Re: I have problems with the BlankTime Option: Any help?

2010-01-13 Thread dolphin001
> On 01/13/10 03:31, dolphin001 at wrote:
> > @Markus: The script that you had to wrote, does it consist of the
> > "xset s noblank" entry? 
> >   
> Correct. It uses xset to disable screen blanking. I'm not too happy
> about that being the only way to disable the blanking either. There has
> to be a better way.
> /Markus

In the meantime, I found out that only "~/.kde/Autostart"
is recommended, and only then if I put a sleep command before
the xset command. The reason is that after the KDE session
finished loading, it always sets "prefer blanking" to "yes"
(can be found out with "xset q").

So, I have a file "~/.kde/Autostart/"
for each KDE user with permission 755 and the following content:

sleep 60
xset s noblank

The number after sleep can be 10 or 60 or so and it assures
that the KDE session finishes loading before the xset command
comes into action.

xorg mailing list

Re: I have problems with the BlankTime Option: Any help?

2010-01-13 Thread dolphin001

Last night, I discussed this issue in a German
Debian forum:
Problem mit BlankTime-Option: Screensaver nicht totzukriegen

There, I got the essential hint:
I have to deal with "xset q" and "xset s".

I went some more blind alleys last night. But now,
I found some dirty solution that fix my problem.

I have to insert the entry "xset s noblank" into
a file that is automatically called:

- the .bash_profile (is called with each KDE session startup)
- the .bashrc (is called with each xterm call / sort
  of redundant but it makes assurance double sure)

This is what I found out after some pondering.

The suggestion of Markus to use the .kde/Autostart folder
obviously goes the same way.

@Markus: The script that you had to wrote, does it consist of the
"xset s noblank" entry? If not, then you can post it to give
me (and other users searching with Google) some more alternatives.

No matter which approach I will choose: All currently
known approaches are dirty. I will be forced to write
some sort of autostart file. It seems that someone at the
corridors of power wants to antiquate the concept of
configuration files. Maybe in five years the whole
"/etc" directory is replaced bei some intransparent
autostart files where I have to encode every wish
as a command?

xorg mailing list

I have problems with the BlankTime Option: Any help?

2010-01-12 Thread dolphin001

Can at least anyone of you reproduce the fact that
any modern system with multiple KDE sessions is
doomed to run a screensaver after 10 minutes?

Or is out there in the wide world someone who
is able to get a system with multiple KDE sessions
that is absolutely free of screensavers?

xorg mailing list

I have problems with the BlankTime Option: Any help?

2010-01-10 Thread dolphin001

My humble request is that at no (NO)
REALLY NO!! circumstances a screensaver
comes into action when I use X.Org.

With Debian Etch this is no problem.
But, with Debian Lenny, I have a real problem.

In the "etc/X11/xorg.conf", I add an entry
like that:

Section "ServerLayout"
  Identifier "Layout0"
  Screen "Screen0"
  Option "BlankTime" "0"
  Option "StandbyTime" "0"
  Option "SuspendTime" "0"
  Option "OffTime" "0"

If I let the computer stay at the login screen
of KDM, then no screensaver appears. This is fine.

If I let the computer stay in a KDE session, then
also no screensaver appears. This is fine, too.

As long as I have only one KDE session (Ctrl+Alt+F7)
at the same time, I have no problems, because I have
exhaustingly deactivated all screensavers at the
whole system. This was not simple, but now I know
the tricks.

The problems arise as soon as I use multiple
KDE sessions at the same time. For example,
user "user" as Ctrl+Alt+F7 and user "root"
at Ctrl+Alt+F8.

If I let stay the computer in the Ctrl+Alt+F8
session, then after 10 minutes, the screen turns
blank (black color).

If I let stay the computer in the Ctrl+Alt+F7
session, then also after 10 minutes, the screen turns
blank (black color).

What could be the reason of this unwanted behavior?
How I can solve this problem?

Any kind of help would be welcome. I am
at my wits' end.

xorg mailing list