is a font on the system that
 claims to support the glyph but renders it as a glyph-not-found shape.
 (I think I have seen that happen.)
 It would probably make sense to take the question to the web browser's
 (That isn't to say that X and related technologies (e.g. fontconfig)
 can't be improved to make it easier for applications to do proper font
 switching, of course.)
 Thanks for helping, Eirik.
 I'm not really sure the problem is the browser as such - the characters that 
 are missing in the browser are also missing in the font when I look at them 
 with Fontforge, and then there is the problem with a large number of them 
 being outside the range of any single font. I suppose this is something you 
 wouldn't really come across much unless you try to do something like what I 
 am doing, where you systematically go through everything. Missing characters 
 I simply fill in when I have time, so the only remaining problem is the sheer 
 size of the set of characters.
 So, I will go away and study fontconfig now. Thanks to everybody for being so 
 patient with me.
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The issue with creating a font that merges everything is more of an 
intellectual property issue, and a design consistency issue.

Fonts are created by type designers who expect to be paid for their work, and 
they are covered by copyright.  Some cost a good deal of money.  It is only by 
the good graces of a few donations that we are able to have freely available 
fonts like the Bitstream Vera family (and its large-coverage derivative DejaVu) 
and the later Liberation and Ubuntu.

So because of the copyrights and design consistency (all the glyphs in a family 
come from the same design thinking), you can't just pile all the glyphs 
together into one big file and call it done.

That is why the fonts are kept separate and the Fontconfig layer searches 
diligently for a fallback through them until it fails completely.  Who knows 
your work might discover a case where it is buggy and failing to find something 
that is there.  In any event you could crosscheck the coverage maps.  I hope 
you will publish your results when you are done.
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Re: A question about fonts

2011-03-09 Thread Marty Jack
On 03/09/2011 08:55 AM, Andersen, Jan wrote:
 Sorry for posting this here, where it is almost certainly not appropriate, 
 but I don't quite know where to ask, and I suspect some of you guys probably 
 do. So, this is my question:
 I work a lot with Chinese, and need to be able to display the full range of 
 CJK characters in Unicode; unfortunately that exceeds the capacity of all 
 current font specifications (that I know), and I would like to see if I can 
 do something about it. After all, when you display a character, what you need 
 is to take your character representation (eg UTF-8) and look up a glyph - if 
 things are reasonably sensible, it ought to be fairly doable to replace that 
 part from somewhere and replace it with, say, a database interface. But where 
 do I even begin to understand font-handling in X?
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I don't think things are quite as dire as you suggest.  It should be possible 
to put together on one system a set of fonts that cover all the Unicode points 
you need.

Here is one start to finding those fonts:

The major parts are:

Fontconfig.  Given something to display, find a font that contains a way to 
display it.

Freetype.  Do the mechanics of looking in font files to map Unicode to the 
glyph definition, which in the case of a scalable font is expressed as lines 
and splines.

Pango, Harfbuzz (part of Pango), Qt.  Do the mechanics of laying out glyphs 
along a particular path, taking into consideration writing direction, kerning.
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Re: A question about fonts

2011-03-09 Thread Marty Jack
On 03/09/2011 09:48 AM, Andersen, Jan wrote:
 I don't think things are quite as dire as you suggest.  It should be 
 possible to put together on one system a set of fonts that cover all the 
 Unicode points you need.
 I wasn't suggesting things were dire :-) 
 And I already know that I can cover most if not all of the range I am 
 interested in with a few fonts - what I am after is something like the 
 ability to specify just one font that will cover everything. I can imagine 
 several ways one could achieve that if the system would support it - one way 
 would be if one could somewhere define a composite font: you would use this 
 just like any font in applications, but the back-end somewhere would look at 
 the character value and select which of the component fonts to use. Or one 
 could replace the lookup-part with something that isn't limited to 64K 
 characters - perhaps even an SQL database :-)
 I suspect doing the latter (replacing the lookup) may well be simpler than 
 implementing composite fonts.
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That is pretty much what Fontconfig does already.  If you configure it 
properly, you should get the fonts that you want to use to be used in 
preference to other fonts that might contain the same character.

