Saturday 22 November 2008 (25 Dhul Qa`dah 1429) 

      Kerala firm 'incubates' software solution for energy-starved world
      Mohammed Ashraf | Arab News 
      THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Seven engineers, all in their early 20s, have 
developed a new device they claim will save power losses from computers and 
gadgets running on electricity.

      The group incorporated a company called Artin Dynamics in April and 
approached the state-owned Technopark to use its "incubation facility" for the 
company to grow. They are now ready to launch their first product, SPARA, which 
will save power losses on computers to the extent of 40 MW for 1000 computers.

      "The value is considerably low when compared to the actual power used by 
the device but this small loss is responsible for nearly 26 percent of the 
total energy loss in the world," says budding firm's 23-year-old chief 
executive officer Nelvin Joseph. 

      The software module of the product, which hit the market last week, uses 
algorithms and its hardware modules increase the efficiency of the system, the 
group claims.

      "The concept is the phenomenon called phantom power, defined as the power 
which is consumed by an electronic device when it is on standby mode or not in 
use," Joseph said. "We expect to eliminate this loss by up to 97 percent by 
using SPARA".

      The product is capable of conducting high-level power management features 
like monitor control, core handling, CPU throttling besides the normal power 
management options like hibernation, shutdown and standby on a network.

      "This allows the central SPARA server to make sure that the network is 
run in the most efficient manner. The software gives the administrator solid 
proof in terms of power saved by generating detailed reports about the usage 
statistics. This report can also be used to find the mentality and dedication 
of the employees," he explains.

      "The hardware unit works using our patented technology Enhanced Trigger 
Loop. This device interfaces with the computer using its USB port. Once a power 
save command has been passed to the computer and the computer switches to a 
power down (shutdown or hibernate) state, the module terminates the power 
supply from the system and the supply point. This eliminates phantom power 
losses fully".

      Artin Dynamics plans to develop and distribute more products and services 
based on artificial intelligence and the company claims it is the first in 
India to work exclusively in this domain.

      "The motto of the company is to generate clean source of energy for the 
world and we aim to be the first company in Kerala to qualify for the carbon 
footprint qualification from the International Energy Council".

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