Dalit assaulted, Ostracised


Wednesday October 3 2007 13:42 IST


PERAMBALUR: A Dalit was allegedly assaulted and ostracised for taking
bath in the village pond at Vadakadal in Udayarpalayalam taluk of
Perambalur district.

According to sources, Duraiswamy, a 58-year-old Dalit was attacked by
Rajendran, a caste Hindu of the same village, for taking bath in the
pond meant for caste Hindus on Wednesday last.

Alarmed at the treatment meted out to him, Duraiswamy took up the
issue with the village heads but in vain.

Adding insult to injury, another Dalit was also assaulted, when he
came in support of Duraiswamy. Subsequently, they preferred a
complaint with the police, who took into custody Rajendran, though
after three days.

Duraiswamy was also threatened to withdraw the complaint or face dire

Meanwhile, caste Hindus who convened a meeting headed by Samithurai,
president of the adjacent Pookollai panchayat, decided to ostracise
Duraiswamy, sources said.

The Dalits were also told that they would not be able to board buses
if the complaint was not withdrawn. Police are investigating.

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