Re: [zfs-discuss] Zones on shared storage - a warning

2010-01-07 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey mike/cindy,

i've gone ahead and filed a zfs rfe on this functionality:
6915127 need full support for zfs pools on files

implmenting this rfe is a requirement for supporting encapsulated
zones on shared storage.


On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 03:26:17PM -0700, Cindy Swearingen wrote:
 Hi Mike,

 I can't really speak for how virtualization products are using
 files for pools, but we don't recommend creating pools on files,
 much less NFS-mounted files and then building zones on top.

 File-based pool configurations might be used for limited internal
 testing of some features, but our product testing does not include
 testing storage pools on files or NFS-mounted files.

 Unless Ed's project gets refunded, I'm not sure how much farther
 you can go with this approach.



 On 01/07/10 15:05, Mike Gerdts wrote:
 [removed zones-discuss after sending heads-up that the conversation
 will continue at zfs-discuss]
 On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Cindy Swearingen wrote:
 Hi Mike,
 It is difficult to comment on the root cause of this failure since
 the several interactions of these features are unknown. You might
 consider seeing how Ed's proposal plays out and let him do some more
 Unfortunately Ed's proposal is not funded last I heard.  Ops Center
 uses many of the same mechanisms for putting zones on ZFS.  This is
 where I saw the problem initially.
 If you are interested in testing this with NFSv4 and it still fails
 the same way, then also consider testing this with a local file
 instead of a NFS-mounted file and let us know the results. I'm also
 unsure of using the same path for the pool and the zone root path,
 rather than one path for pool and a pool/dataset path for zone
 root path. I will test this myself if I get some time.
 I have been unable to reproduce with a local file.  I have been able
 to reproduce with NFSv4 on build 130.  Rather surprisingly the actual
 checksums found in the ereports are sometimes 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 or
 Here's what I did:
 - Install OpenSolaris build 130 (ldom on T5220)
 - Mount some NFS space at /nfszone:
mount -F nfs -o vers=4 $file:/path /nfszone
 - Create a 10gig sparse file
cd /nfszone
mkfile -n 10g root
 - Create a zpool
zpool create -m /zones/nfszone nfszone /nfszone/root
 - Configure and install a zone
zonecfg -z nfszone
 set zonepath = /zones/nfszone
 set autoboot = false
chmod 700 /zones/nfszone
zoneadm -z nfszone install
 - Verify that the nfszone pool is clean.  First, pkg history in the
 zone shows the timestamp of the last package operation
   2010-01-07T20:27:07 install   pkg Succeeded
 At 20:31 I ran:
 # zpool status nfszone
   pool: nfszone
  state: ONLINE
  scrub: none requested
 nfszone  ONLINE   0 0 0
   /nfszone/root  ONLINE   0 0 0
 errors: No known data errors
 I booted the zone.  By 20:32 it had accumulated 132 checksum errors:
  # zpool status nfszone
   pool: nfszone
  state: DEGRADED
 status: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error.  An
 attempt was made to correct the error.  Applications are unaffected.
 action: Determine if the device needs to be replaced, and clear the errors
 using 'zpool clear' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'.
  scrub: none requested
 nfszone  DEGRADED 0 0 0
   /nfszone/root  DEGRADED 0 0   132  too many errors
 errors: No known data errors
 fmdump has some very interesting things to say about the actual
 checksums.  The 0x0 and 0xbaddcafe00 seem to shout that these checksum
 errors are not due to a couple bits flipped
 # fmdump -eV | grep cksum_actual | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
2cksum_actual = 0x14c538b06b6 0x2bb571a06ddb0 0x3e05a7c4ac90c62
3cksum_actual = 0x175bb95fc00 0x1767673c6fe00 0xfa9df17c835400
3cksum_actual = 0x2eb772bf800 0x5d8641385fc00 0x7cf15b214fea800
4cksum_actual = 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
4cksum_actual = 0x1d32a7b7b00 0x248deaf977d80 0x1e8ea26c8a2e900
5cksum_actual = 0x14b8f7afe6 0x915db8d7f87 0x205dc7979ad73
6cksum_actual = 0x1184cb07d00 0xd2c5aab5fe80 0x69ef5922233f00
6cksum_actual = 0x348e6117700 0x765aa1a547b80 0xb1d6d98e59c3d00
   16cksum_actual = 0xbaddcafe00 0x5dcc54647f00 0x1f82a459c2aa00
   48cksum_actual = 0x5d6ee57f00 0x178a70d27f80 0x3fc19c3a19500
 I halted the zone, exported the pool, imported the pool, then did a
 scrub.  Everything seemed 

