[Xpert]Hot corners

2002-09-02 Thread Mike Schiraldi

Some screensavers in the Win / Mac world let you set hot corners and cold
corners, which respectively immediately activate the screen saver and
inhibit it.

I'm working on a program that lets you do this with X11. It almost
works. The problem is that it only notices if the corner belongs to the root
window -- if another window is covering the root, my program doesn't get
notified of the PointerMotion event. 

Since it's so tiny, i've attached it. I was wondering if anyone could take a
quick look. I imagine it would be a simple fix; but i've never programmed in
X before, and i'm sort of figuring it out as i go along by ripping apart
other programs.


/* By Mike Schiraldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] */
/* Compile with -Wall -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 */

#include stdlib.h
#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h
#include string.h
#include X11/Xlib.h
#include X11/Xutil.h

main(int argc, char **argv)
Display *display;
Screen *screen;
Window root;
int height;
int width;
int i;

char * commands[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};

if (argc  2) {
  fprintf (stderr, 
Specify commands for, respectively, the northwest, northeast, southwest, and
southeast corners of the screen. Use - for no command. For example:
%s - 'script1.sh' 'script2.sh' -
will run script1.sh when the pointer is in the northeast corner and script2.sh
when it's in the southwest.

Written by Mike Schiraldi [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n, argv[0]);

if (strcmp (argv[1], -h) == 0) goto usage;
if (strcmp (argv[1], -help) == 0) goto usage;
if (strcmp (argv[1], --help) == 0) goto usage;
if (strcmp (argv[1], -v) == 0) goto usage;
if (strcmp (argv[1], -version) == 0) goto usage;
if (strcmp (argv[1], --version) == 0) goto usage;

for (i = 1; i = 4  i  argc; i++) {
  if (strcmp (argv[i], -) != 0) 
commands[i - 1] = argv[i];

if ((display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, %s: can't open %s\en, argv[0], XDisplayName(NULL));

root = DefaultRootWindow (display);

screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);
height = XHeightOfScreen(screen) - 1;
width  = XWidthOfScreen(screen) - 1;

XSelectInput (display, root, PointerMotionMask);
while (1) {
  int x, y, rv;
  char * command;

  Window junk1, junk2;
  int junk3, junk4;
  unsigned int junk5;
  XEvent junk6;

  XNextEvent(display, junk6);
  fprintf (stderr, Pointer motion!\n);

  rv = XQueryPointer (display, root, junk1, junk2, x, y,
  junk3, junk4, junk5);
  if (!rv) {
fprintf (stderr, XQueryPointer failed. Send me an email about it.\n);

  if (x == 0  y == 0) {
command = commands[0];
  } else if (x == width  y == 0) {
command = commands[1];
  } else if (x == 0  y == height) {
command = commands[2];
  } else if (x == width  y == height) {
command = commands[3];
  } else {
command = NULL;

  if (command) {
fprintf (stderr, Running %s\n, command);


[Xpert]Binding mouse buttons to keys?

2002-01-08 Thread Mike Schiraldi

I've got some extra buttons on my mouse, and if possible, i'd like to bind
one of them to the Alt key and another to Ctrl. For example, in my window
manager, i can currently use Alt-Mouse1 to drag a window around. I'd like to
be able to do this by holding Mouse6 and then pressing Mouse1.

Note that it's not good enough to just bind mouse presses to keypresses -- i
need to grab both the button down event and the button up event. 


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