You are, of course, free to reimplement Fontconfig if you think that is what is 

The Cyberbit font, among others, is a large-coverage font.  I run with the 
Liberation family as the style font and Cyberbit as the coverage font.  I 
do not notice very many languages that don't have good coverage with that 

(I should have mentioned ligatures and other instances of having characters 
flow together in a particular script that is one of the services Pango 
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Troubleshooting server unresponsiveness

2011-03-03 Thread Marty Jack
Recently on Server 9 and Server 10, I am finding that once in a while when I 
come back to the computer, either the keyboard still works and the mouse is 
unresponsive, or the mouse still works and the keyboard is unresponsive.  If I 
ssh in and gdb, I find the server in the poll in WaitForSomething.  Restarting 
the server fixes it until the next time it happens.

If someone who has done this before has a suggestion on a line of attack to 
troubleshoot, it would be helpful.
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] xextproto 7.2.0

2011-02-27 Thread Marty Jack

On 02/27/2011 03:04 AM, Keith Packard wrote:
 Need to release the XSync changes for X server version 1.10
 Alan Coopersmith (2):
   specs/sync.xml: Fix minor typos in document title section
   specs: Fix section titles/nesting
 Gaetan Nadon (6):
   Remove the appgroup specs which is the one for the server side.
   config: HTML file generation: use the installed copy of xorg.css
   specs: add low bandwith spec from xorg-docs
   Docbook: change the book id to match the xml file basename
   Docbook: change the book id to match the xml file basename
   Docbook: change the book id to match the xml file basename
 James Jones (5):
   Document changes in XSync version 3.1
   Initial Fence Sync support
   Add XSyncQueryFence()
   Add protocol for XSyncAwaitFence()
   Bump version to
 Jesse Adkins (1):
   Purge cvs tags.
 Keith Packard (1):
   Version 7.2.0
 Matt Dew (1):
   specs: add appgroup specs in DocBook/XML format
 Paulo Zanoni (1):
   Use the same docbookx.dtd version (4.3) for all docs
 git tag: xextproto-7.2.0
 MD5:  220732210ceffb01bf1caf970e3b1bfb  xextproto-7.2.0.tar.bz2
 SHA1: a117fb9d7fdebee7af3f9e79efe9812e39e650a5  xextproto-7.2.0.tar.bz2
 MD5:  d977bc4b53a07b65c45939b13412adf7  xextproto-7.2.0.tar.gz
 SHA1: 3be221d59a52202ce6152c60e9fe4650704eadac  xextproto-7.2.0.tar.gz
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Thank you kindly.  I had one little issue building the server: in sdksyms.c 
there arose some DGA undeclareds even though I configured with --disable-dga 
and I don't have the DGA proto on the system.

I used the following
rm hw/xfree86/loader/sdksyms.c
to let that file be regenerated.  Undoubtedly there is a cleaner fix.

Then build was successful, the server mismatched on the old drivers (as 
expected?), came up after I rebuilt evdev and intel against it, and I am 
running on it.
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Could this tarball be rolled, if it is ready?

2011-02-25 Thread Marty Jack
I notice the following on server

Requested 'xextproto = 7.1.99' but version of XExtProto is 7.1.2

If this is needed, maybe it could be rolled now, if it is ready?  Or maybe the 
XRandR should have caused it not to be needed.  (I know I can grab it from git 
if I want.)

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Re: Concerning X freezing occasionally, I can confirm, somewhat

2010-08-14 Thread Marty Jack
I found the, or at least one cause of the, problem.

It is an unhandled select on the DRM FD, causing a loop around the select.  It 
is stuck because the RegisterBlockAndWakeupHandler that was established in 
drmmode_pre_init of the Intel driver was lost.  Under normal circumstances this 
will handle the ready DRM FD.  I guess because of KMS, this is done early now.  
It is never redone.  One would assume that the other drivers that are 
exhibiting the problem might have similar logic.