Re: [zfs-discuss] snv_110 - snv_121 produces checksum errors on Raid-Z pool

2009-09-02 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey richard,

so i just got a bunch of zfs checksum errors after replacing some
mirrored disks on my desktop (u27).  i originally blamed the new disks,
until i saw this thread, at which point i started digging in bugster.  i
found the following related bugs (i'm not sure which one adam was
refering to):

6847180 Status of newly replaced drive became faulted due to checksum errors 
after scrub in raidz1 pool

6869090 on thumper with ZFS (snv_120) raidz causes checksum errors from all 

i think the issue i'm seeing may be 6847180.  reading through the bug, i
get the impression that it can affect disks in mirrors as well as raidz

to complicate the situation, i just upgraded from snv_121 to snv_122.
the initial checksum after resilvering errors i saw were on snv_121.
i'm not seeing any new errors with snv_122.  (of course i haven't tried
a new resilvering operation since upgrading to snv_122, i'll probably do
that tommorow.)

i've zpool clear'ed the problem, did a scrub, and things look ok.  i'm
currently testing the pool by doing more scrubs + builds on it to see if
i get any more errors.


On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 09:19:03AM -0700, Richard Elling wrote:

 On Sep 2, 2009, at 2:38 AM, Daniel Carosone wrote:

 Furthermore, this clarity needs to be posted somewhere much, much more
 visible than buried in some discussion thread.

 I've added a note in the ZFS Troubleshooting Guide wiki. However, I
 could not
 find a public CR.  If someone inside Sun can provide a CR number, I'll
 add that
 to the reference.

  -- richard

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Re: [zfs-discuss] cleaning up cloned zones

2009-07-29 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey anil,

given that things work, i'd recommend leaving them alone.

if you really want to insist on cleaning things up aesthetically
then you need to do multiple zfs operation and you'll need to shutdown
the zones.

assuming you haven't cloned any zones (because if you did that
complicates things), you could do:

- shutdown your zones

- zfs promote of the latest zbe

- destroy all of the new snapshots of the promoted zbe (and the
  old zbe filesystems which are now dependants of those snapshots.)

- a rename of the promoted zbe to whatever name you want to
  standardize on.

note that i haven't tested any of this, but in theory it should work.

it may be the case that some of the zfs operations above may fail due to
the zoned bit being set for zbes.  if this is the case then you'll need
to clear the zoned bit, do the operations, and then reset the zoned bit.

please don't come crying to me if this doesn't work.  ;)


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 07:44:37PM -0700, Anil wrote:
 I create a couple of zones. I have a zone path like this:
 r...@vps1:~# zfs list -r zones/cars
 zones/fans   1.22G  3.78G22K  /zones/fans
 zones/fans/ROOT  1.22G  3.78G19K  legacy
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbe  1.22G  3.78G  1.22G  legacy
 I then upgrade the global zone, this creates the zfs clones/snapshots for the 
 r...@vps1:~# zfs list -r zones/fans
 zones/fans 4.78G  5.22G22K  /zones/fans
 zones/fans/ROOT4.78G  5.22G19K  legacy
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbe2.64G  5.22G  2.64G  legacy
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbe-1  2.13G  5.22G  3.99G  legacy
 I create a couple of new zones, the mounted zfs tree looks like this:
 r...@vps1:~# zfs list -r zones/cars
 zones/cars   1.22G  3.78G22K  /zones/cars
 zones/cars/ROOT  1.22G  3.78G19K  legacy
 zones/cars/ROOT/zbe  1.22G  3.78G  1.22G  legacy
 So, now the problem is, I have some zones that have a zbe-1 and some that 
 have a zfs clone with just zbe name.
 After making sure everything works for a month now, I want to clean up that. 
 I want to promote all of them to be just zbe. I understand I won't be able to 
 revert back to original zone bits, but I could have 40+ zones on this system, 
 and I prefer them all to be consistent looking.
 Here is a full hierarchy now:
 r...@vps1:~# zfs get -r mounted,origin,mountpoint zones/fans
 zones/fans mounted yes-
 zones/fans origin  -  -
 zones/fans mountpoint  /zones/fansdefault
 zones/fans/ROOTmounted no -
 zones/fans/ROOTorigin  -  -
 zones/fans/ROOTmountpoint  legacy local
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbemounted no -
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbeorigin  -  -
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbemountpoint  legacy local
 zones/fans/ROOT/z...@zbe-1  mounted -  -
 zones/fans/ROOT/z...@zbe-1  origin  -  -
 zones/fans/ROOT/z...@zbe-1  mountpoint  -  -
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbe-1  mounted yes-
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbe-1  origin  zones/fans/ROOT/z...@zbe-1  -
 zones/fans/ROOT/zbe-1  mountpoint  legacy local
 How do I go about renaming and destroying the original zbe fs? I believe this 
 will involve me to promote the zbe-1 and then destroy zbe followed by 
 renaming zbe-1 to zbe. But this is a live system, I don't have something to 
 play with first. Any tips?
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[zfs-discuss] snapshot management issues

