Yeah, after I learned that ditto blocks don't protect against failed
drives, I started working on a plan to move to raidz. I couldn't find
any good documentation on setting multiple filesystems systems in one
pool, though I know it is possible. I think I have enough storage to
work this together somehow, but I think I need to read more and plan

Thanks for your response

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Bob Friesenhahn
<> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Joe Toppi wrote:
>> I filled this with data. So I added a 1.5 TB drive to the pool. Where will
>> my ditto blocks and checksums go? Will it migrate data from the other drives
>> automatically? Will it migrate data if I scrub or re-silver? will it never
>> migrate data and just store all the new blocks and checksums on the new
>> drive?
> Zfs does not automatically migrate data just because you added more drives.
>  Scrub will only migrate failing data blocks.  Resilver clones a failing
> disk.  When a vdev becomes very full, more writes will be directed to the
> empty devices.
> If you have enough free disk space to store everything you had before, plus
> lots of space to spare, you could try creating a new filesystem in the pool
> and using zfs send to send from the existing filesystem to the new
> filesystem, and then destroy the old filesystem once you are satisified with
> the new one.  This would only work if there is considerably more free space
> than existing data and the result will still be lop-sided.
> If you have a whole lot of reliable storage space elsewhere, you could use
> zfs send to send to a file in that other storage space, destroy the old
> filesystem, and then recreate it with your zfs send file.
> Bob
> --
> Bob Friesenhahn
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

- Joe Toppi
(402) 714-7539
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