The file /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/us_intl is missing commas
in it which prevent the proper setup of my keyboard for using accents.
This is under XFree86 version 4.2.0.

According to the header, this  file appears to have been last modified
by  someone at Conectiva  in Brazil  (
I find  it suprising  that  this  file was  submitted  this way  without
testing  whether the  accents work  correctly.  Especially  in Brazil,
where this keyboard mode is used everyday.  Who's looking at this?

My XF86Config has the following lines:
     XkbRules    "xfree86"
     XkbModel    "pc102"
     XkbLayout   "us_intl"     
     XkbVariant  "basic"

Attached is a version of the corrected us_intl file which works on my PC.
If anyone has a better way of doing this I'd love hear it.

=================== CUT: /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/us_intl ====================

partial default alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {

    name[Group1]= "US/ASCII";

    // Alphanumeric section
    key <TLDE> {        [ dead_grave,   dead_tilde      ],
                        [      grave,   asciitilde      ]       };
    key <AE06> {        [         6,    dead_circumflex ],
                        [ asciicircum,  asciicircum     ]       };
    key <AC11> {        [ dead_acute,   dead_diaeresis  ],
                        [ apostrophe,   quotedbl        ]       };
    key <AE09> {        [         9,    parenleft       ],
                        [      dead_breve,      dead_breve      ]       };
    key <AE10> {        [         0,    parenright      ],
                        [      dead_abovering, dead_abovering   ]       };
    key <AE11> {        [     minus,    underscore      ],
                        [      dead_macron,     dead_belowdot   ]       };
    key <AE12> {        [     equal,    plus            ],
                        [      dead_doubleacute,        dead_horn       ]       };
    key <AC10> {        [ semicolon,    colon           ],
                        [      dead_ogonek,     dead_diaeresis  ]       };
    key <AB08> {        [     comma,    less            ],
                        [      dead_cedilla,    dead_caron      ]       };
    key <AB09> {        [    period,    greater         ],
                        [      dead_abovedot,   dead_circumflex ]       };
    key <AB10> {        [     slash,    question        ],
                        [      dead_hook,       dead_hook       ]       };

    // End alphanumeric section


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