2009-05-05 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey all,

so recently i wrote some zones code to manage zones on zfs datasets.
the code i wrote did things like rename snapshots and promote
filesystems.  while doing this work, i found a few zfs behaviours that,
if changed, could greatly simplify my work.

the primary issue i hit was that when renaming a snapshot, any clones
derived from those snapshot are unmounted/remounted.  promoting a
dataset (which results in snapshots being moved from one dataset to
another) doesn't result in any clones being unmounted/remounted.  this
made me wonder if the mount cycle caused by renames is actually
necessary or is it just an artifact of the current implementation?
removing this unmount/remount would greatly simplify my dataset
management code.  (the snapshot rename can also fail if any clones are
zoned or in use, so eliminating these mount operations would remove one
potential failure mode for zone administration operations.)

this problem was compounded by the fact that all the clone filesystems i
was dealing with were zoned.  the code i wrote runs in the global zone
and zfs prevents the global zone from mounting or unmounting zoned
filesystems.  (so my code additionally had to manipulate the zoned
attribute for cloned datasets.)  hence, if there's no way to eliminate
the need to unmount/remount filesystems when renaming snapshots, how
would people feel about adding a option to zfs/libzfs to be able to
override the restrictions imposed by the zoned attribute?

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs promote/destroy enhancements?

2009-04-23 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:31:07AM -0500, Nicolas Williams wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 09:59:33AM -0600, Matthew Ahrens wrote:
  zfs destroy [-r] -p sounds great.
  I'm not a big fan of the -t template.  Do you have conflicting snapshot
  names due to the way your (zones) software works, or are you concerned
  about sysadmins creating these conflicting snapshots?  If it's the former,
  would it be possible to change the zones software to avoid it?

 I think the -t option -- automatic snapshot name conflict resolution --
 makes a lot of sense in the context of snapshots and clones mostly
 managed by a system component (zonedm, beadm) but where users can also
 create snapshots (e.g., for time slider, backups): you don't want the
 users to create snapshot names that will later prevent zoneadm/beadm
 destroy.  Making the users responsible for resolving such conflicts
 seems not user-friendly to me.

 However, if we could just avoid the conflicts in the first place then
 we'd not need an option for automatic snapshot name conflict resolution.
 Conflicts could be avoided by requiring that all snapshot names of a
 dataset and of clones of snapshots of that dataset, and so on, be
 unique.  Snapshot name uniqueness could be a property of the root
 dataset of a snapshot/clone tree.

an interesting idea.  i can file an RFE on this as well, but there are a
couple side effects to consider with this approach.

setting this property would break zfs snapshot -r if there are
multiple snapshots and clones of a single filesystem.

callers that creates snapshots (ie zones) usually have a simple naming
schemes.  they look at what snapshots are there and pick a new name that
isn't used yet.  with this approach, picking a new name becomes harder
because iterating over the existing snapshot namespace just became
harder.  (i guess that callers could adopt a policy of creating
snaoshots with incrementing names until they get some return code
other than EEXIST.)

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs promote/destroy enhancements?

2009-04-23 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 09:59:33AM -0600, Matthew Ahrens wrote:

 zfs destroy [-r] -p sounds great.

 I'm not a big fan of the -t template.  Do you have conflicting snapshot
 names due to the way your (zones) software works, or are you concerned
 about sysadmins creating these conflicting snapshots?  If it's the
 former, would it be possible to change the zones software to avoid it?

conflicting names are pretty common for zones.  the zones infrastructure
uses SUNWzoneXXX for zone cloning and zbe-XXX for zone BE management.  i
guess we could switch to using timestamps...

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] zfs promote/destroy enhancements?

2009-04-22 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey all,

in both nevada and opensolaris, the zones infrastructure tries to
leverage zfs where ever possible. we take advantage of snapshotting and
cloning for things like zone cloning and zone be management.  because of
this, we've recently run into multiple scenarios where a zoneadm
uninstall fails.