If there is a server reset, InitBlockAndWakeupHandlers is called inside the 
loop in server main, which will reinitialize the handler vector and loses the 
DRM handler.

As a temporary expedient I moved the InitBlockAndWakeupHandlers outside the 
loop.  This makes the cases that were failing work.  But this might cause the 
handler array to fill with handler descriptors for the same handler that is 
being reinstalled over and over, if such a thing were to happen.

It's really up to the server architects to decide how to fix this properly.  
I might suggest that the Init stay outside the loop, and then Register be 
changed so that if the handler is already registered, it is a no-op.  That 
seems like it would be the least fragile solution.

On 08/08/2010 07:53 PM, Sergio Monteiro Basto wrote:
 On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 19:09 -0400, Marty Jack wrote: 
 I am finding that under as yet undiagnosed conditions starting an OpenGL 
 program will cause the server to go into a loop around WaitForSomething.  
 This happens running Compiz and glxgears and fullscreen Flash video.  If I 
 ssh in at runlevel 3 and run X from one terminal and glxgears twice from 
 another, it works once and then will go into the loop.  Maybe this will help 
 someone who understands server internals better than I do at this point to 
 be able to zero in on what it is.  Once again, Intel 2.12.0, server 1.8.2, 
 Mesa 7.8.2, kernel 2.6.35.
 and if you use Intel 2.11 ? any better ? 
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Re: Concerning X freezing occasionally, I can confirm, somewhat

2010-08-09 Thread Marty Jack
I would point out that I am on Intel and at least one other reporter is on 
Nouveau, so that suggests that those who are proposing a Nouveau-specific known 
bug is the cause are probably not correct.

I should point out that OpenGL works correctly most of the time.

On 08/08/2010 07:53 PM, Sergio Monteiro Basto wrote:
 On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 19:09 -0400, Marty Jack wrote: 
 I am finding that under as yet undiagnosed conditions starting an OpenGL 
 program will cause the server to go into a loop around WaitForSomething.  
 This happens running Compiz and glxgears and fullscreen Flash video.  If I 
 ssh in at runlevel 3 and run X from one terminal and glxgears twice from 
 another, it works once and then will go into the loop.  Maybe this will help 
 someone who understands server internals better than I do at this point to 
 be able to zero in on what it is.  Once again, Intel 2.12.0, server 1.8.2, 
 Mesa 7.8.2, kernel 2.6.35.
 and if you use Intel 2.11 ? any better ? 
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Concerning X freezing occasionally, I can confirm, somewhat

2010-08-08 Thread Marty Jack
I am finding that under as yet undiagnosed conditions starting an OpenGL 
program will cause the server to go into a loop around WaitForSomething.  This 
happens running Compiz and glxgears and fullscreen Flash video.  If I ssh in at 
runlevel 3 and run X from one terminal and glxgears twice from another, it 
works once and then will go into the loop.  Maybe this will help someone who 
understands server internals better than I do at this point to be able to zero 
in on what it is.  Once again, Intel 2.12.0, server 1.8.2, Mesa 7.8.2, kernel 
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Re: Kernel 2.6.35 misalignment

2010-08-07 Thread Marty Jack

On 08/02/2010 11:41 PM, Greg KH wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 10:54:02PM -0400, Marty Jack wrote:
 We seem to have a situation with 2.6.35.  This is on a DH57DD, i5-661,
 Intel 2.12.0, server 1.8.2, Mesa 7.8.2, the only difference between
 working and not working being vs. 2.6.35, so I am assuming it
 is in DRI somewhere.
 Care to run 'git bisect' on the kernel to find the offending patch so
 that I can revert it for the release?
 gre gk-h

commit be9a3dbf65a69933b06011f049b1e2fdfa6bc8b9
Author: Jesse Barnes
Date:   Fri Jul 23 12:03:37 2010 -0700

drm/i915: handle shared framebuffers when flipping

If a framebuffer is shared across CRTCs, the x,y position of one of them
is likely to be something other than the origin (e.g. for extended
desktop configs).  So calculate the offset at flip time so such
configurations can work.


