[zeta-dev] Reporting time

2010-11-04 Thread Christian Grobmeier
Hello all,

please don't forget Zeta needs a report pretty soon. Please have in
mind mentors have to read and sign it therefore it would be good if it
would be added a while before wednesday.


Who can write it?


[zeta-dev] Proposal: Release process

2010-11-04 Thread Tobias Schlitt

I have studied the guidelines for releases in the ASF and tried to make
up a release process document for us. Please find it attached for
discussion. You can also find it in our SVN under


The document summarizes the requirements for releases roughly and then
tries to relealize these in a release process specific to Zeta.

There are some open issues marked with notes in this document, which
need to be decided on.


Tobias Schlitthttp://schlitt.infoGPG Key: 0xC462BC14
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Release process

:author:Tobias Schlitt 

This document defines the release process for the Apache Zeta Components
project. The release process complies to the Apache Software Foundation release

Guideline summary

The ASF release guidelines can be found online in for of a `release FAQ`__.
There is also a non-nomerative draft of a `guide to release management`__,
which gives practical help on how releases could be managed. This section
summarizes the most important points from both documents, which affect changes
in the release process originally defined by the eZ Components project.

__ http://www.apache.org/dev/release.html
__ http://incubator.apache.org/guides/releasemanagement.html

Definition of a release

In eZ Components, a release was defined as a stable version of a component or
the full components package. The ASF defines releases somewhat differently as
**every publically announced download package**. In short there exist two
fundamentally different kinds of download packages:

- Test packages
  - Nightly builds
  - Release candidates (RCs)
- Releases
  - Everything else

It is important to note, that RC is defined differently, compared to eZ
Components terminology. In eZ Components, the RC was a non-stable package
immediatelly preceeding a stable release (alpha → beta → RC → stable). In 
an **RC is any kind of package that is meant to be published later**, but is at
first only provided to developers for testing.

In summary: A release is every distribution made available to people outside
the developer mailinglist. An RC is a release package which has not been
announced publically, yet, but has only been made available to the developer
list for testing purposes.

Approval process

In the eZ Components project, the core development team (consisting of
developers employed by eZ Systems) was responsible for approving and rolling
releases. In the ASF, the whole developer community is involved in the approval
of a release. Before releasing any package, the corresponding release manager
is meant to cast a vote on the developer list. In order to approve a release,
the desired distribution package must be made available to the developers in
form of a preliminary RC package (see `Definition of a release`_).

Note, that all releases must be provided with a **cryptographical signature**
of the release manager in charge. This signature must be validated by testers.
Optionally, testing developers should provide their signature in addition, in
order to confirm the release.

There is a document on `release signing`__ provided by the ASF.

__ http://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing.html

For incubating podlings, each release also needs to be approved by an Incubator
PMC vote.

Release publishing

Releases of ASF projects are distributed under `www.apache.org/dist/`__, not on
the project website. For the Apache Zeta Components podling, the appropriate
location seems to be `www.apache.org/dist/incubator/zetacomponents`__.

.. note:: This directory should be verified.

__ https://www.apache.org/dist/
__ https://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/zetacomponents/

Release process

The Apache Zeta Components project requires two kinds of releases:

- Component releases
- Full package releases

The first type refers to a release of a single component, independently from
any other. The latter type refers to a full package release of Apache Zeta
Components, containing all components.

Component releases

A component is typically maintained by a single person or a small group of
people (for simplicity, the term *maintainers* is used in following).  The
maintainers of a component are in charge of proposing when a release should be
done. If the maintainers of a component decide that a release should happen,
they must choose a release manager. This choice can happen informally among the
maintainers of a component.

The release manager must tag the release in SVN, prepare a release package from
this and upload it to his user space on `people.apache.org`__. He must then
call for votes on the developer mailinglist, requesting the package t