6787557 zoneadm uninstall fails when zone has zfs clones

7491 problems destroying zones with cloned dependents

these failures occur when we try to destroy the zfs filesystem
associated with a zone, but that filesystem has been snapshotted and
cloned.  the way we're fixing these problems is by doing a promotion
before the destroy.  jerry has fixed 6787557 for nevada in zoneadm, but
now i'm looking at having to re-implement a similar fix for opensolaris
in the ipkg brand for 7491.

hence, i'm wondering if it would make more sense just to add this
functionality directly into zfs(1m)/libzfs.  this would involve
enhancements to the zfs promote and destroy subcommands.  here's what
i'm thinking.

the first component would be a new -t template option to zfs
promote.  this option would instruct zfs promote to check for snapshot
naming collisions between the origin and promotion target filesystems,
and to rename any origin filesystem snapshots with conflicting names
before attempting the promotion.  the conflicting snapshots will be
renamed to templateXXX, where XXX is an integer used to make the
snapshot name unique.  today users have to do this renaming manually if
they want the promotion to succeed.

to illustrate how this new functionality would work, say i have the
following filesystems/snapshots:

tank/zones/zone2(clone of tank/zones/zo...@sunwzone1)

if i do a zfs promote -t SUNWzone tank/zones/zone2, then this would
involved a rename of zo...@sunwzone1 to zo...@sunwzone2, and a promotion
of tank/zones/zone2.  the @user1 snapshot would not be renamed because
there was no naming conflict with the filesystem being promoted.  hence
i would end up with:

tank/zones/zone1(clone of tank/zones/zo...@sunwzone2)

if i did a zfs promote -t user tank/zones/zone2, then this would this
involved a rename of zo...@sunwzone1 to zo...@user2, and then a
promotion of tank/zones/zone2.  hence i would end up with:

tank/zones/zone1(clone of tank/zones/zo...@user2)

the second component would be two new flags to zfs destroy:
zfs destroy [-p [-t template]]

the -p would instruct zfs destroy to try to promote the oldest clone of
the youngest snapshot of the filesystem being destroyed before doing the
destroy.  if the youngest filesystem doesn't have a clone, the command
will fail unless -r was specified.  if -r was specified we will continue
to look through snapshot from youngest to oldest looking for the first
one with a clone.  if a snapshot with a clone is found, the oldest clone
will be promoted before the destroy.  if a template was specified via
-t, this will be passed through to the promote operation.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] strange zfs recieve behavior

2007-10-15 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 09:37:42PM -0700, Matthew Ahrens wrote:
 Edward Pilatowicz wrote:
 hey all,
 so i'm trying to mirror the contents of one zpool to another
 using zfs send / recieve while maintaining all snapshots and clones.

 You will enjoy the upcoming zfs send -R feature, which will make your
 script unnecessary.

sweet.  while working on it i realized that this just really needed to
be built in functionality.  :)

i assume that this wil allow for backups by doing zfs snap -r and
zfs send -R one day, then sometime later doing the same thing and
just sending the deltas for every filesystem?  will this also include
any other random snapshots that were created in between when the two
zfs send -R commands are run?  (not just snapshots that were used
for clones.)

is there an bugid/psarc case number?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs send -i 070221 export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | zfs 
 receive -v -d
 receiving incremental stream of export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] into
 export2/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cannot receive: destination has been modified since most recent snapshot

 You may be hitting 6343779 ZPL's delete queue causes 'zfs restore' to
 fail. To work around it, use zfs recv -F.

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] strange zfs recieve behavior

2007-10-14 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey all,
so i'm trying to mirror the contents of one zpool to another
using zfs send / recieve while maintaining all snapshots and clones.

essentially i'm taking a recursive snapshot.  them i'm mirroring
the oldest snapshots first and working my way forward.  to deal
with clones i have a hack that uses zfs promote.  i've scripted it
and things seem to work...  except of course for one thing.  ;)
there's one snapshot on my system that i can't seem to transfer.

here's the problem:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs send export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | zfs receive -v -d 
receiving full stream of export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] into export2/ws/[EMAIL 
received 134MB stream in 28 seconds (4.77MB/sec)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs send -i 070221 export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | zfs receive 
-v -d export2
receiving incremental stream of export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] into 
export2/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cannot receive: destination has been modified since most recent snapshot

as far as i know, there's nothing special about these two snapshots.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs list | grep export/ws/xen-1
export/ws/xen-1   105M  3.09G   104M  /export/ws/xen-1
export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED]570K  -   103M  -
export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 0  -   104M  -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs get -Hp -o value creation export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs get -Hp -o value creation export/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

any idea what might be wrong here?  it seems that the problem is
on the recieve side.  i've even tried doing:
zfs rollback export2/ws/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
before doing the second send but that didn't make any difference.

i'm currently running snv_74.  both pool are currently at zfs v8,
but the source pool has seen lots of zfs and live upgrades.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS over a layered driver interface

2007-05-21 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
hey swetha,
i don't think there is any easy answer for you here.

i'd recommend watching all device operations (open, read, write, ioctl,
strategy, prop_op, etc) that happen to the ramdisk device when you don't
use your layered driver, and then again when you do.  then you could
compare the two to see what the differences are.  or optionally, you
could do some more analysis into that ioctl failure to see if it's
an important ioctl that should be succeeding and instead is causing
a cascading failure.  to investigate both of these possiblilties i'd
recommend using dtrace fbt probes, the answer won't be easy to find,
but dtrace will make finding it easier.

lastly, you could start analyzing to see what zio_wait() is waiting for.
for this you'd want to use mdb -k to look at the current kernel state
and compare that to the source to see what zfs is trying to do and what
it's blocked on.  (you might actually consider forcing a crash dump
and analyzing it offline, since then the state is not changing and you
can always come back to it.)


