Karnataka - Bangalore

'Dalit MLAs, MPs stooges of politicians'

Special Correspondent

'Those amenable to 'upper caste' interests

have been given tickets'

'Budget allocation to SC/STs is regularly diverted'

Bangalore: Elected representatives from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes fail to speak up for the cause of their communities because
their political survival depends on "upper caste" votes, said Bojja
Tarakam, Dalit leader from Andhra Pradesh and President of the South
India cell of the Republican Party of India.

Speaking at a function organised by the Federation of SC/STs Employees
Welfare Associations to mark the 75th anniversary of the Poona Pact,
he said MLAs and MPs being "at the mercy of upper caste Hindu" votes
was the sad legacy of the agreement between Gandhiji and B.R. Ambedkar
in 1932. Ambedkar had demanded separate electorates for Dalits, a
demand rejected by Gandhiji. Ambedkar, he added, was "forced" to sign
it because Gandhiji had threatened a fast unto death if a separate
electorate was given to Dalits, arguing that the depressed classes
were not a minority, but part of the larger Hindu fold.

Though there are reserved constituencies for SCs and STs, only those
"amenable" to "upper caste" interests have historically been given
tickets by all political parties since the first election, argued Mr.
Tarakam. This was the reason why MLAs and MPs had never spoken up for
the rights of Dalits even when people of their communities were
massacred, as in Karamchedu in Andhra Pradesh and Kambalapalli in
Karnataka, he added.

Elected representatives do not speak up even though money allotted for
SCs and STs is regularly siphoned off, pointed out Mr. Tarakam. Though
15 per cent of budget allocation is reserved for SCs under Special
Component Plan and six per cent for STs under Tribal Sub-Plan since
1975, the money is always diverted.

MLAs and MPs from reserved constituencies were reduced to being
"stooges of political parties" as a result of the electoral equation
drawn up by the Poona Pact, said Mr. Tarakam.

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