patches with different branch names included in their name are
wrongly appended as succesive revisions of the same patch in a
series. This is due to the patches being assigned to the same
series after their prefixes got removed during series naming/search.

This change looks for an updated release name list from the Yocto
wiki and keeps the release name in the series naming/search,
effectively creating individual series for patches targeted to
diferent releases.

[YOCTO #10716]

Signed-off-by: Jose Lamego <>
 patchwork/bin/ | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 patchwork/        |  5 ++++-
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/patchwork/bin/ b/patchwork/bin/
index 1d27f24..ed081b5 100755
--- a/patchwork/bin/
+++ b/patchwork/bin/
@@ -678,6 +678,34 @@ prefixes_re = re.compile(r'^\[[^\]]*\]\s*')
 def strip_prefixes(subject):
+    # get last releases names from Yocto wiki page to keep them
+    # as part of the series name if present, since such patches
+    # are branch-specific
+    try:
+        from lxml import html
+        import requests
+        page = requests.get(
+            '')
+        tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
+        branches = tree.xpath('//table[@class="wikitable"]//td[count(\
+//th[contains(., "Branch name")]/preceding-sibling::th)+1]//text()')
+        # uncomment the following line to keep only last two branch names
+        # branches=branches[0:2]
+        branches[:] = [branch.replace('\n', '') for branch in branches]
+        subject = re.sub((r',?\d+/\d+\]'), ']', subject)
+        for branch in branches:
+            if "[" + branch + "]" in subject:
+                prefixes_re = re.compile(r'^\s*\[[^\]]*\]\s*')
+                branch_re = r"(?<=\[" + branch + "\])\s*(.*)"
+                branch_search =, subject)
+                if branch_search:
+                    return "[" + branch + "] " + prefixes_re.sub(
+                        '',
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
+    prefixes_re = re.compile(r'^\[[^\]]*\]\s*')
     return prefixes_re.sub('', subject)
diff --git a/patchwork/ b/patchwork/
index 7dd8120..d08e189 100644
--- a/patchwork/
+++ b/patchwork/
@@ -1047,13 +1047,16 @@ def _on_revision_complete(sender, revision, **kwargs):
         name = series.latest_revision().ordered_patches()[0].name
         n = re.compile(r'((\[.*\]\s?)*\[.*\w+.*'
-                       '(?P<comb_pref>\W+\d+\/\d+)+\s*\]\s?)'
+                       '(?P<comb_pref>(\[|,)+\d+\/\d+\s*)\]\s?)'
         if n.match(name):
             name = re.sub(
                 n.match(name).group("comb_pref") or
                 '', name)
+        re.sub(r'\[\]', '', name)
+        re.sub(r'\[\[+', '\[', name)
+        re.sub(r'\]\]+', '\]', name)
         c = len(series.latest_revision().ordered_patches())
         # For one-patch series (1/1) without cover letter
         if c == 1:

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