On 7/10/16 10:39, Ewen McNeill wrote:
Replying to the list, since a couple of people have asked.
[... Re Pieter's domain names ...]
For the others, it's probably only worth paying for them if (a) they
point at something useful that is difficult to find another way (or
linked to a lot) or (b) it'd be problematic if a domain squatter got
hold of the name.  Pieter actively took most of these off auto-renew,
expecting them to expire [...]

Just a reminder, in case anyone was particularly attached to some of these not falling into domain squatter hands.

The ZeroMQ-related domains are held by Doron and were renewed recently (by Doron; thanks). hintjens.com is held by a family member, and auto-renewed recently. So those key ones are sorted out.

Of the others:

Book-related domains [...]

codeconnected.org (2016-12-14)
cultureandempire.com (2017-08-05)
psychopathcode.com (2017-09-28)
thepsychopathcode.com (2017-09-28)
scalablec.org (2017-01-08)
scalable-c.com (2017-01-31)
scalablec.com (2017-01-31)

I believe all of those are going to expire on the dates listed -- and for several of them that's either in the next month, or in the next couple of months. (cultureandempire.com is marked to auto-renew, but that's the only exception I know about; I'm planning on leaving that on auto-renew for now, as I think the book is particularly relevant now...)

As far as I know it's okay to let the rest expire, so that's the current plan. If anyone thinks differently please get in touch ASAP.

Software projects (past/present/future):

changeflow.com (2017-03-07)
openamq.org (2017-08-21)
restms.org (2020-10-30)

I still think the first two (changeflow.com, openamq.org) can probably expire in 2017. restms.org might be most usefully transferred to someone else, but I don't have a clear community supported candidate.

Activism related:

digistan.org (2017-09-24)
eupaco.org (2017-10-25)

These would also be good to transfer, even though the projects are mostly "idle" (eg, there's useful archived information). The previous transfer attempt for one of them failed (timed out; recipient did not respond in the two weeks available to confirm they wanted it). I'm open to hearing from a good community supported candidate to receive them.

Other (unknown/not pointing at anything):

xpoc.org (2016-10-21)
formiq.io (2017-01-07)
swsi.info (2016-10-10)
smooth.af (2017-02-01; seems to be a Rick Roll, not sure why)
freeandopenwar.com (2017-02-14)
ipocracy.org (2016-11-16; redirect to hintjens.com)
smoothscript.com (2017-02-15)
brusselsvalley.com (2017-02-28)

swsi.info and xpoc.org have already expired, and I've not heard of anyone with a reason to renew them (they're still locked to Pieter's account at present, for a "last chance" renewal). The others mostly expire in the next 3 months or so, and I'm expecting to let them expire. AFAIK they were all "project ideas" of Pieter that never got implemented.

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