On 13 June 2014 12:11, Joschi Brauchle <joschi.brauc...@tum.de> wrote:
> On 06/13/2014 11:06 AM, Joschi Brauchle wrote:
>> What I am getting is that movement is ignored starting below a certain
>> horizonal line (strongly suspecing y>RBT=4326). The x position of the
>> start of the movement does not matter. Hence it is _not_ confined to the
>> right button area I am trying to achieve. Once I move above this
>> horizontal line, movement starts and behaves normal.
> What I am trying to achieve is this:
> |------------------------------|
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |               |--------------|
> |               |RIGHT SOFT BTN|
> |---------------|--------------|
> But motion is ignored like so:
> |------------------------------|
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |                              |
> |------------------------------|
> | No motion initiated in here  |
> |------------------------------|

Sounds like the "AreaBottomEdge" property is set. From the man page:
    "Ignore movements, scrolling and tapping which start below this edge."

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