Signed-off-by: Jesse Barnes
Tested-by: Thomas M.
Tested-by: fangxun
Signed-off-by: Eric Anholt

I have confirmed that a 2.6.35 with that one commit reverted works on my 
failing case.  Once again, I have non-overlapping CRTCs of 1920x1080+0+0 and 
1650x1050+1920+0.  Hopefully Jesse and Eric will be able to get both my case 
and the reported bug working at the same time.
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Kernel 2.6.35 misalignment

2010-08-02 Thread Marty Jack
We seem to have a situation with 2.6.35.  This is on a DH57DD, i5-661, Intel 
2.12.0, server 1.8.2, Mesa 7.8.2, the only difference between working and not 
working being vs. 2.6.35, so I am assuming it is in DRI somewhere.

I have a dual monitor, as follows.

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3600 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 8192
HDMI1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm 
x 268mm
HDMI2 connected 1680x1050+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 
433mm x 271mm

On 2.6.35 about a quarter inch of the left side of what is on HDMI1 is 
displayed at the very right of HDMI2 (it is also in the correct position on 

Also, the HDMI2 display is displaced about an inch and a half to the left, with 
black between that and the bogus left side of HDMI1.  The leftmost part of 
HDMI2 is nowhere on either monitor.  If I move a window on HDMI1 to the right 
until it starts to appear on HDMI2, that inch and a half is missing by the time 
it just starts to appear on HDMI2.

I took a screenshot to show you, with the window that is taking the screenshot 
in the position overlapping the boundary between monitors, and it is correct.  
On the actual display, the leftmost visible thing is half of the US flag at the 
bottom and the OOo Calc icon at the top.  I've posted the screenshot at

For now I suppose the best thing is for other people to be alert for this and 
see if others can reproduce it.
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libXfont 1.4.2 build issue

2010-06-23 Thread Marty Jack
On my system libXfont 1.4.2 fails attempting to build doc/fontlib.txt.  This 
happens because xmlto needs Lynx or similar to do this.

I would claim that Lynx should not be a required build dependency for libXfont, 
in this day and age when most people are able to read doc/fontlib.html and 
moreover it appears none of what is generated is installed anywhere.

I suggest the following patch to discontinue generating the .txt version 

diff -Naur libXfont-1.4.2.orig/ libXfont-1.4.2/
--- libXfont-1.4.2.orig/ 2010-06-23 07:18:18.0 -0400
+++ libXfont-1.4.2/  2010-06-23 14:19:06.0 -0400
@@ -60,14 +60,11 @@
-noinst_DATA = doc/fontlib.txt doc/fontlib.html $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.css
+noinst_DATA = doc/fontlib.html $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.css
 noinst_DATA += doc/fontlib.pdf doc/
-CLEANFILES = doc/fontlib.txt doc/fontlib.html doc/fontlib.pdf doc/
-doc/fontlib.txt: $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.xml $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.xsl
-   $(AM_V_GEN)$(XMLTO) -m $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.xsl -o doc txt 
+CLEANFILES = doc/fontlib.html doc/fontlib.pdf doc/
 doc/fontlib.html: $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.xml $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.xsl
$(AM_V_GEN)$(XMLTO) -m $(srcdir)/doc/fontlib.xsl -o doc xhtml-nochunks 
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User reporting background draw problem on Radeon

2010-04-16 Thread Marty Jack
LXTerminal is a simple VTE based terminal emulator.  VTE is doing the 
background draw that is reportedly faulty.

We have a user reporting problems with their background draw on a Mobility 
Radeon 7500 (r200) xf86-video-ati 6.12.192.  They report that disabling KMS and 
configuring with EXA restores correct operation.  Hopefully here the right 
people will see this.
___ X.Org support

Re: Display corruption on 1.8.0/Mesa 7.8

2010-04-04 Thread Marty Jack
Yes, I am seeing it under Compiz.  I can try without.  I should have mentioned 
xf86-video-intel 2.11.0.  Didn't think of the CM as a variable to be 
considered, thanks for the idea.

Server 1.8 demands 7.8 in the configure checks.  I assumed it had a good reason.

