On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 13:32:04 -0600
john.a.brick...@l-3com.com wrote:

> Is the IBM SDK 3.1 supposed to install with a fresh install of YDL 6.2
> on the PS3.
> I just installed the OS, but see nothing in the /opt/cell directory.
> I assume I can use the latest IBM SDK on the PS3 for a standalone
> development/runtime environment?
> Thanks - John Brickman

From: Derick Centeno <dcent...@ydl.net>
To: yellowdog-general@lists.fixstars.com
Cc: robert.a.bl...@noaa.gov
Subject: Re: [ydl-gen] Java on PS3
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 00:45:24 -0500
Reply-To: Discussion List for Yellow Dog Linux User Topics
Sender: yellowdog-general-boun...@lists.fixstars.com
X-Mailer: Claws Mail 2.9.1 (GTK+ 2.10.4; powerpc-redhat-linux-gnu)

As usual Robert, the easy way to get what you want is the least obvious.

First, take the time to learn how to modify the standard application
called yum which YDL uses for updates, installations, etc.  The
detailed instructions are here:


Take the time and make sure you understand what is there and then
modify yum accordingly.  Remember that when you come across a very long
explanation with a window you can scroll down within it for more
information within the YDL Board.  Pay attention to the section on YDL
6.2 and implement those recommendations.

After all that, I recommend that you include one more modification
which I'll share with you.  Include something called ps3bodega.  Why?
Because they already have the rpm and dependencies for IBM JRE which
you are having trouble with.

Here's a snapshot what yum refers to:

[agu...@arakus etc]$ cd yum.repos.d
[agu...@arakus yum.repos.d]$ ls
dribble.repo        ps3bodega.repo         yellowdog-updates.repo
fedora-extras.repo  yellowdog-base.repo
livna-stable.repo   yellowdog-extras.repo
[agu...@arakus yum.repos.d]$ 

Explanation:  Within the yum.repos.d directory are several files one of
which is ps3bodega.repo.  The ps3bodega.repo file consists of the

name=PS3Bodega repo for Yellow Dog 6.2

After all the above has been done then do:

#yum install "ibm*jre*" 

then the jre and whatever programs/dependencies it needs to run are all
found and installed by yum for you.  

Now regarding getting the java plugin to be seen and used by Firefox.
The instructions posted by Fixstars is old and hasn't been corrected.

Here's the shortcut after all the above has been completed find it
(libjavaplugin_oji.so) in YDL 6.2.  It should be here:


It is recommended that you create soft or symbolic links.  Read this:


Regarding how to do this within Linux the instructions I found useful
are here:


Refranes/Popular sayings:
The Taino say:No hay mal que por bien no venga.
There is no evil out of which good cannot blossom.

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