Thanks for the many advices received.
I tried the ports (including -4), and it didn't work either.
Finally I make clean and pkg_delete -f X and all things referenced by it.
I simply used pkg_add and with some amount of configuration I got it working!
(Basically same concept as ports, except I found out the two produce vastly different directory structures in the case of XFree86.)
I attribute my problem to incompatible header files and libraries, even when using ports.
(Residue of older 5.0PR1, 5.0RC, and 4_2_1, then ports, then...)


John Baldwin wrote:

On 31-Dec-2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've cvsup RELENG_5_0 yesterday, make kernel, make world.
Then I've cvsup xf-4_2_1 into another source directory, make World, make
make World gave warnings of no big big integers, but completed.
make install failed because the supplied apparently called for version that's different.
[all names above I recall from memory, maybe slightly off..]

Question: anyone has include file or source or patch or instruction to
make above combination work?
I'm guessing it's because 5.0 uses gcc 3.2.1 and not 2.9 anymore, and
include files changed...

If above combination is not good, any suggestions?  I'm starting off with
a new hard drive, though I'm sort of committed now using FreeBSD 5.0.  (I
also have it dual boot to Windows and Linux.)  As came with the cvsup,
the ports supplied is Xfree86 3.3.6...

If you go to /usr/ports/x11/XFree86-4, you can build X 4.2.1 from source
that way and it should work fine.  That's how I build X on my laptop running

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