Refleksi : Hutan-hutan yang telah digundulkan, selain dijadikan perkebunan 
kelapa sawit,  bagus sekali  bila dibikin perkebunan korma dan tentunya  
diadakan peternakan unta. Unta bukan saja kendaraan para Nabi di zaman bahula 
tempo doeloe. Sekarang pun masih berlaku sebagai alat transport gurung pasir 
yang sangat berguna dan terpercaya. Susunya adalah obat mujarab untuk segala 
macam penyakit yang diderita oleh mayoritas rakyat NKRI  yang tak mampu berobat 
keluarnegeri seperti para petinggi pengauasa negara. Bukan itu saja, malah 
kalau dipakai sebagai kendaraan umum di Jakarta akan sangat mengutungkan karena 
tidak polusi, tidak akan ada kemacetan lalu lintas, tak perlu impor bensin, 
selain rumput di tepi jalan adalah bahaan bakar untuk unta. Taiknya sangat 
berfaedah karena adalah pupuk organik. Kalau sang unta sudah pensiun dari 
segala macam tugas, bisa disembelih dan dagingnya dibikin gulai, shishsi kebab, 
satai, sup daging unta, sup buntur unta etc. Beberapa RT bisa berpesta riang 
gembira  hanya dengan hidangan satu ekor unta. :-)

Camel milk a cure-all

Publish Date: Sunday,22 March, 2009, at 10:57 PM Doha Time
Camel's milk not only tastes delicious, but it is also full of medicinal 
properties. From time immemorial camel's milk has been used to treat ailments, 
right from anaemia to liver diseases. It is particularly beneficial for many of 
the sicknesses common among children.
The first to discover the medicinal properties of camel's milk were the Arab 
nomads, who had domesticated the animals in the distant past.

Modern studies have proved that the milk is good for the treatment of HIV, 
hepatitis, tuberculosis and brittle bones.
Hot milk is beneficial for people suffering from common cold, flu, fever, 
respiratory diseases and asthma.
One of the recent studies have found that camel's milk when taken on a regular 
basis can reduce blood sugar and hence it is quite beneficial to diabetics. It 
also helps to normalise the pulse rate.Camel's milk has also been found helpful 
to treat people suffering from sun stroke. 

A study showed that Omani camel's milk is best suited for the treatment of the 
chronic inflammation of the liver and jaundice. There are some traditional 
healers who treat diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, anemia and haemorrhoids  
with camel's milk.
The best way to drink camel's milk is to take it on an empty stomach; half a 
litre a day will be ideal.
In a study conducted in India, the results of which were published in the 
magazine Mer Medicus 2004, it was found that camel's milk helps in diabetes 
control in insulin-dependent patients. 

Aluj Amani Rashidi, while conducting research for a doctorate from the King 
Abdulaziz University, found that camel's milk can fight cancer. Mice afflicted 
with cancer responded positively to the treatment with camel's milk, the study 
Besides its milk, some people also use camel's urine for the treatment of 
certain ailments.
Camel is a very useful animal. People eat its meat and make use of its hair and 
skin for making various things.
Those who want to taste camel's milk should head to the camel-racing area in 
Shahaniya. Make sure that you drink camel's milk on an empty stomach early in 
the morning to get the maximum benefits.
Ahmad al-Sayyed
Ahmad al-Sayyed: study

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