I see nothing at all wrong under 1.7.6/7.7, which I was running until 1.8 came 
out, unlike the other poster who has issues on his G45.

On 04/04/2010 07:54 PM, drago01 wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Marty Jack wrote:
 I'm having a nasty amount of corruption on DG965WH, Linux, 
 xorg-server 1.8.0, Mesa 7.8, libdrm 2.4.20.  The same with 1.7.6 and 7.7 
 works fine.  All built from release tarballs and unmodified (except a 
 two-line backport of symbols KMS_BO_TYPE_CURSOR_64X64_A8R8G8B8 and 
 KMS_BO_TYPE_SCANOUT_X8R8G8B8 to get 7.7 to compile against 2.4.19/20).

 Most things are okay.  I am experiencing a lot of corruption on vertical 
 scrolling; some rectangular areas of the display don't redraw.  This is 
 particularly ugly when editing a source file, because I am never sure where 
 I am clicking or selecting.  It is most noticeable on a small scroll such as 
 you get with the scroll wheel.  I see it also when scrolling a web page in a 
 browser.  It tends to be reproducible if you scroll down and then up one 
 scroll wheel click.  If I bring up a .jpg in the browser, I get some 
 rectangular areas where the image is white.  If I then do a back and 
 forward to get it redrawn, it is completely drawn.  I know this is not the 
 best description, but I am looking for guidance on where to look first.

 I have had to revert this to 1.7.6/7.7 in order to keep working, but if 
 anyone has an idea which component it is, I could do some bisecting; unless 
 someone has an aha! moment and can solve it just from the description.
 Are you using a CM ?
 This looks like ...
 in that case does the combination of xserver 1.8 + mesa 7.7 work for
___ X.Org support

Display corruption on 1.8.0/Mesa 7.8

2010-04-03 Thread Marty Jack
I'm having a nasty amount of corruption on DG965WH, Linux, xorg-server 
1.8.0, Mesa 7.8, libdrm 2.4.20.  The same with 1.7.6 and 7.7 works fine.  All 
built from release tarballs and unmodified (except a two-line backport of 
get 7.7 to compile against 2.4.19/20).

Most things are okay.  I am experiencing a lot of corruption on vertical 
scrolling; some rectangular areas of the display don't redraw.  This is 
particularly ugly when editing a source file, because I am never sure where I 
am clicking or selecting.  It is most noticeable on a small scroll such as you 
get with the scroll wheel.  I see it also when scrolling a web page in a 
browser.  It tends to be reproducible if you scroll down and then up one scroll 
wheel click.  If I bring up a .jpg in the browser, I get some rectangular areas 
where the image is white.  If I then do a back and forward to get it 
redrawn, it is completely drawn.  I know this is not the best description, but 
I am looking for guidance on where to look first.

I have had to revert this to 1.7.6/7.7 in order to keep working, but if anyone 
has an idea which component it is, I could do some bisecting; unless someone 
has an aha! moment and can solve it just from the description.
___ X.Org support

Possible reason why Intel 1.9.0 doesn't load with server 1.7.0 but does with 1.6.x

2009-10-07 Thread Marty Jack
I found that Intel 1.9.0 calls DGAInit, which isn't defined at all in 1.7.0.  
It comes up as an implicit function declaration.  I made an edit to remove that 
call and I am using it as we speak.  One would think that an unmodified driver 
would find the symbol DGAInit unresolved and refuse to load, although I didn't 
perform that experiment.

I would encourage those who hold the Power to Commit Fixes to try building all 
the video drivers and adjust them for the DGA removal as needed before the 
xorg mailing list

Re: Auto-repeat with evdev 2.2.0

2009-03-09 Thread Marty Jack
Okay, thanks for the quick response.  Yes, I am running 1.5.3.  My plan was to 
do a full refresh when 2.6.29 and Mesa come out.  I will put 2.2.0 on the list 
of things I will hold off on until then.  Thought I better report it in case it 
was a regression.