On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 01:12:06PM -0700, Shweta Krishnan wrote:
 With what Edward suggested, I got rid of the ldi_get_size() error by defining 
 the prop_op entry point appropriately.

 However, the zpool create still fails - with zio_wait() returning 22.

 bash-3.00# dtrace -n 'fbt::ldi_get_size:entry{self-t=1;} 
 fbt::ldi_get_size:return{self-t=0;}' -c 'zpool create adsl-pool 
 dtrace: description 'fbt::ldi_get_size:entry' matched 4 probes
 cannot create 'adsl-pool': invalid argument for this pool operation
 dtrace: pid 2487 has exited
 0 21606 ldi_get_size:entry
 0 21607 ldi_get_size:return 0

 bash-3.00# dtrace -n 'fbt:zfs:zfs_ioc_pool_create:entry{self-t=1;} 
 fbt:zfs::return/self-t  arg1 == 22/{stack(); exit(0);} 
 dtrace: description 'fbt:zfs:zfs_ioc_pool_create:entry' matched 1317 probes
 0 63848 zio_wait:return

 I see the strategy routine of my layered driver being invoked, and reads and 
 writes are being done. (in the more detailed dtrace dump, I see 
 zio_vdev_io_start and other zio functions being invoked).
 Is there a way to figure out where exactly this is breaking?
 Could it be due to an ioctl failure, since the kernel log shows a failure for 
 the ioctl to the real device?


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Re: [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS over a layered driver interface

2007-05-14 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
i've seen this ldi_get_size() failure before and it usually occurs on
drivers that don't implement their prop_op(9E) entry point correctly
or that don't implement the dynamic [Nn]blocks/[Ss]size property correctly.

what does your layered driver do in it's prop_op(9E) entry point?
also, what driver is your layered driver layered over?


On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 09:37:51AM -0700, Eric Schrock wrote:
 This is likely because ldi_get_size() is failing for your device.  We've
 seen this before on 3rd party devices, and have been meaning to create a
 special errno (instead of EINVAL) to give a more helpful message in this
 - Eric
 On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 11:54:45PM -0700, Shweta Krishnan wrote:
  I ran zpool with truss, and here is the system call trace. (again, zfs_lyr 
  is the layered driver I am trying to use to talk to the ramdisk driver).
  When I compared it to a successful zpool creation, the culprit is the last 
  failing ioctl
  i.e. ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_CREATE_POOL, address)
  I tried looking at the source code for the failing ioctl, but didn't get 
  any hints there.
  Guess I must try dtrace (which I am about to learn!).
  bash-3.00# truss -f zpool create adsl-pool /devices/pseudo/[EMAIL 
  PROTECTED]:zfsminor1 2 /var/tmp/zpool.truss
  bash-3.00# grep Err /var/tmp/zpool.truss 
  2232:   open(/var/ld/ld.config, O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
  2232:   xstat(2, /lib/, 0x080469C8)Err#2 ENOENT
  2232:   xstat(2, /lib/, 0x08046868)   Err#2 ENOENT
  2232:   xstat(2, /lib/, 0x08046868)  Err#2 ENOENT
  2232:   stat64(/devices/pseudo/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:zfsminor1s2, 0x080429E0) 
  Err#2 ENOENT
  2232:   modctl(MODSIZEOF_DEVID, 0x03740001, 0x080429BC, 0x08071714, 
  0x) Err#22 EINVAL
  2232:   mkdir(/var/run/sysevent_channels/syseventd_channel, 0755) Err#17 
  2232:   unlink(/var/run/sysevent_channels/syseventd_channel/17) Err#2 
  2232/1: umount2(/var/run/sysevent_channels/syseventd_channel/17, 
  0x) Err#22 EINVAL
  2232/1: ioctl(7, I_CANPUT, 0x)  Err#89 
  2232/1: stat64(/adsl-pool, 0x08043330)Err#2 ENOENT
  2232/1: ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_POOL_CREATE, 0x08041BC4)   Err#22 
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 Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Netapp to Solaris/ZFS issues

2006-12-06 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 07:28:53AM -0700, Jim Davis wrote:
 We have two aging Netapp filers and can't afford to buy new Netapp gear,
 so we've been looking with a lot of interest at building NFS fileservers
 running ZFS as a possible future approach.  Two issues have come up in the

 - Adding new disks to a RAID-Z pool (Netapps handle adding new disks very
 nicely).  Mirroring is an alternative, but when you're on a tight budget
 losing N/2 disk capacity is painful.

