No Cursor Movement in X: Slackware-12.1

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Shepard
   If this is not the appropriate list to ask for help, please point me to
the proper place. I may not have e-mail access during my business trip this
week unless a text browser will allow me to connect to the hotel's server.

   I just upgraded my Sony Vaio PCG-V505BC from Slackware-12.0 to -12.1 and
now the cursor won't move when I start X. Neither the touchpad nor an
external USB mouse will move it. However, both the touchpad and an external
mouse work on the console with gpm running.

   The required driver is psmouse, but xorg.conf must have something
incorrect (or missing) since it no longer works. Here is the file:

# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Lincoln D. Durey GNU-GPL
# BlackPerl V505BC XGA XF86Config  ATI Radeon M6 X-4.3.0  1024x768x24bpp LCD
# USB mouse enabled in the kernel, won't fail if USB support is not present.

Section ServerLayout
Identifier BlackPerl V505BC X-430
Screen 0 Screen0 0 0
InputDevice keyboard0 CoreKeyboard
InputDevice Mouse0 CorePointer
InputDevice USBMouse0

Section ServerFlags
Option AllowMouseOpenFail
Option BlankTime 5
Option StandbyTime 7
Option SuspendTime 10
Option OffTime 15
#Option NoTrapSignals
#Option DontZap
#Option DontZoom

Section Files
RgbPath /usr/share/X11/rgb
ModulePath /usr/lib/xorg/modules
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/Type1
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/TrueType
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/TTF
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/Speedo
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/misc
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/100dpi
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/75dpi
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/URW
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/local
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/encodings
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/util
FontPath /usr/share/fonts/CID

Section Module
Load GLcore
Load record
Load extmod
Load dbe
Load type1
Load speedo
SubSection extmod
   Option  omit xfree86-dga

Section InputDevice
Identifier keyboard0
Driver kbd
Option AutoRepeat 250 30
Option XkbOptions ctrl:swapcaps

Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol PS/2
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option Emulate3Buttons
Option Emulate3Timeout 50
Option AlwaysCore
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice
Identifier USBMouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol IMPS/2
Option Device /dev/input/mice
Option AlwaysCore
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
Option Emulate3Buttons
Option Emulate3Timeout 50

Section Monitor
Identifier LCD Panel internal
VendorName Sony
ModelName V505BC XGA
HorizSync 28-103
VertRefresh 40-110
Gamma 1.0 1.0 1.0
# muse use xset dpms 300 0 0 for DPMS
Option DPMS

Modeline 1400x1050 107.85 1400 1450 1500 1999 1050 1058 1070 1150
ModeLine 1400x1050 122.00 1400 1464 1784 1912 1050 1052 1064 1090 -HSync 
ModeLine 1400x1050 155.00 1400 1464 1784 1912 1050 1052 1064 1090 -HSync 
ModeLine 1400x1050 189.65 1400 1464 1784 1912 1050 1052 1064 1090 -HSync 
Modeline 1280x1024-75 135 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync 
Modeline 1280x1024-60 108 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync 

Section Device
Identifier ATI Radeon M6
Driver ati
VendorName ATI
BoardName ATI Radeon M6 LY
BusID PCI:1:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device ATI Radeon M6
Monitor LCD Panel internal
DefaultDepth 24
DefaultFbBpp 32

SubSection Display
   Depth 8
   Modes 1024x768 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480

SubSection Display
   Depth 16
   Modes 1024x768 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480

SubSection Display
   Depth 24
   Modes 1024x768 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480

SubSection Display
   Depth 32
   Modes 1024x768 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480

Section DRI
Mode 0666

   I've been trying to get this to work for two days now and would greatly
appreciate any and all help. I need the notebook for a business trip this
week and not being able to run X applications will be a major hinderance.



Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863
xorg mailing list

Re: No Cursor Movement in X: Slackware-12.1

2008-12-02 Thread Magnus Kessler
On Tuesday 02 December 2008, Rich Shepard wrote:
If this is not the appropriate list to ask for help, please point me
 to the proper place. I may not have e-mail access during my business trip
 this week unless a text browser will allow me to connect to the hotel's

I just upgraded my Sony Vaio PCG-V505BC from Slackware-12.0 to -12.1
 and now the cursor won't move when I start X. Neither the touchpad nor an
 external USB mouse will move it. However, both the touchpad and an
 external mouse work on the console with gpm running.

The required driver is psmouse, but xorg.conf must have something
 incorrect (or missing) since it no longer works. Here is the file:

 # Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Lincoln D. Durey GNU-GPL
 # BlackPerl V505BC XGA XF86Config  ATI Radeon M6 X-4.3.0  1024x768x24bpp
 LCD # USB mouse enabled in the kernel, won't fail if USB support is not


 Section InputDevice
 Identifier keyboard0
 Driver kbd
 Option AutoRepeat 250 30
 Option XkbOptions ctrl:swapcaps

 Section InputDevice
 Identifier Mouse0
 Driver mouse
 Option Protocol PS/2
 Option Device /dev/psaux
 Option Emulate3Buttons
 Option Emulate3Timeout 50
 Option AlwaysCore
 Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 Section InputDevice
 Identifier USBMouse0
 Driver mouse
 Option Protocol IMPS/2
 Option Device /dev/input/mice
 Option AlwaysCore
 Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
 Option Emulate3Buttons
 Option Emulate3Timeout 50


I've been trying to get this to work for two days now and would
 greatly appreciate any and all help. I need the notebook for a business
 trip this week and not being able to run X applications will be a major



Hi Rich,

I'm not quite sure which version of xorg is shipped with slackware 12.1. 
Assuming it's a recent one, can you try if you get better success with no 
xorg.conf file at all or with an xorg.conf file that doesn't contain any 
InputDevice sections? Make sure that you have the xf86-input-evdev driver 
installed. If you want full touchpad support (evdev gives basic support) 
please install xf86-input-synaptics as well.

You might want to install and activate hal/dbus (assuming that support for 
this is built into the slackware packages). Your distro should provide you 
with some .fdi files that take care of setting up the correct drivers and 
defaults through hal.



xorg mailing list

Re: No Cursor Movement in X: Slackware-12.1 -- SOLVED!!

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Shepard
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Magnus Kessler wrote:

 I'm not quite sure which version of xorg is shipped with slackware 12.1.
 Assuming it's a recent one, can you try if you get better success with no
 xorg.conf file at all or with an xorg.conf file that doesn't contain any
 InputDevice sections? Make sure that you have the xf86-input-evdev driver
 installed. If you want full touchpad support (evdev gives basic support)
 please install xf86-input-synaptics as well.


   One of the local LUG members gave me the solution: as root, run 'X
-configure' and copy the resulting /root/ to
/etc/X11/xorg.conf. That did the trick.

 You might want to install and activate hal/dbus (assuming that support for
 this is built into the slackware packages). Your distro should provide you
 with some .fdi files that take care of setting up the correct drivers and
 defaults through hal.

   HAL and dbus are automatically installed and running.

   I'll unsubscribe now that I have this working.

Thank you very much for the prompt response!


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |  IntegrityCredibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|Innovation Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863
xorg mailing list