Peter Hutterer wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 10:15:50PM -0400, Marty Jack wrote:
 Dropping evdev 2.2.0 onto a system that was running 2.1.3 caused auto-repeat 
 to stop working.
 The keyboard is a run of the mill keyboard connected via a PS/2 connector.  
 HAL is not installed.

 Restoring 2.1.3 restored auto-repeat.  xset q reported the same auto-repeat 
 settings under both drivers.

 Anyone else experience this?  Regression or something changed in what 
 configuration is needed?
 If it might be a configuration problem, what should I be looking at?
 That's probably a result of 
 commit ece72ce9e97adae23b1932dc1334f63669196d56
 Author: Sascha Hlusiak
 AuthorDate: Mon Dec 8 12:27:34 2008 +0100
 Filter all repeated keys from kernel, because we do softrepeat in server
 Discard all repeated events that come from the device. The server will handle
 per-key autorepeat in software.
 and you need the following xserver commit 
 commit bbf811514d3cdf84790bad5b852942a4e636902b
 Author: Sascha Hlusiak
 AuthorDate: Mon Dec 8 12:24:39 2008 +0100
 ddxCtrls.c: XkbDDXUsesSoftRepeat always returns 1 now
 We'd like to do soft repeat in the server for all keys. Remove obscure check,
 that'd prevent the server from autorepeating when delay is set to exactly
 660ms and rate is set to exactly 25 (interval=40).
 (ff9b55d8cbc19e0e31a91034e332058acd967cd1 in the 1.6 branch)
 What server version are you running? 1.5?
xorg mailing list

Re: Auto-repeat with evdev 2.2.0

2009-03-09 Thread Marty Jack
I suppose, given this realization, one could make an argument that 2.2.0 should 
have required 1.6.
Which would render moot the change
  Define MAX_VALUATORS if it's missing to allow for builds against 1.5.

I might try messing with the revert.  FWIW I did not notice any other issues.

Peter Hutterer wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 11:32:25PM -0400, Marty Jack wrote:
 Okay, thanks for the quick response.  Yes, I am running 1.5.3.  My plan was
 to do a full refresh when 2.6.29 and Mesa come out.  I will put 2.2.0 on the
 list of things I will hold off on until then.  Thought I better report it in
 case it was a regression.
 Thanks for reporting, it is much appreciated. I completely forgot about this
 change, otherwise I would have put it into the final announce email.
 FWIW, it's only one commit so you may be able to revert it and run 2.2
 nonetheless. Not that I've tried it though :)
xorg mailing list

Re: Auto-repeat with evdev 2.2.0

2009-03-09 Thread Marty Jack
Good as new.

Peter Hutterer wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 11:58:57PM -0400, Marty Jack wrote:
 I suppose, given this realization, one could make an argument that 2.2.0 
 should have required 1.6.
 Which would render moot the change
   Define MAX_VALUATORS if it's missing to allow for builds against 1.5.

 I might try messing with the revert.  FWIW I did not notice any other issues.
 Does this (untested) patch work?
 diff --git a/src/evdev.c b/src/evdev.c
 index 04bce96..bc29ac9 100644
 --- a/src/evdev.c
 +++ b/src/evdev.c
 @@ -263,8 +263,17 @@ PostKbdEvent(InputInfoPtr pInfo, struct input_event *ev, 
 int value)
  static char warned[KEY_CNT];
  /* Filter all repeated events from device.
 -   We'll do softrepeat in the server */
 -if (value == 2)
 +   We'll do softrepeat in the server, but only since 1.6 */
 +if (value == 2
 + (ev-code == KEY_LEFTCTRL || ev-code == KEY_RIGHTCTRL ||
 +ev-code == KEY_LEFTSHIFT || ev-code == KEY_RIGHTSHIFT ||
 +ev-code == KEY_LEFTALT || ev-code == KEY_RIGHTALT ||
 +ev-code == KEY_LEFTMETA || ev-code == KEY_RIGHTMETA ||
 +ev-code == KEY_CAPSLOCK || ev-code == KEY_NUMLOCK ||
 +ev-code == KEY_SCROLLLOCK) /* XXX windows keys? */
  if (code  255)
xorg mailing list