 - The default scheme of one filesystem per user runs into problems with
 linux NFS clients; on one linux system, with 1300 logins, we already have
 to do symlinks with amd because linux systems can't mount more than about
 255 filesystems at once.  We can of course just have one filesystem
 exported, and make /home/student a subdirectory of that, but then we run
 into problems with quotas -- and on an undergraduate fileserver, quotas
 aren't optional!

well, if the mount limitation is imposed by the linux kernel you might
consider trying running linux in zone on solaris (via BrandZ).  Since
BrandZ allows you to execute linux programs on a solaris kernel you
shoudn't have a problem with limits imposed by the linux kernel.
brandz currently ships in an solaris express (or solaris express
community release) build snv_49 or later.

you can find more info on brandz here:

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Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs: zvols minor #'s changing and causing probs w/ volumes

2006-10-31 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
if your running solaris 10 or an early nevada build then it's
possible your hitting this bug (which i fixed in build 35):

4976415 devfsadmd for zones could be smarter when major numbers change

if you're running a recent nevada build then this could be a new issue.

so what version of solaris are you running?


On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 03:26:06PM -0700, Jason Gallagher - Sun Microsystems 

 **Please respond to me and my coworker listed in the Cc, since neither
 one of us are on this alias**


 Cu created a dataset which contains all the zvols for a particular
 zone.  The zone is then given access to all the zvols in the dataset
 using a match statement in the zoneconfig (see long problem description
 for details).  After the initial boot of the zone everything appears
 fine and the localzone zvol dev files match the globalzone zvol dev

 Upon the reboot of the box (following the initial that had no problems)
 the Minor numbers of the zvols are different between the local zone and
 the Global zone and some of the volumes are not mounted in the correct
 location and some volumes can't even be mounted.


 All the details are listed below, authored by the customer:

 Here is a summary of the problem we are experiencing.

 Just a quick little background.  We had hoped to use ZFS for our
 filesystems but as a result of our backup system not fully supporting
 ZFS yet we are stuck with using UFS for now.  In an effort to make
 migrating to ZFS in the future that much easier and to be able to take
 advantage of some of the other features ZFS gives us we have decided to
 use ZFS volumes and create UFS filesystems on top of them.

 We have created a dataset which contain all the zvols for a particular
 zone.  The zone is then given access to all the zvols in the dataset
 using a match statement in the zoneconfig.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] zonecfg -z biscotti info

 zonepath: /zones/biscotti

 autoboot: false



 dir: /lib


 dir: /platform


 dir: /sbin


 dir: /usr


 dir: /opt



 physical: hme0


 match: /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/*


 match: /dev/zvol/dsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/*

 There are 4 volumes in the dataset


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs list -r d1000pool/biscotti-vols


 d1000pool/biscotti-vols   400M   197G49K  none

 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol1  11.2M   197G  11.2M  -

 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol2  10.7M   197G  10.7M  -

 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol3  11.0M   197G  11.0M  -

 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol4  10.5M   197G  10.5M  -

 The volumes are mounted in the zone via the zones vfstab

 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol1 /vol1   ufs 2
 yes -

 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol2 /vol2   ufs 2
 yes -

 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol3 /vol3   ufs 2
 yes -

 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol4 /vol4   ufs 2
 yes -

 After the initial boot of the zone everything appears fine and the
 localzone zvol dev files match the globalzone zvol dev files.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -lL /zones/biscotti/dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols

 total 0

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  2 Oct 23 21:23 vol1

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  3 Oct 23 21:23 vol2

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  4 Oct 23 21:23 vol3

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  5 Oct 23 21:23 vol4


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -lL /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols

 total 0

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  2 Oct 23 21:02 vol1

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  3 Oct 23 21:02 vol2

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  4 Oct 23 21:02 vol3

 crw---   1 root sys  256,  5 Oct 23 21:02 vol4

 I login to the zone and create a file in each mount to keep track of
 which volume is which.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /vol?/vol?

