[Xpert]G550 + G400, overlay problems

2002-09-11 Thread Matthew Mitchell

Hello everyone.  I can't get a dual-head configuration using an AGP G550 
and a PCI G400 working under either XFree 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 with either the 
XFree mga driver or the Matrox mga driver.  (I am also asking Matrox 
about this.)

The system in question is a mostly-stock Red Hat 7.3 installation, with 
the XFree 4.2.1 binary upgrade installed atop the Red Hat XFree 4.2.0 

Some things I've tried:

1) In the bios, one card is anointed the primary display adapter. 
Whichever card so anointed works fine; the other does not produce any 
video in X, with no errors reported (it is like the card is switched off).

2) I tried moving the PCI card to a different slot, which made no 
difference in any perceptible way (PCI id stayed the same).

3) The cards don't work in any color depth that I tried -- I need 
overlay support for this workstation because we have some brain-dead 
apps that require PseudoColor, but it won't even work with both displays 
in 8 bit, Xinerama or no, DRI or no (which shouldn't work anyway, but I 
did explicitly turn it off).

4) Using the Matrox drivers, both displays turn on but the secondary has 
some serious psychedelic visuals on it and the first has some mouse 
pointer issues.  Personally, I'd rather use the XFree drivers if they 
can be made to work.

Does anyone have any experience getting two of these cards to work 
together?  Perhaps the Red Hat kernel is causing problems?

Any advice, suggestions, or questions appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Matt Mitchell
Systems Programmer
Geophysical Development Corporation

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]G550 + G400, overlay problems

2002-09-11 Thread Scott Long

Well, I can't even get the G550 to work alone, much less along with 
another card. I also see this screen distortion in dual-head mode. I 
believe it is due to the Matrox driver using incorrect timings on the 
second head, but I don't have the hours and hours to spend tweaking 
the modelines to try and get it working.

And I still haven't found anyone who can explain to me why DVI output 
works without the HAL module. According to both the XFree86 and Matrox 
documentation, DVI shouldn't work at all without HAL. And when I do 
use HAL, neither the panel nor the CRT gets a good signal.

Basically, if I do what the manual says, nothing works. Only by doing 
what the manual specifically says DOES NOT WORK do I actually get the 
thing to work.

Oh, and in single-head mode, the display (DVI) blanks to black every 
couple of seconds. More often when a lot seems to be changing on the 
screen. I believe this is probably also related to incorrect timings.

And yes, I've tried NoCompositeSync and it makes no difference 

If anyone out there has the G550 working, driving a DVI panel without 
this annoying blanking, can you please post your modelines to the 
list? I think having the correct modelines could be the ticket to 
getting dual-head to work with the HAL driver.

Scott Long

4) Using the Matrox drivers, both displays turn on but the secondary 
has some serious psychedelic visuals on it and the first has some 
mouse pointer issues.  Personally, I'd rather use the XFree drivers 
if they can be made to work.
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