 -rw---   1 root root 10485760 Oct 23 21:38 /vol1/vol1

 -rw---   1 root root 10485760 Oct 23 21:38 /vol2/vol2

 -rw---   1 root root 10485760 Oct 23 21:38 /vol3/vol3

 -rw---   1 root root 10485760 Oct 23 21:38 /vol4/vol4

 I then create a new volume vol5 then shutdown the zone and then reboot
 the box with an init 6

 Upon the reboot of the box the Minor numbers of the zvols are different
 between the local zone and the Global zone.



 total 0

 crw---   1 root sys 

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs: zvols minor #'s changing and causing probs w/ volumes

2006-10-31 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
i think that this fix may be being backported as part of the
brandz project backport, but i don't think anyone is backporting it
outside of that.  you might want to add a new call record and open
a subCR if you need this to be backported.

the workaround is just what you've already discovered.
delete any old nodes before booting the zone.


On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 07:27:44PM -0700, David I Radden wrote:
 Thanks Ed.  The ticket shows the customer running Solaris 10.  Do you
 know if the fix will be incorporated in an S10 update or patch?   Or
 possibly an S10 workaround made available?

 Thanks again!

 Dave Radden


 Edward Pilatowicz wrote On 10/31/06 18:53,:

 if your running solaris 10 or an early nevada build then it's
 possible your hitting this bug (which i fixed in build 35):
  4976415 devfsadmd for zones could be smarter when major numbers
 if you're running a recent nevada build then this could be a new issue.
 so what version of solaris are you running?
 On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 03:26:06PM -0700, Jason Gallagher - Sun
 Microsystems wrote:
 **Please respond to me and my coworker listed in the Cc, since neither
 one of us are on this alias**
 Cu created a dataset which contains all the zvols for a particular
 zone.  The zone is then given access to all the zvols in the dataset
 using a match statement in the zoneconfig (see long problem description
 for details).  After the initial boot of the zone everything appears
 fine and the localzone zvol dev files match the globalzone zvol dev
 Upon the reboot of the box (following the initial that had no problems)
 the Minor numbers of the zvols are different between the local zone and
 the Global zone and some of the volumes are not mounted in the correct
 location and some volumes can't even be mounted.
 All the details are listed below, authored by the customer:
 Here is a summary of the problem we are experiencing.
 Just a quick little background.  We had hoped to use ZFS for our
 filesystems but as a result of our backup system not fully supporting
 ZFS yet we are stuck with using UFS for now.  In an effort to make
 migrating to ZFS in the future that much easier and to be able to take
 advantage of some of the other features ZFS gives us we have decided to
 use ZFS volumes and create UFS filesystems on top of them.
 We have created a dataset which contain all the zvols for a particular
 zone.  The zone is then given access to all the zvols in the dataset
 using a match statement in the zoneconfig.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] zonecfg -z biscotti info
 zonepath: /zones/biscotti
 autoboot: false
dir: /lib
dir: /platform
dir: /sbin
dir: /usr
dir: /opt
physical: hme0
match: /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/*
match: /dev/zvol/dsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/*
 There are 4 volumes in the dataset
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs list -r d1000pool/biscotti-vols
 d1000pool/biscotti-vols   400M   197G49K  none
 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol1  11.2M   197G  11.2M  -
 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol2  10.7M   197G  10.7M  -
 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol3  11.0M   197G  11.0M  -
 d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol4  10.5M   197G  10.5M  -
 The volumes are mounted in the zone via the zones vfstab
 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol1 /vol1   ufs 2
 yes -
 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol2 /vol2   ufs 2
 yes -
 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol3 /vol3   ufs 2
 yes -
 /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols/vol4 /vol4   ufs 2
 yes -
 After the initial boot of the zone everything appears fine and the
 localzone zvol dev files match the globalzone zvol dev files.
 total 0
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  2 Oct 23 21:23 vol1
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  3 Oct 23 21:23 vol2
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  4 Oct 23 21:23 vol3
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  5 Oct 23 21:23 vol4
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -lL /dev/zvol/rdsk/d1000pool/biscotti-vols
 total 0
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  2 Oct 23 21:02 vol1
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  3 Oct 23 21:02 vol2
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  4 Oct 23 21:02 vol3
 crw---   1 root sys  256,  5 Oct 23

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs questions from Sun customer

2006-07-26 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
zfs should work fine with disks under the control of solaris mpxio.
i don't know about any of the other multipathing solutions.

if you're trying to use a device that's controlled by another
multipathing solution, you might want to try specifying the full
path to the device, ex:
zpool create -f extdisk /dev/foo2/vpath1c


On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 09:47:03AM -0600, David Curtis wrote:
 Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Background / configuration **

 zpool will not create a storage pool on fibre channel storage.  I'm
 attached to an IBM SVC using the IBMsdd driver.  I have no problem using
 SVM metadevices and UFS on these devices.

   List steps to reproduce the problem(if applicable):
 Build Solaris 10 Update 2 server
 Attach to an external storage array via IBM SVC
 Load lpfc driver (6.02h)
 Load IBMsdd software (
 Attempt to use zpool create to make a storage pool:
 # zpool create -f extdisk vpath1c
 internal error: unexpected error 22 at line 446 of ../common/libzfs_pool.c

 * reply to customer

 It looks like you have an additional unwanted software layer between
 Solaris and the disk hardware. Currently ZFS needs to access the
 physical device to work correctly. Something like:

 # zpool create -f extdisk c5t0d0 c5t1d0 ..

 Let me know if this works for you.

 * follow-up question from customer 

 Yes, using the c#t#d# disks work, but anyone using fibre-channel storage
 on somethink like IBM Shark or EMC Clariion will want multiple paths to
 disk using either IBMsdd, EMCpower or Solaris native MPIO.  Does ZFS
 work with any of these fibre channel multipathing drivers?

 Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

 David Curtis - TSESun Microsystems
 303-272-6628  Enterprise Services
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] OS / Installation Support
 Monday to Friday  9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mountain

 zfs-discuss mailing list
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs questions from Sun customer

2006-07-26 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
zfs depends on ldi_get_size(), which depends on the device being
accessed exporting one of the properties below.  i guess the
the devices generated by IBMsdd and/or EMCpower/or don't
generate these properties.


On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 01:53:31PM -0700, Eric Schrock wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 02:11:44PM -0600, David Curtis wrote:
  Here is the output:
  # ./dtrace2.dtr
  dtrace: script './dtrace2.dtr' matched 4 probes
0  17816   ldi_open_by_name:entry   /dev/dsk/vpath1c
0  16197  ldi_get_otyp:return 0
0  15546ldi_prop_exists:entry   Nblocks
0  15547   ldi_prop_exists:return 0
0  15546ldi_prop_exists:entry   nblocks
0  15547   ldi_prop_exists:return 0
0  15546ldi_prop_exists:entry   Size
0  15547   ldi_prop_exists:return 0
0  15546ldi_prop_exists:entry   size
0  15547   ldi_prop_exists:return 0

 OK, this definitely seems to be a driver bug.  I'm no driver expert, but
 it seems that exporting none of the above properties is a problem - ZFS
 has no idea how big this disk is!  Perhaps someone more familiar with
 the DDI/LDI interfaces can explain the appropriate way to implement
 these on the driver end.

 But at this point its safe to say that ZFS isn't doing anything wrong.
 The layered driver is exporting a device in /dev/dsk, but not exporting
 basic information (such as the size or number of blocks) that ZFS (and
 potentially the rest of Solaris) needs to interact with the device.

 - Eric

 Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development
 zfs-discuss mailing list
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] 'zpool history' proposal

2006-05-03 Thread Edward Pilatowicz
On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 03:05:25PM -0700, Eric Schrock wrote:
 On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 02:47:57PM -0700, eric kustarz wrote:
  Jason Schroeder wrote:
  eric kustarz wrote:
  The following case is about to go to PSARC.  Comments are welcome.
  To piggyback on earlier comments re: adding hostname and user:
  What is the need for zpool history to distinguish zfs commands that
  were executed by priviledged users in non-global zones for those
  datasets under ngz ownership?
  I personally don't see a need to distinguish between zones.  However,
  with delegated administration, it would be nice to know who did (say)
  destroy that file system - the local root or some remote user.

 Keep in mind that one username (or uid) in a local zone is different
 from the same username in the global zone, since they can be running
 different name services.  In the simplest example, you could have an
 entry that said something like:

 root  zfs destroy tank/foo

 And if you were using datasets delegated to local zones, you wouldn't
 know if that was 'root' in the global zone or 'root' in the local zone.
 If you are going to log a user at all, you _need_ to log the zone name
 as well.  Even without usernames, it would probably be useful to know
 that a particular action was done in a particular zone.

 Imagine a service provider with several zones delegated to different
 users, and each user has their own portion of the namespace.  At some
 point, you get a servicecall from a customer saying someone deleted my
 filesystems  You could look at the zpool history, but without a
 zone name, you wouldn't know if was your fault (from the global zone) or
 theirs (from the local zone).

 - Eric

why don't you see a need to distinguish between zones?

in most cases (but not all) a zone administrator doesn't deal with
pools.  they deal with datasets allocated to their zone, and for the
same reasons that the global zone administrator might want access to zfs
command histories, a zone administrator might want access to zfs
command histories that apply to datasets allocated to their zones.

which makes me wonder if perhaps zfs command history buffers should
also be supported on datasets allocated to zones?  or perhaps a zone
administrator should should be able to view a subset of the zfs command
history, specifically the transactions that affect datasets allocated
to their zone?

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